Zero Punctuation: Torchlight


New member
Aug 2, 2006
DirtyCommie said:
geldonyetich said:
just dragging Diablo 10 years into the future but, damn it, it's about time somebody did a good job of it.
A wild Titan Quest Immortal Throne appears!
Titan Quests was one of the better attempts, I'll give you that, but it didn't impress me much on the grounds that it probably should have innovated further considering we're talking a game that was out some 6 years after Diablo II.

That's the main gripe Yahtzee sees here with Torchlight: sure, you've made a fairly good Diablo, but you didn't make a significantly better one considering how long it's been since Diablo II came out.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
"Oh that's a fine lookin sucka"
made me LOL
that was great

Did Yahtzee sound oddly awkward this time around to anybody? It sounded like he had too much saliva in his mouth and his tongue kept slipping up.

Good episode otherwise though :)


New member
May 10, 2009
Wouldn't you be able to buy two ice cream sandwiches with $3? This game has even more against it now! Also, very funny etc, reminds me of Yatzee's old videos.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
ChillinMargrave said:
Lovely review, I liked the puns and calculations. It did make me a bit wondering if I should buy it or not, I probably won't tho.
He pretty much covered it all. I liked it at the $5 price point and it's probably worth $10 if you really liked Diablo I & II but wished you could cut out the pretense of a story, add some shared storage for all of your characters, travel with a dog or a cat (instead of your friends) down into the giant hole under the town where you go spelunking for monsters to kill so you can sell all of their clothes and weapons that they drop and occasionally go fishing so you can turn your dog into a gremlin hippopotamus who can carry your stolen lewt back to the surface on a shopping trip.

Plus, it's got pretty graphics.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
FoolKiller said:
Finally... a genre that works better with a controller than keyboard and mouse. They just need to learn to streamline the inventory system.
Yeah, that's my opinion as well, just check out Champions of Norrath for the PS2, a Diablo clone based on the EverQuest universe which plays wonderfully with the PS2 controller (and it avoids those horrible jumping puzzles from Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel). In my opinion that's the best game the genre has produced so far.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Yes but ENN is on the week before it's 20th episode ZP is on the week before it's 124th. This and also four other series that have been on here for less time have badges running around them.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Ren3004 said:
signingupforgames said:
Why is it that Yahtzee is the only show without content badges?
It's not the only one, ENN doesn't have badges either (that I know of).
Yes but ENN is on the week before it's 20th episode ZP is on the week before it's 124th. This and also four other series that have been on here for less time have badges running around them.

The Extremist

New member
Sep 14, 2007
For once I actually feel obligated to call Yahtzee out as being full of it.

As others have already said, it's mostly funny, but his whining about the controls and the dog selling stuff for you in town tell me two things:
[li] Yahtzee is a console gamer that can't be trusted with anything but WASD, left click and right click on a PC; and[/li]
[li] His claim that he spent upwards of 10 hours playing the game is false... Unless he couldn't be arsed to read the tutorials and didn't even try to click and hold his mouse cursor over an enemy.[/li]

Firstly, controls: Action RPGS and MMOs generally have interfaces designed for keyboards and mice. This means a hotbar activated with the number keys and even using those fabled function keys (that is, F1-F12) console-exclusive gamers have heard so much about. Also, you can click and hold your mouse button to keep attacking. I don't know what the hell he was doing but he was doing it wrong.

Secondly, the pet: Purely a convenience. In *other* ARPGs you have to go back to town every few minutes, identify your equipment (in the case of Diablo 1 & 2, not so in the case of Dungeon Siege 2) and flog it. Most ARPG players will be familiar with the eventual loot strategy of "leaving everything that isn't magical" to be as space and time efficient as possible. In Torchlight you can continue picking up everything. You just shift+click on white items to have your pet pick them up directly so you don't have to sort through them in your main inventory anyway. The only valid grievance I see here is the lack of an "auto identify" or "identify all" button.

*EDIT: Another random quibble -- Torchlight isn't just a Steam game. You can buy through at least two other download services as well as directly Runic or the publisher.

Yahtzee Croshaw

New member
Aug 8, 2007
funny review overall, but I really wonder how Yahtzee always manages to have control issues, even in games that have the same controls as tons of games before them...
sorry, but if you're having problems with the controls or don't know which key opens / closes the map etc it might be time to have a short look in the manual. Or, if you don't want to do that, try the usual keys for that in games, i.e. the tab key or just M.

Other than that, the review was pretty entertaining, although I think Yahtzee is running into a problem: He's made fun of most gaming cliches out there and it seems to be getting harder to say something new and funny about the ones he encounters now.

Moose Fisher

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Surprising that a game led by Travis Baldree, designer of Fate, and Max Schaefer and Erich Schaefer, co-designers of Diablo and Diablo II, would share qualities of their previous works...

Adding to the chorus, you can hold down the left mouse button to continue attacking. Holding down shift will let you stand in place so you don't have jitter about like a bug.

While the lack of online multiplayer is one of my major complaints, I love the ability to share loot with my other characters.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
This game really makes me doubt your game skills or your ability to read. Several times I have seen the message "Hold down the button or key to ATTACK CONTINUOUSLY." I had the same issue with the flood of potions. I paid for a few and after a few hours I had a large pool full of the shit. And yes the friendly NPCs are unable to figure out the difficulties of following you and copying your turns.

One thing you didnt touch on was the claim that each time you play through the game, each level is randomized. This way when you play through the second time, you dont already know where everything is.

The alchemist is very easy to make over powered. I put no skills in the defense attribute, and load skill points into minions and knock back for the missles.


New member
May 21, 2009
roflmao, thats awsome, i loved the part about the ice cream sandwitch. lol.

and i finally played diablo 2 yesterday for the first time, so i know exactly what u are tralkign about, i hate the huge overlying map thing, annoyign as hell!!!