Zero Punctuation: Torchlight


New member
Apr 7, 2009
Not a terribly strong finishing joke, even with the ice-cream sandwich. You might have been better off going with a pun like:
"Torchlight - It's worth lighting on fire with a torch."
Dec 6, 2009
I was an enormous Diablo 2 fan. I played that game for over four years. So when Torchlight comes out everybody I know recommends it to me knowing I'm going to love it.

Let me just point out then for those of you who are unaware: Torchlight sucks. Hard. It's repetitive and boring and not even worth the three dollars. I played it for one hour before tossing it. Please don't tell me that if you love Diablo2 you're going to love Torchlight, because Torchlight is absolutely nothing but a carbon copy of Diablo 2 with all the fun taken out.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Lol, that bit about the towns being built on top of Satan gave me a mental image of a sleazy looking real estate agent with a nasally voice trying to sell the land to a group of settlers.

Real Estate agent: "Yes this is the perfect spot for your new town. We hardly have any problems with demonic hoards or evil death cults."
Settler: Umm... isn't that the Hellmouth over there?
Real Estate agent: "NO! Umm... uh no, in fact that's the perfect spot to build your church. Yes..."


New member
Aug 29, 2009
I actually preferred Diablo's combat style to Guild War's "click and let the game play itself" combat style.
The lack of customization was irritating though...


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I must say this game was awesome.. Albeit i lost interest as soon as i beat it.. It Diablo done right! The game is simply there to hold you off til Diablo 3..


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Couple of things, guys:

- Torchlight is extremely similar to Diablo BECAUSE it was made by another group of ex-Diablo developers that also made FATE.

- Those not satisfied with the vanilla game can try to brew their own flavors with its very own company-provided modding tool, TorchED, so you can get rid of everything that made the vanilla game's shortcomings and design your own with complete reckless abandon, and some other third-party developed modding tools.

The modding community is picking up rather well in spite of the game being a few months old. Just go check out the game's official forums about it if it interests you.

- I take it Yahtzee didn't bother commenting on the modding community, either because he doesn't give a rat's arse about it, or he doesn't have the permission to extend the review to touch upon that.
Dec 6, 2009
kitetsu said:
Couple of things, guys:

- Those not satisfied with the vanilla game can try to brew their own flavors with its very own company-provided modding tool, TorchED, so you can get rid of everything that made the vanilla game's shortcomings and design your own with complete reckless abandon, and some other third-party developed modding tools.
Modding shouldn't be an excuse for companies to deliver a mediocre game. If I buy a bike from someone, I don't want them to just give me a pair of handlebars and say: "Don't worry, there are tons of bike-building communities out there if you aren't satisfied with your handlebars." How about instead of relying on fans to finish your game for you, you actually spend some time into making it yourself?


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Torchlight is a pretty fun game, and I agree with Yahtzee as well. Pathfinding is generall poor, although the pet teleports to you if you go to far away from it. And the Face-metly-death-beam is just that. It kills nearly everything in at least one hit.

Although, for $20 it was pretty fun, and the modding tools, once you figure out how to not screw up, are pretty fun. Also, there are already dozens upon dozens of mods for new character classes, new potions like more xp, more gold, always identified mods (which are a big help), more levels, etc.

The game is made for modding, and it is fun. The game, that is.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Dont Fear The Reaper said:
kitetsu said:
Couple of things, guys:

- Those not satisfied with the vanilla game can try to brew their own flavors with its very own company-provided modding tool, TorchED, so you can get rid of everything that made the vanilla game's shortcomings and design your own with complete reckless abandon, and some other third-party developed modding tools.
Modding shouldn't be an excuse for companies to deliver a mediocre game. If I buy a bike from someone, I don't want them to just give me a pair of handlebars and say: "Don't worry, there are tons of bike-building communities out there if you aren't satisfied with your handlebars." How about instead of relying on fans to finish your game for you, you actually spend some time into making it yourself?
Probably because that's what the team is actually aiming for. Honestly, this isn't the first time I've seen cases like this.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Sounds exactly like Fate. And Fate was very similar to Diablo. This is no small coincidence, no, it turns out the development was led by the designers of both Fate and Diablo. I don't know why the fuck they can't just move past Diablo styled gameplay, or try to top it in every way possible instead of just continuously releasing Diablo-ish games that aren't as good as Diablo.

Nevertheless, I liked Fate, but found it a tad repetitive and found the skill system kind of awkward. I thoroughly enjoyed Diablo, so I think I might like Torchlight.


New member
May 28, 2008
Haha I love Torchlight but everything he said is so true. The game is awesome but definitely not worth more than 10 bucks :p


New member
Jan 14, 2010
How do we ask yahtzee to review a game? I want him to play league of legends or one of the other MOBA games.

BTW this is very thinly veiled attempt to get refferals :)


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Now I just need $10 bucks to try it. When is he going to review something free, like Paper, Rock, Scizzors?