xHipaboo420x said:
RvLeshrac said:
I'm sure they're worried that the NEO-NAZIS who didn't get the message are upset at them. The one's who didn't get the message are as thick-headed, and intelligent, as rocks. I'm surprised most of the skinheads can make it outside in the morning without accidentally killing themselves on their breakfast cereals.
That's a stereotype. I'm not Neo-Nazi, but the right-wing extremists I have known are all intelligent, thoughtful people. Construe their politics as wrong all you want, but don't underestimate their mental capabilities. They are people too.
Extremists by nature are not intelligent, thoughtful people. People, yes. Intelligent and thoughtful? They wouldn't be extremists. Extremists are hotheaded, narrow-minded egotists that have fallen to propaganda and hate rhetoric (which feeds off their own unchecked hatreds, no less), 99% of the time.
OT: As I have just watched American History X, I have to say I am more than pleased to see this. Skinheads and other racists piss me off to no end, and they either need to be detained until they are rehabilitated, or simply detained so they cannot hurt racial minorities in society any longer, simply for being a racial minority.