Zero Punctuation: MadWorld

Evan Waters

New member
Dec 12, 2007
C3RV3ZA said:
I agree with Yahtzee 99% of the time but where is the KILLZONE 2 REVIEW? I wanna see what he makes up with it...
It's jammed in with the HOUSE OF THE DEAD: OVERKILL review, because he says he couldn't think of much to say about it on its own.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
The Deadpool said:
The story was actually GOOD (which surprised the hell out of me), and the point system wasn't that bad (very minor tweaks needed), and the game did get interestingly challenging towards the end.

Btw, I fail to see any improvement in having this game in the 360/PS3... Hell, it'd make some of the QTE a lot more boring (like the Masters battle).
Exactly. I don't know how push-button quick-time events should make a game any more enjoyable. It's pretty much in the same boat as No More Heroes when it comes to the waggle complaints.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Evan Waters said:
SandroTheMaster said:
So... first off. The Wii really sucks really hard. After all the praise I got from my friend and from the industry about it's motion sensor technology: It just doesn't work. Precisely as Yahtzee said. Not only it captions your movement very poorly, it does so about a second after you prompt your command, so basically it's just like you're the one doing the movements, if you needed precognition to know what is about to happen because you're 1 sec out of sync with everything.
Maybe this is a regional thing, or a setup problem. I've not had this happen.

People say the Wii appeal to non-gamers to introduce them to gaming. I say this is bullocks, bullshit, and whatever more you want to call it. The vast majority of Wii owners only have one game: Wii Sports, the one that came with it.
Marketing data indicates that the Wii has an attach rate of 6.94 games per console sold. I think the XBox360 still leads this particular race, but when you consider the volume of hardware sales for the Wii it still translates to good numbers.

Bottom down, as much as the Wii is helping the gaming industry, it is harming much more the gaming COMMUNITY, giving argument to the mentality that games are only for children (and retarded children at that).
Right, that's why nobody over the age of 30... oh, right.

Face it, the most successful console right now is not aimed at the "hardcore" audience, and THANK GOD. When everyone is chasing after the same audience, you get stagnation. When there are multiple targets on the board, things are mixed up. Nintendo makes mad bank going after the casual market, providing quirky gameplay experiences in unusual contexts, while Sony and Microsoft can still release the latest sci-fi war epic and make a handsome profit from that.
Regional? It is just the most common complaint about the Wii world wide. If you don't feel anything wrong with it's controllers, either you acclimated very well or you're just protecting the Wii. I'm not doing a Nintendo bash, although I think it was only good until the Nintendo 64, but at least I'm not making shit up. That's because your 6.94 was just made up. I admit what I said was based on old data (about 3.4 by console, but it looks to be a year-old census). A quick search shows several different sources pointing to 4.9 - 5.5. Better than the PS3, alright, but the PS3 doesn't fare any better than the Wii on exclusivity games, both being one disappointment after the next.

And I couldn't care less about "casual" or "hardcore". I loathe Guitar Hero but I like Peggle, so bug off. I have no problem with the thousands of flash games at Kongregate and it is all well and good that more people out there are playing. All that doesn't change the fact that a game can be "casual" and serious. And some of the "casual" labeled games are actually harder and more addictive than any "hardcore" out there.

My problem is that they don't make casual games for the Wii. They make retarded games for it. For the ones who care to label they're not casual, but something further. They're relatively fun for 5 minutes (depending on your tolerance on the controls) then you feel like doing something else. Also ultimately they are depth-less and lacking, even the good ones. And the Miis just scream as hard as possible "little kid's stuff". Most normal adults can play the Wii and find it fun. But at the same time they find it very, very silly. And that will be all the idea of what a game is for most of them, so they'll look down on whoever calls themselves "Gamer".

Before the Wii, I could say I'm a gamer and the worst I could hear was something like "Oh, so you like Mario and stuff?". Now, invariably, when I say I'm a gamer or show concern for a game in any way I hear "Stop being a kid, it is just a game. Children stuff." Because invariably a game with a serious storyline like Mass Effect is completely overshadowed to the major populace by the massive fame of the Wii and their loath-inducing Miis (seriously, these little fuckers are like a bad caricature a bitter cartoonist made of gamers to ask everybody to point and laugh).


New member
Jun 25, 2008
I had semi-high hopes for this game but I played it for two hours and found it pretty.... well boring. Really really boring. The tutorial was brutal, and the first few seconds were fun, then it was just "blah blah chainsaw blah blah road sign blah blah spikes". And maybe I was scoring points way too fast or something but the game interrupted me every minute or so with a cutscene showing a new weapon, or a new challenge thing, or a bull guy. And if I saw the challenge cutscene and walked over there I'd immediately get another, even longer cutscene with some guy in blackface or something explaining how it works. It wouldn't have been alright if I wasn't interrupted ALL THE TIME. I may have been bored, but constant breaks in flow were still irritating.

The commentators I didn't find that funny. It was like they were trying waaaaay too hard. All I heard out of them was "dick dick dick we're so edgey".

