Your Waifu.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Well no "waifu" for me (far too much obsessive commitment over that term), but if we're talking characters in anime whose personality, characterization, and overall design appealed to me in such a way that I'd consider pursuing them had they been real, then probably Holo from Spice & Wolf and Revy from Black Lagoon.

...although the former would outwit and berate me to no end, and the latter simply kill me.

Moromillas said:
Btw. Could someone explain their, er, dislike for this thread? ....Without saying "I'm not a loser" or "they're not real" or something equally obnoxious and ridiculous.
I'd think it's due to the singular obsessive commitment the term entails - playing off "wife" and whatnot - rather than the fact that the characters are fictional. Anybody who's criticising this is bound to have seen some fictional character in a movie/game etc. whom they thought were hot anyway.

Also the fact that most of these "waifus" seem to be little toy horses. I can understand people finding that just a tad strange (though not why they'd care).


New member
Jul 2, 2011
Abandon4093 said:
Moromillas said:
Abandon4093 said:
Honestly don't get the idea behind this atall.... It really just smacks of something people with no social skills made up.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. But daymnnn internet, you creepy.
Ok, why do think that it's creepy and lacking in social skills?
If it just kinda ended at, I kinda liked 'such n such a person' for 'whatever reason'. Then yea, whatever. I suppose that's just human nature. But there seems to be a certain amount of obsessiveness behind some of this. As if these people are actually contemplating doinking them or something.

Take that post who listed about 30 characters.

I mean, come on. That's going a little bit off the deep end.
No obsessiveness, I could list a wide variety of character's I considered good material for this over the years. When you play a game, watch a movie, read a book you get a favorite, in the case of the person who listed lots, it's a case of having a fav from each. It's not obsessive, it's natural.

I've sure you've watched plenty/played plenty/read plenty of things and had a character you think very highly of, dosen't make you creepy, it makes you human. XP


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Abandon4093 said:
If it just kinda ended at, I kinda liked 'such n such a person' for 'whatever reason'. Then yea, whatever. I suppose that's just human nature. But there seems to be a certain amount of obsessiveness behind some of this. As if these people are actually contemplating doinking them or something.

Take that post who listed about 30 characters.

I mean, come on. That's going a little bit off the deep end.
For the vast majority of us it is just 'kinda like'. As for the, ahem, 'doinking', for some, that may be the case, for others, perhaps not, but for all, it's just a bit of fun so we can take the piss out of each other for liking particular characters. Everyone accepts that shagging a fictional character (cosplay sex aside) ain't gonna happen, so lighten up. For example, my then girlfriend once dressed up as Rogue from X-Men and I never felt so turned on. Do I like Rogue? Yes. Is she my waifu? Mmmm, no, but she could've been. Would I want to sleep with her? Possibly, if she came to life with a 3D human body, cells, in-comic personality, with a faint hint of Anna Paquin. Would I want to sleep with Rogue, the comic book character? Well, I can't, can I?

Get where I'm going with this? Fantasy is fantasy, and people can fantasise about fictional characters as much as real people, and in some ways, fictional characters are easier/better to fantasise about because they're idealised. But no-one in their right mind on the Escapist ever believes it's going to be anything more (unless as a joke).

However, what would be creepy is: what characters do you have dakimakura of?
Sep 17, 2009
HumpinHop said:
ITT: People overreacting.

Waifu doesn't mean(although it can include) having a shrine of the character in your closet, it could be as simple as something you had a wee crush on as a kid, like Zelda from ooT or Samus or something. It's a fun thread if you let it.
ITT: People reacting appropriate.

Some people understand and like this stuff and some don't understand and don't like this stuff. No on is reacting poorly.

I happen to be the latter.

I don't even have a celebrity crush on an actress or model or anything...just not for me.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I don't really like to used the word waifu since I don't really like the idea to "own" any of the female characters (I know you mean it as a crush). I feel that the female character would be smart enough to decide on their own if they even want to go out with me (yes I know they not real, I mean more in terms of staying in character).
Example- I hightly doubt that Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost In The Shell: SAC would ever consider dating or be in a relationship (espically to someone like me) since that just who she is.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Never had a "Waifu". Never had a crush.

I don't think you're weird though... I think I'm weird.

I guess I always kinda liked Sheik from OoT and Jenna from Golden Sun, but none of the characters where never really fleshed out to become three dimensional characters, and I could never "love" a two dimensional character... I mean a flat character... I mean... I'm talking about this:

Jacob Haggarty

New member
Sep 1, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Daystar Clarion said:
gabmed said:
Sober Thal said:
Sorry, I don't have a 2D significant other. I don't see the point. Cause, you know.... they aren't real and stuff.
*sigh* My message once again did not come across. I fail at this stuff. -_-

Waifu is someone you wished it existed, as you love their personality and stuff.

Example: If Fluttershy (humanized) actually existed, I'd date her.

THAT is what a Waifu is.
So you'd date something with the mental capacity of a child?

That's a whole can or worms right there...

Where is it said (Or written) that she has the mental capacity of a child? o_O

I'd imagine that is true to Pinkie Pie, but Fluttersy is mature and quite dependable. She's the oldest.
She's a pony.

A pony is a young horse.

