Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>hey dude, go kick ass1

You completely fuckin' agree! You use your omnitool to play some sweet tunes for the upcoming battle.

Shits getting real now. You see some imps getting up the roof from the sides of the building and the Gundom imp doesn't look to happy as he comes up onto the roof from the door.

They assembly around you as your badass music plays on full blast.

At 00:22 you start kicking imp ass with your Agency Club! Agency Directory eat your heart out!


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Practice HASTE

You decide to check just how well HASTE works for your FLASH-STEP MANEUVER. You pick activate your FRAY MOTIF and attempt to move as quick as possible from one point to another, almost as if it were teleportation. You know this will work. It has to, you've seen in it in all your Japanese animes.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Defeat Ogre

Looks like luck stays with you as with the combined might of you and the CAT the OGRE falls in minutes,dropping its GRIST load and more BOONDOLLARS which you collect.You give the CAT a pat on the head and a smile.He did good for a CAT.

You look to the hole where your front DOOR used to be.Looks like you can finally get out of this house and explore.You tell the CAT to stay here and to look after the HOUSE while you are gone. And with a breath of resignation you head out into this strange new world.

>Greg:Explore outside


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: As you exit the fortress, you remember the large group of IMPS surrounding it.

Actually, after watching you take down a GICLOPS, the IMPS look like they're on the verge of retreat anyway. A few laser-blasts and they'd probably scatter.


>Connor: You manage to defeat the IMPS. You are now a level 4 Guy Tike. +500 Boohdollars.

Looks like that's all the IMPS for now.

+176 Build Grist, +116 Marble Grist, +93 Chalk, +34 Shale.


>Dirk: Sadly, using HASTE does not allow you to FLASH-STEP. What it does do, is speed up your personal perception of TIME. You find all the IGUANAS suddenly moving much slower, while you continue to move at your normal speed.

You can't help but feel that MOTHER NATURE is telling you to Ssssssslllllllooooooowwwwwww dddddddoooooooowwwwwwwwnnnnnnn.


>Greg: As you travel outside, Perrywinkle follows you. It doesn't look like he'll listen to your commands.

Outside, you see that your house is apparently situated on what seems to be an enormous tower, similar to a turret from a Middle-Ages castle. You can see several groups of IMPS lurking about, looking for ways to enter your house, as well as a few OGRES here and there.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Mope

Damn it! You really thought it was going to work, too. Oh well, it's not like that's the only way to FLASH-STEP. One time your SIS took you both on a trip down to TEXAS to watch some BIZNASTY HASH RAP COMPETITION, and this one guy was unbelievably good at it. You never even got a good look him until the ENCORE, when he and his CREEPY PUPPET took a split-second bow.

The point is, within your mind and apparently within THAT GUY'S mind, FLASH-STEPPING is possible. And you're gonna do it, someday.

But right now you figure it's a bit selfish to just be doing that while there's enemies to slay. You quest your way out of the village, referencing the MAP to head in the direction of what might possibly be ANOTHER GATE.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Stare at Outside

Well you have to admit the IMPS and OGRES you expected,the HOUSE on top of a Middle-Ages castle turret not so much.But really,why are you expecting anything in this strange place?You need to learn to stop doing that.Now then,time to come up with a plan.

While you still have to wait for Rich to build your HOUSE up,once he is safe of course,it may be a good idea to...clear the area if you will.While you don't like to kill and you are somewhat dismayed at the amount of killing you have done,and more killing you will no doubt do before today is done,but you understand the rules of SELF-DEFENSE still apply.

However you decide to give them a warning before you must act.

You climb to the highest point you can,which isn't much higher then you are currently,and tell them to go away.You are dead serious.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You prepare for a long journey across your Land. If the map is at all accurate, then it's going to be several miles before you make it to the next village.

Along the way, you encounter several groups of IMPS, but thankfully no larger enemies.


>Dirk: Your faith in the possibility of learning to FLASH-STEP renewed, you set off towards the next Gate. In addition, HASTE begins to wear off, and your perception of TIME returns to normal.