Only one complaint about the review. Come off it Yatzhee, that shit looks more like a Frank Miller comic than most Japanese comics. Psssh.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Yahtzee needs to quit reviewing consoles/platforms and just review the goddamn game. I don't even think of him as a game critic, just a console-basher.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
bawkbawkboo1 said:
Yahtzee needs to quit reviewing consoles/platforms and just review the goddamn game. I don't even think of him as a game critic, just a console-basher.
This x1000

To be honest i enjoyed the game some what but all his points other then the targeting system where lies.

Difficulty - play hard more, enemies dodge and counter all the time.
Combat - Twas fine
Repetition - The game is what you make it, there was enough environmental kills to mix up so that it never got old but you COULD do the same on over and over and thus get bored.
Wii remote - It registered fine for me and i never had a problem.

some times i think Yahtzee tries too hard to hate the game.

Kage Me

New member
Jul 10, 2008
Melancholy_Ocelot said:
Though I do not own a Wii I have (as a moderate gamer) logged well over 100 hours in Fallout 3. I doubt any Wii game can do the same AND have a solid foundation of similar titles to offer.
I've probably had more than 100 hours of Brawl. It was 77 hours when I last checked, and that was well over two months ago...


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Evan Waters said:
j_meister said:
My Dad now has a Wii. He's the kind of person who wouldn't touch a serious games console unless it held the key to immortality, so this goes to show what a pile of crap the Wii must be.
Five minutes with the motion control bollocks and I'm ready to throw it out the window.
Death to nintendo.
Oh, good "review" Yahtzee. Let's see more anti-nintendo rants! Just pick any random Wii game and use it as an excuse to piss all over the big N.
I can't tell what your point is. Surely if it's a console that appeals to people who haven't bought consoles before, that's a GOOD thing for the gaming industry, right? But then you say that you hate it and want more rants.

So mcdonalds is a good thing for the food industry right? I believe the mans point is that when something is so dumbed down and mass produced so grandma and play too it oftin looses the creativity and certainly any semblance of challenge or difficulty for those of us that are actual gamers...atleast I think thats the point.

Kage Me said:
Melancholy_Ocelot said:
Though I do not own a Wii I have (as a moderate gamer) logged well over 100 hours in Fallout 3. I doubt any Wii game can do the same AND have a solid foundation of similar titles to offer.
I've probably had more than 100 hours of Brawl. It was 77 hours when I last checked, and that was well over two months ago...
Funny that the one Wii game you claim to have played alot (only one I can make that claim on too) is also one that any responsible player only plays using a gamecube controller.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
chase211 said:
Evan Waters said:
j_meister said:
My Dad now has a Wii. He's the kind of person who wouldn't touch a serious games console unless it held the key to immortality, so this goes to show what a pile of crap the Wii must be.
Five minutes with the motion control bollocks and I'm ready to throw it out the window.
Death to nintendo.
Oh, good "review" Yahtzee. Let's see more anti-nintendo rants! Just pick any random Wii game and use it as an excuse to piss all over the big N.
I can't tell what your point is. Surely if it's a console that appeals to people who haven't bought consoles before, that's a GOOD thing for the gaming industry, right? But then you say that you hate it and want more rants.

So mcdonalds is a good thing for the food industry right? I believe the mans point is that when something is so dumbed down and mass produced so grandma and play too it oftin looses the creativity and certainly any semblance of challenge or difficulty for those of us that are actual gamers...atleast I think thats the point.

Kage Me said:
Melancholy_Ocelot said:
Though I do not own a Wii I have (as a moderate gamer) logged well over 100 hours in Fallout 3. I doubt any Wii game can do the same AND have a solid foundation of similar titles to offer.
I've probably had more than 100 hours of Brawl. It was 77 hours when I last checked, and that was well over two months ago...
Funny that the one Wii game you claim to have played alot (only one I can make that claim on too) is also one that any responsible player only plays using a gamecube controller.
I play it was a classic controllers, but if you want an example of wii remote done right take your pick from Pikmin 1 - 2, Metroid Prime 1 or 3 any and all lightgun games like house of the dead or ghost squad.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I haven't tried the game yet. It still looks like fun at least.

Its a shame the Wii is too much of a confusing platform for Devs.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
no no its not. its always funny and nintendo bring it on themselfves game that comes to mind is red steel


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Once again, a very funny video.

But this has to be said. If you lot are actually taking these videos seriously then there is something extremely wrong with your mental faculties. Seriously, a 230-odd post, fan-boy driven debate about the Wii based on Yahtzee's comments?

Some of you need to lighten up and take the video for what it is. ;-)


New member
Jan 17, 2009
garyj said:
Once again, a very funny video.

But this has to be said. If you lot are actually taking these videos seriously then there is something extremely wrong with your mental faculties. Seriously, a 230-odd post, fan-boy driven debate about the Wii based on Yahtzee's comments?

