Your Pokemon Gym


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Hmm, I would have a ninja style gym, kinda like Koga's gym.
I would have to have Lucario, Blaziken, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Hitmontop.
The puzzles would be very ninja, I can tell you that...


New member
Feb 20, 2011
The Gentlemen's Gym

You finally arrive at the gym only to be told the gymleader is currently in the garden. When you arrive there you are faced with a giant maze of hedges. In the maze you will encounter couples of gentlemen and tons of maids who want to duel you because you found out about their love affairs.

Once you finally get to the gym leader. You will see a young man/woman with a duck shaped floating device around his/her waist (opposite sex of player) swimming around in a pond flocked by scantily dressed women/men who will immediately swim towards you and try to hire you as his/her newest toy.

Because you don't accept he will challenge you to a duel with your freedom at stake! As the best pokemon trainer in the world you are forced to accept this challenge without thinking about what you are getting yourself into.

Gym Leader's Team:
- Level 38 Gothorita
- Level 37 Houndoom
- Level 39 Whiscash
- Level 41 Ninetails
- Level 40 Mismagius
- Level 43 Lilligant

After beating the gym leader and getting the badge, he/she steals your phone momentarily and adds your number to his/her phone. The gym leader will continue to stalk you through the game, challenging you for a rematch. Eventually he/she realizes you will not fall for such tricks again and decides to bribe the champion to switch places. There is no escape!


New member
Oct 25, 2010
my team would consist of a single level 1 jigglypuff and my gym would have a small, easily surmountable waist-high fence completely surrounding me.

i would be invincible.


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Kpt._Rob said:
I would have a ghost gym. My lineup:


My puzzle would probably involve lighting a bunch of lamps, they'd go out after a certain period of time, so you'd have to figure out the right pattern and timing to get all of them lit at once.
I too wanted to make a ghost gym...and your lanterns idea is awesome. But I'd add something: The first 'me' is merely a disguised Gengar; so when you think you've finally won, there comes the real me! Ha. Evil.
Oh, and my Gengar would have the following attacks: Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Psychic and Toxic. Maybe Confusion or Confuse Ray instead of Toxic.

Still Life said:
Samechiel said:
You pretty much beat me to it.

... Except that my gym would be pretty much a glorified brothel.
In which you can sleep with sexy pokémon? Colour me interested.
[small]Stop looking at me like that.[/small]

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
My gym would have polished marble floors, the walls would be adorned with water fountains and torches, parts of the place would have tall grass near pools of water and my Poke'mon would be:


The Gym would be, "The Legendary Gym".

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I would be a Rock Type Gym leader and my Gym would be a huge sandstorm to put their grass, water, ground and fighting Pokemon at a huge disadvantage (I will be wearing goggle!).
The Gym building would be a tower and when you enter it you wil see a man made sand storm in the center. I will be at the top and you have to use the middle sandstorm to propell yourself onto the higher levels. By the time you reach me, I will be standing in a middle of a smaller sandstorm (come at me bro!).

My team-



New member
Sep 25, 2009

I think that answers the question rather well ^^


Member of three secret societies
Feb 2, 2011
ThatDaveDude1 said:
J4AZero said:
ThatDaveDude1 said:
You enter the gym and there's a huge waterway with trainers on both sides. Every step you take results in a double battle, but every trainer uses nothing but 6 level 100 Magikarps that know nothing but splash. There's a total of 25 trainers on each side and once you enter the gym the door locks behind you. The only way to leave is to win and get the key. Also, the gym leader fights with a mewtwo. A level 100 mewtwo.

It'll be tough but the whole ordeal will be worth it once you get that first badge.

you have to put like a nurse joy or something just before the gym leader or people will stop buying pokemon games
What do I look like a charity? They can make due with potions. These kids today want everything handed to them on a silver platter. Back in my day we had to walk 25 miles in the snow just to heal a single Pokemon 1 HP.
With your cute pony avatar you do sort of look like a charity....

