Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Stumble to the hut
You do so.

>Xavier: Knock first
Yes, your ETIQUETTE MONSTRANCE dictates so.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: The HARD-BROILED CANDY CORN isn't enough to distract the OGRES, even if a few IMPS are distracted. They're soon upon you, and begin to attack.


>Greg: As you stick your head in the window, you see Rich, sleeping on a yellow bed. He's tossing and turning in his sleep.


>Connor: As you walk around, you are suddenly greeted by SHEPARDPIESPRITE.

-- shepardPie [SP] began pestering backroomSix [BS] at 21:50 --
BS: Um, hey
SP: Hi Connor!
BS: What's happened here?
BS: Wait
BS: I don't want to know
SP: I threw a party!
BS: I saw
BS: Where's dad?
SP: Um, I'm not really sure...
BS: !!!
SP: He left a couple of hours ago...
BS: Did he say where he was going?
SP: Said he had something to find.
BS: What?!
SP: Nope!
SP: He just hopped right through the First Gate.
SP: Haven't seen him since.
BS: Shit
BS: Well, he's got a shotgun.
BS: He should be fine
BS: I hope
BS: God
SP: Oh, he'll be okay!
BS: I have a question
SP: Shoot.
BS: Are you a leasban in your Mass Effect play though?
BS: Or bi?
BS: Just curous.
SP: ...
BS: I'm bi
BS: I need advice
SP: Um, I don't think you should ask a pony/space-marine hybrid about something like that.
BS: Well can you give me advice anyways?
SP: Well, if you ask a question I can answer it as best I can.
SP: That's why I'm here!
BS: OK, you know of the trolls?
SP: Nope!
BS: Well there's two of them
BS: What?!
BS: You don't have any idea they exist?
SP: Well, I know they exist...
SP: But I don't really know anything about them.
BS: Well, you know they are also playing this game
BS: and that there are two of them
SP: Ok.
BS: And I think I like them more than all the humans I know
BS: They seem like resonable creature
BS: s
SP: Ok,
BS: Unlike me
SP: Ok.
BS: Or the assholes I have to deal with
SP: Ok.
BS: Yeah, but how do you go about with cross species realtions?
BS: Your a pargon
BS: Your probly boned Garis
SP: I am? Huh.
BS: You know there are complications
BS: Wait, do you know anything about what happens in your game?
SP: Uh, I don't really remember sleeping with Garrus...
BS: You know what, you don't know what I'm talking about at all.
SP: Nope!
BS: yeah, I better go.
BS: Oh yeah.
BS: One more thing
SP: Yes?
BS: If I get the code for an item, can I make it using a blank sandex card?
SP: What's a sandex?
BS: the the thing that holds cards that let you make cool stuff.
SP: Hmmm...
SP: Do you mean the sylladex?
BS: Oh, that's what it's called
BS: Yeah, that's it
BS: I don't use that system
BS: I have the Pip-vintory
SP: I don't really know what you're talking about.
BS: It doesn't mater
SP: I just kind of pull things out of... somewhere.
BS: Um, what?
SP: Not really sure where...
SP: Where do I get this stuff?
SP: Oh well!
BS: I think I should stop talking to you
BS: I'll see you
SP: That's probably a good idea.
SP: Bye Connor!
SP: Oh, have some cake before you go!
BS: Bye Shepard.
SP: It's good!
BS: What flavor?
SP: Vanillia!
BS: OK, good enough
BS: Thanks
SP: Yep!
SP: Bye!
BS: Bye
-- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering shepardPie [SP] at 22:01 --


>Xavier: As you knock on the door, you here some rustling noises coming from within.

After a moment, a slit in the top part of the door opens, and you see a small black eye staring out at you. The slit slams shut suddenly, and the rest of the door opens.

Standing before you is a short pure-white man. He gestures for you to come inside.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Try some of the cake.

You take a slice from the kitchen table along with a plate. You bite into the cake.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: Your HEALTH VIAL is refilled.


>Chas: The OGRES ignore your BUSCEMI THREATS, and begin to pummel you. With their very real fists. Which are not blocked by your non-physical words.

Your HEALTH-VIAL is dropped to 85%.


>Xavier: The DISAVOWED ISOLATE welcomes you into his HUT. He points you towards a small cot in the corner of the small building.

