Your Waifu.


Elite Member
Jan 18, 2010
Aerith, along with half my generation (and gender). I assume the other half had a crush on Zelda ?


New member
Jun 25, 2009

That's just off the top of my head, but it's more I wish they were real, rather then crush.

Je Suis Ubermonkey

New member
Jun 10, 2010
gabmed said:
Redingold said:
I'd would definitely date Twilight Sparkle if she were real.

And if you guys think gabmed is creepy, wait until you get a load of Je Suis Ubermonkey [].
He likes cakes and ponies. Nothing wrong with him as far as my eye can see...


The avatar is midly disturbing... but still of good taste...
Why thank you. Your naiveté is heart-warming, although as Redingold says:
Redingold said:
[Je Suis Ubermonkey is] also creepier in real life.
On the subject of liking cake and ponies, what if I was to combine th-Oh. Oh dear. Sorry Dashie.

OT: For anyone who hasn't guessed my waifu yet... well, look at my avatar.
You done that? Excellent.
Did I say you could stop? Keep looking! Keep looking 'til you LOVE HER!
What, you love her? Get away! She's MINE! ALL MINE!


I let the creepy out didn't I? I'm sorry.


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
My Waifu? well I do have a few harmless crushes but I'll never have a strong obession about them and if I ever seem like I am well that's just me messing around.

Now for my Waifus.

Also incase anyone is interested here's were the term waifu came from.

Sorry it isn't subbed.

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
gabmed said:
Revy is awesome. She's probably my first waifu too.

I kind of fell in love with the female Hawke from DA2, my Hawke is a white haired rogue and I chose the "purple" options for her dialouge most of the time. First time I liked playing a character that was good, because she just couldn't stop being sarcastic or funny, while saving people. One of the few characters in games that I think are funny too.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
Brutal Peanut said:
trollnystan said:
I'm a straight woman =) So mai hasubando would be either


Pretty much both of my choices. *initiates virtual high-five*
*high fives Brutal Peanut and finishes with a complicated handshake* Word up! Er, yo! Er... Yeah I'm out of ghettoisms, don't know why I even bothered...

Llil said:
I like this Alistair better:
He doesn't have the stupid Tintin hair.
I think I like the Tintin hair better actually, but that might be because I'm used to it ;)

Easton Dark said:
Definitely go with Garrus. Space Batman you know.
Garrus has a sense of humour though =P


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Jessica Rabbit. She's not bad, she's just drawn that way ;) (and really is the ultimate satire for stuff like this)

I'm actually taken aback by some of the insults I'm seeing in this thread. I'm seeing a lot of "Um...they aren't real, so that makes you a loser."

Let me ask you something. Who is your favorite video game character? Are they cool? Are they funny? Are they interesting? Well guess what...they aren't real. So clearly you must be a loser, right?

Don't get me wrong, the term waifu makes me want to punch babies and people will always associate it with the "watashi wa boku desu desu ne" pocky snarfing crowd, but it's simply looking at a fictional character and saying "Ah, they're sort of attractive and I like their personality. If they WERE a real person, I'd like to go out with them"

It doesn't mean you have a stained love pillow of them >_>

For me though in 100% seriousness, it was Princess Peach. She was my first fictional crush and she actually became a metaphor for true love in my own life. I always imagined that every failed experience I had was the life equivalent of "Your Princess is in another castle" in the sense that it was something I needed to do, it was worth doing, and it put me one step closer to finding my true love.

I had a girlfriend that I nicknamed Peach for this very reason (and a secondary reason I won't mention here...) and yes, she knew why. She thought it was very sweet and loved the nickname.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
I need to watch the show to know that a pony is the child equivalant of a horse?

Umm... no, actually. A pony is a smaller breed of horse. A young horse is a foal.

OT: Whilst there are a number of fictional characters I find attractive (y'know, because they're designed that way), there aren't any I have a crush on.
Or I've never really looked at them with an eye to going out with them, so couldn't tell you whether or not I do.

rancher of monsters

New member
Oct 31, 2010
a few years ago I would have said Hyuuga Hinata, but these days I'd go with Olivier Mira Armstrong

She's hot, smart, and in the immortal words of Spike Spiegel "I love the kind of girl who can kick my ass." The fact that she's extremely wealthy doesn't hurt either.


New member
May 17, 2008
All your waifus belong in my dojinshi!!! Hur Hur Hur! Thanks the lords of Kobol for rule 34 > . >

Funky Flump

New member
Jun 24, 2010
Taokaka, Blaz Blue! But she isnt completely human so my human one would be.....Hmmmm.....Ed, Off Cowboy BeBop.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
CoverYourHead said:
Tali of course!

... Also Renamon. DON'T JUDGE ME.
Very nice two choices. I love them too (Not as much as the ones in the OP <3).

And who would judge THIS? <3



New member
Dec 30, 2010
Moromillas said:
Hmm, "waifu" ehy...

Maybe, Morrigan from DA:O. She's such a darling.

My dear sweet Morrigan why did you have to leave :C

At least I still have Shale.


The Man With the Golden Bun
Oct 28, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
A waifu?

Is that like a wig-wam off of a woofing engine?

Edit: Now I'm aware of what a waifu is, I can honestly say that no. I do not have a waifu.

I have sex with my fiancee, a real woman.
You've said what we're all thinking.