...Oh awesome...Yahtzee's a Mother-series fan...o.o Yeah, why the Hell wouldn't they release Mother 3 outside Japan? Do they think that just because we never got Mother 1 we're going to suddenly hate it up the ass? @_@; Or heck, why not release the Mother 1/2 combo? You can call it "Earthbound 0" If you like, you know...nobody's going to complain..and you could even call Mother 3 "EarthBound 2" and we STILL wouldn't mind because we KNOW IT EXISTS AND WE WANT IT DAMNIT! @_@;
...So yeah...<.<; Though I find it just a tad ironic that Yahtzee is complaining about a Japanese-Only release...while at the same time wondering who Marth is...Marth, the character who didn't even exist outside Japan until he was found in Melee...who then went on to star in several American releases with reasonable success. Granted, it's not a great tragedy that he doesn't recognize Marth...
I'm also a little surprised nothing came up about online play...I'm not sure if that's because Australia doesn't provide Brawl services *an entirely reasonable assumption* or just because Yahtzee never bothered to try it out...either way, it would've been interesting to see what he'd have to say about it, especially since I haven't gotten to try it out yet.
By the way, here are a few ways to tell if you're "That Guy".
1. You have a main character that you prefer to play all the time in "serious play".
2. You call that character your "main", because saying "Main Character" is just far too many syllables.
3. You regularly win tournaments of this game...especially notable for Brawl since it just came out this year.
4. You earned a trophy for playing 20 hours of brawls...without trying.
5. You also earned the one for playing 100 hours of brawls...without cheating.
6. You completed the Subspace Emissary first, so that you could find out which character would be your "Main".
7. Or you did NOT do it first, because you wanted to unlock all the characters the "classic" way.
8. Your "Main" is not based on any video game you knew and loved as a child or adolescent, but solely on their attributes as a fighter. (Not only implying that you only care about him for his attributes, but that you're paying close enough attention to form a tier level in your mind).
9. You have lost sleep trying to play this game all alone.
10. None of your friends want your friend code...and they never want to go near your Wii when they're at your house...if they even visit.
11. Slightly elongated abdomin, with a leaf pattern, symbolizes the difference between the "Casual" Brawl fan, and a "That Guy".
12. You can think of at least 12 ways to tell that you're "That Guy".
13. Though to be fair, I'm only "That Guy" with my family, who doesn't get to play it that often...amongst my college clique, I barely register as a casual fan.
14. I think I should probably get some sleep now.
15. Goodnight.
16. Zzzzzz...
Edit: Having said all that I've said, I have to remind myself to also say: I LIKE Brawl. It's not the BEST game in the cosmos ever, but it's very entertaining platforming/Fighting fun, even if you're doing it all alone. SSE, while it DID take awhile *Unless you're just really good at speed running things, which I'm NOT*, does unlock every character for you once you're done (That damn hedgehog IS a ***** to unlock...fastest thing alive my ass) and once you have unlocked it, you really only have as much skill as it took to get through the game...even less if you decided to just give up on SNK-boss Tabuu, who comes complete with teleportation, massive beam attacks, and of course, the instant-death move that you can only avoid by being really good or practically cheating. But now I'm ranting again...what I meant to say was that this game, for all its flaws, is STILL really good.