He then walks over to a table, and begins fiddling around with a few bottles. He comes back after a few moments, and hands you a VIAL OF STRANGE LIQUID.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Step into tower

You see that this TOWER belongs to your friend Rich.He seems to still be asleep as well.You will need to tell both Rich and Chas to go to sleep when they get the chance.

You take a look around and are kind of surprised at what his room looks like.You had expected something...different.You shrug.Oh well.

Now that you are in a safe place,it may be a wise idea to return to the WAKING WORLD.You have much to do.

You make a mental note to check on LS when you get back to Prospit as well.While he is fine and your glad at that,you feel you should keep an out on him,to make sure he stays safe.Its the least you can do.

You sit zen like on the floor and start going through the motions of putting yourself to sleep.You have no idea if it will work in the DREAM WORLD,but hey it can't hurt to try.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Flip the fuck out.

You are FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT. CHAS is also FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT, by the looks of it, and it is all your fault. You think you know why too. By the looks of it, CONNOR is online. You don't speak to him much, but now is an exceptional circumstance.

[11:27] -- backroomSix [BS] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 23:27 --
[11:27] -- stabsSalesman [SS] began pestering backroomSix [BS] at 23:27 --
[11:27] BS: Hey guy I don't talk to much
[11:27] BS: This cake is great!
[11:27] BS: What you doing?
[11:28] SS: =]=> Hey, that's great, man, and we will have to talk more about cake soon.
[11:28] SS: =]=> But I am here on business.
[11:28] BS: Ah, the saleman
[11:28] BS: OK, what you got to sell me
[11:28] BS: stabs?
[11:28] BS: Wait, nevermind
[11:28] SS: =]=> No, no, not that kind of business.
[11:28] BS: OK, what's going on then man?
[11:29] BS: Oh yeah
[11:29] BS: Got to tell you something
[11:29] SS: =]=> I mean, Chas is freaking the hell out by the looks of it and you're the only guy on. I was wondering if he mentioned what was up to you.
[11:29] BS: No
[11:29] BS: he didn't
[11:29] BS: He seemed upset
[11:29] BS: Like as if he wronged a woman
[11:29] SS: =]=> So he did talk to you?
[11:29] BS: No, i pestered him
[11:29] BS: A little bit back
[11:29] BS: Like 5 minuets ago
[11:30] SS: =]=> Wait, a woman? Oh goddamn it it's the trolls.
[11:30] BS: I'm only guessing
[11:30] BS: But as the troll lady said, I'm the hero of mind
[11:30] SS: =]=> Trust me, you're probably right.
[11:30] BS: Yeah
[11:30] BS: So, what's going on with them
[11:30] SS: =]=> Listen, there's a big deal of friendship shit and all sorts of stuff going on, short story is I fucked up big.
[11:31] SS: =]=> And right now I need to go perform damage control.
[11:31] SS: =]=> So if I get out of this sane I'll pester you then, all right?
[11:31] BS: I can't talk to them at the right part of the time line
[11:31] BS: I don't have their trollin' program
[11:31] BS: What good can I do?
[11:31] SS: =]=> Right now, be prepared to help in therapy bullshit in the future, and keep progressing in the game until our fearless leader gets his shit together.
[11:32] BS: OK
[11:32] BS: I'll keep going on with what I'm doing then
[11:32] BS: So that..
[11:32] BS: Makes me
[11:32] BS: The leader?
[11:33] BS: ...
[11:33] BS: Guess not
[11:33] BS: Well, what happened between the trolls and Chas?
[11:35] SS: =]=> Trust me man, you don't want to know about the details.
[11:35] BS: I do
[11:35] BS: And I will
[11:35] BS: Now tell me
[11:35] SS: =]=> All right, well, I seriously need to start talking to other people, but the short version is Time and Space romantic bullshit
[11:36] SS: =]=> Gone horribly wrong because I couldn't leave well enough alone because of my own insecurities
[11:36] BS: Ah.
[11:36] BS: So the blue troll has feelings for Chas and vice versa?
[11:37] SS: =]=> Well maybe not vice versa.
[11:37] SS: =]=> Or maybe not the first way either.
[11:37] SS: =]=> Like I said I fucked up big.
[11:37] BS: So chas has the feeling or the troll?
[11:37] SS: =]=> No, he doesn't. Or at least he doesn't think he does. And I don't know if he is being truthful about what he thinks.
[11:37] SS: =]=> It's fucking complicated.
[11:38] BS: He's a mess, so that makes sense
[11:38] BS: So, I better get back to doing stuff
[11:38] SS: =]=> Yeah, well, if I'm going to make him less of a mess I need to get to work.
[11:38] SS: =]=> So I'd better get going too.
[11:38] BS: Bye
[11:38] BS: then
[11:38] SS: =]=> Bye
[11:38] -- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 23:38 --

