Yo, lemme tell you about the most bullshit thing in this game.
You know those hunts, those beasts you gotta find, the cool fights? Well twice this bullshit happened to me:
I back away from their area of effect or huge range attacks, but step outside the battle arena, which isn't clearly marked. This resets the whole fight.
What... the... fuck. No, no... just, games should not do that, this isn't fair. And I mean reset as in... it gets its health and poise meters back up to full, but I do not, and my consumable are gone.
The first time this happened to me I was taking on a beast at a higher level- you know, for the challenge. At the moment I put aside my complaints about the game's weaknesses to focus on its strengths- the combat, the encounters, the enemies- it failed in a basic way, punishing my desire to genuinely engage with its best systems. What crap.
The only thing worse is that "sex scene" y'all been talking about. Woo boy.. but, maybe your tolerance for JRPG nonsense will let you enjoy it more if you're more into that stuff than me. I was lmao the whole time.
I haven't talked about, like, graphics and level design yet? I am playing on whatever "quality" mode is because I want all the damn graphics I paid, I don't know how many frames or whatnot. Obviously this thing is gorgeous as it has been presented in the marketing.. obviously. Level design and aesthetic is, unfortunately, pretty rote medieval fantasy stuff. Brown villages and green fields, nothing particularly interesting. All the visual creativity went into the eikons (I love how when the humans turn into their eikon the eikons kind of look like them but godlike? that is my jam, artistically).
The thing about levels struck me in a big main quest culminating in one of the big eikon fights and it's just identical room to identical room with combat area... really lame, actually. Then awesome boss fight... it's like this game picked the few things it would excel at and Comet Azured its energy into those and kind of farted on the rest. Fortunately those few things are worth it.
edit to add that that when you first engage with one of them monster hunts, the intro looks like Bayonetta. I know there's some shared DNA with the devs and u/Brawlman is A #1 fan of that series 'round here so, that's cool. It's a good gimmick.