Cyberpunk 2077 Review thread - Umm....

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008

So a collector's edition for an expansion. Has this ever happened before in the gaming industry? Genuine Question.
Well, Dawn of War 2 Retribution got one, which I have, but It was an "expand alone" and was only about £5 more expensive, fancy box and a small art thingy, so not sure if you'd count that.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy

So a collector's edition for an expansion. Has this ever happened before in the gaming industry? Genuine Question.
This is like back in the day when dlc didn't exist so they would release expansions.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020

So a collector's edition for an expansion. Has this ever happened before in the gaming industry? Genuine Question.
Every single World of Warcraft expansion had collector’s editions. But they came with art books, CD soundtracks, usually some extra in-game stuff, a mouse pad and the occasional item. And all the boxes were the size and shape of what we would envision of the word ‘tome’.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Decided to revisit the game with the 2.0 update just to see how much it's improved.

And it's actually a fun game now, so that's cool. Not as buggy as before there are still significant bugs here and there, the biggest being the game crashes on shutdown and alt-tab which sucks because i've accidentally lost a bit of progress trying to swap windows. Other bugs are like for some reason every car in the game only has 1 hp and blows up if you so much as look at it funny, including my car.

And sometimes when I summon my car instead of coming to me it runs away and disappears for a while.

That being said the game is at least playable now for the most part, I haven't had any pathing problems or progression glitches or anything like that so that's been good. It's starting to show signs of being the game we all kind of expected it to be.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Decided to revisit the game with the 2.0 update just to see how much it's improved.

And it's actually a fun game now, so that's cool. Not as buggy as before there are still significant bugs here and there, the biggest being the game crashes on shutdown and alt-tab which sucks because i've accidentally lost a bit of progress trying to swap windows. Other bugs are like for some reason every car in the game only has 1 hp and blows up if you so much as look at it funny, including my car.

And sometimes when I summon my car instead of coming to me it runs away and disappears for a while.

That being said the game is at least playable now for the most part, I haven't had any pathing problems or progression glitches or anything like that so that's been good. It's starting to show signs of being the game we all kind of expected it to be.
I haven't encountered it crashing on alt-tab, which I kinda use a lot. Would need to test the car thing, but I do remember being in a gun fight and it felt like it didn't take much to blow up a car that was just sitting around.

Really, the main thing that still bugs me is that npc drivers are still pretty brainless. But the random crazy drivers are fun to watch.
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Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Decided to revisit the game with the 2.0 update just to see how much it's improved.

And it's actually a fun game now, so that's cool. Not as buggy as before there are still significant bugs here and there, the biggest being the game crashes on shutdown and alt-tab which sucks because i've accidentally lost a bit of progress trying to swap windows. Other bugs are like for some reason every car in the game only has 1 hp and blows up if you so much as look at it funny, including my car.

And sometimes when I summon my car instead of coming to me it runs away and disappears for a while.

That being said the game is at least playable now for the most part, I haven't had any pathing problems or progression glitches or anything like that so that's been good. It's starting to show signs of being the game we all kind of expected it to be.
Other than stability and big fixes are the mechanical changes (like skill tree and implant re-balancing) a good enough reason to replay the game?

I finished it originally when it came out. Played through the whole game including all side content (at least all side content that didn't permanently bug out on me). Thought that the bones of a good game were there, but that everything was horribly unfinished and that most of the game felt like unrealized potential. The game world was really cool and the map was incredibly well built and fun to be in, but mechanically interacting with the game did not live up to same quality as the stellar visual design of the world. Also, for an open world game this game had the absolutely worst feeling driving I've ever felt. The cars were literally unusable to me and I only ever used motorcycles because of it.

Given all of that is there enough reason for me to return to the game for a new play through? Even if this is the game as it "should have been" on release, is it too little too late with the fixes if someone already fully experienced the game in its release state?
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Even if this is the game as it "should have been" on release, is it too little too late with the fixes if someone already fully experienced the game in its release state?
Depends on the person, their patience, and their forgiveness. Some have it more than others, but I wouldn't judged whoever either way.



Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Other than stability and big fixes are the mechanical changes (like skill tree and implant re-balancing) a good enough reason to replay the game?
There's a lot more active skill now that need to be more carefully juggle which help makes different build feel more unique. There's also a lot more cyberware and most of them have some sort of effect beyond stats change. Hacking has been pretty change so that you need to be much more careful about how you do things and can't just stay in a corner while enemy all die. Downsize is that now everything auto level with you which make fight feel a lot more samey.

It's definetly a big improvement, but whether or not its a good reason to replay is up to you. You can play with a different build from before (melee vs range vs hacking) to make the platrough more unique.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
There's a lot more active skill now that need to be more carefully juggle which help makes different build feel more unique. There's also a lot more cyberware and most of them have some sort of effect beyond stats change. Hacking has been pretty change so that you need to be much more careful about how you do things and can't just stay in a corner while enemy all die. Downsize is that now everything auto level with you which make fight feel a lot more samey.

It's definetly a big improvement, but whether or not its a good reason to replay is up to you. You can play with a different build from before (melee vs range vs hacking) to make the platrough more unique.
99% of my time in cyberpunk was spent sitting outside of the buildings murdering people with my mind.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
I will have to revisit this, as I'd really like to live in a cyberpunk neon dystopia, without the dystopia (I want to live in a 1980s arcade. Without the paedophiles.)


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Decided to revisit the game with the 2.0 update just to see how much it's improved.

And it's actually a fun game now, so that's cool. Not as buggy as before there are still significant bugs here and there, the biggest being the game crashes on shutdown and alt-tab which sucks because i've accidentally lost a bit of progress trying to swap windows. Other bugs are like for some reason every car in the game only has 1 hp and blows up if you so much as look at it funny, including my car.

