Unpopular Opinions


New member
Nov 18, 2009
The British empire was a damn fine thing, and if possible should be brought back.

Hell, I would do with making the Commonwealth a sovereign union of all included.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
Idocreating said:
I don't think parents are selfish, though I do think that couples who have IVF are.

There are tons of kids in the care system who desperately need to be adopted into a good home and instead you chose to spend thousands of your money so you could concieve naturally. Congrats, your down on cash and a vulnerable child continues to grow up in care and have his/her chances of a decent life reduced.
Having your own biological child is comepletely different to adoption.

Added to that, adoption can be a very expensive, long and painful process. A woman I know had trouble conceiving, her and her husband tried IVF but it didn't take so they tried adoption. It took them three years to be accepted to adopt a child from Belarus (I think, I'm not entirely sure where it was) and just as all the paper work was complete the country closed for adoption for a number of years so everything fell through.

It took them three more years to get another chance and they eventually got a girl from Russia. Throughout all of this, both parents suffered from severe depresssion and had to go through a lot of councilling before and after adopting the child (particularly the mother). Her sister also had to adopt and had a very similar experience. It's not like Futurama, where you can go into the Orphanarium and pick out the most attractive child.

If I had to choose between that ordeal and IVF (presuming it was a viable option) I'd choose the latter in a heartbeat.


New member
Jun 18, 2011
I believe that a socialist technocracy aiming for a post-scarcity economy while still having a green agenda is they way forward.

Most of the time people don't seem to understand the terms but rather pick out the socialism and be like "HURR STALIN DERP"

Captcha: Too late

I guess overlord Captcha knows best.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Liquidacid23 said:
oh cry me a river because someone was mean to you in school
Try the vast majority of it. I had occasions where I'd be surrounded by students two years younger than me and having things thrown at me. I couldn't report them to any teachers because I had no clue who they were. It was the done thing at my school.

The only time it stopped was when I went apeshit on some kid in my first year. For a week or so afterward the people who would give me shit would ask me if I'd actually beaten up that kid, usually in an awed voice. Surreal time.


Regular Member
May 25, 2010
Liquidacid23 said:
Idocreating said:
Liquidacid23 said:
I'm not saying we should just let kids go at it and beat each other to death... tho that would solve a lot of problems... just that some bullying between kids is for the best when it is within reason... it's honestly the best time to introduce and teach people that they need to toughen up before the real world because there are people around to make sure it doesn't get to far... it's far better for them to learn it as a kid than to be thrust out into the real world alone while they are still pussies who will be beaten down and taken advantage of at every single opportunity... and I never said we should just let the kids pick on each other to no end.. hell a big strong kid beats up a small little one than the little one needs to learn how to rise above it and stop it from happening... if all else fails than an adult should backhand both of them... the bully for being an ass and the other one for being a little *****... because neither extremes are desirable.. but the way it works today the kid cries and the bully get punished so now all you have done is teach the kid that whenever life gets hard it's ok to be a whiny little ***** cause he can just cry and call it unfair and someones will solve his problems

society today in 1st world countries has become way to soft... it's why we see so many whiny crybaby "adults" who are completely inept at taking care of their own problems...
Speaking on behalf of my childhood, you sir, are wrong. I was mercilessly bullied verbally, emotionally and physically for nearly a decade and it's this kind of shit that enables that torment. We do not punish the kid who got punched in the face infront of an entire lunch hall full of people. We not tell a bullied child to spend his time in the library because we cannot be bothered to enforce some discipline in the cuntbags who torment him. We do not assume it's good character development for a child to have to wait until his teacher leaves the room and use that teacher as a personal escort to avoid being lynched by his classmates.

You do not expect a bullied child to learn how to stand up for themselves when given mountains of different advice from different people. There is no justification for this behaviour. Period. Nothing good can ever come out of bullying, it is not teasing among friends, it's a traumatic experience for those on the recieving end of it and it colours their perceptions of people for the rest of their lives, and it results in the bullys developing into the assholes of the adult world, either being the tyrannical boss in your job or the guy who knifes you for your wallet.

