Poll: Lying to get laid is OK?


New member
Mar 24, 2010
It's not very classy but it's certainly above spiking drinks. I wouldn't do it myself and I wouldn't condone other people doing it though.


New member
Dec 9, 2009

And to avoid moderation, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
of course, otherwise we'd be extinct for quite some time now ^^

also, where is the "yes" option?


New member
Dec 31, 2008
LordSphinx said:
Even when looking out for a one night stand, you still owe it to any women worth your time to respect her. Lying is disrespectful, and meaning no harm has nothing to do in the debate.

I don't get this idea that if a woman is willing to do a one night stand, she's not worth being honest with.
If a woman is willing to do a one night stand, she's going to choose someone who she finds interesting. Most people are tedious and boring and unless you are either incredibly attractive, incredibly charming or your interests/personalities match, you have to impress her some other way. You're both after a night of sex with no strings attached, so some deception or exaggeration on your part to seem more interesting in her eyes is fine, you have to do something that puts you ahead of the others competing for her attention. It's a mating dance, and as ever in mating dances the male who is most impressive is who the female chooses.

As has been said before in this thread, lying about being single when you're not = bad, and omitting that you have an STD or lying that you don't when you do = bad, both of those will come back to haunt you, but exaggerating how interesting you are for the sake of sticking your penis into someone who wants a penis put in them for that one night? What's the big deal? If it's not yours, it WILL be some other guy's, so why not? She's never going to see you again.

I will add, that I'm not a one night stand kinda guy, they're shallow and cheap and have no meaning for me, but that doesn't make what I said any less true.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Everyone lies for sex. The difference is between lying to deceive and lying to please.

Former, No. Latter, Maybe.
What about lying to protect your secret identity? I'm speaking James Bond and such.
Does that make them filthy perverts?


New member
Jan 11, 2011
ghostalker.cepo said:
LordSphinx said:
Even when looking out for a one night stand, you still owe it to any women worth your time to respect her. Lying is disrespectful, and meaning no harm has nothing to do in the debate.

I don't get this idea that if a woman is willing to do a one night stand, she's not worth being honest with.
If a woman is willing to do a one night stand, she's going to choose someone who she finds interesting. Most people are tedious and boring and unless you are either incredibly attractive, incredibly charming or your interests/personalities match, you have to impress her some other way. You're both after a night of sex with no strings attached, so some deception or exaggeration on your part to seem more interesting in her eyes is fine, you have to do something that puts you ahead of the others competing for her attention. It's a mating dance, and as ever in mating dances the male who is most impressive is who the female chooses.

As has been said before in this thread, lying about being single when you're not = bad, and omitting that you have an STD or lying that you don't when you do = bad, both of those will come back to haunt you, but exaggerating how interesting you are for the sake of sticking your penis into someone who wants a penis put in them for that one night? What's the big deal? If it's not yours, it WILL be some other guy's, so why not? She's never going to see you again.

I will add, that I'm not a one night stand kinda guy, they're shallow and cheap and have no meaning for me, but that doesn't make what I said any less true.
you're my new hero

I want to put my penis in you.



New member
Dec 1, 2010
I lie about my name when i'm out looking for a one night stand. I'd rather not have the person be able to track me later. I get really paranoid when a stranger has my name.


Nov 18, 2009
Here's a way to look at it.
Sex is a consensual act between adults.
Lying to get that consent means that consent was obtained illegitimately and may not have been given otherwise.
Obtaining something illegitimately is theft.
Theft is taking something without consent.
Sex without consent is rape.

So logically...

OK, I'm being an asshole, there are all kinds of lies, but you can see the dodgey ground this could be?

If you don't care enough about the person to tell them the truth, then why do you want to have sex with them? Just for self gratification?