See where I'm going with this?
You don't watch the series, do you?
I need to watch the show to know that a pony is the child equivalant of a horse?

Please go and search up what a pony is... because it ISN'T a young horse. You may be confused with "puppy". A pony is similar to a horse, but a lot smaller, even when fully grown. See for instance, shetland pony.

OT: no...

A) They aren't real. Any lasting affection towards them is pointless.
B) So far, i have yet to actually see a female character that is even remotely interesting.

I supose the closest i've ever come to the concept is probably Ramona Flowers, from scott pilgrim. Although, its probably because she was a lot like the girlfriend i had at the time. Although i wouldn't say i fancied her.

Laser Priest

A Magpie Among Crows
Mar 24, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Aethren said:
Daystar Clarion said:
She's a pony.

A pony is a young horse.

See where I'm going with this?
I don't really care about that little argument you're having, but I'd like to point out the fallacy of this statement. A Pony is a small horse. Not a young one. It'd be akin to calling a grown dwarf a child.
I gathered that from the 50 people who corrected me before you.

I appreciate the sentiment though.
You make the mistake, you deal with the people correcting you.

And I have plenty of characters I wish were real, none that I would particularly date or anything like that, however.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Nautical Honors Society said:
HumpinHop said:
ITT: People overreacting.

Waifu doesn't mean(although it can include) having a shrine of the character in your closet, it could be as simple as something you had a wee crush on as a kid, like Zelda from ooT or Samus or something. It's a fun thread if you let it.
ITT: People reacting appropriate.

Some people understand and like this stuff and some don't understand and don't like this stuff. No on is reacting poorly.

I happen to be the latter.

I don't even have a celebrity crush on an actress or model or anything...just not for me.
Actually, it seems to me to be a mix of:
I don't see why people feel the need to come into this thread just to insult people and imply things about their life that they have no way of verifying.


New member
Sep 7, 2010
Why are people jumping to the 'loser' conclusion? It's not serious. Just relax, guys. o_O

Anyways. Geralt from The Witcher/2 and Ezio.
i know they're not females, but eh. Video game fancies, voila.


New member
May 25, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
Moromillas said:
Abandon4093 said:
Honestly don't get the idea behind this atall.... It really just smacks of something people with no social skills made up.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. But daymnnn internet, you creepy.
Ok, why do think that it's creepy and lacking in social skills?
If it just kinda ended at, I kinda liked 'such n such a person' for 'whatever reason'. Then yea, whatever. I suppose that's just human nature. But there seems to be a certain amount of obsessiveness behind some of this. As if these people are actually contemplating doinking them or something.

Take that post who listed about 30 characters.

I mean, come on. That's going a little bit off the deep end.
Oh dear, you seem to be confusing the word attractive with the word substitution. I assure you they're not the same thing, they have very different definitions. To say that you liked 30 characters isn't exactly far fetched, considering the amount of content available.

For someone to say that there isn't one character that they liked, why that could imply either that person is horribly uncultured, or that the writers/designers/artists magnificently failed at their job to make a truly likeable character.

Take Samus Aran for example, you do know who that is right? When Other M came out, a lot of people were in an uproar over the poor performance, specifically the inner monologues for Samus. Did you really think that creepy? Or, socially inept?


New member
Mar 16, 2010
I can't seem to recall what the male vertion of A Wifeu is So I'll call him my "Hubby."
For me. It's Spain from Hetalia.

He is my perfect guy. He is protective, he loves kids, he can be laid back and goofy too. Plus. I absolutly love his character song
Dec 14, 2009
Necromancer Jim said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Aethren said:
Daystar Clarion said:
She's a pony.

A pony is a young horse.

See where I'm going with this?
I don't really care about that little argument you're having, but I'd like to point out the fallacy of this statement. A Pony is a small horse. Not a young one. It'd be akin to calling a grown dwarf a child.
I gathered that from the 50 people who corrected me before you.

I appreciate the sentiment though.
You make the mistake, you deal with the people correcting you.

And I have plenty of characters I wish were real, none that I would particularly date or anything like that, however.
Was I whining?

I find it funny that the first thing people do when they see the offending post, is to correct it. Despite there being several people before them who have already done so.



New member
Jul 2, 2011
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
I don't see why people feel the need to come into this thread just to insult people and imply things about their life that they have no way of verifying.
Yeah i'm with you there, also great status! I can't wait for Catherine either!

Abandon4093 said:
I suppose, to an extent, yes. But freaking cartoon ponies? I actually struggle to think of anyone I'd like to fuck out of fiction. I just don't catalogue that type of stuff.

I'm sorry, but some of the things I read in this, it seems pretty..... I probably can't even carry on here without risking a suspension. So I'm just gonna back out and say 'different strokes for different blokes.'

There are plenty of characters I'd love to talk to etc. I mean, that's why I play games, read books, watch films. Because I invest in the characters. But short of live action, I don't think I've ever thought sexually about anything.
It's the best way to take it. I don't think they said they are sexually attracted to them though XP Just that they would love them for a waifu. I'm not really into MLP:FIM but i'm not gunna bother to judge, we all have our quirks after all.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Wow how did that hand full of average level youtube comments get in here? Someone should check that out, we don't want those pointless e-peen swinging "Hurr get a life" comments here now do we?