'First 3 Twilight Films are Better than the original Star Wars Trilogy'


New member
May 5, 2009
.... -facepalm-

Okay, in my opinion, the fact that Star Wars has the Imperial March makes it better than Twilight. Edward Cullen can light himself on fire and ramp a motorcycle over 32 monster trucks and Star Wars would still be better.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Wait...What said:
Okay first off, this isn't MY opinion. This is the opinion of Mark Kermode a BBC film critic who i greatly respect. I was just wondering your views on this.

Personally although i disagree, i can see where he's coming from. The original star wars trilogy is overrated and the twilight films do get some unfair hatred.
Perfectly valid *opinion* that shouldn't be confused with *objective fact*.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
He's a troll. If not,

Seriously though, he must be a complete idiot and a massive Twilight Fanboy. It doesn't take a Sci-Fi fan to like Starwars, it takes someone with decent taste in movies. Hmmm... analogy time... Meet the Spartans is better than the real 300? I think not!


New member
Feb 12, 2009
You say Star Wars is overrated and twilight is beter? If I hear one more 'omg its the best thing since...ever!' regarding Twilight and its movies it'll be too soon. Star wars has been around for over 30 years, the fact that people still talk about the original movies is a testament to how genuine the love for it is. Stars Wars spawned a multitude of games, books, spin off movies and shows, toys, and countless other things. Overrated? Maybe a little. Bad? Now way. Twilight on the other hand has been around for about 5 years and has a rather large following itself...which I don't really see how; the story is boring, the characters are bland, and I don't find myself immersed when I read or watch them. No offense to the directors because they're following the source material or to Ms. Meyer but I just cant stand anything of this, I'm sorry I just cant.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
On any objective film level? No. No they're not. Even setting aside anti-Twilight rage AND Star Wars fanboy rage (and it's hard), Twilight is poorly written, with poor at-best characterization and a predictable storyline. It's cinematography ranges from mediocre to just-plain-bad, it's acting is across the board awful, it's CGI is one step below Sci-Fi channel original movies and it's makeup team is extraordinarily lazy. The best I can say about it is it's set design and costume are not always bad, but they're generally killed by that just AWFUL filter they use to make it look cloudy.

So with that in mind about Twilight, how could we honestly say that it's better than star wars. Keep in mind, all star wars needs are good costumes, good sets and 1, count 'em ONE, other redeeming value and it ends up being a better movie.

Of course, I feel the guy, whoever he is, is talking out his ass, so yeah.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I disagree the Twilight series is about a necrofilic Mary Sue
PS. he probaly said it to make him new followers since he is thew ONLY film crittic to ever say anything good about Twilight


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Wait...What said:
Okay first off, this isn't MY opinion. This is the opinion of Mark Kermode a BBC film critic who i greatly respect. I was just wondering your views on this.
Well, to give you my thoughts, here's five things I'd rather do than watch Twilight

1. Make love to an electric pencil sharpener
2. Watch the prequel trilogy
3. Have brain surgery performed by a neurotic penguin
4. Pick a fight with Wanderlei Silva
5. Eat my own foot

Hope that paints a proper picture.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Easily Forgotten said:

He best be trollin'
That is exactly what I thought when I read the title of the thread before I went into it. I was like, "Somebody is starting up a trollin' motor."

Either the guy is just looking for publicity or he is just plain crazy. Because someone would actually have to try hard to make something as horrible as anything Twilight.

On a scale of 1 to 10, Twilight is a negative infinity, and Star Wars is so beyond infinity(No Toy Story jokes) that it is hard to gauge how great it is.

Diver Down

New member
Aug 21, 2010
How is a movie trilogy that redefined what it meant to be a geek "overrated"? They were more than movies; it was a phenomenon (a phenomenon that, unfortunately, Lucas is trying to sustain with awful CGI movies and cartoon series).
This guy's just a whore for attention, and he'll get it by saying these vastly unpopular opinions of his. If he honestly does think that Twilight is better than Star Wars, then I've lost what little hope I had for mankind.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Twilight gets hatred because its a vampire snuff film <- my thoughts

Star Wars is overrated because everybody loves Star Wars, if everybody loved Twilight then there wouldn't be hatred.

Seriously though, don't disrespect Star Wars, it was monumental in its time. This was back when special effects were in the "experimental" stage, they were more groundbreaking than Avatar's effects.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
My theory:
The reviewer probably just said that the day he'd rate Twilight better than Star Wars would be the day Duke Nukem Forever would be officially announced...


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Easily Forgotten said:

He best be trollin'
No fucking shit. I haven't even read all the posts in this thread - I'm simply too shocked. My mouth dropped a little when I read the title, and I was coming in here fully prepared to flame... and I don't usually use firepower.

Quite simply, no. Just no. If anybody has agreed with said critic's viewpoint, I would like to make a small attempt to persuade you otherwise.

Han Solo vs Edward Cullen

That is all.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
mance200 said:
Ok, who thinks that slamming a retarded pale as hell emotionless gary-stu from a shit novel onto a tv screen 3 times is topping the same trilogy that created religions, formed several spoofs, and was the bare base that started the video-game-branch of LucasARTS!!?
yes, Indiana Jones is that awesome.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
as someone who enjoys all 6 star wars films, ya the originals are probably overrated (but still great) the the new ones not as bad as people think/say...
but seriously? twilight?
reading the title of this thread made me lol


New member
Nov 24, 2009
It's kinda silly saying that the twilight movies get "unfair hatred" it gets hated because every single actor hasn't a clue what they're doing, in the original Star Wars saga it's just Mark Hammel doing that. (serioulsy even the extras were better actors)


Off on a Tangent
May 31, 2009
Twilight isn't particularly bad - well the first one is, but they go from bad to just ok.
They're mediocre films that don't deserve the hate but don't deserve the fans and the love either.
Star Wars is over rated really.. Nostalgic.. but still awesome and still better than twilight


New member
Sep 5, 2009

...no. Just... no. Star Wars may be somewhat overrated, but it's actually good, with interesting characters, decent acting, and a coherent storyline. Twilight, on the other hand, has boring characters, a nonsensical plot with incredibly Unfortunate Implications, and Kristen Stewart making the exact same face the entire time.


And so on.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
WHAT THE HECK!!!! That's impossible!! the original starwars movies first off have a larger target fan group i'm pretty sure, and also were pioneers in the scifi genre. Twilight takes a slight knock off because it takes something that already exists, and twists it into something different turning dracula esc awesomeness that nerds loved into stupid teen drama where the vampires are invincible to humans which is lame, and provokes a lot of "kill it with fire!" attitude towards it from old vampire fans. the fact is twilight is a cliche in multiple ways, as a vampire film and as a stupid teen drama, which is in my opinion the worst thing ever since the history of creation and those who like it are not the type of people i associate with. on what conditions did this critic say twilight was better than the original star wars movies, as i'm curious to what he meant by that. part of me is a star wars fan and a twilight hater who want's to troll extremely hard right now but the other part of me is trying to be open-minded about the issue.