OT: I would have a glitch gym which was just a huge expanse of space covered in a glitched screen
You would have to search hundreds of square kilometres of dead pixels looking for me. It would be full of random encounters with Missingnos and Pkmns, and my team would consist entirely of Glitched Nidorinos and Charizard M's.


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Jark212 said:
Jark212's Gym of Infinite RAGE

My lineup:

Suggestion: The whole gym is pitch black and Flash doesn't work.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
LetalisK said:
All Mewtwos, all the time. I dunno, it's been forever since I played Pokemon(my last game was Crystal). I think I need to get back into it.
Black and White are probably the perfect time to get back into the series. They have removed so many of the things that slowed the games down or annoyed people!

Heart of Darkness

The final days of His Trolliness
Jul 1, 2009
I dunno. I'm torn between picking Psychic, Steel, or Fire types, but I think I'd go with Fire types.

My team:

As far as traps go, I'm thinking that harsh sunlight would be a constant, weakening water-types and allowing my Houndoom and Chandelure to unleash Solarbeam as often as possible. I'd also have a system of water pipes in the ceiling that need to be used (i.e., sprung) to cross the rivers of lava running through the gym.


New member
May 9, 2010
*BEWARE! WALL OF TEXT!* Why did I do this again?

Information about Gym leader:
Name: Declan
Specialization: Triple Battle.
Information: As a young trainer Declan soon became bored of battling weaker trainers, so when he was offered the position of the eighth gym leader he took it. He has battled many strong trainers however not all of them beat him. Only five trainers beat when he was a gym leader before the player tried to beat him and that was the eilte four and champion. It is only after he loses to the player that he decides to train his team more seriously. By adding three more pokemon to his team. He is also one of the youngest gym leaders at the age of 17.
What he looks like:

My Gym would be the last gym. You would enter my gym and then you would be locked in. So you can't go back to the pokemon centre so better stock up on items. However you would have to find him first, you would have to look for clues for where he would be. You eventually find out that he went to the forest to play music. Which forset is for the player to find out. When you find him, he is playing a saxaphone. Once you go up and talk to him. He says "What am I doing? I'm playing my saxaphone, I heard that the pokemon Celebi comes here and likes music. So I was playing in hope of finding it. Who am I? I'm Declan and you are?" Then he realizes that you want to challenge him, he rushes off to the gym saying "I look forward to your style of battle"

Its a straight line to get to the door to me however I would have five ace trainers which would have three pokemon the types would be fire, water and grass. They would all have the starting pokemon of one of the five regions. All of the battles would in the new triple format battle. They would all have the new combo attacks of Grass Pledge, Fire Pledge ,Water Pledge. There levels would be level 40 so be ready. BTW if you did lose to one of the trainers you would have to battle them all over again. Have fun.

First Trainer : Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise
Second Trainer: Typhlosion, Meganium , Feraligatr
Third Trainer : Blaziken, Sceptile, Swampert
Fourth Trainer: Infernape, Torterra, Empoleon
Fifth Trainer : Emboar, Serperior, Samurott

Then you would enter the door. Once you go through it you'll enter a room filled with jazz music playing. Paintings such as , , , , , and .
He is sitting on a chair looking at the pictures and says "Wonderful aren't they? What I wouldn't do to fight them." He then turns to face the trainer "Well well well. Someone defeated all of my aces. You must be good. I look forward to this battle we're about however to make it fair let me heal your pokemon. There we go. Now show me your skill!"

It would be another triple battle format. My pokemon would be:
Name, LV, Ablity, Held item, : moves ,
Rapidash, LV 60 Flash Fire, Focus Sash, Moves: Flare Blitz, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Hypnosis
Leavanny,LV 60,Swarm , Focus Sash,Moves :Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Double Team, Hone Claws
Milotic, LV 60, Marvel Scale, Focus Sash, Moves: Ice Beam , Bulldoze, Confuse Ray, Hydro Pump

Before battle:
"I hope you will make this interesting"

After the player takes any one of his Pokémon down to half HP:
"I do hope you did that with skill and not luck."

