Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You and Dash Overcoat investigate the commotion. You find a GECKO trapped within some kind of machine. It looks like some kind of vehicle.

The GECKO is distressed, but unharmed.


>Greg: You begin to climb the additions Rich has made to your house. Thanks to LILYSPRITE'S help, your path is entirely free of enemies.


>Dirk: Rejuvenated, and now in possession of the necessary SURVIVAL GEAR, you re-venture towards the Second Gate. Now that you are familiar with the route, you easily find the Gate.


>Connor: Just as you finish your additions onto Xavier's house, you are set upon by a group of IMPS!

Looks like a good chance to test out your new AGENCY BAT.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>wait, didn't you already test out that bat/ oh and i'm back bro

Yeah, you did use that bat already, which means that when you kick these guys asses it should UPGRADE TO ONE STAR! Also, this room is very cramped, the imps not liking it very much anyways, go into the kitchen and try to trap you in there. Time to kick some ass!




Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Take control of the situation.

You tell your little green friend that you are the HERO OF TIME, come to enter the GATE and save them all from the oppressive regime of THE DENIZEN. You and your IMPOSSIBLY LARGE COLLAR have got it all under control, so just wait here until you get back.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: After a short STRIFE, you defeat the IMPS! You are promoted to a level 5 Plucky Guy. +1000 Boondollars.

You pick up 139 Build Grist and 94 Tar Grist.

What's this? It looks like your AGENCY BAT is evolving! You wisely choose not to press B, and are rewarded with a ONE-STAR AGENCY BAT!


>Dirk: The IGUANA is wowed by your IMPOSSIBLY LARGE COLLAR, and can only watch you in silence. However, you do notice that he looks a little confused when you mention the DENIZEN.

Once you walk through the Second Gate, you find yourself in the middle of a WINDSWEPT DESERT. Here and there, you can see a few structures poking out of the sand, but it appears that a large amount of building have been buried by the shifting landscape.

Looking behind you, you can see that the Second Gate is set atop a rather tall tower, with its steps still intact. You should be able to find it without too much trouble, should you want to go back.

On a whim, you examine your MAP. It appears to have re-sized itself, with a large portion of it now blank.


>Chas: With some help from Dash Overcoat's brute strength, you are able to get the GECKO out of the STRANGE VEHICLE. He is quite grateful, and explains what happened.

It turns out that the GECKO is actually from a village quite a ways from here, and that he found the STRANGE VEHICLE lying around, and decided to try it out.

Turns out, the STRANGE VEHICLE was a STRANGE FLYING DEVICE, and the GECKO soon lost control. After flying around for a few hours, he finally crashed down here. And then you showed up.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Reach top

You reach the top of the additions that Rich has added to your HOUSE which isn't very many.You sit yourself zen like on a small platform near the top.

You decide it may be a wise idea to get a bit of rest while you wait as you have no idea when you will get sleep otherwise.

You start going through the motions your MOTHER taught you to put yourself into a trance like sleep while still remaining fully alert to your surroundings.Having a NINJA for a MOTHER does seem to have come in quite handy after all.

>Greg:Enter trance like sleep


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: The GECKO explains that while he knows several SUICIDAL SHORT-CUTS, the only safe way to the next village is simply to walk.


>Greg: You suddenly wake up, in your room. Although, there seems to be a lot more yellow than you remember...

You notice a peculiar looking fellow. He has not noticed you, and is in fact engrossed in one of your books. He is garbed in strange clothes, and wears a satchel. His skin is pure-white.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Examine surroundings

You are suddenly very glad you bought all of that food and water. You take a look around in surprise at the DESERT. You can say with certainty that you never expected this. You wonder for a moment if your SIS came this way, and if you should look for her footsteps. You back out of that plan quickly, remembering that your SIS would fly if she needed to to avoid leaving a visible trail. Tracking her is an impossibility... at the moment, at least. Who's to say what your TIME POWERS will permit you to do in the FUTURE? Or maybe the PAST? TIME FLOW is confusing as hell to you.

You observe your surroundings and see that, like the previous area, there are many RUINS here. Fewer than before due to all the sand likely covering most of them, but there are a few pillars still poking from the dunes. You pick the most interesting looking one from a distance and approach it warily, HARUHARA BLADE at the ready.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You lead Team Alder towards the next village, with Ace Tailspin perched comically on Dash Overcoat's head. The three of you make a very silly-looking team.

You walk a ways, but are spotted by a couple of BASILISKS. They attack you and your compatriots.


>Dirk: You begin marching towards the tallest pillar you can see. Upon arriving there, you are ambushed by a group of IMPS hiding under the sand, as well as a pair of BASILISKS.

Your HEALTH VIAL is reduced to 79%.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Ascend to the highest point of the building
I do so.
GodMonster dammit, Connor why the hell does it have be so high up.

> Xavier: Stare at the gate
I do so to add intensity to the situation.

> Xavier: Jump through the gate
I do so.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: You enter the Land of Clouds and Feathers. It's a very small planet, closer to the size of a moon than an actual planet.