You soon realize that it was a very good idea to purchase the MAP; it would be incredibly easy to get lost inside the maze of ruins covering your Land. You are able to take the shortest route to the Gate, and reach it without any encountering any foes.

You see a few IGUANAS around the Gate. They appear to be engrossed in their work, studying the ruins.


>Greg: Your INTIMIDATING SPEECH seems to have shaken a few of the IMPS, but the OGRES simply begin climbing towards you. The IMPS draw courage from their larger allies, and begin advancing on your position as well.

In hindsight, announcing your location to all your foes at the same time probably wasn't the best of ideas.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Rich: Exercise.

No! nononononono oh wait it's not that bad. I mean, yeah, it kind of sucks, but it's just a treadmill, right? It's not torture, right?.

>Get on.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Investigate

Oh, well that was certainly easy. You're almost a little disappointed that no enemies were in your path. Oh well. You see that the IGUANAS are investigating the area, and decide to approach. You ASK the one that seems the least silly just what they are doing here.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Uh Oh

Ok in hindsight it was probably a bad idea to announce your location to all your foes at the same time as now everything in the area seems to be advancing toward you.Lovely.You decide not to tell anyone of this "moment of brilliance".

Oh well.You were going to have it probably deal with them all.Now you have to deal with them all at once.Might be wise to start with the IMPS.

You give a heavy sigh.This is going to be very unpleasant.

>Greg:Deal with Imps while dodging Ogres

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>i got to go bro, see ya1

OK, you say good bye to the cool voice guy. OK, imp's ass kicked, check. Gate status, not reached. Wait, gate? Oh shit, your hate friend Xavier still needs to reach his gate! Damn it, this sucks! You head down to your apartment to get on your main computer to build on his house.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Rich: You get on the CRUXTRITE TREADMILL. It begins to run, and speeds up, first slowly, and then faster and faster.



>Chas: You come across an OGRE. It seems to be in pain, and is holding his hand. Looks like there's a thorn in it.

Hmmmm, are you thinking what I'm thinking?


>Dirk: Despite being the least silly one, the IGUANA is still quite difficult to talk to. He explains that he and his friends are making copies of the writings on the ruins, as well as talks profusely about the Great Hero.

He also mentions that if you don't have any supplies, such as water or food, it might be a good idea to procure some before venturing any further. The enviroment will get a lot more hostile later on, apparently.


>Greg: You manage to take down a few IMPS, with some help from Perrywinkle. However, there are simply too many OGRES about for you to deal any real damage by yourself.

It looks like you'll need some help on this.


>Connor: You realize that you should probably have some kind of plan, other than just building on his house. After all, poor planning is the downfall of many construction projects.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Maybe you could ask Shepardpie Sprite for help?

Aw fuck, you know your right, but damn it you don't want to fucking do that! Well, you got no choice. You make it down to your apartment and open the door and OH GOD NO!

Damn it, Shepardpie must be streaming that with his Omnitool! Two can play it that game! You walk into living room where they are dancing. You play this.



Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Retreat from Ogres

While you manage to take down a few of the IMPS,with the help of Perry....you mean the CAT,there are still far too many OGRES for just the two of you to deal with.You will need more help but who....Lily.

While the CAT keeps the OGRES occupied for a few moments,you call for help from Lily and anyone else who might be of help.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: Wear the Scarf. Be the Rider. Although you have no idea where to find a SCARF at this hour, you do attempt to make friends with the OGRE. Pulling the THORN out of his hand causes him to roar with pain, but he doesn't attack.

However, when he sees you going in for a BUNP, he reacts poorly, thinking that you're attacking him. He flinches away from you.


>Connor: You play the EPIC SAX GUY music. Nothing much else happens.


>Greg: LILYSPRITE responds to your cry for help.

She flies up to you, and proceeds to hurl heavenly fire down on your opponents. She pretty much field-wipes them.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor:Go ask her now.

Yeah, this is stupid. You stop playing epic sax guy's music and ask you dad if you can talk to Shepardpie in your room alone.