Down to two pokemon:
"You're good. No better than good you're great"

Down to one pokemon:
"Don't get cocky yet, we can still fight!"

When defeated:
"So this is the feeling of Defeat. I haven't tasted it in a long time. I guess I need more work before fighting Legendary Pokemon"

After being defeated:
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I have finally lost! Well done trainer you have earnt the Crown badge. This will aid you in controlling pokemon up to level 100. I'll also give you a Focus Sash it is really useful as you saw from our battle. It lets a pokemon fight till the very end. I would like to request a rematch. When you return my team and I willl have grown even stronger. They'll be strong enough to fight even legendary pokemon, just you wait and see. Now go and defeat the eilte four and become the champion of this region!".

After beating the Eilte Four and champion the player goes to the Battle Frontier. During the opening ceremony of the frontier in the main battle arena Declan would parachute in to challenge the player for the title of champion.
His team would be:
Rapidash, LV 100 Flash Fire, Focus Sash, Moves: Flare Blitz, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Hypnosis
Leavanny,LV 100,Swarm ,Focus Sash,Moves :Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Double Team, Hone Claws
Milotic, LV 100, Marvel Scale, Focus Sash, Moves: Ice Beam , Bulldoze, Confuse Ray, Hydro Pump
Scizor, Lv 100, Swarm, Focus Sash, Moves: Natural Gift 80 water damage, Sword Dance, X Scissor, Iron Head
Alakazam, LV 100, Synchronize, Focus Sash, Moves: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind
Drapion, LV 100, Battle Armor, Focus Sash, Moves: Aqua Tail, Crunch, Sludge Bomb, Confuse Ray

It would be another triple format battle.

Before battle:
"You beat me once but after that defeat I decided to take my training seriously. I've got new freinds and I'm interested in how they'll fair against you. You're going to lose that title of yours"

After the player takes any one of his Pokémon down to half HP:
"Good to see that you've been training aswell but I wonder if it is enough."

Down to three pokemon:
Time to kick it up notch!"

Down to last Pokemon:
"If we're going down, we're going down fighting!"

When defeated:
"Another defeat at your hands. Do you ever lose?"

After being defeated:
"Good to see that you're still training, just because you're champion that doesn't mean you can relax. A lot of people are interested in getting that title of yours. If you ever want another match I'll be at my gym. Later


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Team Chan:

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan.

Seriously though, all those pokemons that are on fire, like literally flaming.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Dragon Gym, hands down. My team would be:

And my puzzle would be a throwback to Blaine, in that you can either answer the trivia, or take on the trainers. The trainers would start with the first evolutionary forms of the Dragon types in my team, and gradually grow stronger. The trivia would be Dragon type trivia, asking what level certain Dragon Types have to be to evolve, and whether or not Druddigon can have the ability Rough Skin or not, things like that.

-Raptor, out.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I wouldn't want a Gym as such, I'd rather be a Frontier brain. I would make my Challengers go through some form of test to find out how much they know about their pokemon, like that quiz that happens early on in the first series. Then i would ask my challenger to pick a type of pokemon and type of battle we battle using the same type. It means that i get to fight with all kinds of pokemon and adapt strategies to win.

My favourite is Charizard. My "Gym's" design would be based of a charizard.


New member
Jan 10, 2009
I'd be a hidden 9th gym, and I'd have the ice puzzle from Pokemon Ruby (Step on all the squares once and an elevator appears, but I'd make it impossible. Surrounding me would be trainers with level 151 Missingos, and I'd have the same pokemon as the trainer, but 5 levels higher. When the challenger finally defeats everyone, he'd get a black and white badge in the shape of