I propose we work to end the hatred of the Fedora


New member
Feb 9, 2013
It still amuses me that such petty judgmental bullshit come from primarily nerd/geek communities, who you'd think would be the last people to judge another for the clothes they feel comfortable wearing. As far as I'm concerned, as long as it isn't outright offensive, then if you feel comfortable wearing certain clothing or a "style" go right ahead. Whether I get a warning for it or no, I'll speak my mind here and say anyone who gives you shit over it is a petty little ****.

Do you feel comfortable wearing a fedora with less-formal clothes? Go right ahead man, enjoy yourself.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Drake Barrow said:
This. This, right here, in spades. Evangelize this stuff, folks. Education saves lives!
Hear hear! I propose we start a movement: Save the Trilby! Not only have fedoras been given a bad name, but this innocent has been brought into the wars too! We must save the trilbys!

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Fedoras are just no longer fashionable. You see pictures of guys from the early 20th century wearing fedoras and it looks cool, so people think it looks cool now. You look at a painting of nobility in military regalia from hundreds of years ago, since you know that its period appropriate dress, they usually look pretty cool. However, if I saw somebody walking down the street in 14th century monarchical attire I would laugh at them, because in the modern context it looks ridiculous. Fedoras aren't quite so far removed from modern fashion so they don't look as bad, but its the same basic principle.


New member
Sep 15, 2013
Are you a detective from a 50's TV show, Indiana Jones or a mafioso? If you answered no, don't wear a fedora/trilby!

You wouldn't wear a baseball cap with a suit so why a fedora with casual attire?


New member
Jan 28, 2012
It's not the hat that is the problem, it's the "last gentlemen" "nice guys" "bastions of chivalry" wearing it that are.


New member
Apr 9, 2014
Honestly, this " fedora shaming" seems to be just a extremely small first world problem. If you are running around in a stupid hat, you should expect to be made fun of. Especially if you are saying the it makes you look "classy" or "Intelligent" in any way.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
BathorysGraveland2 said:
It still amuses me that such petty judgmental bullshit come from primarily nerd/geek communities, who you'd think would be the last people to judge another for the clothes they feel comfortable wearing.
Eh, as a general rule, I find the people "you'd think would be the last people to" do something do it just like everyone else.

Which is amusing or depressing, depending on how you view it.


New member
May 25, 2010
-Dragmire- said:
... Had to image google search this to figure out what the issue is, looks like I missed another big little thing on the net again...

Anyway, from what I can tell(without being tainted by whatever viewpoint others have attached to it), it's a taste thing. The fedora looks to be part of a more formal attire with it's rather angular shape which is a style associated with suits. Think of the cummerbund, do you think it would fit with informal wear like shorts and t-shirt?
You mean I should STOP wearing my cummerbund with a belt, band t-shirt and jeans? No... that can't be right. Yeah.. all this feels natural--I don't know what you're talkin' about!

On a more serious note... I always love the threads about fedoras. The idea that people get so worked up over a hat is just... oh my god... it's so ludicrous and unbelievable it's just hilarious. Who the fuck cares? It's a hat!


New member
Jul 2, 2012
fedora hatred? is this a foreign thing? i don't remember ever seeing anyone wear a fedora here in the US before.. not out of hatred, but out of the fact that's it's too old fashioned .


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Guys I have found the solution to all of your fedora-hating woes: Wear fedoras, don't talk about fedoras, and don't give a fuck. Voila, ze problem iz no more.

The fedora-wearing fat atheist nice-guy shut-in is as good as any other stereotype, and targets a previously not that concisely-stereotyped portion of people. Some people will invoke it to start shit, others will invoke it in parody, just ignore it. The fact that it's so widespread in the first place reflects the element of truth in it.

Uncle Comrade

New member
Feb 28, 2008
See, I like the live-and-let-live attitude displayed by most people here. At the end of the day, it's just a hat. It's not doing anyone any harm, let's not be so judgemental.


Many years ago, at university, I had a friend who was the stereotypical neckbeard. Aggressively atheist, self-centred, poor personal hygiene, creeps women out with his flawed understanding of the concept of personal space/inabilty to take a hint, the whole package.

