Teen werewolves pop up at texas schools

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
I'm gonna admit, that was some strange bits of news. I never understood why one would want to be a werewolf. You shed, you'd stink of the blood of your victims and not to mention that the transformation would proably be painful to say the least.

Honestly, if that is good enough to get acclaim on the internet and even make the news, then I'm dressing as a Pirate now. Who's with me!

Edit: Reading through some of the comments, I'm not surprised that some people are blaming Twilight....again. Honestly, can we get through one thread about Werewolves or Vampires and NOT talk about Twilight?


New member
Jul 16, 2009
FargoDog said:
Stopped watching the video around the moment the girl said 'Gangs are posers'. Of course, wearing raccoon tails and claiming you're a werewolf is the exact method one should take if not wanting to attract attention.

EDIT: If I'm taking that right, that guy killed a dog and took it's skull? What the hell? That's pretty messed up. And further google searching confirms that he cut off it's head and boiled it. I feel fucking ashamed to be on the same planet as these pricks.
The poser thing got me too.

CZS PublicEnemy

New member
Aug 29, 2009
"Its not emo.. and its not goth." Its even stupider. These kids are such wannabe anti establishment attention whores. They'll dress up like vampires, they'll dress up like werewolves, they'll dress up like little whiny selfish bitches, acting like they have it so bad because their daddys an alcoholic or their mums a whore. Its ridiculous how far they go to try to be noticed yet saying that isn't the reason for these childish fads.


New member
Jul 27, 2008

Also: How has no-one mentioned the fact that one of the kids had his neighbor's missing dog's SKULL?

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
They seem to me to just be a combination of emos and furries. Except they don't know that they're furries. I don't mind them expressing themselves but this way seems a little silly. I mean they're wearing fake tails. :p

I guess this is just another example of my generation acting out the only way they know how to: by creating their own social clique. I don't know if these people are really looking for attention (wouldn't be surprised if they were), but I'm pretty sure that they're looking for acceptance from a social group of some sort and this is the only one that they could find.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I frankly don't care.If they want to dress like that,then that is their deal.I am in no right to judge them.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
I'm gonna admit, that was some strange bits of news. I never understood why one would want to be a werewolf. You shed, you'd stink of the blood of your victims and not to mention that the transformation would proably be painful to say the least.

Honestly, if that is good enough to get acclaim on the internet and even make the news, then I'm dressing as a Pirate now. Who's with me!

Edit: Reading through some of the comments, I'm not surprised that some people are blaming Twilight....again. Honestly, can we get through one thread about Werewolves or Vampires and NOT talk about Twilight?
Im with you on the pirate gig, I live in the perfect area for us to harbor and stash our booty, the area known as the "Crystal Coast" of North Carolina. It has a long history of pirates in its past, and Beaufort has a Pyrate festival!

As for the "werewolves"... just looking for attention.... even if they deny it, they just wanna stand out. Oh kids these days....


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Wow... just... WOW . I like werewolves and all, but this is a little... much. It's kinda like that vampire craze, except, with, well, werewolves.

Hey, kids, Twilight was bad enough, lesve the werewolves out of it already!

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Wow, I mean, I'm not one of those people who want to beat people up for being 'different', but the way they talk about their style makes them really punchable. Also, I really want to know how the 'alpha male' got a bloody dog skull, that just seems a little off to me. I'm amazed these people think that gangs are 'posers' when they act like this.

Also, when they start to discuss how they feel that no one is really 'fully human' it's clear they have identity issues. I'd like to just say I'm fully human, and they're fully human too, I just don't try to hide it by stapling a bloody pompom on my ass.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I'm all for expressing yourself, and I know how it is (I'm a nerd and a metalhead but I fit in with the nerds just fine at my school) but seriously, that's pretty fucked up


New member
Jun 4, 2008
Wow I though of something I could say that would probably be really offensive to people who live in Texas, i'm not going to say it for fear of being banned.
OT: If people like this pop up in my town i'm going to aquire as many copies of twilight as I can and burn them in front of those people. That should teach them... something.


New member
Feb 6, 2010
This is what happen when you take Twilight, way to seriously. I know there are creeps who like "furries" bujt this is just to far. I mean seriously,what was thier inspiration anyways. Did they think being goth was to boring and vampires such becuause they sparkle and have emotion and aren't just mindless sadistic killing machines? Or was this to rival thier vampire cult at school. My favorite part was when that chick says "We're not a group, other groups are just posers, doing that for attention." Yeah, your certainly NOT that at all.

It's also these people to blame for making these things uncool. Ever seen The Howling, or an American Werwolf in London. That is what a wolf is. This is even more rediculous then reading the post online saying "this guy from nevada says he knows how to turn me into a wolf!". Really, werewolves aren't even that frequent of a myth, why doesn't anyone want to turn into a Hydra?


New member
May 1, 2009
Well, uh...I've never seen that one before. You know, I really don't know what to say. I've seen Twitards and social vampires and otherkin and furries and Eragonsomethings, but I really genuinely didn't expect to see anything like this ever. The thing is, the aritcle didn't make it clear whether or not the whole werewolf thing is what they believe or just the name of the group, but it's pretty weak either way. I mean, it's a really lame name for a gang, for starters (OOPS, I FORGOT GANGS ARE FOR POSERS), and the whole 'I'm a werewolf' thing is just...ugh. I believe 'stupid' is the word I'm looking for. Even the "vampires" at the school down the road are honest enough to admit that they're lying through their plastic fangs.

I mean, why would anyone want to go from something that somewhat resembles this:

________Pictured: Robert Downey Jr. demonstrating why being human rocks his socks (hint: it's the laser beam)

To this:


______________Pictured: Average werewolf demonstrating why his species sucks harder than a hole in the ISS

That's just...yeah, stupid's definitely the word.

Come to think of it, why is this even a news story? Teen gangs groups have existed for years, and this one's just another one of those. Heck, I convinced an entire school that I was the genuine article for three whole years*, and nobody outside campus gave two anythings.

But hey, at least this will make a sweet ED article.

Top that.

*I really looked the part.


Don't panic
Apr 6, 2010
Y'know, at the start I ALMOST knew where they were coming from... but no, damned posers.


New member
Apr 4, 2009
So wait... hold on. Did that one kid kill a dog?

Time to get the silver bullets......................


New member
May 15, 2010

these are not even good wear wolves like the ones in underworld they are the twighlight style ones.
were not posers looking for attention, then why do you have a fake tail attention seeking definatly just wow.