Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Apr 10, 2009
The person who invented "LOL" ruined all language anywhere... ever...

EDIT: Upon realising it was probably a Troll they probably enjoy that...


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Dan506 said:
Drakmeire said:
the columbine kids ruining trenchcoats. I wear a trenchcoat all the time, but now everyone just screams out columbine whenever they see me.
Trench coats were ruined long before Columbine, only now they make you unstable where before they made you a tosser.
HEY exhibit A


New member
Nov 4, 2009
Furburt said:
Trivun said:
Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...
Do I smell a conservative?
Lets face it, new labour is so free market now that there is very little difference between them and the conservatives. This just leaves the Lib Dems as a major alternative, and they pretty much can't win, so... whoever wins, nothings gonna change.


New member
May 14, 2009
One Mr. Adolf Hitler made it so nobody can have that little square mustache style anymore... the asshole.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Ohten said:
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.
Burying your head in the sand doesn't make something that's as major an insult to literature as calling someone's deceased mother a cheap street walker go away. Most people hate Twilight for one very, incredibly simple reason. It's bad. It's a horrifically terrible piece of work that doesn't deserve a shred of the popularity it got because the individual who crapped it out has a tenuous-at-best grasp of fiction writing and her writing is choked to the gills with blatant Mary/Gary Sues and deus ex machina that becomes so commonplace you never really need to bother becoming emotionally invested in Helpless Jane, who seems hell bent on setting back the feminist movement a century, or her verbally- and mentally-abusive stalker undead special-snowflake boyfriend.

So I'd say Meyer sure did ruin vampires and werewolves for me with that horrendous, steaming pile of text so many emotionally-damaged 10-year-old girls think is the be-all end-all of fiction literature.
Everyone always looks at the, albeit many, bad points of the whole Meyer thing. If anything it should fill people with hope that literally ANYONE can write and get something published.


Trapped inside a Game.
Sep 30, 2009
malestrithe said:
Now back on topic, I hate Joss Whedon for starting the popularity of modern day Vampires. Because of his creation, Buffy, things like Twilight, the Vampire Diaries, and the other derivative works, are mainstream.

As to the whedonites out there: Deal with it Whedonites. He started the ball rolling by making Vampires commercially successful.

But...But... so what if he made it popualar? that dosent mean it was bad, it just means it became open to the terri-bads to write their stories about them....oh wait.


i blame hitler, now i'll never be able to have that name without people questening weather im realated to him or not :(


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Helimocopter said:
Amnestic said:
whiskey rock n said:
Amnestic said:
whiskey rock n said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
Damn Double Ninja'd with twilight vampires
Need to pick a new one...hmm she wrote about werewolves too right? Ok, She ruined werewolves too
I think I'll get in on this and just say she ruined the entire art of literature...*****
I truly, truly hope you're being facetious.
Of course I am...everyone knows Dan Brown accomplished that long ago.
Yes. Two authors managed to ruin over 2000 years of literature.

I'm astounded by the intelligence of your statements. Now I'm going to go over here and bang my head against a wall.

I almost want to like Twilight just to annoy you persistent wankers. Almost.
i like to be a douche to people making jokes on the internet too!
When the satire is so indistinguishable from reality and the intention isn't clear, it may as well not be satire.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Let's see how much hostility I can garner at once.

Okay, I'd like to open up by saying both Bob Dylan and Yoko Onno just ruin music. No, I really don't care if you could write lyrics so good they make Jesus cry. Your voices suck.

Let's see... George Dubya Bush has, with the help of Cheney and others, ruined democrasy, ruined government, ruined econemics, ruined diplomacy, ruined...(The list goes on.)...for everybody. And frankly, I hope that Big O can snap us out of it.

I also want to say that god has ruined religion, because everybody thinks that they're right and he was too mysterious and ineffiable to get people to stop killing each other over him. Of course, he can't be entirely to blame since we had the words "THOU SHALL NOT KILL" set in stone and nobody listened.

