Zero Punctuation: Super Mario 3D World


New member
Dec 18, 2013
I think there should be a second video commentary where a new forum gets pick each week, where Yahtzee rips in to it on the comments posted there since that part of the video was one of the funniest parts i have seen in a long time, almost as good as the "spunk gargled wee wee" games.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Zachary Amaranth said:
Lightknight said:
[Haha, is it weird that I came here just to post that I was happy to hear him mention Bushido Blade?
Totally. Weirdo. >.>

I always thought Bushido Blade had a lot of potential. No store near me stocked the sequel, though, so I don't know if it was better or worse. So it hits this interesting nostalgia button where I love it more for what it could have been (though it wasn't a bad game).
BB2 was much better. Better graphics and gameplay with basically the same idea. I loved that game.

A BB3 would be much appreciated. Something about the lack of a health bar that made the game so unique. The way you could injure a limb or instantly kill just gives more weight to individual rounds. The use of feints to trick your opponents like in the real world fencing and the danger of each action just sticks with me. What a great game. Square Enix owns the rights to it, I think. I know I'd buy it and it doesn't need to be cutting edge graphics.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
Don't think Yahtzee made it to the end of the game.
Steve the Pocket said:
Oh god. After a whole generation of avoiding anything that even smells like social interaction with strangers over the Internet because Nintendo has exactly as much faith in humanity as they ought to, they've gone all the way over the edge and started forcing said interaction into games even in non-online mode in the stupidest possible way.

No, sorry, I don't care if Yahtzee compared your system favorably to the Xbox One and PS4; that is officially the stupidest "feature" I've heard of in a game all year, and Sony and Microsoft are going to have to try to beat it.
The social feature is optional.


New member
Aug 12, 2013
Zachary Amaranth said:
Lightknight said:
[Haha, is it weird that I came here just to post that I was happy to hear him mention Bushido Blade?
Totally. Weirdo. >.>

I always thought Bushido Blade had a lot of potential. No store near me stocked the sequel, though, so I don't know if it was better or worse. So it hits this interesting nostalgia button where I love it more for what it could have been (though it wasn't a bad game).
Bushido Blade feels like someone looked at other fighting games at the time and yelled out "These games don't make sense? It's not realistic at all!" and so set out to make a realistic fighting game.

And this showed us why realistic fighting games are a terrible idea. While someone rushing in and stabbing you in the chest would indeed kill you in one hit in real life with no chance of retaliation, it doesn't make a very fun game.

Also it showed us that guns destroy people with swords.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
blackrave said:
I feel that at this point Mario needs gritty reboot
Mario- obese plumber with drinking problems
Luigi- weed smoking brother of Mario with PTSD (after 2 tours in Afghanistan)
Peach- independent prostitute that Mario regularly buys
Bowser- local pimp

Story: Bowser and Peach gets into conflict because Bowser don't like independent girls working on his territory. In process Bowser kidnaps her with intent to sell her. Mario find it out. Luigi pulls some of his old contacts and gets weapons. Armed to the teeth Mario and Luigi goes against Bowser and his goons. Ultra-violent shenanigans ensue.

P.S. Although that kinda reminds me plot of Super

Never going to happen but we can dream.



I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Ah, Yhatzee, you always cheer me up when I'm feeling down...

Anyways, good review, the bits about catsuits, co-op and comments made me chuckle.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Thanatos2k said:
Bushido Blade feels like someone looked at other fighting games at the time and yelled out "These games don't make sense? It's not realistic at all!" and so set out to make a realistic fighting game.

And this showed us why realistic fighting games are a terrible idea. While someone rushing in and stabbing you in the chest would indeed kill you in one hit in real life with no chance of retaliation, it doesn't make a very fun game.

Also it showed us that guns destroy people with swords.
I found it incredibly fun and it sold well enough (BB2 did, anyways). The only reason the series died was due to a contract disagreement between Square and Light Weight. I actually don't know who owns the rights anymore.

There's something about the realism that simply beat the hell out of every other game at the time. Made actions seem more important. This is probably the biggest standout fighter franchise of my childhood. Virtua Fighter, Super Street Fighter, Mortal Combat, Dead or Alive, Tekken, and such, these all blended together with little really different besides the characters themselves (or, in DoA's case, the jiggly physics of the characters).

Bushido Blade stuck out and made me remember it. I have never had fun like it before or since. Did you play it?


New member
Apr 4, 2011
This was the first laugh-out-loud funny episode I've seen in a long time. Well done, Yahtzee. You made my day funnier.

