Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Take a picture
Using my CELLULAR GLASSES, you take multiple of the BIRDHOUSE.

> ===>
You notice that I the birds look at me in awe.

> Xavier: Do something awesome.
You raise the TCM-D in the air.

> ===>
"I AM YOUR NEW SAVIOR!", you yell.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: The voice in the back of your head seems to be telling you that you can move the block out of the way in order to reach the next door. Simply push the block out of the way, and you can get through.

Then again, you could always just skip ahead to the BOSS BATTLE. Yeah, you can probably do that.


>Greg: As you and LS begin to fall, you realize that a miracle probably isn't coming. After all, you're approaching terminal velocity, have no way of stopping yourself, and the ground isOHWAITYOUCANFLY.


>Chas: You create the SERIOUS BUSINESS ROBES! Combining the seriousness of a businessman with the care-free robes of an ancient Middle-Eastern dweller.

You create the JOLLY RANCHER TRIDENT! Mmmmm, Jolly Ranchers...

You create the FOK! You... you're not sure you can even pick this thing up, let alone eat with it. Is it 4-dimensional?

You create the SHITTY LASER TRIDENT! It's a trident! Made out of lasers! Yay!

You create the WISE GUY'S BREAKFAST COMPANION! When you use this toaster to toast stuff, it also provides you with silverware to eat it with! And it does card tricks! It's everything you ever wanted in a toaster!


>Xavier: The PARROTS kind of look at you weird... and then go back to their everyday business. The group that flew you up flies away, taking the ROPE HARNESS with them.


>Chas...again? You try to combine your LUCKY FORK with your FATHER'S SPOON, but remember that you sold the spoon to some GECKOS for BOONDOLLARS. Damn you hindsight!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Fall to death

Well this looks to be the end of your adventure.You failed.You are no HERO.You've even doomed someone who could have been a friend to death.Nothing more then useless...Wait why have you stopped falling....


No time for that now.You have someone's live to save and you'll be damned if you allow an innocent to die because of you.

You race to grab LS's hand just before he hits the ground and you manage to grab it just in time.A few more seconds and he might have been a pancake.Why would that particular thought.....?Never mind.Its not important.

You lower him to the ground and check to make sure he is alright,apologizing profusely all the while for putting him in danger.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Do stuff

Uh, try again VOICES IN YOUR HEAD. You're pretty sure none of that made any damn sense. Something about... SKIPPING to the BOSS BATTLE? You assumed there would be some sort of MINI-BOSS or -BOSSES before the DENIZEN, likely 8 of them with special abilities that COUNTER one another. But how would you possibly SKIP to it? And it takes place in this ROOM? Yet the PUZZLE makes you leave the ROOM?

You figure to just go with the TIME HERO SHIT FLOW, and announce to the VOICES that if doing the PUZZLE will not AVOID the BOSS BATTLE, then you'll just do it. Otherwise, BRING THAT ************ ON.

>Dirk: Contact Troll to enlist help

That's a great idea! Except...

You don't have them on your CHUMROLL! Can TROLLS even be on a CHUMROLL? You do not know. There must be some other way to get a hold of them.

They can view you, right? Maybe if you just sort of...



Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Get trolled
[05:12] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] began pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 17:12 --
[05:12] EC: \/ i got a message from me from the future that you sought contact with me
[05:13] LA: I do!
[05:13] LA: Well, I did...
[05:13] LA: But, I still do!
[05:13] LA: Well...
[05:13] EC: \/ about what exactly
[05:13] LA: About your race.
[05:13] EC: \/ oh
[05:13] LA: Physical features and such.
[05:14] EC: \/ wow okay
[05:14] LA: I mean if that's ok.
[05:15] EC: \/ i guess its ok
[05:15] EC: \/ but why do you want to know
[05:15] LA: You fascinate me.
[05:15] LA: How one day you hate us but the other you help us.
[05:15] LA: And the fact that you can see us.
[05:16] EC: \/ that seems fair we pretty much got to know you
[05:16] EC: \/ so what do you want to know
[05:16] LA: Gee, uh...
[05:16] LA: Horns!
[05:16] LA: You said you have horns right.
[05:16] LA: ?
[05:17] EC: \/ yes! trolls have horns
[05:17] LA: Do they have any purpose or are they just for show?
[05:18] EC: \/ i think its mostly social seperation
[05:18] LA: Like your blood?
[05:18] EC: \/ not really
[05:18] EC: \/ think of it as a chart
[05:19] LA: Oh boy,
[05:19] LA: Chas is more suited for this...
[05:19] LA: Continue though.
[05:19] EC: \/ when a grub is born its at the complete center of a chart.
[05:19] EC: \/ the colour of the blood expresses how high the grub is on the chart
[05:19] EC: \/ the horns move it to the sides
[05:19] LA: Ok.
[05:20] LA: I get it.
[05:20] LA: Interesting.
[05:20] EC: \/ facinating still?
[05:20] LA: Very.
[05:20] EC: \/ alright a question for a question?
[05:21] LA: Now, grubs, you mean like a larva state?
[05:21] EC: \/ yes
[05:21] LA: ...
[05:21] EC: \/ very young trolls
[05:21] LA: So your bugs?
[05:21] EC: \/ no were trolls
[05:21] LA: ...
[05:21] LA: Ok.
[05:23] LA: How do you view humans?
[05:23] EC: \/ im sure trolls as a whole view humans as just another planet to conquer
[05:23] EC: \/ were it not we live in different universes
[05:24] EC: \/ i personally think of you as our last chance to life
[05:24] LA: O_O
[05:24] LA: I meant how do you see us.
[05:26] EC: \/ oh
[05:26] LA: ...
[05:26] EC: \/ we use trollian
[05:26] EC: \/ it has a viewport function
[05:26] LA: Ok.
[05:26] LA: You really think humans are that weak?
[05:27] EC: \/ well chas moaned about lifting an axe i can lift easily
[05:27] EC: \/ and of what i see you die pretty easily
[05:28] LA: Yeah, I have no rebuttal for that.
[05:29] EC: \/ i thought so
[05:29] LA: Anyway...
[05:29] LA: What about mating?
[05:29] EC: \/ 8_8 woah
[05:29] LA: Sorry, too much?
[05:30] EC: \/ perhaps a little
[05:30] LA: I'll ask when you're more comfortable.
[05:30] LA: OH GOD!
[05:30] LA: That sound wrong!
[05:31] EC: \/ heh think nothing of it
[05:31] LA: Yeah...
[05:31] EC: \/ did the game reveal you your title already?
[05:32] LA: No.
[05:32] LA: I have a title?
[05:32] LA: OH WAIT!
[05:32] LA: I did hear someone call me Stabby One!
[05:32] LA: Is that it?
[05:32] EC: \/ not really
[05:32] LA: Damn.
[05:32] EC: \/ it should be the X of Y
[05:32] EC: \/ Mentor of Time for example
[05:32] LA: Ok.
[05:33] LA: Makes sense, I guess.
[05:35] EC: \/ so i was wondering something
[05:35] LA: Hm?
[05:35] EC: \/ does 'friendship' fall under the human concept of romance
[05:35] LA: Um...
[05:35] LA: Wow, not really.
[05:35] LA: But its close.
[05:36] LA: In some cases.
[05:36] LA: Wait, yes it does.
[05:36] LA: Kinda...
[05:36] EC: \/ i mean is friendship something like a quadrant
[05:37] LA: A quadrant?
[05:37] LA: Of what?
[05:37] LA: Dividing what?
[05:37] EC: \/ oh wow human romance is stupid
[05:37] EC: \/ i meant is friendship a form or romance
[05:37] LA: Again, I have no rebuttal for that.
[05:37] LA: Its insane.
[05:38] LA: Belive me.
[05:38] LA: In some cases, yes, in some case, no.
[05:38] EC: \/ how maddeningly vague
[05:38] LA: Welcome to my world.
[05:40] LA: You have been very helpful.
[05:40] LA: Can I get your name?
[05:40] EC: \/ letage
[05:41] LA: Letage, beatiful name.
[05:41] LA: Xavier.
[05:41] EC: \/ thank you xavier
[05:41] LA: I hope to talk to you again.
[05:41] EC: \/ i will
[05:41] EC: \/ though perhaps
[05:42] EC: \/ you should leave the contacting to me
[05:42] EC: \/ avoid paradoxes
[05:42] LA: Ok.
[05:42] EC: \/ so i will speak to you later xavier
[05:42] LA: You to, Letage.
[05:43] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] ceased pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 17:43 --

> ===>
You rather taken a shine to this 'Letage' girl.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: Enter the medium.
After a familiar flash of light, you enter the MEDIUM. Armed with KNOWLEDGE from Dirk, as well as what you observed from Greg. You feel like you are prepared enough. Just one thing though: You are going to need a WEAPON.