I'd like to blame all geeks, nerds, and offensive fanboys for ruining regular fanhood towards anything. You dumbasses make it impossible to enjoy something popular without being seen as anything else but one of YOU.

Finally, leet-speak has ruined the internet, because anyone who uses that shit has gotta have their ass and their brain reversed. How could blotting out a load of crap meant to resemble letters but look like shit be better than typing it out? So, as I say on these occasions. Delete the leet.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Standby said:
Ohten said:
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.
Burying your head in the sand doesn't make something that's as major an insult to literature as calling someone's deceased mother a cheap street walker go away. Most people hate Twilight for one very, incredibly simple reason. It's bad. It's a horrifically terrible piece of work that doesn't deserve a shred of the popularity it got because the individual who crapped it out has a tenuous-at-best grasp of fiction writing and her writing is choked to the gills with blatant Mary/Gary Sues and deus ex machina that becomes so commonplace you never really need to bother becoming emotionally invested in Helpless Jane, who seems hell bent on setting back the feminist movement a century, or her verbally- and mentally-abusive stalker undead special-snowflake boyfriend.

So I'd say Meyer sure did ruin vampires and werewolves for me with that horrendous, steaming pile of text so many emotionally-damaged 10-year-old girls think is the be-all end-all of fiction literature.
Everyone always looks at the, albeit many, bad points of the whole Meyer thing. If anything it should fill people with hope that literally ANYONE can write and get something published.
If you see an especially bad movie, or play a horrible video game, do you employ that same logic? "Well, E.T. wasn't THAT bad! It just shows anyone can design and get a game published!" "Well, Uwe Boll's movies aren't THAT bad! It just shows anyone can film a movie and get it in theaters!"


New member
Oct 3, 2008
malestrithe said:
[Now back on topic, I hate Joss Whedon for starting the popularity of modern day Vampires. Because of his creation, Buffy, things like Twilight, the Vampire Diaries, and the other derivative works, are mainstream.
I think Anne Rice, Bram Stoker, Francis Ford Coppola, Joel Schumacher, Mark Rein-Hagen, Eric Brooks, and possibly the entire 80s goth subculture (so I guess Hot Topic, is what I'm saying) would all disagree with that statement.

To sum up: OlderThanYouThink [].


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Ohten said:
Most people hate Twilight for one very, incredibly simple reason. It's bad.
This is where I must seriously label you dead wrong.

Twilight is the hyped thing to hate today. I guarantee you most, if not 60%, of those goddamned haters are just following the crowd, and god forbid, read the book.

If one celebrity started a chain of people saying "Oh yes, Harry Potter is worst book ever written." It's safe to say many would follow.

Before you ask, am I a fan?

No, not really. Love stories with vampire and werewolves don't interest me to much of an extent.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
ansem1532 said:
Ohten said:
Most people hate Twilight for one very, incredibly simple reason. It's bad.
This is where I must seriously label you dead wrong.

Twilight is the hyped thing to hate today. I guarantee you most, if not 60%, of those goddamned haters are just following the crowd, and god forbid, read the book.

If one celebrity started a chain of people saying "Oh yes, Harry Potter is worst book ever written." It's safe to say many would follow.

Before you ask, am I a fan?

No, not really. Love stories with vampire and werewolves don't interest me to much of an extent.
Usually, when something garners this much hate, it's there for a reason. Either because of the incessantly-annoying fangirls that apparently think an abusive relationship featuring a chauvinistic walking corpse stalker and the idiot girl who singlehandedly does her best to facepunch the feminist movement by taking it all and saying "Thank you sir, can I have some more?" is a good base for a book series, or because of the horrible writing, or because of aforementioned relationship and Meyer's inability to grasp the idea that feminism happened for a reason--because back before the movement, shit like this was considered totally okay and even a preferable way to treat a woman so she wouldn't get funny ideas in her head like equality.

Yes. It's the "in" thing to hate on, and deservedly so.

The Austin

New member
Jul 20, 2009
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.

Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...

EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd by a few seconds...

I think that Stephanie Meyer ruined vampires..... Oops.