Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Jaw hit floor

You are so stunned at the scene before you that you can't even resist following a badly worded command.She just single handily wipe out all of the IMPS and OGRES within a good mile or so of your HOUSE.

You quickly compose yourself and thank her.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Rage out
GodMonster(,) dammit.
You thought you had everything planned.

> Xavier: Be pestered by your server
[12:54] -- backroomSix [BS] began pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 12:54 --
[12:54] BS: Hey
[12:54] LA: Oh perfect!!!
[12:54] BS: I need to build on your house
[12:55] BS: to get you in the meduim and stuff
[12:55] LA: I was gonna say the same thing!!!
[12:55] BS: Or futher into it
[12:55] LA: Perfect.
[12:55] BS: Anyways, Spepardpie sprite is helping get some building plans together
[12:55] BS: I'll builid your house up when we are done
[12:55] LA: OPk.
[12:55] BS: ?
[12:55] LA: *OK
[12:55] BS: OK
[12:56] BS: Anyways, hows stuff?
[12:56] LA: I made a hands free cell phone.
[12:56] LA: Out of glasses.
[12:57] BS: I made a omni tool from Mass Effect a a baseball bat that upgrades as I use it
[12:57] BS: *and a
[12:57] LA: Oh, awesome.
[12:57] BS: So, how helpful is that oprha teddy bear you got there?
[12:57] BS: I can see he is killing imps
[12:57] LA: I think he want to kill me too.
[12:58] LA: But he's helping me instead.
[12:58] BS: Funny, I though your teddy bears are full of love seeing how you hug them so offten
[12:58] LA: I make them into monsters!!!
[12:58] LA: I that was one time!!!
[12:58] LA: *And
[12:59] LA: At least I don't have a Pinkie Pie sprite!!!
[12:59] BS: At least it's half comander shepard
[12:59] BS: your's is half oprah
[12:59] LA: Its still half Pinkie Pie.
[01:00] BS: Better than oprah
[01:00] BS: and I don't even like MLP
[01:00] LA: A pink pony is better than a famous rich black woman???
[01:00] BS: Rich bithc
[01:00] BS: ******
[01:00] BS: Whatever
[01:00] LA: Still rich.
[01:00] BS: How cares about rich people
[01:00] BS: I hate rich people
[01:00] LA: *Shrug*
[01:01] BS: Yeah, so I should have your house expanded with in the hour and stuff.
[01:01] LA: Awesome
[01:01] BS: bbe
[01:01] LA: I need it.
[01:01] LA: ???
[01:01] BS: Be back eventaly
[01:01] LA: Ah.
[01:01] BS: It's too obusre a abrivation for you
[01:01] BS: Only cool guys use it
[01:02] LA: Apperently not.
[01:02] LA: I didn't know it.
[01:02] BS: Well who said you were a cool guy?
[01:02] BS: Anyways, bbe
[01:02] LA: Whatever.
[01:02] -- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 13:02 --

> Xavier: Play with your dolls while you wait
I hold DEAD-TEDDY and PIMPPLE in my hands.
They're not dolls! They're...cuddly effigies!

> Xavier: Play with your cuddly effigies
You shan't play with them! You shall PLAN WITH THEM.

> Xavier: Plan with your cuddly effigies
I cross my legs and plan with my cuddly effigies.
DEAD-TEDDY represents you and PIMPPLE represents the BLACK KING.

> Effigy Xavier: Confront Effigy Black King
"Stand down, Black King! You have no chance of winning for I have all the plans! All of them!"

> Effigy Black King: Respond
"You fool! You think you have a chance of winning?! En garde!

> Cuddly Effigies: STRIFE!
This is the greatest battle ever!
...Well, not really, your just pushing them together to make it look like they're fighting.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: The OGRE calms down, influenced by your SALESMAN ETIQUETTE. Your EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH meter skyrockets.

The OGRE seems to be grateful for your help.


>Greg: LILYSPRITE smiles at you. She replies that she was only performing her duties.


>Xavier: Your CUDDLY EFFIGY STRIFE seems to have attracted the attention of a group of IMPS. They gather around, watching your fake-fight.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Go get food

Angered by your need for OBVIOUS BASIC NECESSITIES, you take the MAP back to the VILLAGE, once there you shall purchase FOOD, WATER, a TENT, and anything else that a CAMPER might take. If there is one thing you hate more than WAITING, it is SPEEDING SOMEWHERE TO FIND OUT YOU HAVE TO GO BACK. It is just infuriating, HERO OF TIME OR NOT.

Oh wait, THIS IS STUPID. You use your HASTE FRAY MOTIF to speed up your journey.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Effigy Xavier: Give the final blow
After a grueling battle, Effigy Xavier, the tired, badly wounded warrior, looks at his equally badly wounded enemy.
"You should of gave up when you had the chance.", Effigy Xavier says in a gruff, hard boiled manner.
Effigy Black King panted heavily, "You truly are the best player I have EVER seen!"
"Ya damn right!"