You know exactly what to do. Rifling through your SYLLADEX, you pick out the WEAPON that was made for you.

There is no song that you can't hear,
When you have these bad boys in your ears.

Your SYLLADEX cannot distinguish between the HEADPHONES and the EARBUDS with the information given. It releases both of them. You waste no time setting up the STRIFE SPECIBUS: you are now using HEADPHONESKIND.

>Get to work.

This feeling... it's so... satisfying. Feeling these insignificant creatures squirm, trying desperately to escape. Their lives are in your hands. You are the judge, the jury, and the executioner. You alone are this INSECT's lifeline. It tries to REASON. I t attempts to MAKE A DEAL. Anything to save its own life. Just let him go, and he'll never bother you again. You just have to let him go.


Oh hey Chas is pestering you.

<spoiler=Show pesterlog>
-- snickeringSurrogate [SS] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 21:54 --
SS: okay, shit's continuing to go down, rich.
TC: How far down are we talking?
SS: i mean like into the godamn depths of hell.
SS: so i need you to be submissively submissed in a chair for this info.
SS: because it is a lot of info.
SS: first off, you're forking around in the medium right now, right?
TC: Sure, sure. Just lemme wash this... stuff now.
TC: Yeah.
SS: alright, alright.
SS: so the last time i talked to you, where was i...i think it was right after i got the laser eyes.
SS: i need to check the charts here.
TC: You were talking about lasers, yes.
SS: okay, so, we have a lot of issues to cover here. i ascended!
SS: not to godhood quite yet, though i'm sure i will proverbially somehow, but i did go through my gate.
TC: Ah, okay.
SS: apparently, i have a land and a bunch of consort geckos and my massive charisma managed to even recruit an ogre into my sleuth-team.
SS: or, well, he was in my sleuth team.
SS: he was my best friend.
SS: i miss him very much, but he is a mayor now
SS: .
TC: I'm sure he was a great... thing.
SS: he was a better thing than anyone could ever imagine.
SS: okay, so, basically there's a shithive maggotload of gates around here.
SS: so many.
SS: i presume your land will have them as well.
TC: Then, we just run through 'em and win the game, right?
SS: my theory is that these gates lead, eventually, to interconnected lands, and eventually to the battlefield, yes.
SS: once we're all together, we beat the shit out of the black king.
TC: Seems simple enough.
SS: exactly!
SS: onto my second point.
SS: our space friends, the trolls.
SS: i thought one was an asshole but it turned out he wasn't so bad, but that was him in the future.
SS: so the point here is, you do not contact trolls.
SS: they contact you.
SS: or else you might get some paradoxical spoilers.
TC: And that's bad?
SS: for example, one thing they refuse to lift the veil off is this weird and terrible thing i will do in the future.
SS: i have no idea what.
SS: i think i might blow up derse.
SS: forgive me in advance.
SS: in case you dream there.
TC: What...? I believe I dream in my head.
TC: That seems to be the thing to do.
SS: wrong, numpnuts!
SS: you dream on prospit or derse.
SS: light or dark, gold or purple, white or black.
SS: if you don't remember it, it probably means you just haven't woken up yet!
TC: Woken up.
TC: While dreaming.
SS: oh look at me spitting out this cryptic bullshit. it's hard to explain this!
SS: yes, exactly.
SS: your dreamself must wake up.
SS: but to do that, your realself must go to sleep.
SS: at the right time.
SS: fatey shit.
TC: I was wondering where the arbitrary complications went off to!
TC: I was starting to miss them.
SS: it's okay, i know everything.
TC: Good to know.
SS: also, you probably haven't heard of prospit or derse.
TC: NOpe.
SS: they are, as i mentioned, the kingdoms of light and darkness, which seek to protect or destroy skaia!
SS: derse will eventually win because we entered the game.
SS: so we have to stop them.
SS: to protect skaia and win the game, that is.
SS: i have this information off a very credible source.
SS: but, despite my alienfriend's victory, the trolls did not end up winning per se.
SS: apparently they need rescuing now from our universe.
TC: Huh.
TC: So they were victorious, but they didn't win.
SS: exactly!
SS: so easy to talk to, jegus.
SS: okay, another thing.
SS: we are all heroes.
SS: we have heroic roles.
SS: for example, i can blind people.
SS: for i am the hero of light.
SS: the heir, to be precise.
SS: the only other person who i know has a role is dirk, who is the mentor of time.
SS: he does time travelly bullshit.
TC: Well I guess he'd pretty much have to.
SS: i am knee-deep in heroics that are, according to yet another alien fact, not actually neccessary to win the game.
SS: but i am here to keep you maggots in line and fighting for good.
SS: even the derse dreamers have to fight derse!
SS: and perhaps escape derse because i might blow it up.
SS: it is a time fact.
TC: Oh. a time fact. the greastest fact of them all.
TC: It's a good thing you have your amazing leadership qualities!
SS: yes, it cannot be altered because it is a time fact.
SS: so let's see, i covered the kingdoms, the dreaming, the trolls, and the heroics.
SS: yes, you would all be lost without me.
SS: just remember i am not just your friend - i am your leader!
SS: you can trust me, for i do not sabotage, i surpass!
TC: Noted.
SS: anyway, i think that's it.
SS: consider yourself knowledge'd!
SS: protip: make computer glasses, by the way.
TC: Why...?
SS: it is wise to keep several computers on your person at all times.
TC: Well that's just common sense.
SS: i have a computer briefcase and am currently talking to you on my computer sunglasses.
SS: oh, and be creative! you can mix strife specibi and pretty much merge anything, so just do what your heart tells you to.
SS: wait, that sounds stupid.
SS: do what your gut tells you to.
SS: we're manly men here..
SS: (*.)
TC: Oh, no, that was entirely inspirational.
SS: (If you're posting that.)
SS: well thank you!
SS: today has just been all positive except for the negative bits.
SS: blinding people is seriously just the best power.
SS: stupid blind people.
TC: You keep trucking with your heroics!
SS: and you start the engine on your heroic...uh, scooter!
SS: i am the hero of light, i get the truck of heroism.
TC: The truck is obviously the most heroic vessel.
SS: obviously!
TC: bot to meantion leaderly.
SS: i will keep you well-informed, subordinate-in-chief.
SS: did you catch that? that was me promoting you to best follower ever.
TC: I am simply speechless.
SS: revel in it!
TC: I am reveling so hard, you can't even imagine.
SS: tears of pride.
TC: Like, wow. Just reveling up the place.
SS: anyway, you be the hero! it is an order!
SS: i have leaderly things to attend to.
TC: Will do!
SS: until next time.
TC: Sayonara, glourious leader
-- snickeringSurrogate [SS] ceased pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 22:20 --