Regarding the game/system, I'm on the fence on whether or not I'll get a WiiU. If it don't, it will be first Nintendo console that I haven't owned.

I've loved Mario, Zelda, and Metroid for a long time; even though I've gravitated away from Nintendo, I have a soft-spot for those series. On the WiiU, the upcoming Hyrule Warriors game looks like a lot of fun, and we know that there will eventually be a core Zelda game down the pipe, but I'm with Yahtzee when it comes to Mario: Nintendo has just be re-treading ground since Galaxy. Then there's Metroid; 2007's Metroid Prime 3 was the last good Metroid game and that was made by Retro Studios. There hasn't been a good made-in-house Metroid game since 2002's Metroid Fusion.

If I was given a WiiU, I would embrace it with happy glee, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to bring myself to purchasing one.

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
Xsjadoblayde said:
I may be a little late for this question, but where did the name 'Yahtzee' come from? Has it anything to do with that incredibly dull dice and something or another game that grandparents keep away for cold winter nights when the electricity dies?
He started off making games of his own and Yahtzee was a character of his.

Here's the Wiki link:


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Lightknight said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
Is it weird that the thing I liked most was the Bushido Blade reference? Well, that and Desk Mario.
Haha, is it weird that I came here just to post that I was happy to hear him mention Bushido Blade?
Hey, did you know they released bushido blade on PSN?

But only in japan.



Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Piecewise said:
Lightknight said:
Zachary Amaranth said:
Is it weird that the thing I liked most was the Bushido Blade reference? Well, that and Desk Mario.
Haha, is it weird that I came here just to post that I was happy to hear him mention Bushido Blade?
Hey, did you know they released bushido blade on PSN?

But only in japan.

I remember that. I recall learning about the release and hoping they'd release it in the US soon. *sigh*

I guess the closest thing we have right now is Chilvalry. Which is another really good game.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
This video was so funny I found myself farting uncontrollably because as much as I wanted to hold them in, my stomach muscles were all engaged with laughing and could spare only the feeblest efforts to keep my gas to myself, so staccato bursts of flatulence were escaping me more or less in time with my laughter, like my mouth and ass were doing a duet. Thank god I was home alone when I watched this.


I am the one who eats ants!
Jul 14, 2011

Also, I love Yahtzee... in my pants.


New member
Dec 17, 2013
I know people shout about the call of duty series being the same churned out game year in year out. But is it not the same for the mario series as well? or that's just how it seems to me anyhow.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Eh, I think one of the biggest problems with Nintendo is that they are never on the lookout for new IP's. Microsoft and Sony are trying to cash in on the new hotness with a bunch of publishers but Nintendo seems content to suck its thumb in the corner.

BTW, fun fact, a lot more furries than you think aren't much into fursuits, if at all, me included.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Ken_J said:
Find your gun.
Make sure it's loaded.
Put it to your temple.
Instructions were not clear enough, got stuck in my washing machine.

Seriously though, I've looked up videos of this game online, and maybe I'm just old and jaded (or not old and jaded enough), but I'm not sure what all the fuss and perfect scores are about. I don't see anything particularly interesting or original in anything there. Is having a 3D platformer that's actually competent now worth perfect review scores?


New member
Aug 5, 2009
One of the best videos of the year! Yahtzee looked like he was fellating the word "SPITE", and i will endeavor to use "human centipede" as a verb in conversation.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
With that, I may or may not buy this game, I'll look at more reviews.
blackrave said:
I feel that at this point Mario needs gritty reboot
Mario- obese plumber with drinking problems
Luigi- weed smoking brother of Mario with PTSD (after 2 tours in Afghanistan)
Peach- independent prostitute that Mario regularly buys
Bowser- local pimp

Story: Bowser and Peach gets into conflict because Bowser don't like independent girls working on his territory. In process Bowser kidnaps her with intent to sell her. Mario find it out. Luigi pulls some of his old contacts and gets weapons. Armed to the teeth Mario and Luigi goes against Bowser and his goons. Ultra-violent shenanigans ensue.

P.S. Although that kinda reminds me plot of Super
"10/10 dead babies, it's okay" - IGN
Hutzpah Chicken said:
FPLOON said:
(Also, I would love a Wii U that could play all my "retro" VHS tapes...)
VHS? Dude, Beta tape is where it's at.

I had forgotten about the Wii U until you mentioned it, Yahtzee. Nintendo doesn't care about keeping Mario fresh because they know their audience is either under the age of 10 and has an attention span of 2 seconds or people in their 20's who still play Super Mario 64.
Live theater is the only way to see a story!