Stylish_Robot said:
one thing I'm curious about is why no one's complaining about the trainers, I mean you have Mr. Androgyny and Mrs. "My Hair's from the 80's"
Because when you play pokemon you never look at your character in detail. All you see is a little pixle sprite on your screen. Pokemon however... you spend alot of time staring at their backs in battle or their fronts on the status screen.
Neither starters appeal amazingly at the momement. I suppose the Grass snake is the least stupid looking. But it is down to what they finally look like to me.
Take generation 3. Mudkip, Treeko and Torchic. Mudkip looked odd (but later I found cute), Torchic looked like a chick and uninteresting and Treeko looked ugly. However Torchic evolved into Blaziken (WHO LOOKED AWSOME), Mudkip into Swampert (who didn't look too bad either) and Treeko's middle evolution looked bad-arse. Give Ninja Tree Frog Plodz (shame the final evolution made him look worse

, still not bad however). So yeah. Prejudgements is fine. Just don't judge the whole generation intill you seen it all. Who knows, the final evolutions might look bad arse. Come on, how many Pokemon in previous generations looked butt ugly? Skitty? Mime Jr? Meditite etc...