'First 3 Twilight Films are Better than the original Star Wars Trilogy'


New member
Apr 17, 2010
You know how I know that he's wrong?

The Twilight Rifftrax is infinitely more hilarious than the Star Wars Rifftrax.
And anybody who knows anything knows that the MST3K guys do their best work when viewing horrible movies and terrible actors. They're clearly superior critics to this dork you're on about.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
This is the best troll bait thread topic I've seen in quite a while OP, congratulations on that.

The Twilight series in general does get some excessive hatred due to its fan base, but none of the movies have been amazing or influential to the history of cinema, the first was a bland generic chick flick with some action sprinkled in, the other two seem like they just stopped trying to even attain mediocre.

Star Wars on the other hand was amazing for the time it came out, and still is enjoyable today. They got as popular as they did for a reason, they really managed to do big action adventure type story well.

Tl;dr: In 20 years Twilight won't really be remembered, but Star Wars still will.

Lenny Magic

Hypochondriacal Calligrapher
Jan 23, 2009
My observation of this Mark Kermode is that he is one of the few critic who actually goes against what others say. Which is why I really harbour a lot of distrust towards his opinions...


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
Ya hear that? It's the sound of someone losing all their credibility. What a bunch bullshit. The Twilight Saga better than the original Star Wars trilogy? No way in hell. Not a chance. Which film series has been showered with awards, receieved critical acclaim, has been analyzed in terms of its philosophy and context, and will be remembered as a true classic and a triumph of cinema long after all of us are gone? I think everyone here knows the answer to that: the original trilogy. Not the Twilight Saga. No sir.
Apr 29, 2010
Ih8pkmn said:
He was probably just saying that to make his teenage daughter happy.
I bet she was in the room with him when he gave this statement. With a gun to his head to make sure he didn't say the "wrong thing".


Bored. That is all.
Jul 7, 2010
Now I want what this Twihard is smoking/injecting because he is obviously reaching planes of consciousness that have no equal, where the collective mewling of 12-14 yr-old girls rate higher than the collective ideology of EVERYONE ELSE!!


New member
Apr 13, 2009
I'm neutral on the whole Twilight fandom and anti-fandom disaster that's filled the Internet for so long.

Really, guys. Let me tell you what I think.

Fans: you're welcome to like it, but please don't start on whether it's "better" than anything else. Films and books don't work that way. "Better" is an objective value that cannot be applied to art. Besides which, Twilight is hardly high art. It's pulp romance, Hell, basically it's a Mills & Boon novella in a strangely optimistic fantasy horror universe.

Anti-fans: you're making it worse. As the proverb goes, "any publicity is good publicity". If you seriously dislike Twilight, stop adding to the franchise's popularity by making your little sisters want to like it because the adult/older world thinks that it's terrible. Stop making blog posts about how much you hate it - all that does is make the world think it's better (speaking as a web designer here, I would not be surprised if more Google hits means more sales, even if you write about how bad something is rather than its qualities). Also, it's immature to hate something so much. Scratch that, it's immature to hate in general.

With those thoughts out of the way, yes, Star Wars was pulp fiction too, and while its simple story had a great deal of archetypal power and its special effects impact on Hollywood leading into the future was enormous, simplicity is a curse, not just a blessing. It was not a high art movie, and it was not anything new or different as far as brilliance goes. It followed a typical "hero's journey" template, with the only inventiveness going into the science fiction world that was built around that plot by Lucas. In fact, Lucas made some better films in his time before that big hit.

I think it's more likely that Mr Kermode has this opinion because he really, really dislikes Star Wars (to the point of irrational emotional impressions interfering with objective comparisons), because he grew up with much darker sci-fi and finds it an "infantalisation" of the films he grew up with:


Twilight is much more different from what he grew up with, so he has no attachment that makes him leap out and bite it. So he thinks it's better. Though, one must question how brilliant he is as a film critic if his past effects his ideas so intensely.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I have a few choice words for you, but typing them here will most certainly get me banned, so I leave it to your imagination to figure out just what said words are.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Twilight > cult classic that even crosses fanbases? No sir. Twilight is for teenage chicks that like seeing shirtless men jump up and down and shape shift occasionally. The movies are a destruction of old horror icons. At least Star Wars had a shred of originality (some may argue it is too much like Star Trek, but whatever. It isn't a teen drama that copies from every other drama and/or chick flick). Try not to report me for this post, that's only my fair opinion, and it generally got me a bit enraged.