New member
Jan 14, 2010
It depends on the lie. In general, yeah. Everyone lies to get laid at some point. "Honey, does this dress make me look fat?" However, it is not ok to lie to someone you care about, about anything important, so it's a no go for someone you're pursuing a relationship with. I have no problem with it for a one night stand though, unless you lie about STDs.
Feb 13, 2008
Quaxar said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Everyone lies for sex. The difference is between lying to deceive and lying to please.

Former, No. Latter, Maybe.
What about lying to protect your secret identity? I'm speaking James Bond and such.
Does that make them filthy perverts?
James Bond IS a filthy pervert. Pretty obvious really.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
GothmogII said:
Err, isn't that technically rape by
BringBackBuck said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
BringBackBuck said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
No of course it's not, lying to get laid is such a douchebag move.
Did you actually think this through at all. Everyone lies, particularly in the early stages of a relationship:
When asked the question "Do you like my hair?" almost any man will answer: "Yes you look beautiful not "No it looks fucking awful". Particularly a man who is trying to get laid.

Pro-tip: When a woman asks "What are you thinking?" Lie to her. Seriously. It's just easier that way.

Lying is part of the social contract. It is necessary to maintain human relationships.
Yes. yes I did think it through. You may have needed to lie in your relationship but I didn't. Me and my girlfriend are honest with each other. If I get say a haircut and she doesn't like it she tells me. If She's wearing something I don't like I'll tell her, honesty in a relationship is an important thing and in the long run it's better to be honest.
Really? You have never lied to your partner about anything? Never said you would put down a controller in 5 minutes and actually played a game for another 20 minutes? Never agreed with your girlfriend to avoid an argument?

You turn up to the restaurant 5 minutes late and your girlfriend is sitting there with her friends and says "what kept you" do you answer: "I was about to leave, but then I had to take a shit, and not just a quick dump, but it took ages because I really haven't been getting enough fibre in my diet recently"
You're taking this very literally...the response would have been: I really had to use the bathroom. : / If that's how you would respond to that situation, I can actually see why -you- would need to lie.
You would tell a lie by ommission then? Just kidding. I was just making the point that lying to avoid confrontations, awkwardness, or to make people generally feel better about themselves are good reasons to lie, and are a necessary social convention. It is polite to lie about certain things (such as certain bodily functions). Anyone who says they never lie is most likely ignoring all of the societally accepted lies they tell every day, or is just a liar.


New member
Aug 2, 2009
Meh, why not. I would probably never do it due to a variety of reasons (indoctrinated that way and too much of a wuss not to get my lies exposed), but if someone is skilled enough at telling lies to get someone to sleep with him, let him.

Besides, we all tell lies anyway, whether we want to or not. There are times when we simply adjust to the situation and tell something that isn't true. Telling the boss you are happy with your job, while you want to strangle him with his necktie and drown him using the coffee machine, telling your girlfriend you loved going shopping with her even though it was the single most boring thing you had ever experienced, telling your kid Santa exists.

On top of that, lying is a skill that is difficult to master. Too little, and you would have been better of telling the truth anyway, too much and you will be exposed, even ridiculed. So, I would say that there is enough risk involved if it backfires anyway.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
Depends on what lie, why the lie happened in the first place, the motive and the outcome.

A personal example from a few years back would be the game 'never have I ever' or whatever odd variant we were playing, except everyone had to answer verbally. Of course sex comes up and to not look like the odd one out or feel awkward I clearly lied increasing my sex count to one. 3 months later I have NSA sex with one of the others who was there and yeah, that's it.

Frankly the only reason for a lie should be social lubrication and not trying to gain some sort of upper hand. (Also how do you lie your way into sex?)


New member
Feb 2, 2009
It would be very stupid to lie to someone you like, because once they find out you are lying...you probably just lost them forever.

You wanna lie about being a baseball playing on the local Triple-AA Baseball team to get that cute drunk girl to take an interest in you? Go for it. She's probably lying about something as well...like how many kids she has.

My advice, if you lie to get laid, don't call them back.