ANYONE is better than Tobey Maguire...I'd rather see a blow up doll in the Spider suit than feel the Maguire pain again.
But the film Nick Fury is based on the ultimate universe (in fact the only character so far) and this incarnation was black. In fact he was modelled after Samuel L. Jackson.Orhid said:I barley withstand Nick Fury but Spider Man would be last straw.
I'm a big fan of Green Lantern, and the one you just showed was Alan Scott, who is actually the Sentinel as his powers come from a different source. There was a black Green Lantern, his name was John Stewart. Because of that, I'd have no problem if they made a movie with him in it as Green Lantern. However, I'd PREFER they go with one of the originals first if they're going to be making a movie about it (which they are) as in Hal Jordan or Alan Scott.Glademaster said:Ok I forgot Green Lanturn has changed person so that was a bad example but there has been atleast 1 black Green Lanturn which if they made a movie of I thought they might go with but it could be any of them really.F-I-D-O said:Green lantern is white. Always has been.Glademaster said:Can we not leave characters they race they are in the comics. I am sick of people not choosing people that don't suit the role they are in. Also for anyone who thinks it is because he is going to be black I would be just as pissed if it was any other race or if a black super hero was being portrayed as another race eg Spiderman=White, Nick Fury=White, Green Lantern=Black, Storm=Black, Wolverine=White. Just stick with the bloody race they are supposed to be. I mean for fuck sake in some cases it changes the entire story of characters on that point why can't movies be true to comics like in Spiderman 3 they should ofshot Venom symbiote off into space instead of making it go boom(if I remember movie right).
Also while I am on this the casting of Venom in Spiderman 3 was very, very, very poor. I do like the actor but he could of put on some muscle dammit!!!
Plus, he's DC
[sub]that costume though, that is just wrong[/sub] said:In both main stream and Ultimate universe, Spidey is white. Blah blah blah political correctness whatever! Spiderman is white. Nick Fury I can let slide because the Ultimate Fury is based on Samuel L. Jackson.
If they stuck with the original, Nick Fury had some chemical (if the Marvel encyclopedia is to be believed) that made him age slower, allowing the original Nick to be head of S.H.I.E.L.D.lucky_bob45 said:the issue isn't as much race as it is cultural perception. many have mentioned the change in nick fury had been preceded in the "Ultimate" and it worked because they didnt just change his race, to make in an appropriate age he went from being a World war 2 veteran to a Vietnam war veteran, in the 60s war vets were largely portrayed as white guys with crew cuts and a cigar.
Vietnam war films introduced the "grizzled black" (usually sergeant) soldier character (who oddly, often also enjoyed a cigar) and they became a large part of cultural perception. this fitted the new nick fury variant.
cultural perception still draws the image of "uber nerd" as a whiter than white guy. is it basically stereotyping? yes. but its also how characters are developed and generally it how film studios think.
personally i don't care if spidey is or isn't black, as long as the story is faithful to the comic and i don't think a change of skin colour is enough to change that.