Do not try and tell someone who was bullied that it was justifiable in any way. It's like pissing on Quran infront of Al-quiada.
oh cry me a river because someone was mean to you in school
Its shit like this that causes people to start carrying weapons. Grow the fuck up

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Caramel Frappe said:
Relish in Chaos said:
*Sees your flame shield up, simply walks around it and faces you* Hey there.

OT: No worries, I am not going to judge you nor act negative toward you. I'm simply quoting you because I found your OP interesting. Some points stood out to me, while others I keep having to look over because I forget things from time to time.

What I wanted to reply with is that though it can be true for people wanting kids just to have a 'prized feeling' that it's their kids (their genes) that are being a success while other parents weren't ready for the full responsibility when the time came to raise kids. However, do note that misery and pain can help people mature. No, not despair or anything really bad.. those leave scars. I'm talking about life's morals and teachings through the tough times. I've been through a lot, and it helped me become a better person by choice.

Yeah sounds cheesy, I know, I know... but, really it left me appreciating what I can be instead of what I could of ended up like. I do have to say though, I admire your point about "your actions can impact people no matter how small you think they are." because it's actually true. I remember when I was having a crummy day, that a person saying hi and holding the door for me really made me feel better for the long run. Simple gestures, acts, and notice can make a difference (unless you're sidetracked, which tends to happen a lot with the majority of people.) Besides, I like helping people.. gives me a purpose in life while trying to become a better person myself.

If you ever need to talk, rant, or want advise in any way.. please do talk to me or PM me. I help with people all the time and listen to what they have to say. Also no catch, I just like helping people because though the world is cruel beyond imagination, it doesn't hurt to least make it 1% better by yourself.. because when you try, then others will try. Motivation is the key to a better society generally. Maybe never fully, but a much better side in things I ensure you.
I understand, but I just have a hard time at seeing the world as anything but bleak, and even though misery and pain can, in some cases, help people mature, soon enough, they just get knocked down again like a bowling pin. And for many people, it can feel like they?re ridden with bad luck, even if it?s entirely random and indiscriminate.

I?ve had the worst four years of my life, and while I feel as if it has made me mature (although that could just be because I?m getting older), it doesn?t make me feel me any better. The most important thing it made me see is how shitty the world is and how it destroys people, and I?m not just talking about myself. I?m talking about loads of people, around the world, people suffering and it?s not even their fault.

I don?t like how some people think that they can just determine everything for a life that hasn?t even come into existence yet. Human beings have free will, and sure enough, they?re going to go off and do their own thing. Or maybe they?re not, and just drain the planet?s resources. No, they?ll do that either way. And everyone has to pay for it. And where?s that love now? Love doesn?t matter if you?re knee-deep in the mud. At the moment, no amount of kind gestures can give me hope that the next day or even the next week will be any better than the last. It?s just a fleeting joy that merely dissipates within the moment.

Thanks for your offer, and I might take you up on it in the future, if I need it. As I?ve aforementioned, I?m already on a waiting list for CBT, although I don?t know when I?ll actually ever get seen.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
I think humanity needs some form of natural selection (unsure if under my view it should be called unnatural or imposed selection) or else we will face devolution. My thinking is that people who have genetic conditions, ill, weak or unintelligent shouldn?t be allowed to reproduce while the best and brightest should (sex would be allowed just not reproduction).

Make no mistake I don?t want to genocide those groups of people.

I know it?s a horrible theory but I think it will be necessary for humanity to keep evolving, plus we could potentially wipe out some genetic diseases within a few generations.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I wouldn't agree with a mass cull of the mentally and physically disabled, but damn, if you can see in the womb, long before birth is anywhere near, that your future child is going to never experience life in a normal, healthy way, by which I mean, having the independence to look after yourself, then I'd suggest let them go. Certainly they can express happiness and even love, but surely, given the choice wouldn't anyone wish their child was fit and healthy?

I'm afraid that I can never believe the words 'We'd not change a thing about our child', when he or she is unable to feed itself or use the bathroom unaided. If you're saying that it's not so different to saying 'We're happy our child is disabled'. Of course it's only my view, but I believe they mean 'We're happy to have a child, and we'll deal with the problems.'

