Apologize on behalf of your country


New member
Jan 28, 2010
FolkLikePanda said:
Sorry for having a big fuck off Empire and making everyone have to learn our language, well I'm alright I live in the country. Also sorry for sucking America's dong.
We also apologise profusely for "allowing a bunch of greedy terrorists, thugs, goons, and rabble rouser to take over the American colonies."

...as well as Black Pudding and Chavs.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Irridium said:
-Our really fucking annoying and stupid tourists
Wow there, all tourist are annoying. Those damn German and Japanese tourist that come here to where I live. Well the Japanese ones like to stop on the fucking middle of the road to take pictures of our trees and they come by bus loads and stand around in the parking lots like lemmings. The German tourist just basically like to troll everyone in my small town in their own language.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
RaZor921 said:
Danik93 said:
I have an apology to Norway... Sorry for all of those Nazis we sent by trains so we could save our own ass. Where cool?

oh and sorry guys for supplying Hitler with materials... Still cool, Right?
You may want to explain that you're saying sorry on behalf of what I assume is the Amazing Country of Sweden
OH I forgot to mention that :p well yeah and we are indeed awesome!


New member
Apr 6, 2010
On behalf of England, I, EightGaugeHippo, apologize for Jamie Oliver, thats just not fair on America, but we're not taking him back NEVER! HE SHALL NOT PASS!.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
On behalf of Germany, I apologize for nothing. I'm sick and tired of apologizing for shit that happened decades before my entire generation was even born.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
xMelior said:
On behalf of Romania, I apologize for being such screwed up people
I didn't know Romanians where screwed up....

You should have kept than under your hat, and then no one in the world would know..... or care.


Echappe, retire, sous sus PANIC!
Apr 24, 2008
New Zealand...

Hm, not sure we've inflicted too many bad things on anyone...but I should probably apologise for apologising all the time...sorry...dammit! Sorry -bugger!

Oh, to the animals of the world: Sorry, that whole electric fence thing? Our bad... *wince*


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
As i love in Northern Ireland, i'm gonna apologise for Ireland not having fairies like some airheads seem to beleive. AND NOBODY HERE BELEIVES IN FAIRIES EITHER.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
On behalf of germany, I will not apologize for the past. That was not my time, and either
a) everyone born after is innocent or
b) what happened then was so atrocious no one human beeing can hope to apologise and be forgiven
Choose your favorite.

In the present, I apologise on behalf of my country for some of our higher politicians making other heads of state eat Saumagen when visiting. Trust me, I would not eat that!

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
I, Leumas Selaznog, on behalf of The United States of America, hereby apologize, for this man:

The man who thought it was a good idea to go oil huntin in places that no one should be oil huntin.

And for him declaring war on virtually half the planet, not in the name of his country, but in the name of his God.

I also apologize ahead of time for Sarah Palin:

The woman who makes Bush look like an Atheist.

I also apologize to Japan for dropping the Little Boy and Fat Man.

Because such weapons, must never be used, now or ever , against your fellow man, under ANY circumstances.
I gave humans such power to fight off a far worse threat, not to kill each other over such disagreements.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Headsprouter said:
As i love in Northern Ireland, i'm gonna apologise for Ireland not having fairies like some airheads seem to beleive.
Yes, you really dropped the ball on that one!
It would be so lovely if you had fairies. Though from what I understand of celtic mythology, they are not necessarily the nice, friendly kind, but all the same.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
fare777 said:
Rathcoole said:
fare777 said:
Rathcoole said:
On behalf of Northern Ireland I apologize to England
Your apologizing to the country that crippled us because of their greed, wanting to take control of all Ireland so that they could build up their mass riches! I'd never apologize in my life to that country for anything. They get what they deserve for causing the troubles and killing thousands of HUMAN LIVES!

