Your Pokemon Gym


New member
Nov 23, 2009
My Gym would be a Ground type. You would have to navigate a maze of quicksand and fissures. If you fell you would have to walk back to the beginning while fighting the trainers hiding underground.

My team would be:
Ability: Rock Head
Moves: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Explosion, Double Edge
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Earthquake, Waterfall, Ice Beam, Yawn
Ability: Solid Rock
Moves: Earthquake, Eruption, Sunny Day Solarbeam
Ability: Sand Veil
Moves: Earthquake, Dragon Rush, Crunch, Iron Tail
Ability: Oblivious
Moves: Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Rock Slide, Hail
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Earthquake, Crunch, Outrage, Aerial Ace

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
J4AZero said:
Sonic Doctor said:
I know that is a possibility, because my team for the first five gyms have usually been 2 to 3 levels lower than the gym leader's team. But, after the fifth gym my team gained 4 levels in the cave before the sixth gym, though now that they are level 33, I still have to go through route 7 to follow the sixth gym leader to the Celestial tower. I guarantee that my team will gain at least 2 to 3 more levels before I get done with that and get back to the gym for the battle, and the sixth gym leaders highest level team member is level 35. Though I will sweep the gym because of my Zebstrika.
you'll do fine and if you have a big rock type it'll be even easier
Oh, I know I will do fine, I haven't had any trouble with a Pokemon gym since the 7th gym in Ruby.

White has been a fun game, but for the most part it has been very easy.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I would probably have a Bug-type gym (because I actually really like Bug-types) with Scyther, Scizor, Kricketune, Butterfree, and Yanmega. :D

Dunno what my gym gimmick/puzzle would be, though.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Sonic Doctor said:
J4AZero said:
Sonic Doctor said:
I know that is a possibility, because my team for the first five gyms have usually been 2 to 3 levels lower than the gym leader's team. But, after the fifth gym my team gained 4 levels in the cave before the sixth gym, though now that they are level 33, I still have to go through route 7 to follow the sixth gym leader to the Celestial tower. I guarantee that my team will gain at least 2 to 3 more levels before I get done with that and get back to the gym for the battle, and the sixth gym leaders highest level team member is level 35. Though I will sweep the gym because of my Zebstrika.
you'll do fine and if you have a big rock type it'll be even easier
Oh, I know I will do fine, I haven't had any trouble with a Pokemon gym since the 7th gym in Ruby.

White has been a fun game, but for the most part it has been very easy.
it has been a fun game and there are still some things to do and we can't forget the artwork can we


New member
Feb 8, 2011
CannibalRobots said:
KefkaCultist said:
I'd have a lightning pokemon team composed of (I only know generation 1 w/ a few exceptions):
-Zekrom (He's Dragon/electric :p )

My puzzle thingy would be a grid of like tesla coils and several switches throughout them. Using a switch turns on a coil but turns on another and you have to find the correct pattern to get to me while still fighting trainers (I have no idea if this has been done in any generations other than 1 since thats all I've played)
Lt. Surge did this...

One of the oldest puzzles in pokemon, and it is in generation 1 :|
not quite Surge had trash cans Cannibal's talking about the electric gym in R/S/E with the electric trainer filled maze

Scout Tactical

New member
Jun 23, 2010
Steel gym.

Bisharp (Dark/Steel)
Magnezone (Electric/Steel)
Klinklang (Steel)
Lucario (Fighting/Steel)
Empoleon (Water/Steel)
Metagross (Steel/Psychic)

I'm assuming I can't use legendaries. Obviously, if I can, Cobalion and Dialga should be in there.

My gym would require you to fight each trainer one after another in succession (allowed to use items in-between fights, but not leave and use the Center). It would be a test of endurance.
Sep 17, 2009
Sonic Doctor said:
Nautical Honors Society said:
Sonic Doctor said:
My current team is

Timburr (I already have a fighting type but he is just so cool, I may swap him for the crocodile dude but I don't like dark types)
Seeing as you only put up a team of 5, I think it wouldn't hurt to add the the crocodile. Besides, you have a fighting heavy team and it wouldn't hurt to have it because Psychics won't be able to harm it. Besides, it is also a ground type. Granted Tympole will become part ground type when it evolves, but it is a good strategy to have a good ground type for the fourth gym leader's Zebstrika.

