Apologize on behalf of your country


New member
May 2, 2010
As an English man, I apologise that we were pretty much total bell-ends to commonwealth countries and to America (pre war of independence). And sorry we invented the concentration camp. That was our bad. :(


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Hmmm, what do you apologise for if you're dual nationality?

As an Australian, I would like to apologise for our politicians, who seem to think that it's their job to fight like kindergarteners instead of, oh, I dunno... implementing policies?

As a New Zealander, sorry about the accent. Don't worry, most of the time, we can't understand it either. :)


New member
Jan 3, 2010
RaZor921 said:
On behalf of Sweden, I apologize for being awesome!

Also, we rescued jews from concentration camps during the last days of WWII, but if I apologize about that people will hate me...
We did? Pretty sure we was close to building our own concentrations camps in Skåne or somewhere south in Sweden.

And someone already stole my thing so... I dunno, got nothing.
Edit; Oh I know, our government for not having any back bone and just roll over whenever US says something.

Fetzenfisch said:
GiantRedButton said:
wat should germany have to apologize for *grin*
Can't think of anything either.
Well our current foreign secretary perhaps. Hes an idiot.
No way, I want an apology for Uwe boll, right here right now! Get to it!


New member
Dec 30, 2009
kebab4you said:
RaZor921 said:
On behalf of Sweden, I apologize for being awesome!

Also, we rescued jews from concentration camps during the last days of WWII, but if I apologize about that people will hate me...
We did? Pretty sure we was close to building our own concentrations camps in Skåne or somewhere south in Sweden.

And someone already stole my thing so... I dunno, got nothing.
What, you didn't know about "de Vita Bussarna"? Sweden was the head of the Red Cross' attempts to get prisoners out of concentration camps


New member
Aug 11, 2009
I have an apology to Norway... Sorry for all of those Nazis we sent by trains so we could save our own ass. Where cool?

oh and sorry guys for supplying Hitler with materials... Still cool, Right?


New member
Oct 10, 2009
America: I'm sorry for being so awesome

America: Sorry about those camps for the Japanese Americans in World War II.

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
Palademon said:
On behalf of England, I apologise for actually speaking the language properly, unlike the rest of the world.

Oh, and slavery.
To be fair we did abolish slavery, which if we didn't start a slave trade wouldn't have happened:p

I am sorry for the mass killings of under equipped tribes and all those other killings we did.
Apr 28, 2008
United States: Well, it would be easy to simply say "everything", but I'll got the hard route.

On behalf of the US, I apologize for:

-Fox News
-Wesburo Baptists
-Sticking our dick into everyone's pie
-Many Corporations
-The massive oil-spill in India. We kind of dropped the ball on that one...
-Pushing other countries to adopt policies that they don't need in order to appease major corporations
-Endlessly picking on Canada
-Our really fucking annoying and stupid tourists
-Our massive hypocracy(probably spelled that wrong. Sorry about that as well.)
-The complete screwing over of Native Americans

So yeah, sorry about all that.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Danik93 said:
I have an apology to Norway... Sorry for all of those Nazis we sent by trains so we could save our own ass. Where cool?

oh and sorry guys for supplying Hitler with materials... Still cool, Right?
You may want to explain that you're saying sorry on behalf of what I assume is the Amazing Country of Sweden

northeast rower

New member
Dec 14, 2010
American: Sorry for making the rest of you look bad.

On a separate note, sorry for ruining most (if not all) good American-based TV shows. Remember "The Simpsons"? Sorry we changed it from a sentimental, realistic family to a slapstick comedy. Remember "King of the Hill"? Sorry we took away the last intelligent animated character on TV. Remember the last seasons of "24"? Yeah... sorry.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
As a American and Californian, I apologize on behalf of my state for the celebrities that we endorse and most of pop culture.

Jun 11, 2008
Rathcoole said:
fare777 said:
Rathcoole said:
On behalf of Northern Ireland I apologize to England
Your apologizing to the country that crippled us because of their greed, wanting to take control of all Ireland so that they could build up their mass riches! I'd never apologize in my life to that country for anything. They get what they deserve for causing the troubles and killing thousands of HUMAN LIVES!