You are now filled with the RAGE OF A TRUE BRO. You admit your own involvement in the process, but damn it if LETAGE doesn't have something to answer for. But how to contact her?..

>Dirk: Embarrass self for bro



New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: Nope.

N-nope! He- he just brought the fight outside, is all! He's probably kicking IMPS ASS as you speak! Yup! No reason to be WORRIED. Nosiree. You aren't WORRYING. Why would you be WORRYING? WORRYING would imply something is wrong, which, as we all know, is simply NOT THE CASE. Even if it was, he's your UNCLE! If there's one thing he can do, it's GET OUT OF CLOSE CALLS. Y-up. you are totally fine here and your UNCLE is totally fine WHEREVER HE IS. This is fact and you will dwell on it no longer.

>Freak out.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Continue Troll-summoning.

You hope this doesn't take too much longer.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Sniff drink
It smells like bubblegum and hot sauce.

> Xavier: Down it
You do so. It taste odd but it is drinkable.

>My God!
You feel so-....So-...

You really don't know how you feel. Maybe the GODMONSTER can explain it...


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: You slowly find yourself pulled back to the real world, or at least back to your house. It's kind of hard to keep track of what's real and what's not around here.

Doesn't look like much has happened since you left.


>Chas: You manage to deal significant damage to one of the OGRES, taking him down. The other OGRE, however, manages to land another good hit on you, lowering your HEALTH VIAL to 70%.




>Connor: You feel your hands begin to randomly twitch, and are having a hard time thinking straight. Man, how much sugar was in that cake?


>Xavier: Wow. You are really trusting.

Anyway, after drinking the contents of the MYSTERIOUS VIAL, everything starts to look really pretty andOHGODYOU'REPASSINGOUT.

You suddenly find yourself in a strange purple bedroom, that looks a whole lot like yours. Except for, you know, all the purple. You find yourself snuggling up against an UNMUTILATED TEDDY-BEAR.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Wake up

You wake up and find yourself back in the WAKING WORLD or ,more correctly,the spot near your HOUSE were you went into your trance.You spend a few moments to shake the drowsiness from your eyes.You might be more of a KNIGHT lover then a NINJA lover but the TRANCES and STANCES your MOTHER had taught you have proven to be very useful.

Once the sleepiness is gone you see that Chas has tried to contact you.You bring up the PDA FUNCTION of your GLASSES and read the little message he wrote.

[08:28:47] -- snickeringSurrogate [SS] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 20:28 --
[08:30:52] SS: uh!
[08:30:53] SS: greg!
[08:30:59] SS: be there please.
[08:31:08] SS: okay, nope, no, you're not here.
[08:31:09] SS: obviously.
[08:31:17] SS: that would be sburb throwing me a softball.
[08:31:21] SS: it's hard, greg.
[08:31:26] SS: being a kid and growing up.
[08:31:30] SS: it's hard and nobody understands.
[08:31:47] SS: i really need to talk to you when you get back to a computer!
[08:31:50] -- snickeringSurrogate [SS] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 20:31 --

You frown when you get done with the message.You hope he isn't in any kind of danger or anything.A quick look at PESTERCHUM tells you he is not on currently.You will have to try to get in touch with him later,along with Rich.

But for now you decide to get into contact with Dirk.He might know what Chas needed from you.

Oh course you don't get ahold of Dirk but you do get ahold of one of the trolls.

