Apologize on behalf of your country


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I apologise on behalf of New Zealand for our endless promotion of beastiality, in particular with sheep.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
It's a fact that while every country has contributed great things to the world each country is also responsible for it's share of terrible shit. With that in mind I invite the escapists to come forth and apologize to the world and the internet for some awful, awful thing each person's respective country released upon an unsuspecting global community.

I'll get the ball rolling:

Ahem...On behalf of Canada I, SAT4NSLILHELPER, hereby apologize for Justin Beiber.

That felt good to get off my chest. Who's next?
you forgot to apologize for Nickelback, too! or did you just omit them so the other Canadians would actually have something to apologize for? god knows you don't have much else...

as an American i'd like to apologize for most Americans viewing the rest of the world as inferior. you know "thank god we don't live in a socialist hell-hole like Sweden" :p yuuuuppp... sure am glad i don't live in a country consistantly rated in the top 5 happiest nations.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Rathcoole said:
Well, hopefully you're being serious, cause then its kinda nice to see that the public image of America is terrible. Still, I feel I should apologize for something.

hm... You know what. On behalf of Americans, I partially apologize for the Atomic bomb dropping on Japan, as long as they acknowledge and apologize for Pearl Harbor. Maybe it was unnecessary to drop those boms, but it was unnecessary to attack the Harbor and civilians.

And no I'm not trying to flame.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Why do I need to apologize on behalf of my country? I 'm just a simple guy not a freaking minister! I don't run things! It's not my fault :p


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Jamboxdotcom said:
It's a fact that while every country has contributed great things to the world each country is also responsible for it's share of terrible shit. With that in mind I invite the escapists to come forth and apologize to the world and the internet for some awful, awful thing each person's respective country released upon an unsuspecting global community.

I'll get the ball rolling:

Ahem...On behalf of Canada I, SAT4NSLILHELPER, hereby apologize for Justin Beiber.

That felt good to get off my chest. Who's next?
you forgot to apologize for Nickelback, too! or did you just omit them so the other Canadians would actually have something to apologize for? god knows you don't have much else...

as an American i'd like to apologize for most Americans viewing the rest of the world as inferior. you know "thank god we don't live in a socialist hell-hole like Sweden" :p yuuuuppp... sure am glad i don't live in a country consistantly rated in the top 5 happiest nations.
Unfortunately, we got kicked down to 6th place, but still in the top 10


New member
Sep 6, 2009
*looks at fox news*

NO. We provide 90% of the world's entertainment. Hell, we let a retarded kid be president for 8 years. What's that say about land of opportunity, eh?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Sorry from Australia for inventing the bikini.... Wait, that makes Australia awesome! What can I say? Sorry for being laid back?


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Mackheath said:
Dear World,

I, Mack the Knife, apologise for nothing. My country is-and will always be-its little cesspit of problems, its carnival of drugs, football violence, backwardness and alcohol. A ramshackle nation strung together by swindling independance-wanting bastards, dole-dependant tosspots and bored stab-happy teenagers, presided over by a few honest taxpayers and the Nanny State.

But we are honest with ourselves; we know we are shit, and yet still try to do the best with what we have. We know we are the fattest, the meanest, the most pathetic, miserable, servile trash ever shat into existance. And yet we plough on, with none of England's arrogance, Irelands nationalism tripe, or the simple timidity of the Welsh.

So bring your insults and your woes. Bring your Tennants special ale, your expensive cigarettes and cheap booze. Bring your smack, your crack, your cocaine, your junk-food and no salad. Bring your perversions, your anger, your hate, your contempt for every other miserable fucking creature in this world, and love only the fast-track to early death of cancer or obesity.

Welcome to fucking Scotland; leave your sanity, your decency and your scruples at the door, and have a fucking great time.

-Mack the Knife.


[sub] This was all in good, if nasty, humour. I love my country. [/sub]
Is that too long for a signature?

I apologize on behalf of the United States of America for thinking we are the ONLY country that matters anymore.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
On behalf of Norway I apologise for the whole Viking thing, you know raping and pillaging our way through Europe. I know Denmark and Sweden should join in to, but I apologise for Norway's part in it.
I also apologise for our attitude towards the world after discovering our precious precious oil. We have behaved smug, superior and badly, and for that I am sorry.


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
On behalf of Canada, I apologise to the world for Toronto, and in particular to any Michigan residents here, I apologise for all the garbage Toronto sent to you.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
On behalf on England, I would like to apologise for not making our Empire as cool as the one in Star Wars.

Dammit!! Why didn't we think of Stormtroopers!


New member
Jan 1, 2011
emeraldrafael said:
Rathcoole said:
Well, hopefully you're being serious, cause then its kinda nice to see that the public image of America is terrible. Still, I feel I should apologize for something.

I am serious I know people hate the americans for this and that but at the end of the day they are only doing what every other superpower has done though out history. Sure I think some stuff could have been done differently or handled with more care but hindsight is 20/20. It's easy to criticize looking back on some things. But for one second I want people to imagine they are ruling a world power. They think there country and there people are under threat. Would you not do whatever it took to ensure they where protected. That is why I can not hate on America, sure they can be arrogant and annoying at times but can anybody here honestly claim they would act any different? At the end of the day they are just trying to protect themselves.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
I am sorry that there are people from my country(the U.S.A.) that believe that being patriotic is the same as being racist.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Well, I've probably been beaten to the punch, but I figure that the more apologies the better...

The rest of the world, I, as a born and raised citizen of the United States of America, hereby apologize for the following things.

1. Bush. I didn't vote for him, I never WOULD have voted for him, and if the race ever came down to George W. Bush against the reanimated corpse of Teddy Rosevelt, I'd vote for the zombie.

2. Cheney. Good fucking CHRIST, I am REALLY sorry for that. Don't know what convinced people he'd be good anywhere NEAR the oval office, but seriously, our bad.

3. Texas. Sorry about them, I'm from Washington myself and I am in NO WAY affiliated with Texas. Still, I'd like to apologize for them, and for every news story archived everywhere that shows why a lot of America feels the same way.

4. I'd also like to apologize for Palin. Y-eah, don't know why she's popular outside of her vaguly hot appearance I guess? Still, rest assured I'll be trying to make the popularity die down.

5. To any country that gets rude American tourists wearing hawaiian shirts... Yeah, ugh... Sorry about that. Not all Americans are like that, I promise.

So, anything I missed?


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Rathcoole said:
emeraldrafael said:
Rathcoole said:
To america I am sorry for all the immigrants you are apparently ALL related too(who if hollywood is to be believed are made corrupt police officers the second they step off the plane).
You dont need to apologize for the immigrants. They built our country. I on behalf of America, thank you.

Hm.... I On behalf of America apologize for taking our spot in the limelight of the world and thinking we are important.

No need to apologize for that. You are not the first superpower to do it and you will not be the last. American leaders are simple doing what you think is best for America. Anybody who criticizes that is a hypocrit. They would do the exact same thing in that position.
I used to work in the Liesure Centre but im over in The Grove Well-Being Centre these days!


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I'm Canadian, so I think we've said sorry plenty of times, even for the shit we didn't do. So I'll go to my German heritage and say sorry for being the country to produce Uwe Boll or maybe the holocaust. You only get one of those apologies from me though, NOW CHOOSE!