I think you are holding a grudge for nothing. They took control in a time when it was pretty common they did it to the scots and the welsh but you do not see them bombing innocent people. In the 20th century hell even allowed the parts of Ireland that wanted to leave to leave. It is it's own country now it's called the republic of Ireland. Any still with britian are because they want to be not because they where forced. Hell britian is the only thing keeping this damn country afloat look at Ireland how is it doing for itself? Oh right it is failing BADLY.
last time I checked we run the government, not the english.
Glademaster said:
Rathcoole said:
fare777 said:
Rathcoole said:
On behalf of Northern Ireland I apologize to England
Your apologizing to the country that crippled us because of their greed, wanting to take control of all Ireland so that they could build up their mass riches! I'd never apologize in my life to that country for anything. They get what they deserve for causing the troubles and killing thousands of HUMAN LIVES!

I think you are holding a grudge for nothing. They took control in a time when it was pretty common they did it to the scots and the welsh but you do not see them bombing innocent people. In the 20th century hell even allowed the parts of Ireland that wanted to leave to leave. It is it's own country now it's called the republic of Ireland. Any still with britian are because they want to be not because they where forced. Hell britian is the only thing keeping this damn country afloat look at Ireland how is it doing for itself? Oh right it is failing BADLY.
Actually they kinda said at the treaty take the 26 counties or we will invade and destroy you. There was also rumours of us being offered all 32 counties but people took bribes to let GB keep the 6 up the North but what do some silly history teachers know. This is not to say killing of innocent is justified but UK politicians and extremists on all sides have done plenty to still warrant hate like bombings and gerrymandering of elections along with the almost engineered famine. As already said this doesn't equal hate for ordinary Englishman just parliament at the time and people who believed it justified.

Sure the English have done some shitty things to us but that does not excuse the murder of innocent men,women and children. Those that wanted there own Ireland have it and despite what you claim there are more in the north who want to stay with Britian than want to join the sinking ship that is the republic. But no rather than let everybody go on as they please some people seem determined to force the north into a united Ireland weather they want it or not. We are just fine as we are thanks and yes we do run the country but we still recieve hand outs from britian if whose dried up tell me what would the country do for money? we have no industry or resources.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
fare777 said:
Actually they kinda said at the treaty take the 26 counties or we will invade and destroy you. There was also rumours of us being offered all 32 counties but people took bribes to let GB keep the 6 up the North but what do some silly history teachers know. This is not to say killing of innocent is justified but UK politicians and extremists on all sides have done plenty to still warrant hate like bombings and gerrymandering of elections along with the almost engineered famine. As already said this doesn't equal hate for ordinary Englishman just parliament at the time and people who believed it justified.
Sure the English have done some shitty things to us but that does not excuse the murder of innocent men,women and children. Those that wanted there own Ireland have it and despite what you claim there are more in the north who want to stay with Britian than want to join the sinking ship that is the republic. But rather than let everybody go on as they please some people seem determined to force the north into a united Ireland weather they want it or not. We are just fine as we are thanks and yes we do run the country but we still recieve hand outs from britian if whose dried up tell me what would the country do for money? we have no industry or resources.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
fare777 said:
Actually they kinda said at the treaty take the 26 counties or we will invade and destroy you. There was also rumours of us being offered all 32 counties but people took bribes to let GB keep the 6 up the North but what do some silly history teachers know. This is not to say killing of innocent is justified but UK politicians and extremists on all sides have done plenty to still warrant hate like bombings and gerrymandering of elections along with the almost engineered famine. As already said this doesn't equal hate for ordinary Englishman just parliament at the time and people who believed it justified.
Sure the English have done some shitty things to us but that does not excuse the murder of innocent men,women and children. Those that wanted there own Ireland have it and despite what you claim there are more in the north who want to stay with Britian than want to join the sinking ship that is the republic. But rather than let everybody go on as they please some people seem determined to force the north into a united Ireland weather they want it or not. We are just fine as we are thanks and yes we do run the country but we still recieve hand outs from britian if whose dried up tell me what would the country do for money? we have no industry or resources.[/quote]


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I'm sorry for being awesome

did I do it right? :D

AlAaraaf74 said:
I apologize for Jersey Shore and Ke$ha.
I renounce my statement.

Also, sorry for bieber and disney post 1995, sorry about the nukes, japan, I guess.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
On behalf of Scotland, I apologise for talking so much bullshit about having invented everything.