One day, while browsing the shops in town, we came across an old-fashioned clothes shop with a selection of (admittedly pretty sweet) hats. Guess who bought himself a brand new trilby? There he was, strutting his stuff in an outfit consisting of; Cargo pants (black), band logo t-shirt (black), leather trenchcoat (black) and to top it off, trilby (black, pinstripe). He thought he looked the business. He really did not.

The sad outcome of this is that, even all these years later, such hats are forever soiled in my mind. Whenever I see people talking about fedora'd neckbeards and all the associated negativity, all I can do is nod sadly and think "Yep. I know exactly what you mean."

I'm not saying that I agree with the hat-hate, or that it's not possible for some people to actually look pretty good in a fedora/trilby. I'm just saying, it only takes one bad apple to put you off the entire fruit basket, and my friend was that apple.


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
Padwolf said:
So, we see to the left, we have people you just want to punch until your hand gets sore.

On the right? People with job opportunities. ;D

On topic though, The "War of MRW and feminism" isn't a war. To me, it sounds fucking stupid. What the hell is MRW? Feminism isn't "oppress and berate men." Feminism is "I want to live as comfortably as a man, and not be subject to sexual stereotypes." Feminism didn't kill those stupid fuckin' hats. MEN killed those stupid fuckin' hats by looking like goddamn idiots.

You can be as 'altruistic' as you want, but the fact of the matter is, and this is an important life lesson so listen up, People will judge you based on your appearance. If a large group of people produces a stereotype then you're just gonna have to live with it. People will either associate you with that stereotype, or you're going to change/hide.

Hide your tattoo for your job interviews.
Get rid of that dumb-fuckin' wallet chain.
Keep your fetish gear out of sight.
Only wear those 'asshole beer shirts' when you're having a lazy day in-house.
Same with pub-crawl shirts.
And so on and so on.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
I wear my fedora whenever I feel like it even with a shirt and jeans and suspenders. It dose look better with a jacket but I sweat in the winter time so meh.

Malty Milk Whistle

New member
Oct 29, 2011
The only people who wear fedoras at my college (which has around 3700 people or so?) often quote the ASDFmovie extensively and use internet memes in almost every conversation.
Not passing a judgement, just a simple anecdote. Make of it what you will.

But I hate 'em, my head looks good in a hat but wearing something for the sake of wearing something just feels wrong to me.
In fact the only time I wear a hat is when it's balls-out cold outside, and then I merely break out the 'shanka (in a vain effort to both keep warm and cover as much of my face as possible)
lolololol utilitarianism.

Though I have heard people chuckle at poor Carl...

On topic, I've nothing against them, I just honestly believe that they look really dumb, unless you happen to be a 30s film star. And even then, slightly suspect.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Don't care if someone looks good in something, but wearing things completely out of place, often with an outfit that says "I don't know how to dress myself" and when you clearly never asked others for their opinion (tip: you are not the best judgment of how you look) your cringe-worthy trend practically demands shaming. It's not about the hat, it's the "But I like it" mentality. No one cares if you're satisfied, people will still think you look foolish.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Is this actually a thing, though?
Are people going around knocking fedoras off of people and `shaming` them for wearing them?

Or is it just an opinion that the hat looks dumb?

Can people really not cope with the idea that someone won't like their hat?

I dunno. Do I like the look? No, it's probably been spoiled for me by the stereotype, but it's not really a good look either.
That said, if I see a guy who looks even the spit of the stereotype, the worst I will do is think he looks dumb.

Doclector said:
1. You're taking this a bit personally.

2. Where in the UK is the sun being in your eyes a significant problem, cause I'd like to move there.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Full Metal Bolshevik said:
You all shallow. It's like I'm the only one who never even notices what people are wearing.

Maybe i'm self centered, but better than than judging others by such stupid reasons.
Thing is, while I'm not terribly bright, I'm not a complete tool. I don't make an immediate judgment of character on a person because they dress in a way that just doesn't work. It's a first impression, sure, and you do project an image of yourself in how you appear and behave, but I know very well that it's the person itself that matters.

I don't get worked up, either. I notice it, at best. I won't chase anyone down the street with a truncheon if I think they dress like a twat. But it's still a bit like going out with your zip undone. Not a very big deal, not a judgment on your person, but it gives you an unflattering description at first glance.