[05:30:57] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 17:30 --
[05:31:02] UA: i NEEd somE quick AdvicE
[05:31:12] GK: Oh hey Illire,whats up?
[05:31:37] UA: i NEEd to kNow how you do whAt you do
[05:31:52] GK: What do you mean?
[05:32:04] UA: you mEdiAtE youR buds
[05:32:12] UA: i NEEd to kNow thE tRicks quick
[05:32:26] GK: Ugh ok...may i ask why?
[05:33:04] UA: i NEEd to coNsolE A fRiENd
[05:33:30] GK: Anyone I know?
[05:33:39] UA: lEtAGE AlRiGht
[05:33:58] UA: shEs cuRRENtly sobbiNG iN A pilE of my coAts REAdy foR jAmmiN' with cod kNows who
[05:34:15] GK: Why,what happen?
[05:34:21] UA: i doNt kNow yEt
[05:35:06] UA: so how do you do whAt you do
[05:35:13] GK: Hmm well the best advice I could give is......simply listen
[05:36:18] GK: Be nice,don't insult her..listen to what she has to say...
[05:36:41] GK: Simple put...just be there for her
[05:37:39] UA: pREtty vAGuE mAN
[05:37:48] UA: but AlRiGht
[05:38:08] GK: You'll get the hang of it,it just takes practice :)
[05:38:50] GK: But if you feel you can't handly it fully,tell her to contact me....not to insult your abilties or anythin of course
[05:39:08] UA: thANks foR thE offER bRo
[05:39:16] UA: but this REAlly is A tRoll thiNG
[05:39:27] UA: if i cANt hANdlE it you cERtAiNly shouldNt
[05:39:30] UA: No offENsE
[05:39:47] GK: You'd be surpissed Illire :p
[05:40:23] GK: But i wish you luck..because i think we will need both of your help in the coming days...very much so...
[05:42:12] UA: i thiNk you should tAlk to AldER
[05:42:35] UA: i just kNow shEs bAwliNG hER EyEs out bEcAusE of him
[05:43:11] GK: Hmm I'm almost afraid to know what he did
[05:43:39] UA: somEthiNG stupid pRobAbly
[05:43:47] GK: /sigh Probably
[05:44:02] GK: But anyway I should keep you
[05:44:07] GK: Go help EC
[05:44:11] UA: yEAh AlRiGht
[05:44:12] UA: thANks mAN
[05:44:22] UA: lAtER
[05:44:25] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 17:44 --

You spend a few minutes going back over what Illire told you.Chas made EC cry?Why would he do that?Well now that he is on,it may be a good time to ask him yourself.