I really want to evolve my Pansage now, but it learns crunch at 43 as it's last learned move, and I love crunch.

Right now all of my team is at level 33 and I am getting close to where I can challenge the sixth gym. At the rate my team is leveling, they will be a little higher in level compared to what the sixth gym leader will be using, and when it comes to the seventh I will probably be at least 5 levels higher than anything that that person will have.
I am getting rid of timburr for crocodile dude.

I am getting rid of tympole for jellicent

I am getting rid of pansage for sawsbuck

I am getting rid of blitzle for galvantula

I am keeping Pignite

I am getting Braviary for my 6th

Is that lineup any decent?


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
meepop said:
Yeah, I'd be a bastard and have my gym be a Dragon-type gym. What's exciting about that? I'd make sure the order of my gym had no ice, electric, or dragon types beforehand. And I'd be the one to give you the ability to have Pokemon above my Pokemon's level obey you, as well as the Surf ability.

My gym's traps would be 'effect spore' type traps that would paralyze, sleep, or poison your Pokemons in order. Ex: Your first Pokemon is poisoned when you step on a square; when you step on the next one, the next Pokemon would be poisoned, paralyzed, put to sleep. If you left the gym and came back the squares would still have those effects, so you need TONS of money. And I didn't even mention the trainers that stand right to the side of the squares did I? Of course by inputting the old Konami code (up, up, down, down left, right, left right,B, A, Start), you'd summon me in front of you instantly. I'd wait for you to speak to me of course
My roster would be:


I put a lot of thought into this. Ever since Ruby/Sapphire when I got into the games I put up with all their bullcrap! But no more! MWAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Damn you and your Dragon types! That's my favorite type!


I'd have a slightly different line up. Mine would be:

Charizard (Yes, I know he's technically not a Dragon-type, but he deserves to be in here!)
Bahamuton* (My custom pokemon, I'll explain this later in the post)

In my Gym, there would be 5 trainers. As you defeat each one, a certain elemental type attack would no longer be able to deal extra damage due to type weakness. Also, effects from said elemental type attacks AND elemental abilities would not be able to trigger status effects as long as you remain in the Gym. Once you leave, the Gym resets and you must face every trainer again, regardless of the progress you made previously. Once you beat the Gym leader (me), the Gym will not reset. The elemental types that can be negated are: Fire, Ground, Water, Electric, Ice, Rock, Poison and Grass. However, only the first trainer defeat will trigger a fixed outcome - the element of Ice will be nullified. This is meant to test the strength and endurance of your team. One last thing, the move Dragon Breath is now determined by the pokemon's special attack stat - it no longer deals a fixed 40 HP damage. The attack still has a chance to cause paralysis, though.

*Bahamuton is the final stage evolution of the Baham pokemon. It is a Dragon/Steel dual type at Level 50, with special abilities Solid Rock and Intimidate and it's base stats are thus:

HP: 135
Attack: 110
Defense: 85
Sp. Atk: 115
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 85

Total: 610

Should the person reach and defeat me and all five trainers ON THE FIRST ATTEMPT AND WITHOUT LEAVING THE GYM, they will be rewarded with a Baham egg. This egg is hatched when the trainer defeats enough strong pokemon (at equal or higher lvl of the average level of the trainer's team) to awaken it. The higher the levels fought, the quicker it hatches. It's first evolutionary stage is Bahamite (Dragon type) and its second evolutionary stage is Bahamun (Dragon type). It always has the ability Solid Rock throughout its evolution, though it will gain Intimidate when the pokemon evolves into Bahamuton. Also, should the trainer defeat an extremely powerful pokemon with just Bahamuton, there is a very slight chance (less than 1%) that it will produce an egg for the trainer!

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
J4AZero said:
Sonic Doctor said:
Oh, I know I will do fine, I haven't had any trouble with a Pokemon gym since the 7th gym in Ruby.

White has been a fun game, but for the most part it has been very easy.
it has been a fun game and there are still some things to do and we can't forget the artwork can we
No, no we can't. Besides, I heard there was a ton more stuff to do after the Elite Four.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
A team of six different types of Pokemon, so the trainer couldn't be a smug jackass like me and walk in with a high level type advantage. ... -cough- Anyway..

