Your Waifu.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Want to marry a pony? That's...slightly disturbing.

I fancy real people who have thoughts, dreams, feelings and all that.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
I object to the term "waifu". More a fictional crush to me. I also hate how people insert random Japanese words into phrases. It just makes communication more difficult when a person has to stop and look up what you just said. It'd be like me inserting random Latin words into my everyday speech. It would be confusing.


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
How could I possibly pick just one...

I guess I'll go with the one currently on my wallpaper. Ibuki Fuuko.

Don't know what the embed markup for this forum is so...


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
evilneko said:
How could I possibly pick just one...

I guess I'll go with the one currently on my wallpaper. Ibuki Fuuko.

Don't know what the embed markup for this forum is so...
For youtube just put [ youtube=(string of letters and numbers)]
Like this: Quote me to see it.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Ehhh, Joker out of Mass Effect but since he is like pratically identical looks and personality wise to my rl crush I kind of get why, just replace spaceships with motorbikes.


Thinking with Portals
Jun 4, 2008
So much serious going on in here.

I have a boyfriend whom I love a ridiculous amount, but I still get drawn to certain characters. Calling it a crush would be wrong because I'm not attracted to them, but I'm certainly intrigued by them. For me, it's usually the bad guy. Wesker, Alex from Golden Sun, Wheatley, to name a few.

But no, I'm not in love with any of them.


New member
May 25, 2010
Abandon4093 said:
Moromillas said:
Abandon4093 said:
Moromillas said:
Abandon4093 said:
Honestly don't get the idea behind this atall.... It really just smacks of something people with no social skills made up.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. But daymnnn internet, you creepy.
Ok, why do think that it's creepy and lacking in social skills?
If it just kinda ended at, I kinda liked 'such n such a person' for 'whatever reason'. Then yea, whatever. I suppose that's just human nature. But there seems to be a certain amount of obsessiveness behind some of this. As if these people are actually contemplating doinking them or something.

Take that post who listed about 30 characters.

I mean, come on. That's going a little bit off the deep end.
Oh dear, you seem to be confusing the word attractive with the word substitution. I assure you they're not the same thing, they have very different definitions. To say that you liked 30 characters isn't exactly far fetched, considering the amount of content available.

For someone to say that there isn't one character that they liked, why that could imply either that person is horribly uncultured, or that the writers/designers/artists magnificently failed at their job to make a truly likeable character.

Take Samus Aran for example, you do know who that is right? When Other M came out, a lot of people were in an uproar over the poor performance, specifically the inner monologues for Samus. Did you really think that creepy? Or, socially inept?
You seem to be under the impression that this person was talking about likeable characters. Not Waifu's.


A waifu is a weebo term for an unhealthy (the rest of us attribute that quality to it) attachment to a fictional character.

Not, "They were a very well written character who's situation I actually cared about."

More. "X is so damn [insert weebo term here], I want to marry them."

I'm not saying that's true of everyone. But the impression... it's there.
That sounds like you got the definition straight out of urban dictionary.

I was in fact talking about characters that you find attractive, and attraction isn't always about the physical features, and certainly isn't curtailed to wanting them to magically materialize so you can bend them over and play hide the sausage.

If there is an obsession, then yes, I would be inclined to agree with you. I know it's just the impression you get, yet if someone were to say that it looked obsessive, it would just look like a pretty far fetched assertion.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I am ashamed to say I do.

I loved and fancy a little bit Norman Jayden. I read in a game magazine about how Jayden had a acquired a small fanbase of confused teenage girls and realized I'm one of them.

Red Dead Redemption, one of my favourite games ever, produced the hot mexican Luisa. She's a fairly good character, and good looking too, yay.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
gabmed said:
Sober Thal said:
Sorry, I don't have a 2D significant other. I don't see the point. Cause, you know.... they aren't real and stuff.
*sigh* My message once again did not come across. I fail at this stuff. -_-

Waifu is someone you wished it existed, as you love their personality and stuff.

Example: If Fluttershy (humanized) actually existed, I'd date her.

THAT is what a Waifu is.
Not it fucking isn't. I don't know where you got your definition, but a waifu is usually something that people wish were real so they could fuck it, but still wank to it now because who's going to stop them?

OT: Fuck having a waifu, I have porn and real women to deal with.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Futurenerd said:
Daystar Clarion said:
A waifu?

Is that like a wig-wam off of a woofing engine?

Edit: Now I'm aware of what a waifu is, I can honestly say that no. I do not have a waifu.

