Zero Punctuation: The World Ends With You


New member
May 28, 2008
Ambition said:
I say "Meh".

Unless Escapist is handing him these games to review, he needs to just stop reviewing them and do something he's not already going to dislike in it's entirety - which leads to, in my opinion, a less than stellar job (go watch SimCities review to get what I mean.)

What we know about Yahtzee:

1.) He hates JRPGS
2.) He hates People.
3.) He hates JRPGS.

It's called a genre for a reason, and I haven't seen anything change in it since Chronotrigger (the last good one).

Yahtzee, next week, just pre-review every JRPG to come out in the next ten years and tell us it's really going to suck - you won't be telling us anything new, and ten years from now you can say 'I told you so'.
It's not called a genre though, the genre in this case would be RPG.

Saying it's a genre would be like saying "Action Movies By Steven Speilberg" is a genre (or quake maps for that matter if you're going to complain that there are enough JRPGs for it to be a legitimate genre, I guarantee there are more Quake maps than JRPGs out there).

I always love reading people telling Yahtzee what to do. He has pulled in however many million viewers and single handedly popularised this site, but he clearly needs advice from someone as knowledgeable and important as you.
Feb 13, 2008
Does anyone thing that someone in the Escapist is just feeding him these to keep his Bile Level Maxxed out?

And how come REM's song was used when "No More Heroes" was too obvious, eh?


New member
Feb 13, 2008
Hold on a second... Yahtzee is good at Guiat Hero? Isn't that what he complained about in his review of GHIII? And illustrated in his review of SSBB?
And I'd like to see what he thinks of Metal Gear Solid 4 when it comes out. I hear it has multiple 90-minute cutscenes!


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Hell, if he thinks that TWEWY is bad for cutscenes... play the original Xenosaga. It's like watching a movie that you have to walk around and figure out where the next scene is...


New member
Apr 10, 2007
*watches review*

Um, Yahtzee, stop reading my thoughts. That little monologue at the beginning of the review was me thinking "What the hell, he hates JRPGs!"

Yahtzee, I don't get why you hate dialog so much and profess to love the Mother series. Unless you've got a version where the turn based battles are replaced with first person shooters.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I see Yahtzee's point on this...

In a game like say... Trapt. The cutscenes usually make little to no sense whatsoever, and are overly and unnecessarily long. In games like Bioshock, where the action is constant (not breaking out of the character) it's much more fluid.

It reminds me of his review on Mass Effect... however, I do believe that the cutscenes in that game are quite entertaining and relevant to everything.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Well, it's good to know why Yahtzee hates JRPGs. All complete valid reasons. Myself, I just loathe the random encounters and not being able to move and explore my environment. But I'm a platformer gal.

I get a sick satisfaction knowing the dual battle gimmick ended up being impossible. I always suspected it would be- either you'd have to abandon one of through any semblance of strategy to the wind and go buttonmashy on it.

Happy birthday, Yahtzee. You're an adult male who reviews video games for a living, you rock star.

owosso said:
Hold on a second... Yahtzee is good at Guiat Hero? Isn't that what he complained about in his review of GHIII? And illustrated in his review of SSBB?
And I'd like to see what he thinks of Metal Gear Solid 4 when it comes out. I hear it has multiple 90-minute cutscenes!
He's good at GH and probably GHII. He was bitching in the GHIII review about the difficulty, so no, he's not good at GHIII.

Kaos Incarnate

New member
May 7, 2008
Poptart Fairy said:
Kaos Incarnate said:
Codgo said:
Yahtzee pretty much sumes up everything i can't stand about JRPGs. Why are these games so damn stale?
I feel that way about FPSs, except for Timesplitters...
I fail to see why people keep bringing this argument up.

"I think RPGs are stale."

"lol other genres are stale!"

I mean...yay? I think a lot of RPGs are tired and samey, that doesn't mean I immediatly class other types as awesome and original.
I wasn't arguing, I was mearly stating my preference to FPSs


New member
Apr 24, 2008
Wrothgarr said:
I've never heard of this game before but I already agree with everything he says about it. Non-existant pre-order theoretically cancelled
You know how fucking retarded that sounds


I mean, I don't even care about the damn game.

Kaos Incarnate

New member
May 7, 2008
LadyZephyr said:
Well, it's good to know why Yahtzee hates JRPGs. All complete valid reasons. Myself, I just loathe the random encounters and not being able to move and explore my environment. But I'm a platformer gal.

I get a sick satisfaction knowing the dual battle gimmick ended up being impossible. I always suspected it would be- either you'd have to abandon one of through any semblance of strategy to the wind and go buttonmashy on it.

Happy birthday, Yahtzee. You're an adult male who reviews video games for a living, you rock star.
May I point out random battles aren't in TWEWY and the dual screen battle isn't that hard, or at least to me it isn't hard.


New member
May 28, 2008
I agree entirely with Yahtzee, JRPGS are indeed catered to a select group of gamers.
But then so are all video games really but I suppose these types of games have a smaller audience overall, at least outside japan anyway. I've played my fair share of jrpgs but only ever bothered to complete maybe 2, if that. Western rpgs on the other hand, like diablo, mass effect, etc were brilliant and i replayed them many times. Its weird really as the basic gameplay elements aren't that different. Maybe its that most western rpgs don't have you reading mountains and mountains of text and generally have more intuitive gameplay mechanics, at least from my experience.

Oh and this is my first post, long time watcher/reader though. Kills me that I missed seeing Yahtzee in person last weekend, ah well hopefully I'll make his next trip to melbourne.


New member
May 28, 2008
Great review , laughed my ass off.
Also coming from the standpoint of a person who loved "Star wars:knights of the Old Republic" i have to say most JRPGs have that boring unskipable useless dialog, that they cram in just to claim the "We have 30 hrs of game play!" sticker like most JRPGs with some story would have anyways.Seriously it feels like I'm having my ear canals raped by a man wearing a sandpaper condom.

Again Great review keep it up!