You've got to admit, Chas' whole 'glorious leader' thing is starting to get to you. You don't think you even heckled him much. Well, he is just trying to help. Maybe that's the reason? Yeah, that's probably it. Oh well. You've been distracted long enough. Time for more MURDER!

Or, it would be. It seems as though all of the IMPS have run away. You won't chase them. You've done enough RUNNING for one day, as far as you're concerned. You decide instead to continue BUILDING UP Greg's HOUSE. You think you've left him hanging for long enough.

<spoiler=EDIT OOC> Wrong colors all over the place.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You create the STAINLESS STEEL SPORK! It's pretty much just a basic SPORK. Not a whole lot to say about it.

You then create the CRAPPY ALTERIAN BATTLE-SPORK! Hey, crappy is better than shitty, right? Looks like you're moving up in the world!

Finally, you make the ORPHAN'S UTENSIL! Oh... Oh dear gog... what have you done? What have you done?

Ace Tailspin dons his new robes. He looks quite happy for a while, but he then asks what happened to Dash Overcoat.


>Greg: As you grab LS, you notice that he's fainted, likely out of shock. As you land on the ground, citizens of Prospit gather around you. They seem amazed to see one of the Princes up and about. It sounds like this has never happened before.


>Dirk: Looking again at the block, you're not sure you're really supposed to do anything with it. It looks like its only purpose is to keep you from reaching the next door.


>Rich: You suddenly snap out of the fear-induced hallucinations. Yeah, there aren't any IMPS around here yet. You have no idea what made you think that.

However, SPANDEXSPRITE is still here! Looking at you, with those blank, soulless eyes. Gazing into your heart...

You decide to look around, to try and figure out where you are. Glancing outside the house reveals that wherever you are, it's kind of bright out. And by kind of bright, you mean that some areas are extremely well lit, and others are quite dark.

Your house appears to be situated on an island, in the middle of a sea of some clear substance. Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be moving. Like, at all. In addition, at random points on the island, geysers of flame erupt from the ground, casting a strong but flickering light over some parts of the island, but leaving others quite dark. There doesn't appear to be much of a sun in the sky, at least not that you can see.

As you work on building up Greg's house, you hear some weird scratching noises outside your door...


