Zero Punctuation: Alone in the Dark


New member
Jun 19, 2008
The music isn't bad, it's just...average. I wish it was as catchy as the Angry Video Game Nerd's theme. That's a song I can listen to over and over and keep enjoying it (especially the full version).


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Mr.Dillinger said:
Knight Templar said:
Music's grown on me!
thats because you are a dick sucker who thinks his mouth is his ears and therefore constantly have dicks in your ear holes, thats why the music is growing on you!

If I wanted to listen to Linkin Park I would go see my 13 year old brother to borrow the CD's, either that or I would just download them because us 'fans' respect the bands we love so much by buying their material ey? I kind of went off the track with this didnt I?

Oh yes, you suck dicks
What was that for? Also, I like Linkin Park. Dunno why, just sounds good is all.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Yahtzee probably wont read this, but anyway, here goes:

That was a great review. Honestly, the last couple reviews seemed to be on a bit of a downhill slide, but this one was a classic.

About the intro, though: I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I miss the old ones. It's not because I dislike the music, though; it's because now it feels too professional. In the olden dayes, the reviews felt like entertaining public service announcements, full of YouTube charm and veiled compassion for us, the common, video-game-buying public, blah blah blah save the children. Now, however, it seems like your motivation is less "I don't want people unnecessarily traveling through the bowels of hell" and more "I want money because I am part of the Internet Corps of Humo(u)r." It doesn't make the videos either better or worse, but I want to feel fuzzier.

By the way, fooling around with one or two guys in college doesn't make you gay, so stop being so insecure about it.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Lord_Seth said:
The music isn't bad, it's just...average. I wish it was as catchy as the Angry Video Game Nerd's theme. That's a song I can listen to over and over and keep enjoying it (especially the full version).
I guess one man's catchy is another man's grating. I dunno - that song grates on my nerves every time I hear it. But to each his own. Good to see another AVGN fan.

SeaCalMaster said:
Yahtzee probably wont read this, but anyway, here goes:

About the intro, though: I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I miss the old ones. It's not because I dislike the music, though; it's because now it feels too professional. In the olden dayes, the reviews felt like entertaining public service announcements, full of YouTube charm and veiled compassion for us, the common, video-game-buying public, blah blah blah save the children. Now, however, it seems like your motivation is less "I don't want people unnecessarily traveling through the bowels of hell" and more "I want money because I am part of the Internet Corps of Humo(u)r." It doesn't make the videos either better or worse, but I want to feel fuzzier.
It's not to make more money - it's to avoid breaking two copyrights every Wednesday. And plus, the new music is perfectly fine. There is probably a way to still use the old songs and not break copyrights, but it probably involves a lot of paperwork, which is in a way MORE professional and boring. So this way we stay legal, we get some kickin' metal intro every week, and Zero Punctuation doesn't get shut down by Michael Jackson or whoever the hell owns all of the Classic Rock recordings these days.


New member
May 28, 2008
That was some funny shit, been a while since yahtzees done one as good as this. Terry and Gonad, pure genious.

excessum ado

New member
Dec 27, 2007
Dont Listen to these guys about the theme music yahtzee, its bad ass. If it was on an album I would buy it. Anyway the review was good and felt like a real return to form for you. Well done bro.

Allan Foe

New member
Dec 20, 2007
It seems most people misunderstood the "I'm gay" joke, we're already aware of the man's sexual preferences from the not-so-subtle references in previous reviews, this time Yahtzee hints on the sapient nature of the dark matter(see the imp head?) and thus makes a joke at its expense.
Captain Obvious to the rescue!

The revised intro looks better (than the one in the previous review), I guess there's no returning to the goodness of good ol' copyright infringementness? I still say that the tune could use some improving -- something upbeat would be more appropriate. The current theme smells of "pretentious youth" with a smack of "serious business" and "unfunny" in it.

Anyhoo, this review is definitely among the funnier ones.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Well, its the best review yet since the bioshock one, but for gods sake, get rid of that piece of crap intro and that other piece of crap outro and get back to the music selections already!

I mean, if anyone, a self professed 'games are art hippy' who is also a
critic would instantly see what a horrible downgrade it's been.
I'd honestly prefer pure silence for setting the scene.

Then again, I'm from a generation that didn't need crappy nu-metal to tell us how excited we should be, as we can tell for our own.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
Re: theme music. No, I don't think I'll ever get used to it. In my mind the musical accompaniment is something like the theme tune to Shaun of the Dead ('The Blue Wrath' by I, Monster if you're curious) and other jaunty weirdness of that sort. Like others, I am a little surprised The Escapist hasn't turned 'make an intro for Zeropunctuation' into a contest yet. Seems like the sort of thing this place'd jump all over.

Anyway, the review: I haven't seen a reviewer admit to just refusing to play for a long time (since OMM I think, fittingly). It's always gladdening to see it since it probably happens a lot more than people like to admit. It should be an element in a rating more important than the review score. Instead of 8/10 at the end of an article they say "played it to the end" "played it twice" or whatever.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
The music is too loud relative to the volume of your voice. This is not a TV commercial. You don't need to blow our eardrums to make us pay attention. You have our attention, that's why we clicked to watch you. Turn down the volume please.


New member
May 7, 2008
Althought I disagree with you on the most part - I've never had any problems with the game except the occasional murderous section - this was still as funny as shit, and still made me giggle like a school girl :( :p


New member
Oct 5, 2007
One of the best parts about your reviews is that even though you might have to suffer through a crappy game, chances are that you provide more fun to your audience by ripping on them for four minutes than the crappy games themselves could ever deliver...collectively!


New member
Jul 26, 2006
I hate the new intro

I hate the adverts at the end that make the video look longer than it is

Go back to the old format


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
Best review I've seen in a long time. Lots of good points, well made, and with enough humor to keep me laughing. I was excited about Alone in the Dark, but it doesn't surprise me that a game who's main feature was a McGuyver-style inventory system would cock up everything else about the game. Glad I saw this review, Yahtzee.


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
Muzz said:
I haven't seen a reviewer admit to just refusing to play for a long time (since OMM I think, fittingly). It's always gladdening to see it since it probably happens a lot more than people like to admit. It should be an element in a rating more important than the review score. Instead of 8/10 at the end of an article they say "played it to the end" "played it twice" or whatever.
I agree 100%. It's starting to become more commonly known that many "professional" reviewers don't even play the whole game, and yet they give the damn thing an 8/10. I understand that reviewers have a lot of games to play and little time to play them, which makes them a lot like me, the consumer. That's why I'm all the more interested to see which games the reviewer actually takes the time to play. If it's a good enough game for the reviewer to spend his time on, then it just might be good enough for me to spend my time on. And if the reviewer can't even bring himself to play the game through to the end, then he better not be giving it any more than a 5/10 because obviously the other half was shit.