Just go for the termination and try again, or adopt. Save yourself and your future child decades of incredibly hard work for no reason. IF you already have a disabled person in your family, of course you love them and I'd not expect anything to change, but when given the choice between disabled or not, I can't imagine choosing to inflict that on an unborn child.

Also, worldwide, no-one gets to give birth to more than one child in their home country while there's kids in orphanages, you want a child, go get one. If you're that desperate for the pain of childbirth, get to the orphanage, show an abandoned child a lifetime of love, and I'll give you a free kick in the clacker as some compensation for not going thru childbirth again.

Welfare, I'm more than happy to see a sizable chunk of my taxes go to protecting the weaker members of society, and if you're against this, you're the very reason we need it.

At present fraud on disability allowance is estimated at 0.5%, of a total cost of DLA to the UK of 2 billion. By my maths, that's 100 million in fraud (less than is lost to human error), yet the government are paying ATOS the same 100 million each year to test those least able to defend themselves, and failing in 70% of cases, their rejections being overturned.

Putting all that aside, spending 100 million to save part of 100 million is fucking retarded.

I'll forever happily pay a little extra tax to allow cheats to live frugally on welfare if it means we're not fucking over the weakest people.

The new rules on Tax on charitable donations, while I'm against it because I don't believe for a moment George Osbourne is doing it for any reason than it will lead to the deaths of sick kids and the elderly and infirm, and that makes him visibly tumescent, I'd be for it from someone who was looking to cut the loopholes allowing churches and private schools to register as charities.

Lastly, I believe socialism is a good thing, and I believe mild socialism is not actually the exact same thing as extremist communism.

Oh, and I think Michael McIntyre AND Stewart Lee are funny.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Drudgelmir said:
A pretty tame one by comparison to most of the posts here;
I believe that if someone I dislike dies I should be able to continue vocalising my thoughts after their death.
My P.E. teacher killed himself when I was at school, I hated that prick. He ridiculed me, took the side of the bullies and gave me detention for refusing to do forward rolls (yes really (at 6'10" they're not easy to do)
I continued vocalising my thoughts after his death and even people that didn't like him suddenly started remembering him in a fond light, what fucking hypocrisy is that?

Another of my views is that...
Being bullied for being gay or of a different race does not make you special. Bullying someone for something they can't change is wrong regardless of what that thing is, and just because you're a gay, black, polish hindu (not actually happened but exaggerated for comic effect) does not mean you should get special treatment and that all bullying should be dealt with with the same punishment and detest.
These people don't bully because they're being bullied, they're just pieces of shit that need to be dealt with quickly and forgotten about.

As an Englishman,
The French, American, Indian and German cultures are fascinating and to be respected.

Brad Shepard said:
My unpopular opinion? More then liklely the first comment I ever got crap over on this site, that Suicide is the cowards way out.
Damn right. And I've seen the trauma it leaves behind, for them it's over but the hurt it causes for others is insane.
Hate crimes exist not because the victim is special for being some minority but because if I kill a black guy by lynching i'm not only targeting that one guy, i'm sending a message to EVERY black guy that you're not welcome and I have the right of it because I can string up some innocent black guy and get away with it. The law is there because hate crimes don't target an individual but his entire community. They're absolutely necessary.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
Scorpid said:
Drudgelmir said:
A pretty tame one by comparison to most of the posts here;
I believe that if someone I dislike dies I should be able to continue vocalising my thoughts after their death.
My P.E. teacher killed himself when I was at school, I hated that prick. He ridiculed me, took the side of the bullies and gave me detention for refusing to do forward rolls (yes really (at 6'10" they're not easy to do)
I continued vocalising my thoughts after his death and even people that didn't like him suddenly started remembering him in a fond light, what fucking hypocrisy is that?

Another of my views is that...
Being bullied for being gay or of a different race does not make you special. Bullying someone for something they can't change is wrong regardless of what that thing is, and just because you're a gay, black, polish hindu (not actually happened but exaggerated for comic effect) does not mean you should get special treatment and that all bullying should be dealt with with the same punishment and detest.
These people don't bully because they're being bullied, they're just pieces of shit that need to be dealt with quickly and forgotten about.

As an Englishman,
The French, American, Indian and German cultures are fascinating and to be respected.