I think you are holding a grudge for nothing. They took control in a time when it was pretty common they did it to the scots and the welsh but you do not see them bombing innocent people. In the 20th century hell even allowed the parts of Ireland that wanted to leave to leave. It is it's own country now it's called the republic of Ireland. Any still with britian are because they want to be not because they where forced. Hell britian is the only thing keeping this damn country afloat look at Ireland how is it doing for itself? Oh right it is failing BADLY.
Actually they kinda said at the treaty take the 26 counties or we will invade and destroy you. There was also rumours of us being offered all 32 counties but people took bribes to let GB keep the 6 up the North but what do some silly history teachers know. This is not to say killing of innocent is justified but UK politicians and extremists on all sides have done plenty to still warrant hate like bombings and gerrymandering of elections along with the almost engineered famine. As already said this doesn't equal hate for ordinary Englishman just parliament at the time and people who believed it justified.

Daystar Clarion said:
fare777 said:
Rathcoole said:
On behalf of Northern Ireland I apologize to England
Your apologizing to the country that crippled us because of their greed, wanting to take control of all Ireland so that they could build up their mass riches! I'd never apologize in my life to that country for anything. They get what they deserve for causing the troubles and killing thousands of HUMAN LIVES!
Wouldn't have happened if your country knew how to not fuck up it's own economy, just saying :)
Just because the rich people in power took loads of kick backs and let the construction industry run rampant without any checks as well as a complete cow boy wild west attitude with banks does not equal justification for 800 years of shit from certain Englishmen. We could run our economy just fine thank you very much.

OT: I suppose the only thing Ireland has to apologise for is any innocents deaths cause by various terrorist factions when the country should of stepped in much early to do a Peace process. They let a needless around 500ish year old racial hate(all sectarian violence is originally racial when in this case) go on t hat led to many innocent deaths. Also for some people I apologise for Bono, Westlife, Boyzone and I think Busted.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
RaZor921 said:
kebab4you said:
RaZor921 said:
On behalf of Sweden, I apologize for being awesome!

Also, we rescued jews from concentration camps during the last days of WWII, but if I apologize about that people will hate me...
We did? Pretty sure we was close to building our own concentrations camps in Skåne or somewhere south in Sweden.

And someone already stole my thing so... I dunno, got nothing.
What, you didn't know about "de Vita Bussarna"? Sweden was the head of the Red Cross' attempts to get prisoners out of concentration camps
Did not know that, no. But I found an article about the camps;


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Since I'm pretty bored, I'm sticking around this thread, and I'd like to give a personal apology to the brits.

Sorry for being born the same day (November 15th) as Erwin Rommel, aka The Desert Fox.

Now that I think of it, I shouldn't be sorry for that, since Rommel treated prisoners well, was a a great tactician, he was no Nazi and he played a part (even though minor) in one of the assassination attempts on Hitler


New member
Feb 2, 2008
I'm sorry for the fact our recent 'cultural' exports are horrible 'reality' TV shows such as The Xfactor and Big Brother. Seriously, I'm so fucking sorry.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
On the behalf of Australia, I apologize for being better than every other country..and being more modest than any other country too.

Drake the Dragonheart

The All-American Dragon.
Aug 14, 2008
As an American, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to our international friends for the fact that many Americans probably couldn't find your country on a globe.

Also, being from Wyoming, I apologize for the fact that many people don't know where Wyoming is, or even that it is a state in the U.S.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Rathcoole said:
fare777 said:
Rathcoole said:
On behalf of Northern Ireland I apologize to England
Your apologizing to the country that crippled us because of their greed, wanting to take control of all Ireland so that they could build up their mass riches! I'd never apologize in my life to that country for anything. They get what they deserve for causing the troubles and killing thousands of HUMAN LIVES!

I think you are holding a grudge for nothing. They took control in a time when it was pretty common they did it to the scots and the welsh but you do not see them bombing innocent people. In the 20th century hell even allowed the parts of Ireland that wanted to leave to leave. It is it's own country now it's called the republic of Ireland. Any still with britian are because they want to be not because they where forced. Hell britian is the only thing keeping this damn country afloat look at Ireland how is it doing for itself? Oh right it is failing BADLY.
last time I checked we run the government, not the english.

Magne Eik Lauritzen

New member
Sep 15, 2010
I am sorry on behalf of Norway, for the oil we keep pumping up. And for not using our extreme stockpiles of money on sustainable energy research.