Zero Punctuation: XBLA Double Bill

A.I. Sigma

New member
Sep 17, 2008

Yes, I suppose it is. I must find out sometime. I read your posts now because they seem somewhat relevant (it might be because they are actually directed at me), but whatever. I get grumpy at two in the morning, and I can't be bothered starting a silly argument over nothing.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
yourkie1921 post=6.72328.761481 said:
THEY DID! Did you even play the game, or are you just mindlessly agreeing with Yahtzee, too? No human can jump two stories... but with a bionic arm, you can get up there with ease! Need to get over spikes? Bionic arm! Need to pull down that concrete wall? Bionic arm! So you can't jump. So what?
Because if my legs aren't broken the only device I'd use to go over an object lower than 2 feet is that instant teleportation device from unreal. And even then I might just jump anyway. I don't care if you don't NEED to jump, you shouldn't NEED to use a device to get over something you should be able to jump over. And I didn't play the game because the only things I've ever spent MS on are Psychonauts and Fable, and I don't have enough to get bionic commando and even if I did I'd rather spend that money on castlevania.
I'm sorry, your argument is just dead now. You're actually arguing against creativity and variety in gameplay at this point, and I just won't debate that. It's simply ridiculous. I'll just say this last thing: Yahtzee loved Portal and you could jump in Portal... but it was basically a useless appendage. You got everywhere using portals, so you didn't ever NEED to jump. Bionic Commando is no different... except they took out the unnecessary option of jumping.

I'm done.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
I said I don't care if you NEED to jump. SO I don't care if it's a needless advantage.

I'm not arguing against creativity and gameplay innovation. I want that, but only if it's good innovation.

By the way, I like the idea of the bionic arm.

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
OuroborosChoked post=6.72328.761534 said:
I'm sorry, your argument is just dead now. You're actually arguing against creativity and variety in gameplay at this point, and I just won't debate that. It's simply ridiculous. I'll just say this last thing: Yahtzee loved Portal and you could jump in Portal... but it was basically a useless appendage. You got everywhere using portals, so you didn't ever NEED to jump. Bionic Commando is no different... except they took out the unnecessary option of jumping.

I'm done.
Could you have your head any further up your own arse? That guy quite blatently wasn't arguing against creativity or variety in a game. He was saying that you shouldn't have to rely on one piece of equipment for whole or a game. I think it's a fair comment to say you should be able to jump a realistic height over small obstacles, what's wrong with that?

Now, I'm not defending or bashing Yahtzee with this next bit, his reviews are sound and funny if the faults are a bit exaggerated in places but that's his job when it comes down to it. I just think that you are bashing him yourself for God knows what reason. First of all, it's vital to Portal that you have the ability to jump. The fact that you point out that Yahtzee liked it first and then critised this feature shows to me that you haven't play Portal and you're just trying to stir up controversy and bait his fanboys for no apparent reason.
I'm not a huge fan of Yahtzee, it just pisses me off when people try provoke someone into agruing with them for no obvious reason except for maybe it gives you a stiffy.

This is why I stay in the Off Topic/Games sections.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Could you have your head any further up your own arse? That guy quite blatently wasn't arguing against creativity or variety in a game. He was saying that you shouldn't have to rely on one piece of equipment for whole or a game. I think it's a fair comment to say you should be able to jump a realistic height over small obstacles, what's wrong with that?
Thank you.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
I read all these pages, struggle past my inability to understand certain styles of sarcasm (notably the fast talking variants) and what do I get? Yahtzee reiterating his opinion. HILARITY.

These videos are not long enough for actual reviews, the "sarcasm" and "wit" is unamusing and Yahtzee is doing "I'm British! Isn't that funny?" a bit much.

Nitro 288

New member
Jun 5, 2008
Glad you finally reviewed Castle Crasher, even if it was a small part in the overall video. Indeed, the humor had me going throughout the entire game, but the spells and animal orbs brought in a neat addition to the game.

However, the only gripe i have with it is the network issue, in which sometimes players lag out of a gaming session.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
While I love your videos I feel compelled to point out that you say you prefer the games you played FIRST, yet berate US for letting nostalgia cloud our judgement. Just sayin.