And sometimes when I summon my car instead of coming to me it runs away and disappears for a while.

That being said the game is at least playable now for the most part, I haven't had any pathing problems or progression glitches or anything like that so that's been good. It's starting to show signs of being the game we all kind of expected it to be.
TBF, the game has been stable for a while. I think by third or fourth patch, the game really became playable, minus the bugs you mentioned that somehow still exists in the game.

That being said, it still suffered from all the removed contents, skill trees feeling stale, and definitely Night City not feeling as lively as it was marketed to be. Still a fun game to play through at least once because the story was so good.

The DLC isn't out yet, but I did get to check out the new skill tree. Let's just say my tank heavy weapon build is absolutely shredding through whatever the game throws at me.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Downsize is that now everything auto level with you which make fight feel a lot more samey.

It's definetly a big improvement, but whether or not its a good reason to replay is up to you. You can play with a different build from before (melee vs range vs hacking) to make the platrough more unique.
Just wondering, how does the autolevelling work? One of the things that really put me off was the big difference in weapons damage unmodded. White weapons had really low damage compare to purple and legendary etc

The PnP didn't have levels as such, you just got more skilled, but died just as easily barring equipment and cyberware, so in a way autoleveling kind of gets round that, you and NPCs will remain about as tough as each other HP wise I assume, but does it still mean white weapons will be essentially useless as you level up? I suppose you can conceptualise it as every man and his dog now having subdermal armour and a skinweave plus a ton of non obvious cyberware, and subtly armoured clothing if everyone is a bullet sponge, but the vast variance in weapon damage kind of makes that difficult.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Just wondering, how does the autolevelling work? One of the things that really put me off was the big difference in weapons damage unmodded. White weapons had really low damage compare to purple and legendary etc

The PnP didn't have levels as such, you just got more skilled, but died just as easily barring equipment and cyberware, so in a way autoleveling kind of gets round that, you and NPCs will remain about as tough as each other HP wise I assume, but does it still mean white weapons will be essentially useless as you level up? I suppose you can conceptualise it as every man and his dog now having subdermal armour and a skinweave plus a ton of non obvious cyberware, and subtly armoured clothing if everyone is a bullet sponge, but the vast variance in weapon damage kind of makes that difficult.
Weapon now have tiers, from 1 to 5 (which each tier having a "+" version, for 10 in total), what drop is tied to your level. You can use crafting material you find to increase the tier of your weapon, so you can technically get higher tier gear before it start dropping, but drop of crafting material is very low so you won't be able to upgrade much. Tier are still color coded, but you won't get white weapon (tier 1) dropping alongside purple (tier 4 iirc), instead you just slowly make your way up. So technically the first weapon that drop for you can be used the entire game if you keep upgrading it.

Downside to me is that it makes the world very flat, I like trying to get into area earlier that I'm supposed to and fight really tough enemy and I like wandering back to low level area and casually win every fight. Also enemy don't change much, its not like higher tier enemy have better gear/new trick.
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Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
I will have to revisit this, as I'd really like to live in a cyberpunk neon dystopia, without the dystopia (I want to live in a 1980s arcade. Without the paedophiles.)
It's kind of funny because the stereotypical Cyberpunk dystopia seems less bleak than both the conditions we can reasonably expect for our future as well as the conditions much of the world is already living in.

I mean, I wouldn't exactly want to live in the world of Blade Runner or Cyberpunk 2077, but I'd still take it over the Children of Men one we're headed towards.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Just wondering, how does the autolevelling work? One of the things that really put me off was the big difference in weapons damage unmodded. White weapons had really low damage compare to purple and legendary etc
Yes, that annoyed me as well, but that seems to have completely vanished. Equipment doesn't have levels anymore, only rarity. The whole game feels less like an auto-level world and more like one where levels don't even exist.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
While a few changes in this version sound fine... the whole "Auto-level", level-balancing etc. is always weird for me. Never sits right.

When i played the game a while back, i did the melee-fightclub thingy. But it was impossible to do in a row. I had max strength and great Cyberware for melee combat, but did no damage to people in the ring, because my level was too low. It was infuriating (And like i always am, i just you know... fought the same person over an over for i think 2 hours, hitting ~150 attacks and whenever i messed up was killed by two hits)
Or i once drove somewhere i never been before an tried a break in: Shot a random guard with my high-powered sniper-rifle in the head: ~5% damage.) It's bullshit. The whole looter-shooter, level progression mentality to get the people to grind missions for maximum content is on of my most hated design decisions in otherwise good games.

One of the points of cyberpunk was that any, well punk, with a rusty self-built shotgun is a threat. It's fine to have many small level-ups and feats, perks whatever and of course game-changing cyberwear but artificially design the whole system to just basically say to the player: "Oh you killed like 500 dudes in the west, but you haven't killed 500 magically somehow stronger dudes in the north, you can't do SHIT here in the south" always feels so off.

Also: When i played this game health-items were a problem (I was pretty much drowning in health items). Now they switched it to: You have eternal healthitems after "unlock-crafting them" but they are on cooldown (also grenades) This stinks like a how do we get around difficulty problems in fights solution. Just weird.

I would love to have the same game, but with fewer, but meticulously crafted, missions where you have to manage a "downtime" between with healing, buying illegal weapons and 'ware and preparing heists and hits and such. Were you have some "luckmeter" as refillable hp pool, and also damages to cyberwear and real damage which can't just be removed by pressing a key every 7.6 seconds. Some roleplaying on the side. Could have been SO great - a real immersive cyberpunk-sim (The City and atmosphere and such is great. Well done art-team).
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