> ===>
Effigy Xavier delivers the final blow.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Check on Waffles.

You stop looking at your blue prints for a sec as Shepardpie looks at them to see if you can build that stuff. You look and-OH GOD LOL! This is priceless! He is playing with his dolls in front of all the imps! OH GOD THIS IS THE FUNNEST SHIT YOU EVER SAW!

>Connor: Mess with him.

You use your server game to take the bear out of his hands as he is about to strike the final blow on the other bear. You then start attacking the imps with it, knowing that it would just really piss them off. God, this is the best!


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Breath sigh of relief.

Well now that that is over,thanks to Lily of course,its time to plan your next move.Rich has built your house up a bit but not much.You doubt anymore IMPS and OGRES will come around here for a bit thanks to Lily.Which leaves one thing you can do.

>Greg:Explore area some more


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Using HASTE significantly decreases your travel time. However, when you arrive back at the CAMP, you feel absolutely exhausted.

The CAMP is pretty much the same as it was when you left. Still got the ELDER TENT and the BAZAAR, as well as all the IGUANAS.


>Chas: Using your SALESMAN SKILLS, you are able to convince the OGRE to ally himself with you. However, he seems a bit insulted that you want to ride him.


>Xavier: Thanks to Connor's interference, the IMPS FLIP THE FUCK OUT. They do not enjoyed being attacked by DEAD-TEDDY.

They stalk off, clearly upset.

However, after Connor attacks them with a BATH-TUB, they become very, very angry. They turn and begin attacking you.


>Connor: You manage to possibly endanger your Client Player! +30 XP points!

Wait, no that's stupid. SHEPERDPIESPRITE gives you a disapproving glance.

-- shepardPie [SP] began pestering backroomSix [BS] at 20:29 --
SP: Connor!
BS: What?
SP: That wasn't very nice!
BS: What?
SP: Messing around with Xavier's stuff like that.
BS: Well...
BS: It was funny?
SP: It's your duty as his Server to help him, not endanger him!
SP: Although, yes, it was quite funny...
BS: I know, right!
SP: But still too dangerous to be considered a prank.
BS: Uh, yeah, your right
BS: Gonna drop a bat tub on the imps now
SP: That's better.
BS: Hope he doesn't mind the tub being in his living room
SP: Eh, I'm sure he'll be fine.
BS: OK, there mostly dead
BS: He can take care of the others.
BS: Now how are the plans so far, you like what I got?
SP: What do you mean?
BS: Look at the blue prints I drew
BS: Will they worK?
SP: Ah, let me see...
SP: Yes, those'll do fine.
BS: OK, gonna build that now
SP: Alright.
BS: you can hang out with dad, just don't get too loud
BS: Or at least play the smooth jazz verson of Nyan cat
BS: It's much better
SP: Fine.
BS: Thanks.
SP: Bye bye.
-- shepardPie [SP] ceased pestering backroomSix [BS] at 20:34 --


>Greg: You explore the top of the tower. It's about 200 yards in diameter, and is pretty close to a perfect circle.

Along the edge, there's a five-foot high wall. Peering over the edge reveals that the tower is incredibly high; the ground is nearly a mile below you.

The VOLCANO that had appeared next to your house seems to be located on top of its own tower, quite similar to the one your house is on. It does have a much larger area though, in order to support the VOLCANO.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Rage!

> Xavier: STRIFE!
I SLASH and STAB my way through IMPS with the TCM-D.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Oh wow

This... this is tiring. You never expected a boy your age who spends all of his time indoors watching anime to be so damn OUT OF SHAPE.

Oh well, you MAKE THE PURCHASES and decide to take a quick rest before heading out to the GATE again. You really can't bear all of this running.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Don't look down

You try,and fail,to resist the urge to look down.Of course as you look down past the wall you see that the ground is a mile off.You probably don't want to fall off this tower.That would be very bad for your health.

You push your hand against the wall and part of you is surprised that the wall seems to be solid.Even though it is a game construct.This makes you more curious about all of this.And you know someone who might be able to give you some answers.

>Greg:Walk over and ask Lily questions


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: You're able to defeat the IMPS with little difficulty. +146 Build Grist, +85 Amber Grist.


>Chas: The OGRE clearly has no idea what you're talking about, but he follows you around anyway.

You and Dash Overcoat walk along for a few hours. Suddenly, you hear someone shouting for help. Sounds like a GECKO.


>Dirk: You set up your TENT among the many smaller ones that make up the CAMP. You quickly fall asleep.

As your mind slips away, you begin to dream. It's definitely a strange one. Your vision is incredibly blurry, and occasionally fades to black. You can barely make anything out, but what you do see seems to be... purple?

You also seem to hear some EPIC SAX RIFFS in the distance.


