Duskflamer said:
ryo02 said:
so long as this more "substantial" dlc is eventually buyable in physical disc format Ill be happy. (and I dont mean disc content that has to be downloaded to the hdd anyway it must be playable FROM the disc)
I'm a little confused at this, how do you expect that to work? You need to have the main games disk put in in order to play the main game right? So how are you supposed to play the DLC without the main disk being in? And even if you could (by having it take place in some completely segregated area so no details from the main game disk are needed), what if there's some cool weapon you get during the quest? The details for which exist on the DLC disk? that weapon would go away the moment you took out the DLC disk and went back to the main game.
....but you do know....some MILLION YEARS AGO...there were things like....expansion packs?
oh right, that was a dream. Every "addon" in gaming history was always called "DLC", has always been a 8 byte snippet from the internet, and was already preinstalled with the game if you think properly about it.
Yeah that sounds about right.
also this guy:
inFAMOUSCowZ said:
If the DLC is like Morrowinds, then Hell you could release one and I'd be happy.
THERE IS NO DLC FOR MORROWIND *runs away crying* (maybe the fanmods can count, but wtf)
*ahem* although I agree with the basic idea. XD
EDIT: [in retrospective I'm not quite sure if I just got caught by trolls]