I have sex with my fiancee, a real woman.
You've said what we're all thinking.
Agreed. I mean, there are some female video game characters (alright pretty much only Miranda Lawson) that I think are attractive, but this is just... too far, too creepy.


New member
May 28, 2011
gabmed said:
Ryu890 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
A waifu?

Is that like a wig-wam off of a woofing engine?

Edit: Now I'm aware of what a waifu is, I can honestly say that no. I do not have a waifu.

I have sex with my fiancee, a real woman.
And here is the difference between critiquing and trolling. If you don't have a waifu, then DON'T POST. Its a simple concept. Its like all the morons who go specifically to an MLP thread, just to diss MLP. If you don't care about MLP then don't bother posting! There's no need to prove your 'manliness' by humiliating yourself and dissing a show that you don't like!

........Sorry, got a bit ranty there. That probably doesn't apply to you in its entirety. The point is, if you don't have a waifu, then fine. We don't need you to assert your 'holier then thou' bs.

Secondly, as defined above 'Waifu' does NOT mean 'I want to sleep with him/her'. It means 'I am fond of this virtual character'. The former may ALSO be true, but isn't nessicary to achieve Waifu-ness.

Those of Waifu status for me:

Lloyd Irving
Pinkie Pie
Twilight Sparkle
Commander Shepeard
Hinata Hyuga


Notice that I, am a straight male. Further, I do not wish to sleep with ANY of these people, because I'm of the simple opinion that I'd rather meet and get to know someone before going that far.
Further, the last six, below the 'break', are origional characters by myself, and friends of mine, used in our RPs.
That was was a very nice list of Waifus there.

Except when it entered male territory. To which extent, it became kind of weird. But then got better as I saw you love Tali too.
My problem is that I misread the definition of 'Waifu'. I read it more as a, 'you really care about this character'. Not 'I want to take this character out on a date'. This was a mistake on my part.


New member
May 28, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Ryu890 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
A waifu?

Is that like a wig-wam off of a woofing engine?

Edit: Now I'm aware of what a waifu is, I can honestly say that no. I do not have a waifu.

I have sex with my fiancee, a real woman.
And here is the difference between critiquing and trolling. If you don't have a waifu, then DON'T POST. Its a simple concept. Its like all the morons who go specifically to an MLP thread, just to diss MLP. If you don't care about MLP then don't bother posting! There's no need to prove your 'manliness' by humiliating yourself and dissing a show that you don't like!

........Sorry, got a bit ranty there. That probably doesn't apply to you in its entirety. The point is, if you don't have a waifu, then fine. We don't need you to assert your 'holier then thou' bs.

Secondly, as defined above 'Waifu' does NOT mean 'I want to sleep with him/her'. It means 'I am fond of this virtual character'. The former may ALSO be true, but isn't nessicary to achieve Waifu-ness.

Those of Waifu status for me:

Lloyd Irving
Pinkie Pie
Twilight Sparkle
Commander Shepeard
Hinata Hyuga


Notice that I, am a straight male. Further, I do not wish to sleep with ANY of these people, because I'm of the simple opinion that I'd rather meet and get to know someone before going that far.
Further, the last six, below the 'break', are origional characters by myself, and friends of mine, used in our RPs.

EDIT: *sheepishly steps backwards* Re-read the definition. Nevermind. I'm wrong on the second point. My first one is just as valid though.
You'd be right about me trolling. If I said waifus were creepy, which i did not. I stated that I didn't have one, and that I have a real girlfriend (therefore byapassing the need to want an imaginary one). I wasn't trolling.
It certainly came accross like that. If you don't have a waifu, then you simply shouldn't post on a waifu thread, unless you wish to discuss waifu's you may have had prior to having a girlfriend, or even waifus you might have if you DIDN'T have a girlfriend.


New member
May 28, 2011
Moromillas said:
Abandon4093 said:
Moromillas said:
Abandon4093 said:
Moromillas said:
Abandon4093 said:
Honestly don't get the idea behind this atall.... It really just smacks of something people with no social skills made up.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. But daymnnn internet, you creepy.
Ok, why do think that it's creepy and lacking in social skills?
If it just kinda ended at, I kinda liked 'such n such a person' for 'whatever reason'. Then yea, whatever. I suppose that's just human nature. But there seems to be a certain amount of obsessiveness behind some of this. As if these people are actually contemplating doinking them or something.

Take that post who listed about 30 characters.

I mean, come on. That's going a little bit off the deep end.
Oh dear, you seem to be confusing the word attractive with the word substitution. I assure you they're not the same thing, they have very different definitions. To say that you liked 30 characters isn't exactly far fetched, considering the amount of content available.

