Various gamers being scared to try other games, because they're afraid of difficulty or it not being like COD. One dude was scared to pick up another game, because he afraid of difficulty. I showed him Doom 4, and he said that he played Doom back in the day, but there was hesitation. He decided not to get anything. Another time, some teenager was deciding between Black Ops 2 and Dark Souls III. He claims to say he played the previous game, II, but started asking how hard it was. I told him, if you go through the 2nd game fine, you get through it. Also, his mom showed some concern on him eyeing Dark Soul III. She asked about the content, and I told her "Do you let him consonantly play COD or GTA?" She said yes. I say "Congratulations, he's already played more violent and explicit games." She responds "Oh, thank you." The son still ends up picking up BLOPS2. I don't get some people. They boast about how they're "good", experts, or playing on the hardest difficulty of a military shooter. Nearly anytime it is something else different, shooter or not, they start panicking or getting scared. Or thinking getting a game over will be the worst thing ever. Just have fun, Jesus. Stop worrying about the challenge. That is what easy mode is for.