Senor, sorry for ret-conning your post, but as the GM, it's my job to introduce the enemies. Once I've said they're there, you can do whatever you want with them. So, now you can go hog-wild. Have fun.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Keep waving and yelling as you continue

You throw CAUTION AND SENSE to the wind as you move on. That BLOCK was apparently nothing of importance, so you now IGNORE it entirely and wave your arms like A FUCKING TOOL while shouting "Letage goddamn it contact me already!" as you head for the DOOR.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
<spoiler=OOC> AAAAAAAAA no, don't apologize. I jumped the gun. My fault. Besides, that works way better.

>Rich: Find out the cause of the scratching.

You would love to, but that would involve getting within ten feet of SPANDEXSPRITE. That is not going to happen.

Those eyes....

You decide to go back to looking out the window, hoping your feigned disinterest makes the ABOMINATION go away. To SPANDEXSPRITE, you are transfixed by the STILL LIQUID now surrounding your HOME.

In all honesty you are a bit CURIOUS about it. You make a MENTAL NOTE to POKE IT with a STICK later.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You examine the First Gate, and notice that a smaller, blue spirograph has appeared below it. The First Gate is still fully intact.


>Dirk: You enter into the next room. It's pretty sparse, with the exception of a few IMPS and an OGRE, which fail to pose a challenge to someone of your skills. You also see a CHEST in the center of the room.

The door you just walked through slams shut behind you, but there are open paths to your left and right.


>Rich: SPANDEXSPRITE fails to go away. It floats around. Watching you.

The scratching that you heard earlier has stopped, but you could have sworn you heard the front door creak open...


Senor, alright, glad to hear that!

Benndak, yeah, I kind of screwed up with the Gates not connecting to other lands. I'm just rereading Act 4 now, and forgot about that plot point until now. My bad.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Contemplate surroundings.

This is quite the CONUNDRUM you find yourself in. First and most importantly, the door behind you has SHUT. If there was anything out there of importance it is now lost to you unless you find a way out. So that's a high priority. Then there's the matter of the room itself. What kind of engravings are on it? You've got to find some SECRETS as to how to solve these damn PUZZLES or you're never going to get through this place. Then there's the doors, one leads to the RIGHT and one to the LEFT. Whichever one you take will decide the next major part of your journey. Based on the previous PSYCHOLOGICAL aspects of the game, you could easily assume that taking the right path would be like the RIGHT SIDE OF THE BRAIN, focused more on CREATIVE activities and thinking outside the box, or perhaps more BIG-PICTURE style puzzles. The LEFT PATH would thus correlate to the LEFT SIDE OF THE BRAIN and be a more LOGICAL course, with all sorts of detail-seeking puzzles and questions about more knowledge-related sorts of subjects. Based on your own personal strengths, and WEAKNESSES, the RIGHT PATH is the best choice for--

Oh. Oh wait. Of course. Obviously you're just going to TOUCH THE FUCKING CHEST. How OBVIOUS and NON-TRAPPED a place to look.



Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Check on LS

As you lower LS to the ground you check to make sure he is still alive.Granted you aren't sure what to check but considering he still seems to be breathing you'll take that as a good sign.

As you are doing that you happen to look up and see that there is now a crowd around you.They don't seem to be hostile atleast.They actually seem amazed to see you.

You do a little wave and say Hi.

But then you remember about LS.You ask the crowd if someone will take him to doctor or whatever their equivalent is to make sure he will be ok.

Holy Crap this latest update of Homestuck just blew my mind


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: You found a DUNGEON MAP! Yay! Anyway, here's what it looks like.


>Greg: A rather tall being, presumably female and possessing the same white carapace as LS, approaches you, and promises to deliver LS safely to the HOSPITAL. If you want to come with, you're more than welcome to.