[05:49:14] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 17:49 --
[05:49:17] GK: Hey Chas,you alright?
[05:49:46] SS: oh god.
[05:50:03] GK: Something wrong? :/
[05:50:12] SS: i've been sort of waiting to hear from you, but now i don't know how to put this.
[05:50:19] SS: so i'll start from the beginning.
[05:50:21] SS: give me a second.
[05:50:30] GK: Ok,sorry i was on Prospit
[05:50:41] GK: But yes tell me your tale :)
[05:53:40] SS: so remember how i met letage i was the first to do that by the way i don't know why and then she and illire started to meddle and things and i started to be friends with her but dirk started to be friends with illire and then dirk started wondering why letage was talking to me so much a while ago and i was like well shes my friend but he was like no shes a ***** and i was like no shes not shes coo
[05:53:40] SS: l and then we met up and kicked ass and we both kept talking to our respective trolls and letage was going to make me like a herocharm or something and then dirk confronted me about the letage thing after doing some time stuff and he was convinced she was totally manipulating me but i was confused because he was also convinced she had a space crush on me and maybe vice versa and so i sort of made
[05:53:41] SS: some stuff up to say and it went sort of like me calling her mouth big blue and bitchy which are all qualities i am sure her mouth does not have and also saying i was using her to get sweet loot
[05:54:34] SS: and then she said trollian had an audio function and she heard every word i said and then she was like you are a dirty liar and i hate you forever but i was like no dont i was lying to dirk not you its simple and were a team but then she sort of broke up and left
[05:54:40] SS: and then illire screamed at me for a little bit
[05:54:45] SS: and that is where we are now
[05:55:03] GK: Wow ok give me a sec
[05:56:20] GK: Wow...Ok were to begin..did you mean any of that stuff you told Dirk?
[05:56:42] SS: nope
[05:56:58] GK: Then why would you say it at all? :/
[05:57:07] SS: because
[05:57:11] SS: because fork you is why
[05:57:17] SS: i mean fuck
[05:57:44] GK: Hmm..anger doesn't suit you :/
[05:57:58] GK: Well that tells me something atleast
[05:59:03] SS: okay so
[05:59:03] GK: That does exlain why Illire needed mediating advice as well :/
[05:59:04] SS: also
[05:59:12] SS: illire asked me to ask you about troll romance
[05:59:22] SS: which was where my confusion began since it was in a discussion about letage
[05:59:30] SS: so i already went into that dirk conversation a little flustered
[05:59:43] SS: did i say flustered i mean flustrated
[05:59:51] SS: frustrated is actually what i mean
[05:59:54] GK: Hmm I see
[06:00:42] GK: First and foremost...before I tell you anything...The next time you talk to EC..you will tell her you are sorry...no exceptions
[06:01:14] GK: I will also have Dirk tell apoligize as well
[06:01:26] GK: Since both of you are at fault
[06:01:55] SS: okay it would help to have some romance exposition here
[06:02:07] GK: Ok fine
[06:03:11] GK: The four Quadrants
[06:03:23] SS: there's only four?
[06:03:33] GK: Four variations of romance and yes it would seem so
[06:04:14] GK: The first is Matespritship
[06:04:44] GK: I think the closest in human terms would be true love or soulmates..what ever you prefer :/
[06:05:34] GK: The next is moirailship..basiclly what i do but more personal
[06:05:53] GK: feeling jams and looking out for each other
[06:06:06] SS: wait wait.
[06:06:09] SS: moirail.
[06:06:16] GK: yes?
[06:06:21] SS: she said that.
[06:06:28] SS: she made a fish pun then said she needed a moirail.
[06:06:56] GK: Hmm I see..looks like Illire is going to try to fill that spot :/..I wish him luck
[06:07:06] SS: oh no
[06:07:13] GK: Problem?
[06:07:18] SS: thats why he screamed at me
[06:07:24] SS: it was a really impressive scream actually
[06:07:37] GK: what did he say?
[06:07:55] SS: and he was still going by the time i was telling him to fuck off.
[06:08:03] GK: I see
[06:08:45] GK: Shall i tell you of the other two quadrants?
[06:09:02] SS: keep going i guess.
[06:09:26] GK: Well we have the polar opposites of matesprits...Kismesis
[06:09:52] GK: Its not enough to dislike someone....it has to be really big hate
[06:10:31] GK: And finally Auspice
[06:11:00] GK: A mediator between two people who don't know what they want
[06:11:36] SS: troll romance sure is weird.
[06:11:59] GK: I though I was that last one at first...but Illire said since i wasn't trying to get anyone to hatesnog or lovesnog....
[06:12:13] GK: His words,not mine
[06:12:52] GK: But there you go,that is all I know of troll romance so far :/...hope that helped
[06:13:04] SS: yes, i'm sure that will help in all sorts of narratives.
[06:13:18] SS: so um.
[06:13:23] SS: now you know my position here.
[06:13:56] GK: That i do...so my question is...what are you going to do about it?
[06:14:07] SS: talk to you, obviously.
[06:14:45] GK: I would like to see you and EC talking again...we will need both of the troll's help in the future...believe me
[06:15:59] GK: Alot is happening..we will need the help...I'll tell you what i learned on Prospit once this little problem is sorted out
[06:16:07] SS: she seemed reallly pretty much heartset on hating me.
[06:16:28] SS: greg, this is like seinfeld with aliens, i don't have time for your dream problems.
[06:17:09] GK: Chas...I wouldn't be saying anything about Prospit if it wasn't important..but priorities..
[06:17:44] GK: I do hope that Illire has some luck talking to EC..and if he doesn't...I hope he will direct her to me...I may have better luck with it.
[06:18:31] SS: so um.
[06:18:46] SS: do you think there's, like, any potential for moirails to become matesprits?
[06:19:19] GK: Hmm Illire didn't say anything about it...but its possible
[06:19:55] SS: oh.
[06:20:23] GK: You care about her,don't you? :p
[06:20:33] SS: huh
[06:20:36] SS: no
[06:20:40] SS: this is me trying to mend the situation
[06:20:42] SS: like leaders do
[06:21:10] GK: Well,when matters like this pop up..leave the mending to the talker of the group :p
[06:21:21] SS: stop making that face
[06:21:25] SS: i order you to stop doing that right now
[06:21:46] GK: Sorry Chas but I won't :D
[06:22:58] SS: no, stop it.
[06:23:39] GK: But if I listened to you Chas,how would I be able to give good advice? :p
[06:24:15] SS: stop
[06:24:16] SS: stop it
[06:24:37] GK: Ok,fine..but only because you asked so nicely and all :)
[06:25:00] SS: you know what it would be best if this conversation was over
[06:25:16] GK: If that is what you wish :)
[06:25:26] GK: I do hope this little situation ends quickly though...I don"t know how much time the Queen has given us :/
[06:25:37] SS: no time for your prospitian bullshit
[06:25:42] SS: got to keep going
[06:25:47] SS: and trying to mend the situation
[06:25:53] SS: and do or feel nothing else
[06:26:33] GK: Well,if you every feel like you want to know more on what is happening on Prospit...let me know...it effects us both as well as Rich
[06:26:45] SS: is rich on prospit
[06:26:56] GK: Yep,he is a Prince of Prospit as well
[06:27:07] SS: sweet
[06:27:12] SS: okay no
[06:27:17] SS: don't drag me into this
[06:27:18] SS: done
[06:27:20] SS: i am done with this
[06:27:26] GK: Chas....
[06:27:35] SS: what
[06:28:18] GK: There is trouble brewing....you can't ignore that...once this EC problem is fixed...when need to help the White Queen
[06:28:32] SS: tell the queen to hold her fucking horses
[06:28:36] SS: while i sort out my issues
[06:29:15] GK: Issues other then EC?
[06:29:24] SS: yes i have tons of non-ec related issues
[06:29:29] SS: i am neck deep in fucking issues
[06:29:34] GK: Like?
[06:29:50] SS: like before this goes onto be even more of a mushfest i need to go finish this dungeon
[06:29:55] SS: so this is done
[06:29:59] SS: wait okay one more thing
[06:30:08] GK: yes?
[06:30:12] SS: if she talks to you tell her that i am super sorry like for real
[06:30:19] SS: but thats it that is all i have to say on the matter
[06:30:21] SS: done
[06:30:32] GK: Don" worry,I plan on telling her that
[06:30:51] SS: ok
[06:31:06] SS: later greg.
[06:31:10] GK: And I'm going to send her to you and dirk,provided she is willing,and you will both tell her yoursselves as well :/
[06:31:21] SS: OH wait i forgot another thing
[06:31:28] SS: seriously dont tell anyone anything i said here
[06:31:32] SS: except the sorry thing tell letage that
[06:31:34] SS: but especially not dirk
[06:31:54] SS: i know you always say that but that is like an executive fucking order.
[06:32:03] GK: Do i want to know why?
[06:32:23] GK: Granted I would anyway of course...
[06:32:24] SS: my own leaderly reason
[06:32:29] SS: you cant even comprehend it
[06:32:35] GK: If you say so...Later Chas...as always if you need me...you know how to find me
[06:32:38] GK: /bow
[06:33:18] SS: bye
[06:33:21] -- snickeringSurrogate [SS] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 18:33 --