-- lilySprite [LS] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 22:00 --
LS: Hello Greg.
GK: Hey Lilly and thanks again for earlier
LS: Of course. I'm hear to help you in anyway I can.
LS: That includes in battle.
GK: Honestly not one of my better ideas :/
GK: Well I hope to not making a habit of it
LS: That's probably a good idea.
GK: But anyway I have some questions I would like to ask
LS: Of course.
LS: Go ahead.
GK: First and this may seem strange...Do you know why that volcano came with me?
LS: Yes.
GK: Will it be important later?
LS: If you play the game right, then yes.
LS: It will become crucial to your success.
GK: I see..well atleast thats something
GK: Rather have it be important then just being there because well...because
LS: No no, Sburb rarely creates anything that doesn
LS: 't have a purpose.
GK: Hmm i will keep that in mind..I guess that answer my question about the wall around this tower
LS: Yes, that's there to keep you from falling off.
GK: Well thats good to know
LS: It's a long fall.
GK: I gathered..I have to ask..is this basiclly what this game is about?Killing creatures and going through gates only to solve the Ultimate Riddle at the end?
LS: That's the short verision, yes.
LS: But, you will do so much more!
GK: Like what?Or is that one of those cryptic things you can't tell me about?
LS: No, I can tell you this.
LS: You will meet strange creatures, solve puzzles, and create things that surpass your wildest dreams!
LS: It will be a true adventure, an epic quest!
GK: An adventure..I always wanted to go on an adventure...To go to far away places,meet new people and be a great hero...but part of me feels I'm not worthy of that
LS: Greg, of course you are.
LS: This is your destiny, your purpose.
LS: It's no lie to say that you were born to do this!
GK: But why me?There must be...or must have been as the case may be now...better choices..I'm just a guy who likes to read...My friends are better choices then I am
LS: Greg, your friends are very special. They are leaders, teachers, creators.
LS: But, none of them are like you.
LS: Greg, you will play a role that no one else can. One that was meant for you, and you alone.
LS: Without you, your friends are doomed to fail.
GK: Thanks Lily...no pressure or anything..
LS: They need you, just like you will need them.
LS: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to worry you.
LS: I won't lie, the path ahead of you will be difficult.
GK: Its ok Lily,you are just trying to help..and I thank you for that
LS: But, it is nothing you cannot accomplish.
LS: Believe in yourslef and your friends, and you will do the impossible.
GK: I always wanted the chance to be a knight.Seems like the game is given me that chance.Now i have to make sure I don't screw it up
LS: You can do it. I know you can.
GK: I thank you Lily...I guess I just needed someone to talk to..voice my worries
LS: Of course. Like I said, I'm here to help in anyway I can.
GK: I didn't want to bother my friends with my friends with my problems
LS: I think that they'd want to help you just as much as I do, but of course it's up to you to decide who to talk to.
GK: Hmm i guess your right
GK: I just hope that when the time comes Lily I make the right decision..and that it doesn't get any of I care about hurt
LS: Oh Greg...
LS: I believe in you.
LS: Please, have faith in yourself.
GK: "The man who has nothing...can still have faith"I remember that line....I just have to believe I guess
LS: Yes.
GK: I thank you again Lily..this talk has...helped :)
LS: I'm glad to hear it. You are very welcome.
LS: Please, let me know if I can help you in anyway.
GK: Until next time Lilt /bow :)
LS: Goodbye Greg.
-- lilySprite [LS] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 22:21 --


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Think on Conversation

You know Lily is right.You need to have more faith in yourself...Easier said then done though.You exhale then breath in slowly.Lily hasn't led you wrong in the past,always being your symbol of luck and kindness.

You look up at your home,or more correctly,the part of your HOUSE that Rich has added onto.You don't know why you are here but that isn't important right now.What is important is that you ARE here.Lily told you that you do something important in the future and you aim to not screw that up.

You will not be a liability to your friends.You will not burden them.You will help them in anyway you can as will you help the trolls and anyone who needs your help.

You will be a HERO.

>Greg:Climb Rich added parts of the house


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Dream

Wait a minute, what the hell is--

Oh. Wait. Never mind. You're still in your TENT. You suppose it's just HALLUCINATIONS after the exhausting running around you've been doing. Still, it seemed like a really real HALLUCINATION. Oh well, you decide it's nothing important. You CAPTCHALOGUE your TENT WITH CAMPER'S KIT into your BERSERK card. You don't really recall GETTING A BERSERK card, though. You really need to keep better track of your SYLLADEX. Then again, the TENT WITH CAMPER'S KIT disappears, so you're pretty certain you've got one in there, or at least some CARD that will accept that sort of thing.

Rested and rejuvenated, you leave the village and make for the GATE once more.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Build your masterpiece!

That's much better. OK, based on your awesome building plans, You go up to Xavier's attic and open up it's part of the roof. You add a latter that leads up to a new building that you are about to build about 50 feet high. There you copy pasta your hate friends couch and bed and move his computer and it's desk, for easier access to his server. After you finish with that building, which is held up with walls leading from the attic's area of the roof, so it's kind of a upward hallway with a latter. You then make stairs from a doorway up to platform being held up by lots of chimes. This platform is directly under the gate, which you put another latter for easy access. OK, done.