New member
Oct 3, 2007
Lol this was stupid, basically Yahtzee's argument is just the reverse of people who claim all classic games are better than new games.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
lol, i remember trying to play the games in this arcade in the westfeild near where i live. it was fun. i was also 6 so i sucked balls. :S

unfortunatly, this arcade was replaced by an aldi and a reject shop. D: so ergh...

funny stuff. :D


New member
May 7, 2008
Ugh, this was just painful to watch. Croshaw is really dragging his ass now.

Of course, if I were to say his stuff from months ago was better I'd probably be accused of nostalgia, which this video tells me is bad. So instead I'll have to assume it was probably never good to begin with.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
GojiraX post=6.72328.762253 said:
Ugh, this was just painful to watch. Croshaw is really dragging his ass now.

Of course, if I were to say his stuff from months ago was better I'd probably be accused of nostalgia, which this video tells me is bad. So instead I'll have to assume it was probably never good to begin with.
lol {Burn}


New member
Feb 14, 2008
GojiraX post=6.72328.762253 said:
Ugh, this was just painful to watch. Croshaw is really dragging his ass now.

Of course, if I were to say his stuff from months ago was better I'd probably be accused of nostalgia, which this video tells me is bad. So instead I'll have to assume it was probably never good to begin with.
I personally don't see whats wrong with yahtzee's reviews they all seem decent to me. Better than the bile that is produced on youtube that tries to copy him.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
GojiraX post=6.72328.762253 said:
Ugh, this was just painful to watch. Croshaw is really dragging his ass now.

Of course, if I were to say his stuff from months ago was better I'd probably be accused of nostalgia, which this video tells me is bad. So instead I'll have to assume it was probably never good to begin with.
You know, I have an idea. How about you re-watch his old reviews. It's not like re-playing super mario 64 which could take forever, all you have to do is watch 2-5 minute videos.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Funny thing about this video, though... most of us are probably here because of the nostalgia of ourselves tittering like little ninnies when we first saw Yahtzee's ZP videos.

"Well, the first one had me in stiches, I bet number 100 can't be so bad!"


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Sunshine better than mario 64?
Twilight princess bestter than ocarina?
Whats yatzhee been smoking cause i want some of that!

Either he's high or he is trying to be controversal for the sake of his videos. Ocarina was immensely superior to twilight princess.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
27CDruid post=6.72328.762614 said:
Sunshine better than mario 64?
Twilight princess bestter than ocarina?
Whats yatzhee been smoking cause i want some of that!

Either he's high or he is trying to be controversal for the sake of his videos. Ocarina was immensely superior to twilight princess.
I disagree...Well if you like Zelda games I can't speak a lot about OOT or Twilight since I hate Zelda. And to me deciding which one is better is like deciding whether horse or dog crap tastes better. And mario64 was better than sunshine when you take in account the time it was released, but if that's how you consider it you're looking at it the wrong way.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Is it just me or are Yahtzees reviews loosing their wit and humor? The first few were great, now its turning into a slope of, well god forbid, slope of shitness. Maybe I just need to re-watch them again when I am in a more spaced out mood.


New member
Jan 8, 2008
Awesome review, I might buy castle crashers when I get a chance.

'I think Hitler was right' wow where did that come from LMAO.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
Stcb post=6.72328.760566 said:
anti_strunt post=6.72328.759139 said:
By the way, what if what he actually said was "Hitler was WRIGHT" - coming off his Spore review, that would actually make a lot of sense. Or maybe it wouldn't, but still.
While I enjoy the debating that's going on in this topic, I think you guys are reading way too much into what is essentially a parody of the serious video game reviewing community. The "Hitler was right!" comment was in there to prove that the last part, if not all of the video relating to classic gaming automatically being bad was at least partly sarcastic.

Or perhaps he really does like TP better than OOT, which I can respect, but not agree with. If you really care, I've let a total of three friends up to this point borrow both TP and then OOT, and they all enjoyed Ocarina much more. The most cited reason was the story, level design, items, and, most of all, originality. Don't get me wrong here; Twilight Princess is a wonderful game that probably deserves a spot in the Top 25, but it still can't touch what is widely considered by video game critics to be the best game ever made.
Personally, I just like the idea of Will Wright being compared to a genocidal dictator.