However, it is surrounded by layers upon layers of clouds, much like the one your house is currently located on. It appears that the clouds are somehow thick enough to walk on. It seems that they float around, connecting to each other and then separating again.

Around you, you can see birds of every size, shape, and color. They fly from cloud to cloud, casting bizarre shadows all over the planet.

You are currently standing on a small cloud, no more than 100 feet in diameter. Looking around, it seems as though you should be able to safely jump from cloud to cloud, assuming of course you don't fall.


>Chas: With Ace Tailspin safely tucked away, you and Dash Overcoat engage the two BASILISKS in STRIFE!

Although you manage to deal some damage, the BASILISKS are quite strong, and hit you and Dash as well.

Your HEALTH VIAL is reduced to 80%, and Dash's is lowered to 65%.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>nice one guy1

You say thanks. You then examine the ONE STAR AGENCY BAT! It's a bit larger, a little lighter, and is now a light blue color. Cool.

Smooth Jazz Nyan is still playing, and your starting to feel tired. You set your Omni Tool to wake you up in 20 minuets. You lie down on your bed and take a nap.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: As you fall asleep, you wake up in the strange purple room again. You hear some kind of commotion, and look out a nearby window.

You see that you are currently located in a tower on a moon, which in turn is connected by a massive chain to a nearby planet. Looking around, you can see two other towers on the moon.

Down on the planet below, you see a small AIRCRAFT land. You barely make out a group of figures doing something around it.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Do something.

Well you could go outside and stuff. It's a nice night out. Nah, you'll just pester someone. HEY, your troll buddy is online! You pester him!

-- backroomSix [BS] began pestering unopressedAgitator [UA] --
BS: Hey troll guy
UA: sup loNskE
BS: Yeah, as you can tell I'm dreamin' now
BS: But I got nothing better to do
UA: oh shit REAlly
BS: Yeah
BS: I'm like, super able to lucid dream and stuff
BS: I'm sure pesterchum here is a figment of my imgaination
UA: yEAh wEvE bEEN ovER this
BS: So, hows troll life
BS: Still stuck on a rock eh?
UA: ...wAit
UA: this thE fiRst timE you coNtActEd mE?
BS: Yeah
BS: But you have talked to me before hand
UA: oh ok thAt mAkEs sENsE
UA: yEAh i kNow
UA: uGh youRE Not thE timE shENNANiGANs Guy so this is hARd to uNdERstANd
UA: but you coNtActiNG mE is coNtActiNG mE iN thE futuRE
BS: Well I just contacted you cause I saved your chumhandle and stuff
BS: last time you talked to me
UA: yyEAh i thouGht thisd bE A pRoblEm
BS: Why?
BS: You don't like me?
UA: NAh youRE All cool
BS: Thanks and stuff
UA: but you just doNt GEt thE timEstuff
BS: Well figment of my imgaination, I'm sure it's all good in the end
BS: You didn't answer my question before
UA: whAt
BS: Hows stuff?
UA: fuckEd up
BS: Sorry about that
BS: How so?
UA: lEtAGEs ActiNG cREEpy ANd wEiRd
BS: Letages?
BS: Whos that?
UA: thE bluE tRoll? fuck dudE this must bE hEllA EARly iN youR AdvENtuRE
BS: I only remember talking to him once
BS: He's cool
BS: I guess
UA: its A shE
BS: I didn't even notice
BS: Then again, how would I know
UA: thAt tENds to hAppEN
BS: It's on pesterchum
BS: Yeah, how so weird?
UA: i duNNo mAN
UA: i blAmE you humANs
BS: I apoligce on behave of my speice
BS: I'm sure they didn't mean it
UA: i suRE hopE Not
BS: Can you see what I'm doing in my dream?
BS: or you just see me on my bed asleep?
UA: i cAN oNly sEE you AsNoozE thERE
BS: Well whatever
BS: Wish you could see and hear the epic tunes I'm able to play here
UA: you pRospEtiAN oR dERsE?
BS: Um, I guess which ever one is purple
BS: Yeah, there are these guys outside my window talkin' about stuff. They came on a airship of some sort
BS: Weird
BS: I think my dream is trying to have a plot and i'm ignoring it
UA: fEh plot is ovERRAtEd
BS: I know right!
BS: Yeah, so can you talk to me at mulibal time peroids at one time?
UA: i cAN pREtty much spEAk to you ANd sEE you At ANy timE
BS: does speaking to me change the time line?
UA: NAh oNly whEN i Go bAck iNto timE ANd chANGE it iNtENtioNAlly
BS: Ah
UA: oR ANothER chump doEs
BS: OK then
BS: Well, I'm gonna be auto maticly woken up soon, so see ya cool guy!
UA: wAit whAt
BS: I have a alarm in the real world right now
BS: So i'm gonna wake up soon
UA: oh ok
BS: See ya cool guy
UA: sAy hi to youR musclEbEAst spRitE foR mE
BS: I will.
BS: Not that I like the stupid pony
UA: you should
BS: Whatever, bye for real this time
-- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering unopressedAgitator [UA] --

Well you just wasted your 20 minuets on talking to a guy. Good job.