-- grandpaSprite [GS] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 19:45 --
GS: Hello Chas!
SS: hi grandpa! it's been a while!
GS: Indeed it has, my boy.
GS: What have you been up to?
SS: i walked around, made friends with an ogre and a gecko, became the best private investigator slash salesman in the land, killed a giclops, saved a village, and made an ogre the mayor of it.
GS: Oh my, you have been busy! Well done!
SS: indeed i have!
SS: thanks!
GS: Tell me, have you found any Shards?
SS: yes, i have! i have a big pile of silverware in my sylladex and some other stainless steel thingies.
GS: Good, good. You should keep an eye on those.
SS: they're important?
GS: They might come in handy later, yes.
SS: they certainly seem to be excellent projectiles.
GS: Hehehehe, more useful than mere weapons my boy.
SS: ooh! special weapons, i get you.
GS: Well, alright then!
GS: That's good.
SS: oh, another thing!
SS: i'm swimming in boonbucks.
GS: Yes?
SS: i have, like, three!
GS: Oh, very nice!
GS: That reminds me...
GS: One moment.
GS: Here, these are for you.
GS: 10 Boonbucks!
SS: woah! nice!
SS: is this like family inheritance? i am the heir of light, after all!
GS: No, no, not at all.
GS: I made these selling stuff to your Consorts.
SS: oh. those guys are pretty big suckers!
GS: Now Chas, don't be rude.
GS: A customer is a customer; remember that.
SS: okay, grandpa.
SS: i am sorry for insulting the geckos.
SS: sometimes, it really seems like i'm the only one with my heroic shit together here.
SS: i should not be breaking character like that!
GS: Hehehehe, I think you'll find that your Consorts are more capable then you think.
SS: well, certainly!
SS: one of my teammates is a gecko. he is currently dressed like jesus, if jesus was a businessman.
GS: I can see that. He looks quite dapper.
SS: yes, he is. if only i could make them all dapper!
SS: i would make little gecko suits everywhere.
GS: Hehehehe, that does sound like a fun idea!
GS: Why don't you do it?
SS: i cannot resize objects!
GS: Ah, I see.
SS: i am not the heir of shrinking.
GS: Well, if you think outside the box, I'm sure you could come up with something!
SS: ugh, thinking inside the box is so much easier, but all i have inside the box is pretty much lasers.
SS: maybe laser suits are resizable?
GS: ...I don't think so.
SS: oh.
GS: Also, I think they might kill whoever wears them.
SS: probably.
SS: so, what's the news since i've been gone?
GS: Well, as you can see, your house has become quite popular with the Imps and Geckos!
GS: They really do enjoy exploring it.
SS: yes, it is a swinging spot!
GS: I've taken the liberty of setting up a small auction house, and have been selling some of your belongings to them.
GS: Like I said, I've already made about 10 boonbucks off the Geckos, and the Imps have given me quite a lot of Grist.
SS: yes, i suppose the profits were quite worth it.
GS: Indeed!
SS: i will take anything that is not worth selling.
SS: they may be useful later.
GS: Perhaps, yes.
SS: also, if you were in my position - which is to say, having a bunch of candy corn under your hat - would you give any away to aliens?
SS: not saying i did or anything.
SS: but i sort of feel like that i would be breaking a code.
GS: Oh, no, that should be absolutly fine!
GS: It's not like you gave away secret business candy corn.
SS: that is a huge relief! now i can go about that hypothetical scenario without freaking out.
GS: Good! Glad to hear it.
SS: so, do you have any more sprite-knowledge about the next few gates?
GS: Yes, you've grown enough for me to tell that.
GS: By now, I'm sure you've explored your Land, and have met its Consorts.
SS: yes! i am quite familiar with this place sort of.
GS: Well, when you find the next Gate, you'll be able to do that all over again!
SS: ...okay?
SS: do i get another land?
GS: No no no, it's not a new Land for you.
SS: then it is a memory wipe. so be it.
SS: i am prepared to make any sacrifice to win the game.
GS: ...That's also not it.
SS: what?
GS: Sigh... this is why salesman typically avoid the flowery statements and explanations.
SS: yes, you should stop the cryptic talk.
GS: Sorry, I can't do that.
GS: It's my job as your Guide to do this.
GS: I'm sure you'll find out what happens when you go through the next Gate.
SS: i see.
SS: well, i appreciate your efforts to protect me from the fear of having my mind cleared, but i am ready.
SS: i must advance to the next gate!
SS: my destiny awaits.
GS: That's the spirit! Good luck my boy.
GS: Come back when you're a bit stronger; I'll have a gift for you.
SS: have fun with the consorts, grandpa!
GS: Of course!
SS: okay, i'll come visit!
GS: Goodbye Chas.
SS: bye!
-- grandpaSprite [GS] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 13:49 --


For the record, the new Homestuck update is awesome.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Follow Strange Woman to Hospital

You look upon this STRANGE WOMAN that has appeared from the crowd.

She is rather tall and seems to possess the same carapace as LS does.She promises to deliver LS safely to the HOSPITAL,and tells you that you are welcome to come as well.

You nod to her as several others from the crowd come to carry LS.

LS is hurt because of you.The least you can do is make sure he will be ok.