Apologize on behalf of your country


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Wahful said:
Rathcoole said:
emeraldrafael said:
Rathcoole said:
To america I am sorry for all the immigrants you are apparently ALL related too(who if hollywood is to be believed are made corrupt police officers the second they step off the plane).
You dont need to apologize for the immigrants. They built our country. I on behalf of America, thank you.

Hm.... I On behalf of America apologize for taking our spot in the limelight of the world and thinking we are important.

No need to apologize for that. You are not the first superpower to do it and you will not be the last. American leaders are simple doing what you think is best for America. Anybody who criticizes that is a hypocrit. They would do the exact same thing in that position.
I used to work in the Liesure Centre but im over in The Grove Well-Being Centre these days!

I used to go swimming at the old grove, because I never really liked the valley always to crowded for my tastes. Never been in the new one any good?


New member
Sep 20, 2010
USA: I would like to apologize first for taking the name America from the rest of the Americas, and then having people who are blindly passionate about being "Real Americans, unlike that Obama fellow from Kenya."


New member
Nov 17, 2008
As an American, I'd like to apologize for George Bush.

I don't feel responsible but maybe his wife could have slapped him around a bit to make him realize things he was doing were dumb.

As a Martian, sorry for invading D:


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Rathcoole said:
On behalf of Northern Ireland I apologize to England
Your apologizing to the country that crippled us because of their greed, wanting to take control of all Ireland so that they could build up their mass riches! I'd never apologize in my life to that country for anything. They get what they deserve for causing the troubles and killing thousands of HUMAN LIVES!


New member
Oct 22, 2010
i apologise for england makeing everything better and not letting anyone else get a show in.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
I, on behalf of Canada, apologize for...awesome healthcare? No...how about slaughtering baby seals?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
I apologise, on behalf of England, for having a government whose collective intelligence appears to be the same as a particularly dense amoeba after its sixth round.

HerpDerp Raising university fees will help country HerpDerp.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Rathcoole said:
Wahful said:
Rathcoole said:
emeraldrafael said:
Rathcoole said:
To america I am sorry for all the immigrants you are apparently ALL related too(who if hollywood is to be believed are made corrupt police officers the second they step off the plane).
You dont need to apologize for the immigrants. They built our country. I on behalf of America, thank you.

Hm.... I On behalf of America apologize for taking our spot in the limelight of the world and thinking we are important.

No need to apologize for that. You are not the first superpower to do it and you will not be the last. American leaders are simple doing what you think is best for America. Anybody who criticizes that is a hypocrit. They would do the exact same thing in that position.
I used to work in the Liesure Centre but im over in The Grove Well-Being Centre these days!

I used to go swimming at the old grove, because I never really liked the valley always to crowded for my tastes. Never been in the new one any good?
Yea its probably the most modern liesure Centre the council has to offer (Cost frickin 26 Million for the building lol)


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Yeah, that whole blowing the shit out of third world countries, taking oil, and hightailing it...Yeah, that was our bad.
EDIT:In case you couldn't guess, I'm from America.


Inaction Master
Jul 9, 2009
On behalf of the Republic of Korea I apologise for being a nation seemingly wholly comprised of arrogant pricks who love to tell others about how great Korea is; in addition, I would also like to apologise for our nation's akward step brother, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, because he can't come on to the internets himself.


New member
May 20, 2008
I, on behalf of America, apologize for rednecks (but only the really dumb racist ones. The rest can be let off with a warning)


New member
May 30, 2010
On behalf of Norway, and Scandinavia I apologize for our rebellious and rude behavior in the 7th-10th century.
Dec 14, 2009
fare777 said:
Rathcoole said:
On behalf of Northern Ireland I apologize to England
Your apologizing to the country that crippled us because of their greed, wanting to take control of all Ireland so that they could build up their mass riches! I'd never apologize in my life to that country for anything. They get what they deserve for causing the troubles and killing thousands of HUMAN LIVES!
Wouldn't have happened if your country knew how to not fuck up it's own economy, just saying :)


New member
Jan 1, 2011
fare777 said:
Rathcoole said:
On behalf of Northern Ireland I apologize to England
Your apologizing to the country that crippled us because of their greed, wanting to take control of all Ireland so that they could build up their mass riches! I'd never apologize in my life to that country for anything. They get what they deserve for causing the troubles and killing thousands of HUMAN LIVES!

I think you are holding a grudge for nothing. They took control in a time when it was pretty common they did it to the scots and the welsh but you do not see them bombing innocent people. In the 20th century hell even allowed the parts of Ireland that wanted to leave to leave. It is it's own country now it's called the republic of Ireland. Any still with britian are because they want to be not because they where forced. Hell britian is the only thing keeping this damn country afloat look at Ireland how is it doing for itself? Oh right it is failing BADLY.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
DragonsAteMyMarbles said:
Nimcha said:
I will watch this thread waiting for an Englishman to apologize for Howard Webb's existence.
I take it you're Dutch? I apologise unreservedly.
Thanks, the wound is still fresh. :(

And as a token of my appreciation, I was rooting for you guys against the Germans.

Chogg Van Helsing

New member
May 27, 2010
Ahem...On behalf of Canada I, SAT4NSLILHELPER, hereby apologize for Justin Beiber.

Apology NOT accepted!

Anyway, Britain refusing peace talks with Germany before WWII (german high command wanted peace talks to hand over hitler to the allies, if there was no war and Germany wasn't invaded and crushed like before). Soz about that ;)


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Wahful said:
Rathcoole said:
Wahful said:
Rathcoole said:
emeraldrafael said:
Rathcoole said:
To america I am sorry for all the immigrants you are apparently ALL related too(who if hollywood is to be believed are made corrupt police officers the second they step off the plane).
You dont need to apologize for the immigrants. They built our country. I on behalf of America, thank you.

Hm.... I On behalf of America apologize for taking our spot in the limelight of the world and thinking we are important.

No need to apologize for that. You are not the first superpower to do it and you will not be the last. American leaders are simple doing what you think is best for America. Anybody who criticizes that is a hypocrit. They would do the exact same thing in that position.
I used to work in the Liesure Centre but im over in The Grove Well-Being Centre these days!

I used to go swimming at the old grove, because I never really liked the valley always to crowded for my tastes. Never been in the new one any good?
Yea its probably the most modern liesure Centre the council has to offer (Cost frickin 26 Million for the building lol)

Damn never knew it cost so much. I will have to go check it out some day.