Brad Shepard said:
My unpopular opinion? More then liklely the first comment I ever got crap over on this site, that Suicide is the cowards way out.
Damn right. And I've seen the trauma it leaves behind, for them it's over but the hurt it causes for others is insane.
Hate crimes exist not because the victim is special for being some minority but because if I kill a black guy by lynching i'm not only targeting that one guy, i'm sending a message to EVERY black guy that you're not welcome and I have the right of it because I can string up some innocent black guy and get away with it. The law is there because hate crimes don't target an individual but his entire community. They're absolutely necessary.
Relax, I meant by no means that dealing with crimes against minorities is not important. And I said nothing about hate crime laws.
My issue is people being bullied because of something they can't change and this applies in every case including race, sex, nationality, age, height etc. When it targets a community I accept that is bad, but I meant individuals. Sorry if there was any misunderstanding.

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
Not being sexist, but I've not found one female comedian that I've found even remotely funny. In all the sitcoms I've watched, it's never been the females that have made me laugh. Are women just incapable of comedy? I'm genuinely asking this.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
If I kill a black guy and there is no way for the government prove that it was racially motivated, lets say fit of rage over a bar fight, I won't get a harsher sentence for the fact he was black. Also bulling has been charged as a hate crime for the same reason, but not nearly as often.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Relish in Chaos said:
Not being sexist, but I've not found one female comedian that I've found even remotely funny. Can women just not do comedy?
If you're talking about Lisa Lampenelli oh you're not alone she's probably one of the least funny active big name comedians I know.


New member
Nov 17, 2011
-Dr. Who is a mediocre show at best and fucking terrible at worst.

-There should be few limits on what people can own in regards to firearms.

-After spending some years growing up near a native reserve in Canada, I really can't bring myself to give a fuck about what happens to them.

-I think Transgenderism is not an "acceptable lifestyle choice", but a mental illness and should be treated as such.

-Open doors immigration is a fucking retarded policy and immigrants who commit serious crimes should be deported.

-Concerts suck.

-I'm more entitled to my money than other people. Not unpopular, but other people seem to think different.


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Autism is a terrible thing to have or live with and anyone who praises the disorder as a good thing or even an evolution of humanity is most likely misguided or off in the head.

I do not care about any savants it may come with, but I have been around people with aspergers long enough to know that they are pretty much living a very miserable existence as I had to be around these types of people for years and I wish I could have those years back to be honest.

I mean they have to grow up pretty much being the most unlikable people on the planet due to their lack of ability to get out of their shell if things they like and constantly having this bizarre superiority complex as there is no one more of a douche than an aspie. I bet they feel like they can't say anything right and deep inside have low self confidence as a consequence as this, but at this point sympathy from me for them is near-impossible for me because rarely do they ever actually try to fix their problems and only seem to beat themselves up over their problems.

How is this in anyways evolution? If this is than humanity is going to have some serious issues down the road because autism pretty much gips off one of the most important aspects of people, the expression of ideas and cooperation to make great things. Autistics rarely cooperate and often keep to themselves or are stone headed to the point where they shut out anyone with new ideas or different ideas just because "they don't like them" and not giving any better reason than that while often expressing themselves in a very poor fashion and never improving on it.


Regular Member
May 25, 2010
Relish in Chaos said:
Not being sexist, but I've not found one female comedian that I've found even remotely funny. In all the sitcoms I've watched, it's never been the females that have made me laugh. Are women just incapable of comedy? I'm genuinely asking this.
I agree the majority of female comedians are awful, Bridesmaids anyone? there are some that I like, Jessica Stevenson wrote Spaced and shappi khorsandi and sarah millican can be quite funny.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
*Erects Flame Fortress*...

I hate Elitists. And not just PC Elitist, but Console Idiots. Y'know, those people who go along the lines of "PC IS SO MUCH BETTAR!1! I MEEN LUK AT THE GRAFFIXX AND MODZZ!!! CONSOLES R FOR RETARDS!!1!", and those people who go along the lines of "ECKS-BAWKS/PS3/WII FTW LOLOL, UR (Rivaling Console) SUX!1 AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON PC!!". I play both and they are both very fun. Consoles are no better or worse than PC than Chocolate is to Vanilla.