Blah blah blah. Developers of all types SHOULD continue to develop for the Wii, and not just shovel ware, and youngster games. The Wii is the best selling video game console month after month. It has sold the most and thus has more potential in sales than any other system. It is not made up mostly of casual gamers, but rather an extremely diverse set of users. The problem is NOT that the users are mostly these so called causal gamers. It is that there IS NO ONE MAJORITY on the Wii. Unlike the xbox360, which you may as well call the FPS Depot. It's easy to know what will sell on the 360, and face it the games being offered on there are really just clones of each other. Yahtzee rips those games apart FAR more than anything Nintendo.
PS3? It's inconsequential. If it is a model for what a good video game system should be then vacuum is a model for the best atmosphere needed to support life on earth. It's been out for a few years now, and it's still struggling to not slit it's own wrists. Why? Because the fucking 'hardcore' 'mature' gamers it's almost exclusively catering to will barely touch the damn thing!
Nintendo going out like sega? Um, huh? They should stop making video game consoles...because they are making more money then any other video game system? Because they are expanding the market by leaps and bounds? I'm sorry that it is so hard accept that Nintendo, that 'once great company that screwed up with the N64, and almost crashed and burned with the NGC' is the leader in hardware, software, and peripheral sales.
'Hardcore gamers', which I would consider myself one, our time as the main focus of the video game market is OVER. Deal with it. The market doesn't need us anymore. Oh it wants us, it wants our money, but it doesn't NEED us anymore. The video game industry is changing, in fact it never stopped. Remember when it was only okay for young kids to play video games? Well those kids grew up, then it was okay for older ones so they made more complex games. Then the kids became Teens and those games evolved in complexity and maturity. Those teens became young adults. Then middle aged people. Remember its been nearly 30 years since NES!
Those kids are now well into their thirty's, some are hitting their forties. They want to play video games still, it's what they did as a kid. They want complexity, they want something that is truly mature. Not, it has guns so it's mature. Or it has blood so it's mature. Or it's brown so it's mature. Because that isn't mature at all, it's juvenile. They want something complex so it's mature. They want something that requires their brain over their reflexes so it's mature. They also don't have time to sit down for 4-6 hours to play video games. They need simple games, games they can pick up on their lunch break, and put down before the meeting. Because they have jobs now! They are running corporations, and small business, and the government. Nintendo wanted those kids that grew up Nintendo back, most brilliant business move they EVER made. You don't like Wii? Thats fine, you don't have to. But your opinion does not change what is happening. The 'hardcore' market is shrinking. You think it's bad now, wait until the next batch of consoles come out. Sony and MS would be lunatics if they didn't start catering to the massive market that Nintendo has created. Fully expect at least Sony to do a full turn around of and copy, almost to the letter, exactly Nintendo's current business model.
With all that said, I don't like this game. I DO want a rather violent brawler game. But I'd like a few less gallons of blood and not quite so many constant screams of agony. I personally think that, perhaps, Sega went just a little too over the top.
Yahtzee. I love ya man, but back off Nintendo a little bit, eh? You are a VIDEO GAME REVIEWER. You have reviewed the Wii's -hardware- enough times already. Is it still necessary to start Wii reviews with instant Wii hardware hate rants? Is that really what people are tuning in for? Surely the game itself has enough flaws for you to rant about? It really is trite now. I'm a huge fan of your shows to you know. Wii hardware hate isn't funny anymore. It just wastes time to tell everyone the same thing. I wanted to hear about Mad World, Yahtzee, not the goddamn Wii your playing it on. It's just a little bit silly now. Heck, its even somewhat disturbing. It's like you sit in a dark closet blabbering to yourself about how it killed everyone in your family, what with it's waggles and all, and now you want revenge on it the only way you know how.