Zero Punctuation: Torchlight


New member
Mar 16, 2009
When I saw he was going to review Torchlight, I thought to myself "Aw man, he's totally gonna hate this game". Good to know I wasn't disappointed. I did notice some inconsistencies in his review, especially concerning having to click every time you attack. I can just hold down the left mouse button. I think I can finally say that Ben Croshaw is the Armond White of video games.


New member
Feb 28, 2009
stok3r said:
its been like 3 minutes, how could you have watched it already?
4 min nearly 5 min vid you couldnt of watched it either your post also isnt on topic.

On topic ive never even heard of this game lol what console is it on?


New member
Feb 10, 2009
They have schools for dolphin telegraph operators ?

But seruiously. Diablo gave me arthritis in my mouse finger (this is not a joke. im serious I have pain even now!) so I will pass on TL.

Oh and Spirit of Fire.... assuming your being serious... watch the vid again for the 6 times where Yahtzee mentions what platform its on.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Have to disagree with Yahtzee on this one. For a small game that was born from the ashes of the Flagship Studio fiasco, they've done quite alright. It's a pretty good game for the $3 I spent on it, heck its better value than COD:MW2.
Sep 4, 2009
victorluft said:
To quibble in re: the three rooms/copy paste thing, *all* of the levels are randomly generated, so there is that. Also you can just hold down the mouse button instead of clicking until your fingers fall off if you prefer.
That's a fair point, but it then raises the question - "why the mouse button needs to be held down instead of just one click = auto attack?".

I mean, if the multi click was to try and add some intensity to the experience, it isn't working, and as for holding it down on the enemy? I can't think of any other times I've click and held a mouse *without* dragging it to move something from place to place (ie drag file to recycling bin or click&drag with the pen tool in photoshop).

Now I admit I've never played Diablo 2, but I've been using a mouse for nearly 20 years and probably 10 different GUI operating systems so I still say its a weird way to play a large part of the game.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Can't agree more. Torchlight = overrated POS. The only good thing about it is that it's only a couple of bucks.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Spirit_Of_Fire said:
stok3r said:
its been like 3 minutes, how could you have watched it already?
4 min nearly 5 min vid you couldnt of watched it either your post also isnt on topic.

On topic ive never even heard of this game lol what console is it on?
Hey Yo! Never said i did. Just noticed that there was a post like a minute after it got posted.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Just an observation.

The splash screen in the lower-right during the intro has a double-image of Yahtzee holding a controller and him sitting at his computer. This could be ironic if it was a multiplatform game but I think he just forgot to turn off the transparency for one of the layers.

A bit hilarious when I caught it.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
why did he do torchlight, it's kinda old, and he has other games he can review, like fallout 3 part 2... oh wait i mean borderlands, or darksiders, or bayanetta.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
beema said:
Did Yahtzee sound oddly awkward this time around to anybody? It sounded like he had too much saliva in his mouth and his tongue kept slipping up.
That's an image that will stay with me for some time!


New member
Jan 30, 2008
Why am I even bothering to comment?

This game sounds like Fate, which plays like NetHack, which was basically a distillation of other freeware Dungeon Crawler games. I was as addicted to Fate as I was to NetHack, and if I got this I'd probably play it to distraction while wondering why, when I have Dragon Age.

And as much as I loved Oblivion, you did have to click every time you wanted to hit an enemy. Same with Fallout 3, near as I remember. I stopped playing that once GFWL screwed me out of my DLC. Okay, with Fallout 3 there were guns, and you could hold down the button, but still.

Also, I am a female with very large breasts (DDD, if anyone knows what that means) and I was a fair archer.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
muahahahaha i enjoyed this one, pretty fun and insightful, also quick john defoe reference eh?
(oh yeah your doomsday arcade appearence was cool, just that i thought that they would give you some dialogue) ,anyway preetty awesome

Sexy Street

New member
Sep 15, 2009
Cpt_Oblivious said:
I'd have to disagree this week. Torchlight is a great game for killing time and relieving stress. You're pissed off, you want to kill lots of stuff, it lets you and makes you feel awesome for it. And as for "Clicking everywhere", Yahtzee fails to notice you can hold the mouse button down to continually move and attack.
Aleate said:
Why does every "rpg" nowadays need a dog?
You can have a cat instead.
RagingScottsman said:
Brilliant review. I hate game-play where I'm prone to develop carpel tunnel by the second dungeon.
Having sunk 10 hours into it in the past week, I cna safely say you won't. I'm on the 29th floor and no adverse effects yet.
So does that mean the game is fun? I am wondering if I should get it.


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2009
Why, WHY does Yahtzee has almost always the same opinion on a game as me? Or is it that great minds think alike? :D

Also, this one made me laugh like a Japanese schoolgirl...


New member
Nov 18, 2007
Hmmm, I derive no enjoyment from a Yahtzee installment that bashes a Game that dares to be incredibly polished and easy to enjoy when there are so many EA and Activision soulless knock offs he could be criticizing instead.

Shame really, he's becoming as narrow sited as most games reviewers.

Oh and where was the mod talk? The mod system is what makes Torchlight such incredible value ... Man, you really are a typical knuckle-dragging console gamer. For shame.


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
Sexy Street said:
Cpt_Oblivious said:
I'd have to disagree this week. Torchlight is a great game for killing time and relieving stress. You're pissed off, you want to kill lots of stuff, it lets you and makes you feel awesome for it. And as for "Clicking everywhere", Yahtzee fails to notice you can hold the mouse button down to continually move and attack.
Aleate said:
Why does every "rpg" nowadays need a dog?
You can have a cat instead.
RagingScottsman said:
Brilliant review. I hate game-play where I'm prone to develop carpel tunnel by the second dungeon.
Having sunk 10 hours into it in the past week, I cna safely say you won't. I'm on the 29th floor and no adverse effects yet.
So does that mean the game is fun? I am wondering if I should get it.
It's definately worth a try.