I agree, we definately need those 90's style shooters back. Cover based and realistic Modern warfare combat simulators that we know as COD are getting very boring. Hopefully Duke will bring back that "90's" feel and some variety to our Fps games.
I have no idea why, but reading your review made me think that it'd be hilaribad if someone took say... a Tony Hawk game engine, and used it to create a shooter, complete with skateboarders, cars, and skateable city. Yeah.Generic_Dave said:WOW! OPTIMISM FROM Yahtzee! Will wonders never cease. I have to say, I do miss the "I'm a HARD-ASS and you're all DEAD!" run-in's from the old days...the last game I remember having that kind of sensibility that I played was Haze, I know it was panned and killed off Free Radical Games, and the first time I played it I hated it.
But I went back, and was able to appreciate the satire, blunt and hardly intelligent satire, but there nonetheless of the arrogant "Mantel" soldiers, with their "HOO-RAAAAAAAAAAH!"'s and talk about the cannibal enemies. The ability to take anyone to school and the slightly disturbing moments when the invisible dead bodies intrude.
But what was really fun was, that while not an easy game, it never forced you to stop. You could go through shooting, no cover, no dodge, and if you were quick and shooty enough you "Kicked ass and chewed Bubblegum!".
I too look forward to a lower emphasis on "realistic" brown and grey shooters with broody leads and sadistic tendencies. I mean who doesn't prefer Vice City's garish campness to GTA IV's brown and grey (though beautiful and incredibly well realised and playable) scenery. I know which one I had more fun playing anyway. Bring back the less realistic! HUZZAH FOR NOT TAKING YOURSELF TOO SERIOUSLY!
I find such a statement bizarre. Since I considered it amounted to vapourware for the longest time, I expected nothing of it. I suppose the other way to view the darkness is a world of possibility but I always figured until something is in your hands anything else is speculation without much basis.Yahtzee Croshaw said:After 12 years of development, you've got a lot to prove, Duke Nukem Forever.
Stubbs the Zombie had that, too. Runs in backwards compatible mode on the 360 I think.Uber Waddles said:Also, about your 1990's appeal, I assume you didnt play the demo or watch any videos on it? Its defineately wacky; theres a piss stream mechanic ffs! YOU CONTROL YOUR PISS STREAM.
Worth $60 just right there.
Actually, there's supposed to be an alien with three tits in the game...teh_Canape said:like, more tits!?Corpse XxX said:Certain body parts inbetween titts is also good!
tits between tits is awesome!!!
(that is, if they are two subjects, because if it's one subject with 4 tits, god help us)
but yeah, on topic, it's nice to see some variation in our fairly conservative gaming world =P
And you could get extra points for executing people while catching air and grinding! I wanna see a shoulder mounted nuclear missile launcher launched from a Skate Board now!Koeryn said:I have no idea why, but reading your review made me think that it'd be hilaribad if someone took say... a Tony Hawk game engine, and used it to create a shooter, complete with skateboarders, cars, and skateable city. Yeah.
You could call it: Hilaribad: The Lollerning.