Turn in your man card


New member
Sep 4, 2010
I'm a woman.

No only joking, I'm guessing my avatar lacks the charecteristics of hegemonic masculinity (runs off to watch John Wayne films and eat glass while pleasuring multiple women while in a big truck and shoto a gun... a big gun to reaffirm some deep held insecurities about my sexuality and manhood.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I don't like sports.

I have no interest in cars.

I am all for equality, but not for feminism.

I have never liked Sailor Moon. Cos that's a girl cartoon.

I've never been tempted to perform in a musical or otherwise dramatic production.

I drink every now and then.

I have a girlfriend of 4 years.

I don't want to wait for sex before marriage, but I'll keep on keeping on.

I don't enjoy love stories, because they're never engaging enough as narrative pieces.

I do not like boy bands of any description.

I can empathise with situations, but I'm hardly sensitive.

I'm not a competitive person.

I don't like to talk about my problems and feelings, because its none of your motherfucking business.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I know about sports only so I have something to argue about other guys with.

I have never been mistaken for a woman, this kind of disappoints me.

I am very competitive but only in my own head. I don't play team sports because it makes people ugly and aggressive on the outside.

I love beer, but did not drink until I was 24.

The reality is though, I am a man. I am secure in it and happy with who I am. I always like to say "I may not be the person I thought I would be, but I am most assuredly the man I have chosen to become."


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Never had a girlfriend or sex.
Like My Little Pony.
Don't care for cars really.
Love a good musical/play.
I guess I care about my appearance a bit also.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I like Final Fantasy
I cried at Vanille's death in Final Fantasy XIII
My favourite movie is American Beauty
I don't really like sports
I don't really like COD (I mean, it's ok, and it's good for when I'm bored of all my other games, but it's not really as good as, say, WET or Dog Days.)


New member
Aug 20, 2008
I like romance plots in books and films. Only GOOD romance plots though! Not the drivel which seems to be shoved wherever.

I'm also a bit of a sucker for female lead characters.

And on my City of Heroes account, on my main server, I have 14 characters, 5 are male, 9 are female, and I play the female ones more often.

Also I squee far too much over cute things. Like puppies. Or kittens.

EDIT: Also, I hate Call of Duty. And I don't like sports. And I don't drink alcahol. I'm a bit of a wuss, really :p


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I enjoy my little pony,
none of my friend understand why.

In a game, given the option of a male or female character,
I choose female.

Not afraid to talk about my feelings to people.

Do not enjoy sport.

That's it. I'm pretty manly otherwise.

Deadlock Radium

New member
Mar 29, 2009
Manly stuff I like:
Cars. I am obsessed with them, and I love many, many cars.
I play the guitar and I listen to metal.
I am a very competitive person.
I drink beer and vodka.
I do push-ups, pull ups and sit-ups on a daily basis to try getting a little less skinny and more ripped.
I like violent computer games.
I swear like an old sailor.

Un-manly stuff:
I always care about how I look when I go outside. I hate being a slob, and I frantically try to avoid it by wearing proper clothes like jeans and a clean and nice t-shirt.
I love my hair, and I always try to make my hair look good.
I do not like sports, except floorball which I only play in the gym classes at my school.
I sometimes listen to Maroon 5 because it's some sort of happy-music.
Probably more, but I can't be arsed to write them as I've got class in a minute.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
- I'm an HSP [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highly_sensitive_person] (seriously, watching Clannad was a disaster the first time around... I went to bed and cried myself to sleep a couple of times because of Clannad...)

- I've never been in a proper relationship (mostly because I fail at expressing my feelings properly, so at best I've been on one date...).

- I dislike porn (believe it or not, one of my old "friends" found this so much fun that I got bullied for it...)

- I don't like sports

- If there's a game where you can choose your gender, 9 times out of 10 I'll choose the female

- I love good romantic stories, but I can only watch them in anime-form. Real people in romantic stories depress me...

- I sing along to 80's and 90's love songs on the radio when driving alone in my car

- I relate myself the most with female characters in anime and games.

- I don't know shit about cars (though I pretend to).

- I enjoy dancing when I'm alone. I used to know the Hare Hare Yukai by heart.

*hands over man-card* Not like I needed the blasted thing anyway.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Yay! Men who actually want to save sex for marriage! I knew you existed!

(Sorry. Interruption over. Continue with your talk of manly affairs.)

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
Taste shouldn't affect your level of "manly-ness".
I don't like beer, Im bisexual, I only like some sports (MMA, Wrestling, Soccer if im in the mood) and I have been single all my life as well.

But on the flip side, I have been a weight-lifter (only for a few years before my joint problems, my record where ca. 330ibs/ 150 kg in Squat), I am considered tough and still quite strong, and Im a metal-head.

Im just saying that you don't have fit every stereotype to be manly.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
-I have ZERO interest in sports unless a weapon (melee or ranged) is involved.
-I detest the taste of alcohol.
-Never had a girlfriend.
-Never got any.
-Only interest in cars is functionality.
-I like colourful webcomics.