The gym itself would be six different gimmicks thrown into six rooms- with about two-to-four trainers in each -for each type of Pokemon on my team. Each Pokemon would be strictly one type, meaning no Poison/Flying or Fire/Fighting shenanigans.

Cryogonal (first room: ice floor, sliding puzzle thing everyone hates)
Dusknoir (second room: the dark path navigation)
Arcanine (third room: steamy room with hidden trainers)
Gothitelle (fourth room: activating warp tiles with switches)
Luxray (fifth room: another dark room, lit only in some areas)
Dragonair: (sixth room: nothing, just four trainers in a cave-esque room)


New member
May 5, 2010
All Mewtwos, all the time. I dunno, it's been forever since I played Pokemon(my last game was Crystal). I think I need to get back into it.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Sonic Doctor said:
J4AZero said:
Sonic Doctor said:
Oh, I know I will do fine, I haven't had any trouble with a Pokemon gym since the 7th gym in Ruby.

White has been a fun game, but for the most part it has been very easy.
it has been a fun game and there are still some things to do and we can't forget the artwork can we
No, no we can't. Besides, I heard there was a ton more stuff to do after the Elite Four.
oh so SO much more and no more stupid battle tower YAY!!!!!!!

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
I'd have fire types.


Yeah I know I don't have legends and only one starter. I'd have gone with none, but Charizard is too damn badass to exclude. I might have gone with Typhlosion or Blazakin instead of Arcanine, but meh.

My puzzle would be fire walls you have to get past. You get rid of them with a switch, and the only way to access said switches is... you guessed it... trainer battles!

Gyms are supposed to be challenging, not impossible. That's why they're one type with non-overpowered Pokemon. This one is designed for spot number 8. Or hell, even the elite four.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
I would advertise and style my gym like a fire type gym, But my party consists off entirely electric types.


Feb 22, 2009
I would be bug!

My puzzle would be a maze involving cut and lots of bug catchers and dead ends.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Nautical Honors Society said:
I am getting rid of timburr for crocodile dude.

I am getting rid of tympole for jellicent

I am getting rid of pansage for sawsbuck

I am getting rid of blitzle for galvantula

I am keeping Pignite

I am getting Braviary for my 6th

Is that lineup any decent?
Yeah it is. It gives you Fire, Fighting, Normal, Grass, Water, Ghost, Flying, Dark, Ground, Electric, and Bug.

It gives you two more move bases to cover than my team.

Mine only covers, Fire, Fighting, Water, Ground, Dark, Psychic, Flying, Grass, Electric.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
J4AZero said:
Sonic Doctor said:
No, no we can't. Besides, I heard there was a ton more stuff to do after the Elite Four.
oh so SO much more and no more stupid battle tower YAY!!!!!!!
Actually, the Battle tower is technically still in the game. It is the Battle Subway in Nimbasa City, it runs on pretty much the same premise.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Let's see now. I just love generation 1 so I would have


My gym would be a tower and on each floor you would have to beat the right trainer to get the Key to the next level. Probably like 3 trainers with two pokémon on each of the 5 floors. Once you reach floor six... come at me bro :p


New member
Dec 2, 2010
I would have an all sorts type of gym, but all the trainers have slightly over-leveled Golbats/Crobats depending on how far into the gym you are. My gym would have several rooms, each with a type assigned to it and a gimmick for that type. For example:

Water room.
You push a button, and a door opens at some unseen point in the room. You have to run to it before the door closes and torrential floods push you into a room full of trainers... Yay!

Ground room.
A room you can use your bike in, and have to use your bike in because the floor crumbles away, and god help you if you hit a wall, because then you get more trainers to fight!

I think you get some sort of idea..

My team would probably consist of:

(Earthquake, Rollout, Rock Slide, Dig)
(Psychic, Wish, Future Sight, Calm Mind)
(Confuse Ray, Toxic, Aerial Ace, Crunch)
Yep, Wobuffet, because someone in your team needs to die.
(Volt Tackle, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Zap Cannon)
(Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Blizzard, Solarbeam)

It will probably be the eighth gym, and you may just get killed. Repeatedly.