Poll: Why do you swear/curse?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I swear half because of habit and other times simply to emphasise my disdain for something, be it a situation, object, person or whatever.

Video Gone

New member
Feb 7, 2009
Legion said:
It depends what kind of swearing. If it's something like 'fuck' then it will be anger. If I am calling someone a 'bastard' then I am usually being light hearted (they made a joke about me or killed me in a game or whatnot), if I call someone a '*****' then it's almost always a guy and it's me taking the piss.

To be honest I swear too much, although thankfully I am not as bad as those people who speak like: "Then I went to the fucking shops to buy some fucking cigarettes."
Fuck yeah, muthafuckas. We up in dis shit.
Sorry. I don't normally do that.

OT: Well, I do it to express a point, when I'm angry, in pain, etc. It's just kind of a part of my vocabulary as much as anything else, and I don't understand the taboos here. Is there really a difference between saying "I had sex with that woman" and "I shagged that woman"? Well, it may sound more offensive, but that's simply because the idea that certain words should be regulated or whatever is just a part of life, really. I mean, that's not to say I support words that are offensive to any race, nationality, etc. Obviously, I say "Yanks" (as in Americans) sometimes, but that's just in fun. Some of the other words? Noooooo thanks. This would lead on to a dissection of my opinion that the "family values" platform the world seems to run on ("HEY! You said the word 'sex' within a mile of someone under the age of 40? HEATHEN." is completely outdated, but that's really a matter for another thread.

Couldn't resist adding this though: Well, the whole marijuana thing? I don't smoke anything, but seriously? Get the fuck over yourselves. Compare the dangers to cigarettes and alcohol, using reliable sources, then talk. I'm off to write a long, reliably cited essay about all of this, then send it to those family values activists and religious fundamentalists (nothing against religious people, but some of the more obsessed ones grind my gears and no mistake) with the helpful suggestion that THEY SHOVE IT UP THEIR ARSES.

See, I just used swearing to express anger and illustrate a point!


New member
Jun 4, 2009
i swear for comical effect...referenced by the fact i picked 'fuck this poll', i also use it to express how i feel, and to curse someone out, most likely the owner of a server, who then perma bans me.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I really did lol at "Fuck this poll."

Eh, I use swear words as liberally as I'd use any other word. It's just a part of my vocabulary. I'm not an idiot who walks around talking about how, "I drove in my fucking car to the fucking beach and then it fucking started fucking raining." If you replace the swear with any other single word, it still sounds stupid. "I drove in my bloody car to the bloody beach and then it bloody started bloody raining." You can run that uncensored on television, but it doesn't sound any more intelligent than the obscene alternative. In addition, I am able to omit those words from my vocabulary depending on the context. If I'm going to, say, recommend a movie for my little cousin to watch, I wouldn't say, "Go see Toy Story 3 - it was fuckin' awesome." There's something called "tact" that we don't see being implemented very often these days.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Where's the "I don't fucking swear. Who the fuck says I swear?" option? XD

I just do. Since joining the army it's increased tenfold. Though I try to cut down on it here or when in presence of the fairer sex.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
I use it as a fucking intensifier. F-bombs are like spices. Use a few in the right place and you give a whole new flavor to conversation. Too many and it's all heat, no taste.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I swear because I can; simple as that. If someone doesn't want to swear, then good for them; they're sticking up for what they believe in, which is good.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
I try not too swear excessively but i know a few people swear constantly when its not needed eg. 'Im going to the fucking shops to buy some fucking bastarding bread'
Aug 1, 2010
I don't see any reason not to. In a social situation I do not, simply to keep the peace, but when no one objects I do, mainly for comedy. I also think that the extremes of both sides are rather stupid. Swearing just for it's own sake is just annoying, but it just pisses me off when someone censors themselves.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Do you use the word "fly"?

Why yes, I do.

Why do I use the word fly?

Uh..., because it's there?


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Because I just fucking do it. It feels good, it helps to lower my anger that comes up. It helps me to get through all of this shit.
Now to something more serious.
Words should never hurt people. They shouldn't. No one should ever be offended by words. It's the things we do, not the things we say, that should offend and bother others. Words are just words, nothing more, a apposition of noises that makes sense in our brains.
Or as George Carlin would have said:

"There are 400,000 words in the English language, and there are 7 you can't say on television. What a ratio that is! 399,993...to 7. They must really be baaaad. They must be OUTRAGEOUS to be separated from a group that large."


New member
Aug 26, 2009
When i am in pain or incredibly angry.

Because after flipping my go kart and having my back cut up by the engine and my arms crushed by the front end of the bumper saying "Gosh darn that smart" just doesn't seem enough. Saying "Fucking hell shit donkey fucks that hurt fuck!" actually makes me feel better after getting really badly hurt. I can't describe it but nothing takes the edge of bad injuries then a long string of swear words.

Other then that i try not to swear outside of my home. When i am in public i just don't feel its appropriate. Alone in my home or with my friends or wife that's fine. Walking through a grocery store swearing every second word like some people... Not so much.


New member
May 13, 2010
I just do. I swear a lot normally and would probably make a sailor blush. I'm trying to cut down though.


New member
Aug 9, 2010
I usually do it for comedic effect, but I also use it to enforce what I'm saying, if I'm annoyed or really exited about something


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Because my mum told me not to.

Madaxeman101 said:
'Im going to the fucking shops to buy some fucking bastarding bread'
While unnecessary, that's hilarious. I'd make friends with a person who talked like that.

Also, I met my best friend when he called me a "cunting lemon dickslit" in a hospital.