Well. Where's the Man Card retrival office?


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Just to clarify some things. In never intended for this topic to be taken seriously. A few people have made posts to the effect of I don't need a man card or Nobody can tell me what is manly or isn't. This is something I would agree with. I don't particularly hide anything on my list in public. The point of this thread was to have a laugh. Also, I really need to check out My Little Pony based on everyone's recommendations. I've enjoyed GI Joe Renegades and Transformers Prime son I guess The Hub is the best place for good cartoons now.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
I can't stand most sports.
I'm very rarely competitive (I prefer co-op over pvp).
I am not afraid to cry at things that upset me.
I enjoy 'girlie' drinks, but I also like beer.
I'm straight but I gel very well with gay people.
I post videos to Youtube.
I like a decent love song.
Romantic comedies are cool.
I don't jizz my pants every time a nice car goes past.

Yet I still consider myself more of a man than sports playing, chauvinistic jackasses who could easily beat me up. So give me my damn card back, and give me one extra.

Gustavo S. Buschle

New member
Feb 23, 2011
SleepingDragon said:
This topic is inspired by a thread I found on The Spoony Experiment forums. Most men have certain qualities or interests which might not be considered "manly" by their culture. I thought it would be interesting for the male members of this forum to have a discussion about our non manly guilty pleasures and the like.

I don't like sports. Sports movies are okay because the characters give me a reason to care who wins.

I have no interest in cars.

I consider myself a bit of a feminist. Always been a sucker for action girl characters.

I liked Sailor Moon when i was a kid. Black moon was my favorite story arc.

I've performed in many theatrical productions in high school (people consider that gay for some reason).

Don't drink and I don't plan on ever doing it.

I've never had a girlfriend.

I want to wait until I'm married before I have sex.

I like a good love story.

I can still enjoy Backstreet Boys and Nsync. I'm was a fan when I was a kid some nostalgia from time to time can be fun.

I'm the sensitive type and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm not a competitive person

I like to talk about my problems and feelings
Don't worry, all that being a man means is that you have to be homophobic with no good reason. If anyone is wondering I call myself a guy, not a man.


New member
May 29, 2010
I don't like Aussie Rules Footy, meaning I must turn in my Aussie card.
I have watched the earlier seasons of Grey's Anatomy and enjoyed it.
I happen to enjoy roleplaying as female characters.
I don't have a 'strong' man to woman ratio of my social circle (1:3, maybe?)
There is no sport other than Badminton that i actively enjoy.
I don't care much for the jargon and chest-pounding of teams.
I have no idea how to talk to other men.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Well, I guess I'm the one to take your man-cards.

I'm not big on pro or college sports, but hand me any kind of ball and we'll make some crap for a game.

I compete in almost everything I do. Comparing myself to others and coming out on top always brightens my day.

I smoke. I drink. I wrestle. I maintain a minimum amount of personal cleanliness, but I don't care how I look outside of that.

Sailor Moon was terrible. Just...bad. Even as the Moe-shit predecessor, just awful. I prefer shows with an identifieable male lead. If I can't invest myself in the lead's place, then screw it.

I wholeheartily enjoy a good cigar when one can be found.

My music tastes are broad, though I get same feeling of joy from Bethoven's 9th as I do from MC Lars and Black Sabbath. Pop on the other hand, feels empty of purpose and meaning.

I can appreciate theater, but I have no intention of playing "let's pretend" for a live audience.

I'll talk through problems with people, but the feelings behind what I do are for myself and myself only.

My job prevents me from a real, stable relationship, so my sex life winds up being post-pub-crawl affairs.

Anyone who wants an equal footing with me for anything, be it rights, pay, jobs, etc, should be ready to take them for themselves, and not sit by and expect to have crap handed to them.

I love shooting. Bows, rifles, pistols, I really don't care. A good weekend is one I get to spend a fews hours on the range, and I return to my parents home on the weekend, my first question is, "When do we go hunting?" to which the reply is "Tomorrow probably. Your rifle is still in the case, better go clean it before then."

I pride myself on being able to make anything. Yeah, I can cook. I can also solder, use a lathe, and process crap wood from home depot into a decent table.

I also like MLP:FiM.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I haven't cut my hair in five and a half years and as a result it touches my ass. It is currently braided. When I was much younger strangers would compliment my parents on how lovely their "daughter" was. My fingernails are also much longer than the average person's. Sunsets are pretty and I often take pictures of them. I maintain a garden, am afraid of the dark, and could not care less about sports or cars.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
People always seem to assume I'm gay, and if not assume, I've had some demand I must be. I don't exactly 'look' or 'sound' like the stereotype so how people reach this is beyond me.
Though admittedly I did spend the other night sleeping on a coach with two half naked homosexual musical theater producers.

So I KINDA see where the impression might come from.