Your Parents view on a Game you were Playing


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Jan 2, 2009
My friends dad yelled at him when he asked to come play airsoft with us and called it "Shoot'em up Bang Bang"!


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Jan 14, 2009
Sparrow Tag said:
My parents always react in the same way whenever I play a gory/violent game.

Say I kill someone. My dad will say "Oh, that was nice of you" or something along the lines of that, or will be annoying on purpose when I'm losing: "Your being shot at. Shoot him back. Oh wait, behind you. Pff, now your dead. Not very good at this are you?"
My uncle David does that all the time.

Simon Hadow

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Mar 12, 2009
My parents are uninterested in gaming, I once introduced my mom to a simple turn based 2-D RPG on our computer (Adventure Quest), because she wanted to use the computer but I asked if she could just press the attack button to finish off the enemy first and she did not know how... and then there was the time she was trying to turn off my game cube when I had it on pause (Sonic Adventure 2 Battle) and she thought it was on the controller, so she accidently unpaused it, and ended up getting pretty far on that first level (The downhill one, where sonic is on a makeshift snowboard down a busy city down hill road)


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Apr 19, 2009
My dad is pretty in to games, He finished COD 4 on veteran (which isn't to difficult) but it took a pretty long time.

And when ever I play online he comes in and pays me out when ever I die.

My mum on the other hand knows nothing about games.

Avatar Roku

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Jul 9, 2008
SmilingKitsune said:
My parents have always been immpressed by, but completely uninterested in games, they can appreciate the glory that is Fallout 3, but they'd never want to play it themselves.
Same here. My mom would never play it, but I've explained and showed her The Path, and we've actually had an in-depth discussion about it.
Dok Zombie said:
I bloody hate how parents have that habit of wanting to talk to you just as the final cutscene of a game starts. I've spent weeks completing this thing, kindly shut up so I can see how it ends!

Pausable cutscenes should be a legal requirement.
That's one reason I'm glad I have a 360; wanna pause a cutscene, hit the Xbox Guide button.


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Dec 25, 2008
the last time my parents watched me play video games was SWAT in Halo 3 on time
thought it was pretty intense but nothing else...


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Jan 26, 2008
My dad was a fan of Pole Position back in the day, and so he liked certain games he saw me playing over the years that included driving - Mario Kart 64 and GTA: SA among them.


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Nov 1, 2008
DragonChi said:
no matter what game I'm playing, my mom goes "all you ever do is run around"..

Which game doesnot make you run around ?

every game requires movement

even the first ever game was made entirely out of movement (PONG)
Well that's precisely my point, and why that statement is so arrogant, narrow-minded and stupid. my thought is also, you you watch mankind from a distance, guess what you'll see. lots and lots of running around. my mother is just THAT thick headed.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
my mom will watch me play video games as if it were a movie. But my dad will actually play games. Mostly for the computer he plays command and conquer, starcraft, the warcraft series, tomb raider, doom, And FEAR

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Actually my parents show no intrest in the games I play even the extremly violent ones. I once went to a Gears of war tournament and My parents didn't even blink when I began to chainsaw someone.


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Apr 15, 2009
My parents don't really care what I play, as long as I'm not playing for too long.
Except at Easter, Mum has this thing where we're not allowed to play violent games on Good Friday.


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Feb 8, 2008
my parents treated my playing games all day habit like it was a serious drug addiction or doing me physical harm. literally would have approved more of me smoking! my younger sibling was aloud to smoke but I had to play 2 hours a day. bollocks did I, and at least i'm glad that i'm addicted to gaming and not tobbacco.

but even they remarked that crysis graphics looked good. only time I ever remember them making any comments other than whining about how long I had been playing. tell a lie. I do remember my dad being like WTF are you doing when I was using my horse mount's arse as target practice in oblivion to level my archery, LOL!


Apr 3, 2008
Mom: Games are EVIL! (especially shooters)
Dad: Games are FUN!

Mom precedes to glare at him and I suddenly have to go to the bathroom


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Sep 6, 2008
My parents don't really understand gaming, but they back me up. When I was in highschool and the "OMG GAMES = EVIL" craze was out, I was 1. An overweight outcast, 2. Played games, 3. Had a dark sense of humor. Oh imagine the fun I had with the faculty.

Once during an introduction speech, I made a joke, a silly joke about building a bomb in my garage. Why did I make the joke? I was a stupid 14 year old trying to break the ice. It was meant to be silly. Like, haha, thats so stupid and improbable it's funny. Also, I don't even OWN a fucking garage.

By the end of the period they were searching my belongings and had called my family. My parents had to show up and defend me, something they were able to do because they knew my hobbies and knew all about my games.

Fast foreward a year. I trade an old game I have to another kid for Halflife: Opposing Force. I didn't let my parents know because I was afraid they'de be upset (I was 15 back-off). The next day, I bring the book in to read during class to amuse myself, because yeah, I actually like to read the goddamn manual and appreciate it when it's interesting. Of course my teacher catches me and confiscates it. Sigh, such a hassle. So I ask for it back when the class is over. She tells me I gotta see the Vice Principle- wtf yo? Okay. So I ask him at lunch! Can I have my book back? Only if we call your parents in. Wtf again? Okay, so forget it. I tell him to forget it and walk away.

Which of course means he immediatly called my parents. Apparently, they were very upset because my book quote "...had a picture of a gun in it".

... Right. So my dad has to show up, and explain to these fucking morons what Halflife is to the best of his knowledge- a capture the flag game (which is what he thought it was, not far off for the multiplayer). Again, because they KNEW what I was playing, and trusted me, because they were good parents who instilled obedience in my early on and knew I was more likly to come clean to them about things then hide them.


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Apr 21, 2009
It seems to me that my parents are oblivious to the fact that I even play games when my mom saw me playing Planetside and said "Is that a gun?!?!". Apparently she doesn't know that plaing a game actually invovles the shooting and killing of a fictional representation of a human/zombie/alien and possibly the desecration of their corpse.


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Aug 31, 2008
My dad laughs at me and says games are for stupid people. My mom used to play games with me all the time when I was little. I remember playing Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64, Contra III and various other SNES/N64 Games. She stopped playing games when I moved to PC gaming.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
My mother used to loathe GTA for being a negative portrayal of women and Italians, until I actually showed her the damn game and she laughed her ass off.