Your Waifu.


Aug 5, 2009
Big Boss... young or old ;D

Course I'm going to have to state I'm a straight male with a wondeful fiancée, stricken by a mancrush D:


New member
Jan 27, 2010
can't think of a non-human one but I can think of two human ones

Either Tifa Lockheart or Nico Robin


New member
Jun 26, 2011
Le sigh, my Waifu has already been taken by the original poster. Though as far as a human one goes `(well OK maybe she isnt human either) Taokaka from blazblue
<image width=250 src=>

Fugitive Panda

New member
Jan 21, 2011
The most interesting part of this topic is the amount of people who are apparently weirded out by people liking fictional characters. This seems strange to me, since pretty much every character is designed to be likable, or at least invoke certain emotions in you. Do you also get creeped out when someone really dislikes the villain of a story?

A "waifu" is really just a fictional crush, haven't we all had those at some point? More specifically, it's a feeling of attachment to a character for non-sexual reasons. Sure, sometimes it can overlap with fictional lust, but why is everyone here assuming that playfully naming a pony as your fictional girlfriend means you yank it exclusively to pony porn?

Anyway, mai waifu [].


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Ummmm not going to say who my non-human "waifu" is (you could guess it quite easily though) but my human "waifu" would probably have to be Tifa...I wonder what FF game shes in? Seriously I have no idea but she looked absolutely gorgeous when I saw a friend playing the game...and yes, I do have girlfriend.

EDIT: Wait, this doesn't necessarily mean that a waifu is something your sexually attracted to right? Cause thats not exactly my case.


MM - It tastes like Candy Corn.
Mar 20, 2010
I've never considered having a virtual waifu. Though, if I think long and hard about it...I'll get back to you on that ^~^!.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
If anyone wants to know who my waifu is, look no further than my glorious avatar.

A Weakgeek

New member
Feb 3, 2011
trollnystan said:
GAAaaaah! Alistair. Tell me you aren't one of the fangirls on DeviantArt drawing porn of him, I couldn't look at him the same after that. Alistair fandom has really went overboard, and I thought he was kinda funny before. (I'm a male so no wetting my self for him)

OT: Not really, I mean not many games/shows develop characters well enough to make me feel that way. If the question was about sex then...

EDIT: Seeing the amount of bioware characters here, I can only assume that Dragonage and Masseffect are one of the few games popular with girls, since they aren't that well written. (Or likable, in my opinion)


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Romidude said:
I actually spend time with a real relationship.
I no right?! Relationships are fun.

Ot: I don't have any personally. But I no my girlfriend has a few, I can't remember what they are right now.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
A Weakgeek said:
trollnystan said:
GAAaaaah! Alistair. Tell me you aren't one of the fangirls on DeviantArt drawing porn of him, I couldn't look at him the same after that. Alistair fandom has really went overboard, and I thought he was kinda funny before. (I'm a male so no wetting my self for him)
Er, ew? No, I do not draw nor seek out Alistair porn. He's just a funny and sweet (and pixelated) guy. Honestly I try to stay away from fan-porn, unless it's lulzy.


New member
May 28, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Ryu890 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Ryu890 said:
Daystar Clarion said:
A waifu?

Is that like a wig-wam off of a woofing engine?

Edit: Now I'm aware of what a waifu is, I can honestly say that no. I do not have a waifu.

I have sex with my fiancee, a real woman.
And here is the difference between critiquing and trolling. If you don't have a waifu, then DON'T POST. Its a simple concept. Its like all the morons who go specifically to an MLP thread, just to diss MLP. If you don't care about MLP then don't bother posting! There's no need to prove your 'manliness' by humiliating yourself and dissing a show that you don't like!

........Sorry, got a bit ranty there. That probably doesn't apply to you in its entirety. The point is, if you don't have a waifu, then fine. We don't need you to assert your 'holier then thou' bs.

Secondly, as defined above 'Waifu' does NOT mean 'I want to sleep with him/her'. It means 'I am fond of this virtual character'. The former may ALSO be true, but isn't nessicary to achieve Waifu-ness.

Those of Waifu status for me:

Lloyd Irving
Pinkie Pie
Twilight Sparkle
Commander Shepeard
Hinata Hyuga


Notice that I, am a straight male. Further, I do not wish to sleep with ANY of these people, because I'm of the simple opinion that I'd rather meet and get to know someone before going that far.
Further, the last six, below the 'break', are origional characters by myself, and friends of mine, used in our RPs.

EDIT: *sheepishly steps backwards* Re-read the definition. Nevermind. I'm wrong on the second point. My first one is just as valid though.
You'd be right about me trolling. If I said waifus were creepy, which i did not. I stated that I didn't have one, and that I have a real girlfriend (therefore byapassing the need to want an imaginary one). I wasn't trolling.
It certainly came accross like that. If you don't have a waifu, then you simply shouldn't post on a waifu thread, unless you wish to discuss waifu's you may have had prior to having a girlfriend, or even waifus you might have if you DIDN'T have a girlfriend.
Then you're overly defensive about your interests then aren't you.

Besides, I posted before the OP defined what a waifu was. I simply edited my post after the fact.
1a. I'm not. I think I've been rather open about my interests.

1b. Irrelevant. Reguardless of how secure or insecure I may be, has nothing to do with wieather or not you post.

2. Fine. Perhaps this was a bit of a circumstantial error.

A Weakgeek

New member
Feb 3, 2011
trollnystan said:
A Weakgeek said:
trollnystan said:
GAAaaaah! Alistair. Tell me you aren't one of the fangirls on DeviantArt drawing porn of him, I couldn't look at him the same after that. Alistair fandom has really went overboard, and I thought he was kinda funny before. (I'm a male so no wetting my self for him)
Er, ew? No, I do not draw nor seek out Alistair porn. He's just a funny and sweet (and pixelated) guy. Honestly I try to stay away from fan-porn, unless it's lulzy.
Good, so I have confirmed that there are people like you. After seeing the mind crushing quanity of that... "ART" I have had doubts about female fans of these games.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
A Weakgeek said:
trollnystan said:
Er, ew? No, I do not draw nor seek out Alistair porn. He's just a funny and sweet (and pixelated) guy. Honestly I try to stay away from fan-porn, unless it's lulzy.
Good, so I have confirmed that there are people like you. After seeing the mind crushing quanity of that... "ART" I have had doubts about female fans of these games.
To be fair, there is plenty of horrific fan-porn of female characters out there by male fans. They usually have engorged mammaries not seen in nature that are nightmare inducing o_O


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Hmm. I don't judge anyone for having a crush on imagined people/animals/personalities (because I assume personality is what it really boils down to.) But I also can't say I currently have a waifu of my own.

Also, I had to google Fluffershy to figure who or what that was. My apologies, but I only remember My Little Pony as a show that was on when I was still quite young.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Tohsaka Rin of Fate Stay Night

And this.
dancinginfernal said:

Chie Satonaka
Chie is more realistic.
Rin is more of an in game thing and wouldn't translate well to real life with me.

I'd mention one of the Mane cast but they are more BFFs then waifu material to me (It would be Dashie though).
I have no clue how this is considered creepy.
Reality is a falsified concept of sensory information to validate the human condition.
Memory is the single and only important factor in dictating reality, as many of us play games I think we can all agree we remember those times fondly.

The physical world certainly has more physical merits but we are talking about a hypothetical favorite from a memory we enjoyed. Not the physical world.

As soon as imagination steps into the ring, reality dies a horrible uncontested fight.