Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: The PARROTS carry you to a cloud in the top layer. On the cloud, you see a massive BIRDHOUSE, and hundreds of PARROTS flying about it.


>Connor: You go outside your apartment building, and are confronted by a swarm of IMPS, and a few large OGRES. Luckily most of them haven't noticed you yet.

You also not that Chas has made a few additions to your home; looks like you should be able to reach the First Gate now.


>Dirk: The IMPS are actually incredibly strong, and kill you easily. Ok, not really. Yeah, you win that STRIFE quite easily.

+139 Build Grist, +87 Shale Grist.

As you push down on the MYSTERIOUS TILE, nothing happens. However, you are hit on the head by a TINY UNLOCKING-DEVICE.


>Greg: You begin climbing down the rope. You get about halfway down the tower before it starts to creek ominously...


>Chas: Although your vision remains black, you hear some very strange noises in your dreams. Sounds like a rope breaking, and someone screaming.

Oh well, it's just a dream, right? Not like any of your friends are actually in danger or anything.


Thanks Benndak, I appreciate that.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
I missed the part saying you were moving Pappy. Good luck.

>Dirk: Take the device

What is this? Some kind of GUN? You can't really figure out where this mysterious UNLOCKING DEVICE came from, or even what it is really, but you think it has something to do with these DOORS. You approach the one on the RIGHT and attempt to find a place to INSERT YOUR GUN.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: Your HEALTH VIAL is refilled! Because, why not! Yeah, that's totally a good reason.

You re-navigate the TUNNELS, and find the place where you took out the enemies. You examine the SHINY THINGS the IMPS were gathering; they seem to be small discs made of STAINLESS STEEL. If the GECKOS think these are STAR SHARDS, then it's no wonder they think SILVERWARE is too.


>Dirk: You take the RPG and use it to blow the LOCKED DOOR open. Take that WEIRD PUZZLE SHIT!

The room you enter is strangely structured, with some blocks creating a kind of passage-way. If you could see the room from a birds-eye view, it's look something like this:

The new room is also filled with a bunch of IMPS, wearing some weird armor. They also move in a strange pattern, creeping along the walls.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
Kindest regards for your trip from Connor Lonske the Original Cool Guy

>kick there ass1

You start to beat the asses of the imps with your bats, kicking their ass hard. This One Star Club is badass, still mostly looks like your old bat and not like a club though. Still, very badass and now covered in blood. You start getting closer to the gun fire and what sounds like pulse rifle from Mass Effect.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Be terrified by the imps

You FAIL to be TERRIFIED BY THE IMPS. For gog's sake they are IMPS, what, is this game on EASY MODE or something? You whip out your HYPERION GUNBLADE and go for some ranged smackdown. As you eviscerate the army, you start to ponder to yourself what exactly the GOAL of this game is. You mean, yeah there's the BLACK KING and all, but why not just give you and your friends the power ups you need to beat him and call it a day? Why all the DUNGEON-DELVING and QUESTING? There seems to be a lot of LORE attached to this game and you can't help but feel you should really start reading up on it.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: Level up! Level 6 Guy Skylark. +2,000 Boondollars.

You pick up the Grist that the IMPS dropped. +734 Build, +451 Rust, +231 Chalk.


>Chas: As you walk away from the VILLAGE, being the HERO, you can hear Dash sadly roaring after you. But you don't look back. You never look back. That's not what HEROES do. They don't look back.

You walk in the general direction of the Third Gate being despondant and sad andOoooh what's that shiny thing?

You suddenly come upon a really WEIRD SHINY THING. It looks a lot like one of the Gates, but is significantly smaller, and blue. Huh.


>Dirk: Don't skip ahead to the boss battle What is that supposed to mean? What boss battle? You have no idea what you're talking about.

You defeat the IMPS with a bit of difficulty; that armor they're wearing sure is tough. Still, it's not like they damage you or anything.

You decide that your decision to study the LORE of your Land is probably a good one. Something, like a voice in the back of your head, affirms this. You get the impression that you should figure out what's in this TEMPLE.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Aw damn it I had like four awesome images piled up to respond.

>Dirk: Investigate blocks

You figure if you're going to get to any part of this TEMPLE with legible answers for your questions, you'd better get to PUZZLE SHIT. You go and check out those blocks to try and figure out just what they're about. You can't help but wonder if it's one of those ARRANGEMENT PUZZLES.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You suddenly realize that you can't pick up the WEIRD SHINY THING. Mainly because, it's kind of ethereal, much like the Gates. You get the feeling you're supposed to step through it...


>Dirk: You decide that it is one of those ARRANGEMENT PUZZLES. The voice in the back of your head encourages you to examine the block that seems to be out of line with the rest of them.

Worry not, you'll have your boss battle. Or will you? Muhahahahahahahaha!


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Investigate block

You listen to the VOICE IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD and investigate the BLOCK. Hmm, you wonder what will happen if you PUSH IT BACK INTO PLACE? You do so to find out.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Climb rope

As you climb the rope you can't help but think on this whole thing.

A Prince of PROSPIT.You're a Prince of PROSPIT.And for some reason that doesn't feel strange to you.It rolls off the tongue as if you had said it for years.As if that has always been true.And,while you didn't think on it at the time,when you looked out the window and out onto PROSPIT,you felt a ting of happiness.It was as if you had come home from a long journey.

You are snapped out of your thoughts by an ominous creeking sound coming from the rope.Oh that can't be good.Part of you doesn't want to but.....

You look for the location of the creeking.You also,against your better judgement,look down to check on LS.

A bit late probably but Good Luck on your moving Pappy.Hope everything goes alright.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: You manage to push the BLOCK BACK INTO PLACE. Nothing really happens, but hey. Now you know you can move the block!


>Greg: As you look down, you see that LS is VERY NERVOUS about the creaking noises coming from the rope. You also see the INCREDIBLY LONG FALL you'll experience if the rope breaks. Which, coincidentally, it does. Shoot.


>Chas: You step through the RETURN NODE! You find yourself back at your house, near your TOTEM LATHE, CRUXTRUDER, and ALCHEMITER.

You can see that while you were away, a lot of IMPS and GECKOS found their way into your house. Currently, they are messing around with most of your belongings, but at least the IMPS don't seem to be attacking the GECKOS. That's probably a good thing.

You see GRANDPASPRITE floating around a large crowd of IMPS and GECKOS. It appears that he's been selling them things, like the furniture, drapes, silverware, your game collection, some George-Micheal busts, your flashing Problem Sleuth poster, etc.


Hey, I actually have internet access tonight! So, new post! Woohoo!

Alright, drove for most of today, should arrive back home sometime tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for all the good wishes.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Well, fuck.

WELL, FUCK. You never were very good with PUZZLE SHIT, and you've met your match at the hands of some BLOCKS. You rack your brain for any hints of potential solutions to this conundrum, still faithful in the VOICES IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD. That ODD BLOCK must have something to do with it. You decide to test your theory and INSPECT the BLOCK closely. There must be something you can do with it to get past this damned room. Or at least summon a BOSS MONSTER. BOSS BATTLES are something you were born to handle.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:prepare for rope breaking

The creaking is getting worse and worse by the second.You look down and see that LS is VERY NERVOUS about the creaking coming form the rope.You also see the INCREDIBLY LONG FALL you'll experience if the rope breaks.

You try to come up with a plan.Or you try to as in that second the rope snaps in two above your head.

This is gonna hurt.And you can't even die peacefully knowing you doomed an innocent to death.`You hope something will save him atleast.

>Greg:Hope for a miracle