Watching the State of Play right now. Combat definitely looks like be leagues better than FFXV. All the attacks and skills feel like they have weight to them. Not sure how reliable the skill point recommendation will be. In my experience, these recommendations never really worked.
AI companions always seem to be hit or miss. I hope there are at least a few tactical settings for them.
Will the stroy focused vs action focused be the difficulty settings?
Battling against other dominance icons sounds really cool. Interactive icon battles? Holy shit. They all look so good. They are all here; Shiva, Ramuh, Ifirit, Titan, Bahamut, omg....
I am always fascinated with moogles in FF games; They have such a presence in the series, yet also feel so... out of character in each game. Same in this game.
The world looks gorgeous, man.
So the game looks great and all, but then I realized I will be waiting 6 months before I can play it on PC.