Poll: What is Your Alignment (Escapist)?


Free Cascadia!
Mar 9, 2010
Chaotic Good, although I am those two things for very different reasons.

Oddly, I'm good because I like it. There's nothing particularly superior about good over neutral, and in fact too much good can be bad for a society, but I happen to like helping people and dislike bringing harm to them, so my actions generally fit in with what most people think of as neutral good.

However, my philosophy on how I think the world is and how it should be is quite... chaotic. I believe laws are inherently bad. They are a restriction of a person's freedom, and that's really all they are. Now admittedly sometimes they prevent things that are worse, so in those cases they can be considered the lesser of two evils, and thus I don't necessarily want to get rid of all laws or anything. Just most of them. Because we have way, way too many of them.

That being said, I don't actually break laws very much. As much as I despise them, they do exist, and there are people out there trying to enforce them. That makes it a simple matter of risk vs. reward when deciding whether or not to break a law, and while I think I'm smart enough to make the risk pretty low in most cases, I also don't really care much about... well, myself. I'm much more interested in improving the lives of others. Since most laws are designed to prevent people from doing selfish things the reward in breaking them is simply not there for me.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:

A Spider-Man pic and the thread is still on topic?

Yeah baby!

Laws are good, laws are great, laws stop society from collapsing.

But I'd happily break the law to save another person.
Oh please Daystar, you're obviously chaotic. Still good though.

As for me, my neutrality knows no bounds.


Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
Definitely neutral good, with occasionally leaning towards either side of the good spectrum. I do the right thing because its what I believe to be right, and I really couldn't care less what society says is right or wrong. I won't try to defy social rules, but I also don't just go along with what everyone expects.

Ah, yeah!



Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I'm lawful good - we have laws for good reasons - but things go downhill, I turn into neutral good. I'll bust up laws to save lives.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Us collectively? Neutral Evil.

Me? Every time I take an alignment test it gives me Chaotic Good, but I've always thought of myself as more a True Neutral type.

I dunno. I'm probably the worst judge of myself.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil

I mentioned in another thread that I tend to play the social scumbag type of character who will talk his way out of a fight then sell you your own pituitary gland at wholesale price. This means I usually end up playing the 'means to an end' type or the 'selfish ass-rabbit' type. Either way I end up playing kind of an asshole. That is I did until my DM banned me from play social types after out-D&Ded him so now I play Lawful Neutral knights who swear to defend one person in the party (I roll at random to decide) then defend them against all comers whether that person is a goodie two shoes or a complete dick-blister.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I would assume chaotic neutral or, lawful neutral. I try to follow the rules but just don't give a fuck when I notice people around me also refusing to give a fuck (or when they simply have no fucks to give). So based on that last sentence I must obviously be Chaotic Neutral.

edit - When Visiting Vegas, I'll be staying at The Tropicana according to my Captcha. I hear they give you a lot of juice.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Lawful Good.

I've made the case before. He does not blindly follow orders. He's killed corrupt judges and Chief judges before. He's invaded other Mega Cities to deal justice to others. He administers the law to everyone in an even handed manner. He is not into society above all. He believes in justice for everyone.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
Either Lawful Good or Neutral Good; depending upon my mood. I'm a bit of a stickler for the rules, and I tend to mediate between arguing parties in the kindest and sanest way possible. However, piss me off and that "Lawful" part tends to get thrown out the window if I get pissed off. In the end, I will still look to Good, regardless of my mood.


New member
May 4, 2011
Me and my glorious mustache are chaotic neutral. The smartest of evil. Use the laws when it's useful and break them when we need. It's the best way to avoid Lawful Dumb and Chaotic Stupid when scheming to take over all before me.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Depends on whether I'm on duty or off.

On duty, Lawful Neutral, because the law must be upheld and enforced at all costs and to the letter. A good civil security officer should not concern himself with the morality or practicality of any law, nor let his feelings interfere with it's enforcement. That is their duty, after all.

Off duty, Chaotic Neutral, because there are far too many laws that prevent us from doing things we want to do and society in general is kind of a pain that just shoves more restrictions on us.

As a special bonus, I won't even complain about the Alignment system.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Wolverine18 said:
gigastar said:
I usually run with Lawful Evil. It helps that im Dangerously Genre Savvy [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DangerouslyGenreSavvy] when it comes to staying in power.

One Vision. One Purpose. Peace Through Power.

You know I don't think they got that right. The Empire doesn't kill randomly or for fun. They just don't think life has any particular value, it is order that matters. Thus, Lawful Neutral.

The Jedi are probably also LN.
Its not my place to care about what alignment the silly Jedi's are, if they start getting in my way i will take steps to remove them, and when i say 'remove' i dont necessarily mean 'kill them to death', that would just bring thier friends looking for some payback. Giving them a compelling reason to be physically out of the way will serve just fine.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I'd say Lawful Good with streaks of Chaotic Good. While I'll try to stay within the bounds of the law, the law can also be abused and downright wrong in some cases, which can really rustle my jimmies.

Of course, I naturally see myself as the protagonist of my own story, which inevitably means I'm the villain in someone else's story, right? Through someone else's eyes, I'm probably nothing but Chaotic Evil.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I've done a few tests and they say i'm Chaotic Neutral, and i agree.

Lightning Delight

New member
Apr 21, 2011
True Neutral. Because I simply do not care enough to be especially good or evil, nor do I care enough to be especially chaotic or lawful. It's also partially because I just sorta do what I enjoy without regard to how other people will view me. I just don't care.

"Think of it like.. like this bag.. is... is full of all my fucks. You're not... you're not getting any of them."