For someone to say that there isn't one character that they liked, why that could imply either that person is horribly uncultured, or that the writers/designers/artists magnificently failed at their job to make a truly likeable character.

Take Samus Aran for example, you do know who that is right? When Other M came out, a lot of people were in an uproar over the poor performance, specifically the inner monologues for Samus. Did you really think that creepy? Or, socially inept?
You seem to be under the impression that this person was talking about likeable characters. Not Waifu's.


A waifu is a weebo term for an unhealthy (the rest of us attribute that quality to it) attachment to a fictional character.

Not, "They were a very well written character who's situation I actually cared about."

More. "X is so damn [insert weebo term here], I want to marry them."

I'm not saying that's true of everyone. But the impression... it's there.
That sounds like you got the definition straight out of urban dictionary.

I was in fact talking about characters that you find attractive, and attraction isn't always about the physical features, and certainly isn't curtailed to wanting them to magically materialize so you can bend them over and play hide the sausage.

If there is an obsession, then yes, I would be inclined to agree with you. I know it's just the impression you get, yet if someone were to say that it looked obsessive, it would just look like a pretty far fetched assertion.
I already admitted to being mistaken. The definition presented on the first post should be the 'valid' definition as far as this thread is concerned. Following other definitions simply isn't talking about the same thing, and is therefor off topic.

I was incorrect in that list. That list was more 'characters I am abnormally fond of'. Not to an obsessive degree, but to the degree that the events in their story affect you to a greater emotional degree then most 'likable' characters. Characters that you feel sad when they hurt. Stare in shock and disbelief when they betray you. The ones that you feel really invested in by the time the story is over.

Once again, this list is therefor incorrect.


New member
May 28, 2011
RanD00M said:
gabmed said:
Sober Thal said:
Sorry, I don't have a 2D significant other. I don't see the point. Cause, you know.... they aren't real and stuff.
*sigh* My message once again did not come across. I fail at this stuff. -_-

Waifu is someone you wished it existed, as you love their personality and stuff.

Example: If Fluttershy (humanized) actually existed, I'd date her.

THAT is what a Waifu is.
Not it fucking isn't. I don't know where you got your definition, but a waifu is usually something that people wish were real so they could fuck it, but still wank to it now because who's going to stop them?

OT: Fuck having a waifu, I have porn and real women to deal with.
Ok, now NO ONE can deny that this guy is trolling, correct?
Dec 14, 2009
Ryu890 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Ryu890 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
A waifu?

Is that like a wig-wam off of a woofing engine?

Edit: Now I'm aware of what a waifu is, I can honestly say that no. I do not have a waifu.

I have sex with my fiancee, a real woman.
And here is the difference between critiquing and trolling. If you don't have a waifu, then DON'T POST. Its a simple concept. Its like all the morons who go specifically to an MLP thread, just to diss MLP. If you don't care about MLP then don't bother posting! There's no need to prove your 'manliness' by humiliating yourself and dissing a show that you don't like!

........Sorry, got a bit ranty there. That probably doesn't apply to you in its entirety. The point is, if you don't have a waifu, then fine. We don't need you to assert your 'holier then thou' bs.

Secondly, as defined above 'Waifu' does NOT mean 'I want to sleep with him/her'. It means 'I am fond of this virtual character'. The former may ALSO be true, but isn't nessicary to achieve Waifu-ness.

Those of Waifu status for me:

Lloyd Irving
Pinkie Pie
Twilight Sparkle
Commander Shepeard
Hinata Hyuga


Notice that I, am a straight male. Further, I do not wish to sleep with ANY of these people, because I'm of the simple opinion that I'd rather meet and get to know someone before going that far.
Further, the last six, below the 'break', are origional characters by myself, and friends of mine, used in our RPs.

EDIT: *sheepishly steps backwards* Re-read the definition. Nevermind. I'm wrong on the second point. My first one is just as valid though.
You'd be right about me trolling. If I said waifus were creepy, which i did not. I stated that I didn't have one, and that I have a real girlfriend (therefore byapassing the need to want an imaginary one). I wasn't trolling.
It certainly came accross like that. If you don't have a waifu, then you simply shouldn't post on a waifu thread, unless you wish to discuss waifu's you may have had prior to having a girlfriend, or even waifus you might have if you DIDN'T have a girlfriend.
Then you're overly defensive about your interests then aren't you.

Besides, I posted before the OP defined what a waifu was. I simply edited my post after the fact.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
For me, the flower girl from Macross 7. She's perfect. She always has flowers, so you wouldn't need to buy her any. She never says anything. And you can just tell by looking at her that she can cook.