Poll: Lying to get laid is OK?


New member
Dec 31, 2008
9thRequiem said:
surg3n said:
Depends on the lie. I think most people have to lie just a little bit for a 1 night stand, whether it's lying about missing a ride home, or accidently buying her a double instead of a single. Even when your in a relationship, little white lies are just par the course... Have you showered today?... Do you have to get up early?... Do you really think I'm better looking than my sister?
Pretty much this.
Kind of surprised at all the outright NO answers here, plus all the "If you lie, you are automatically a pathetic douche".
Sure, there are plenty of lies you really shouldn't be telling. Anything outright boastful is out, as is anything about STDs. But untrue compliments are pretty much expected, as are many other little things, and it's part of life that we don't always tell the 100% truth, and that's a good thing.
Having principles is easy, breaking them on the other hand is surprisingly easier. I doubt that all those saying "lying makes you a douche" can also turn around and say that they have never once in their life told a lie. Thus making anyone making such a proclamation is themselves automatically a douche.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
isn't makeup a lie?

i do like the moral high ground gathering going on here though, like we don't all lie on a regular basis to others and ourselves.

who cares?.. consensual sex is consensual sex. (legal of course)


New member
Apr 15, 2009
ghostalker.cepo said:
9thRequiem said:
surg3n said:
Depends on the lie. I think most people have to lie just a little bit for a 1 night stand, whether it's lying about missing a ride home, or accidently buying her a double instead of a single. Even when your in a relationship, little white lies are just par the course... Have you showered today?... Do you have to get up early?... Do you really think I'm better looking than my sister?
Pretty much this.
Kind of surprised at all the outright NO answers here, plus all the "If you lie, you are automatically a pathetic douche".
Sure, there are plenty of lies you really shouldn't be telling. Anything outright boastful is out, as is anything about STDs. But untrue compliments are pretty much expected, as are many other little things, and it's part of life that we don't always tell the 100% truth, and that's a good thing.
Having principles is easy, breaking them on the other hand is surprisingly easier. I doubt that all those saying "lying makes you a douche" can also turn around and say that they have never once in their life told a lie. Thus making anyone making such a proclamation is themselves automatically a douche.


New member
May 5, 2009
everybody lies! not necessarily to get laid but people will in general embelish themselves either for self-esteem or to attract attention. we all do it, it just goes so natural sometimes that people barely realize it.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Turn the question around: The person you are about to hook up with has lied to you about something. You dont know what it is, how big a lie it could be, you only know that they lied about SOMETHING. Would you still go through with it?


New member
Jan 11, 2011
zane224 said:
Turn the question around: The person you are about to hook up with has lied to you about something. You dont know what it is, how big a lie it could be, you only know that they lied about SOMETHING. Would you still go through with it?
hell yes!

unless the lie was about being a woman... then after she/he buys me a few more whiskey scotch doubles then...

hell yes!


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
No of course it's not, lying to get laid is such a douchebag move. If you can't get in bed with a girl by just being yourself then that's your problem.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
No of course it's not, lying to get laid is such a douchebag move.
Did you actually think this through at all. Everyone lies, particularly in the early stages of a relationship:
When asked the question "Do you like my hair?" almost any man will answer: "Yes you look beautiful not "No it looks fucking awful". Particularly a man who is trying to get laid.

Pro-tip: When a woman asks "What are you thinking?" Lie to her. Seriously. It's just easier that way.

Lying is part of the social contract. It is necessary to maintain human relationships.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
BringBackBuck said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
No of course it's not, lying to get laid is such a douchebag move.
Did you actually think this through at all. Everyone lies, particularly in the early stages of a relationship:
When asked the question "Do you like my hair?" almost any man will answer: "Yes you look beautiful not "No it looks fucking awful". Particularly a man who is trying to get laid.

Pro-tip: When a woman asks "What are you thinking?" Lie to her. Seriously. It's just easier that way.

Lying is part of the social contract. It is necessary to maintain human relationships.
Yes. yes I did think it through. You may have needed to lie in your relationship but I didn't. Me and my girlfriend are honest with each other. If I get say a haircut and she doesn't like it she tells me. If She's wearing something I don't like I'll tell her, honesty in a relationship is an important thing and in the long run it's better to be honest.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
GreatTeacherCAW said:
I thought cross dressing landed in the transgender category. You know, with the shemales and whatnot.
Oh, right.. You're not a bad person, you're just that ignorant. I see.

We have two options here. Either I assume you have some congenital problem which makes you incapable of understanding these things and just let you run around being stupid and offensive because your poor little brain can't be expected to know better, or I assume that you're a reasonably intelligent person who could have taken a moment to educate yourself before opening your mouth but made a conscious choice not to which you can be held responsible for. Which is it to be?

If you can't open your mouth without sounding homophobic, then maybe that should tell you something about yourself. Give it some thought.

I find that people will stop jumping down your throat when you don't give them reason to.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
i don't always lie.. i actually tell her i was thinking that if we got robbed right now i would totally save the day with the moves i learned from metal gear solids CQC.

she's happy when i say nothing now


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Wow, more than half the people again, of the number that thought 'no' (like me), said 'sure, if its a one night stand' - that's pretty discraceful isn't it?