You can't help but sigh.Your talks with Chas anymore feel like you have succeeded in one place and failed in another.

You look to the clouds above you,the things you saw in the clouds of SKAIA flashing though your mind.While you have no idea what they mean,you have no doubt they will be important.The bloody fork though...

You just hope this all ends well.You would hate to see a friend get hurt or worse killed.You have already lost one friend today.You don't want to lose any others.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009

You spike the bear.

Ok, where the fuck are you and why the fuHOLYSHITBOOKABOUTPSYHICS!

>Xavier: Read now!
Page 617
Astral Projection is ones spirit is separated from its body. In this state, the spirit, at times, will awaken in a spiritual world to converse with other spirits.

You get it now! Your in spirit world and you are supposed to converse with other spirits.

>Xavier: Discover you can levitate
That's be a little difficult because caHoly, shit you're floating.

>Xavier: Fly out your window.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: You fly out over a large, purple moon, attached by a massive chain to a much larger purple planet. Far below you, you can make out small, black figures walking through streets of a city that seems to cover both the moon and the planet.

You note that you just flew out of a tall purple tower, and that there are a couple others stationed close by.


>Chas: The other OGRE explodes in a shower of pain and Grist. Yay.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You can see a door at the far end of the room, facing SOUTH. It looks like its got a keyhole in it.