'First 3 Twilight Films are Better than the original Star Wars Trilogy'


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Wait...What said:
Okay first off, this isn't MY opinion. This is the opinion of Mark Kermode a BBC film critic who i greatly respect. I was just wondering your views on this.

Personally although i disagree, i can see where he's coming from. The original star wars trilogy is overrated and the twilight films do get some unfair hatred.



New member
Mar 1, 2010
mance200 said:
Ok, who thinks that slamming a retarded pale as hell emotionless gary-stu from a shit novel onto a tv screen 3 times is topping the same trilogy that created religions, formed several spoofs, and was the bare base that started the video-game-branch of LucasARTS!!?
Don't forget it also is one of the highest selling merch series out there.


New member
May 10, 2009
Generic Gamer said:
Any chance of a link to a source? I mean, from a practical standpoint I could say that about anyone.

Also it is more original, I'll give it that much. And I find the Star Wars films dull and formulaic (though I admit that could be the fact that I've watched them a lot talking) and Twilight tried something a bit different.

Plus, you know, Star Wars == boy film. Twilight == girl film.

Bulk of you were never even supposed to like it.
It was on Itunes and sadly they only have the new podcast available for download each week =/. If you can find some old ones im pretty sure its the one with eclipse in.

Also thank you for one of very limited sensible responses


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Chris Hanson voice: Laugh out loud. Laugh out loud. Laugh out loud. Laugh out loud. Laugh out loud. Laugh out loud. Times infinity.
Proceeds with said action

Iron Lightning

Lightweight Extreme
Oct 19, 2009
Wow... now that is the wrongest sentence ever committed to print since:

"Highlander 2: The Quickening is the smartest sci-fi thriller since Blade Runner"
-Highlander 2: The Quickening's back-of-box blurb.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Wait...What said:
Okay first off, this isn't MY opinion. This is the opinion of Mark Kermode a BBC film critic who i greatly respect. I was just wondering your views on this.
Mark Kermode is a pretentious idiot that cares too much for the technicallity and message of films, to take into account the merit of the ideas, and emotions that less art house films instil in their viewers.

I think he's saying this, just to be incindiary, and also because he is apparentally a mysogonist, who wants his daughter to be a simple 'yes husband no husband, I'll have the dinner sitting for you when you get home' kind of person. And he has never actually sat down and watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer, a series that not only takes the same concept of Twilight, but makes it good, but also subverts every horror film and super-hero presuposition and has a STRONG FEMALE LEAD.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
This is such a weaksauce statement that nothing I can say will be of any use. It defeats itself by virtue of its own pointlessness. But I'm going to anyway.

Firstly, next to no one who watched any of the Twilights on release day actually cared about the cinematography of it all unless they were paid professionals. They were there to see Stephenie Meyer's personal fantasy being badly played by actors who actively dislike their characters. Twilight is neither liked nor hated for its cinematography though, because so much more is worng with it than that.

dathwampeer said:
Having said that. Twilights story is much worse. Superficial and really. It's built on a message that I think is pretty harmful for young girls to be exposed to. Which just so happens to be it's target audience. It's propaganda dressed up in fangs as far as I'm concerned.
Secondly, Star Wars was created decades ago. Comparing the two is irrelevant, its like comparing a Sinclair zx81 to a Macbook. If anything twilight has less of an excuse for its flaws as we have learned much in the time since Star Wars was made. I just wish this logic applied to the more recent three star Wars films.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
What's this?! Someone has a different opinion than me!?1?1?!?



New member
Mar 30, 2009
Arawn.Chernobog said:
dathwampeer said:
Arawn.Chernobog said:
I agree

I'd also like to add that Schumacher's 1997 film: "Batman and Robin" was the greatest film based on a comic-book hero of ALL TIME (nothing like the crap Nolan makes), it also provided Arnold with the role of a lifetime, possessing such magnificent lines as: "Stay Cool, Batman" and "Ice to meet you!".

Surely you have to understand the 1966 film Batman: The Movie, starring Adam West is far superior in every way.
Please... you must realize that although the '66 Batman movie is an amazing piece of art, it's clearly surpassed by a single addition to the 1997 masterpiece, the infamous modifications of the classic "Batsuit" to include NIPPLE PROTECTION!

Truly it was a golden age of cinema.
Yes, not only was the art direction top notch but the dialogue was nothing short of genius.
I never get tired of his puns. I don't care how bad they are, it's just awesome.


New member
May 10, 2009
Dimbo_Sama said:
Wait...What said:
Okay first off, this isn't MY opinion. This is the opinion of Mark Kermode a BBC film critic who i greatly respect. I was just wondering your views on this.
Mark Kermode is a pretentious idiot that cares too much for the technicallity and message of films, to take into account the merit of the ideas, and emotions that less art house films instil in their viewers.

I think he's saying this, just to be incindiary, and also because he is apparentally a mysogonist, who wants his daughter to be a simple 'yes husband no husband, I'll have the dinner sitting for you when you get home' kind of person. And he has never actually sat down and watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer, a series that not only takes the same concept of Twilight, but makes it good, but also subverts every horror film and super-hero presuposition and has a STRONG FEMALE LEAD.
Well that was said without any thought jsut a quick wikipedia search brought up 'Kermode has been described as "a feminist, a near vegetarian (he eats fish), a churchgoer and a straight-arrow spouse who just happens to enjoy seeing people's heads explode across a cinema screen".


New member
May 10, 2009

That is my reaction. I think i shouldn't type anymore, seing how i just blacked out, and i woke up with my parent's brains on my head as a hat and my dog with his intestines partially out of his behind. I will now take my anger meds.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
How? How is twilight better in any way? Star Wars had good suspense, making me hang on through all 3 movies. The romance was strange until luke found out that thing (watch the movie), and even then there was the han and leia relationship. They had emotion too. I saw new moon, and I think they could have easily replaced the love scenes with battle droids telling eachother "I love you". There was NO emotion that I saw. Furthermore, star wars is an action movie, twilight is romance. What's he gonna do next? Compare james bond to anne rice novels? And anyways, han never left leia in an asteroid field. Having said all of that, i'll let him stick to his opinion. He can enjoy twilight if he wants to, I just don't expect his opinion to be applied to anyone else.


Evidence or GTFO
Jun 29, 2010
.....................................................................................................................................................Lex...If you would.