I haven't actually played Darksiders 3. My main iissue with 1 and 2 was that for what they had on offer gameplay wise they kind of dragged out well past their welcome (which would also be my general summary of Biomutant as that goes).
Like Zelda is a "RPG" allegedly, but they're all in all pretty short action games with some side mechanics. If thats your influence then you don't need to throw out a giant slog.
3 is pretty short even compared to soul game, much shorter than darksider 2. It's an okay game but nothing special.
Biomutant was okay-ish, but the idea of your character mutation changing them was pretty much a massive lie and what we got was a really underwhelming/generic open world game with the usual loot system. I guess my biggest issue with it is that after I explored 1/4 of the world I had already unlocked just about every gameplay system (weapon/power/feature) and it wasn't interesting enough to carry me trough the other 3/4.
From their other entry. Elex was kinda interesting but possibly in unintentional ways, the gameplay was really eurojanky which made it interesting because you'd get your ass kicked by most enemy and you had to constantly find creative solution to combat encounter and had to really scrounge for resources, at least for the first 15 hours or so. I'm wondering if they'll build on that for Elex 2 or if it'll be just be too polished to have any interesting aspect but not polished enough to be interesting.
I guess any owner is better than SE (well maybe not activision or EA) but I'm not holding my breath for another great deus ex.