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
The type of person who lies to get laid is also the type of person I'd call a douchebag.

If you want sex so badly, then hire a prostitute, at least then you're being honest about what you really want.

(Not that I'm advocating the hiring of illegal services).

I agree with this. Hire a prostitute if you are that desperate. That way no pointless lie's, No wasted time and no hurt feeling's. Everybody involved knows just where they stand.


New member
Jun 5, 2011
Depends on what kind of lie.

I'm just thinking out loud here, but the distinction is how much her (or his!) decision to sleep with you is based on that one lie in question. If you're lying to get them to like you better in a more general sense - i.e. you lie about your favorite color, what food you like, your grades in high school, or whatever - then, while not exactly admirable, these aren't really serious lies. Who hasn't downplayed their hate for a food their love interest enjoys, or listened with interest while they talked about something less than interesting, or watched Twilight and pretended to think it's deep and meaningful? Most have, and not much comes of the lie. White lies function as a social lubricant; if you don't need it, great, but most people do, or else they don't think about it and just lie without even noticing. So long as your whole relationship isn't built mostly or entirely on these lies, a fib here and there isn't going to do much harm.

If you're lying such that they're sleeping with you because of the lie (or they're not refusing to sleep with you because of the lie), then it's more problematic. Denying you have an STD that you have, or perhaps even claiming to be wealthy when you still live in your mother's basement, gives them radically false information which robs them of the ability to make truly *informed* consent (informed as to the consequences of their having sex with you - they think they'll be healthy and potentially rich afterwards, which they won't). Of course, women (and men!) shouldn't be silly enough to believe men (or women!) who make these kinds of claims, but that doesn't excuse the liars from lying in the first place.

Between "Yeah, blue is my favorite color too!" and "AIDS? Me? Never!", there's a really big grey area. Hard thing to give a point-blank answer to - and I don't think your intentions or feelings towards the person matter all that much.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
BringBackBuck said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
No of course it's not, lying to get laid is such a douchebag move.
Did you actually think this through at all. Everyone lies, particularly in the early stages of a relationship:
When asked the question "Do you like my hair?" almost any man will answer: "Yes you look beautiful not "No it looks fucking awful". Particularly a man who is trying to get laid.

Pro-tip: When a woman asks "What are you thinking?" Lie to her. Seriously. It's just easier that way.

Lying is part of the social contract. It is necessary to maintain human relationships.
Yes. yes I did think it through. You may have needed to lie in your relationship but I didn't. Me and my girlfriend are honest with each other. If I get say a haircut and she doesn't like it she tells me. If She's wearing something I don't like I'll tell her, honesty in a relationship is an important thing and in the long run it's better to be honest.
Really? You have never lied to your partner about anything? Never said you would put down a controller in 5 minutes and actually played a game for another 20 minutes? Never agreed with your girlfriend to avoid an argument?

You turn up to the restaurant 5 minutes late and your girlfriend is sitting there with her friends and says "what kept you" do you answer: "I was about to leave, but then I had to take a shit, and not just a quick dump, but it took ages because I really haven't been getting enough fibre in my diet recently"

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
It's all up to the individual, fact is everyone lies (that includes visual enhancments), if people really told the truth then we would probably go extinct long ago.

They say all is fair in love and war, so it's up to you how far you are willing to push it, but there is no black and white limit.
Also a good lesson who to trust, hearing the age old "all men are pigs" only tells me they have much to learn.


Possessor Of Hats
Apr 6, 2008
Err, isn't that technically rape by
BringBackBuck said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
BringBackBuck said:
Kungfu_Teddybear said:
No of course it's not, lying to get laid is such a douchebag move.
Did you actually think this through at all. Everyone lies, particularly in the early stages of a relationship:
When asked the question "Do you like my hair?" almost any man will answer: "Yes you look beautiful not "No it looks fucking awful". Particularly a man who is trying to get laid.

Pro-tip: When a woman asks "What are you thinking?" Lie to her. Seriously. It's just easier that way.

Lying is part of the social contract. It is necessary to maintain human relationships.
Yes. yes I did think it through. You may have needed to lie in your relationship but I didn't. Me and my girlfriend are honest with each other. If I get say a haircut and she doesn't like it she tells me. If She's wearing something I don't like I'll tell her, honesty in a relationship is an important thing and in the long run it's better to be honest.
Really? You have never lied to your partner about anything? Never said you would put down a controller in 5 minutes and actually played a game for another 20 minutes? Never agreed with your girlfriend to avoid an argument?

You turn up to the restaurant 5 minutes late and your girlfriend is sitting there with her friends and says "what kept you" do you answer: "I was about to leave, but then I had to take a shit, and not just a quick dump, but it took ages because I really haven't been getting enough fibre in my diet recently"
You're taking this very literally...the response would have been: I really had to use the bathroom. : / If that's how you would respond to that situation, I can actually see why -you- would need to lie.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Well for a one night stand, that's almost entirely physical. I'm remembering the sex more than anything. Everyone lies in some regards or in small ways, makes themselves look better when first dating or trying to meet someone, if it's kind of acknowledged that your relationship with someone will be a one-time deal and nothing other than physical, I have no problem with it, really.

People need intimacy and sex- sometimes they want to forget a little about themselves while doing so. Not one to judge.