Some of you need to lighten up and take the video for what it is. ;-)
It's quite clear that Yahtzee means every thing he said about the wii very seriously. Now, how the fanboys take that is another story.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I have a wii, but hardenly ever go on it for reasons Yahtzee has explained. It sits next to the playstation gathering dust. I absolutely love Killzone2, but I can "kind of" see why Yahtzee can't make a full review of it. Good graphics, cool story, good gameply and combat.
But worse of all, there's nothing to hate, so that must be crap for Yahtzee.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
It's truly funny because it's like a little kid drinking beer trying to act all grown-up but then just puking all over himself after the first two gulps.

Julius M

New member
Apr 16, 2009
Judithia said:
I play it was a classic controllers, but if you want an example of wii remote done right take your pick from Pikmin 1 - 2, Metroid Prime 1 or 3 any and all lightgun games like house of the dead or ghost squad.
Indeed. There are also a few games where the wii-mote doesn't have that much of a benefit but it's not like it has a detrimental effect. Mario Galaxy plays fine with the Wii-mote and with a second player a wii-mote does work for the added fun.

And Brawl is played with a classic controller because there is no point in using the wii-mote.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Judithia said:
Funny that the one Wii game you claim to have played alot (only one I can make that claim on too) is also one that any responsible player only plays using a gamecube controller.
I play it with the Wiimote and nunchuck and my friends (who played melee way more than I did) use the Gamecube controllers and I destroy them.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Blah blah blah. Developers of all types SHOULD continue to develop for the Wii, and not just shovel ware, and youngster games. The Wii is the best selling video game console month after month. It has sold the most and thus has more potential in sales than any other system. It is not made up mostly of casual gamers, but rather an extremely diverse set of users. The problem is NOT that the users are mostly these so called causal gamers. It is that there IS NO ONE MAJORITY on the Wii. Unlike the xbox360, which you may as well call the FPS Depot. It's easy to know what will sell on the 360, and face it the games being offered on there are really just clones of each other. Yahtzee rips those games apart FAR more than anything Nintendo.

PS3? It's inconsequential. If it is a model for what a good video game system should be then vacuum is a model for the best atmosphere needed to support life on earth. It's been out for a few years now, and it's still struggling to not slit it's own wrists. Why? Because the fucking 'hardcore' 'mature' gamers it's almost exclusively catering to will barely touch the damn thing!

Nintendo going out like sega? Um, huh? They should stop making video game consoles...because they are making more money then any other video game system? Because they are expanding the market by leaps and bounds? I'm sorry that it is so hard accept that Nintendo, that 'once great company that screwed up with the N64, and almost crashed and burned with the NGC' is the leader in hardware, software, and peripheral sales.

'Hardcore gamers', which I would consider myself one, our time as the main focus of the video game market is OVER. Deal with it. The market doesn't need us anymore. Oh it wants us, it wants our money, but it doesn't NEED us anymore. The video game industry is changing, in fact it never stopped. Remember when it was only okay for young kids to play video games? Well those kids grew up, then it was okay for older ones so they made more complex games. Then the kids became Teens and those games evolved in complexity and maturity. Those teens became young adults. Then middle aged people. Remember its been nearly 30 years since NES!

Those kids are now well into their thirty's, some are hitting their forties. They want to play video games still, it's what they did as a kid. They want complexity, they want something that is truly mature. Not, it has guns so it's mature. Or it has blood so it's mature. Or it's brown so it's mature. Because that isn't mature at all, it's juvenile. They want something complex so it's mature. They want something that requires their brain over their reflexes so it's mature. They also don't have time to sit down for 4-6 hours to play video games. They need simple games, games they can pick up on their lunch break, and put down before the meeting. Because they have jobs now! They are running corporations, and small business, and the government. Nintendo wanted those kids that grew up Nintendo back, most brilliant business move they EVER made. You don't like Wii? Thats fine, you don't have to. But your opinion does not change what is happening. The 'hardcore' market is shrinking. You think it's bad now, wait until the next batch of consoles come out. Sony and MS would be lunatics if they didn't start catering to the massive market that Nintendo has created. Fully expect at least Sony to do a full turn around of and copy, almost to the letter, exactly Nintendo's current business model.

With all that said, I don't like this game. I DO want a rather violent brawler game. But I'd like a few less gallons of blood and not quite so many constant screams of agony. I personally think that, perhaps, Sega went just a little too over the top.

Yahtzee. I love ya man, but back off Nintendo a little bit, eh? You are a VIDEO GAME REVIEWER. You have reviewed the Wii's -hardware- enough times already. Is it still necessary to start Wii reviews with instant Wii hardware hate rants? Is that really what people are tuning in for? Surely the game itself has enough flaws for you to rant about? It really is trite now. I'm a huge fan of your shows to you know. Wii hardware hate isn't funny anymore. It just wastes time to tell everyone the same thing. I wanted to hear about Mad World, Yahtzee, not the goddamn Wii your playing it on. It's just a little bit silly now. Heck, its even somewhat disturbing. It's like you sit in a dark closet blabbering to yourself about how it killed everyone in your family, what with it's waggles and all, and now you want revenge on it the only way you know how.