Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Thoughts about this guy?
He's alright, you guess, playing SAXOPHONE is pretty COOL.

>Xavier: Dance!
Oh yeah, its a PARTY now.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Switch it up a little.

Well you can't just entertain all your audience, you may as well just play what both of them like. Hell, your EPIC SAX GUY IMPRESSION is loved by Desire before, and you guess this other dreamer would like it seeing how he looks like he's trying to dance to your not so epic sax music.


Thankfully you recorded this demo on your keyboards a long time ago, with out the sax. Now all you got to do is play some nice Sax rifts with it, letting you hump the air and swing back and fourth which you can now do seeing how your sax is in normal mode and not as cumbersome.

Waffles: Wait for Pappy, I want to see if we get sent to dreamer jail.

And Pappy, Don't tase me bro, don't tase me!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You LIGHTLY SLAP Dirk across the face. Enough to sting, but not to bruise. It must be methodical, business-like. And persistent. You only stop when you smell tears.


>Greg: As you step through the First Gate, you are met with a CLIMATIC FLASH OF LIGHT. Haven't had one of those in a while.

You arrive in the Land of Castles and Frogs. A forested planet, it is covered in CASTLES OF A MEDIEVAL PERSUASION, and hundreds, if not thousands, of RAMBUNCTIOUS AMPHIBIANS. You can also see a few Dersite Agents running about, mostly IMPS. They appear to be doing everything in their power to find and kill the Frogs.

You also see a few lizard-like creatures running around, being terrorized by the Dersites.


>Connor&Xavier: CD is entranced by Connor's epic SAX RIFFS. He quickly forgets why he was there in the first place, and proceeds to join Xavier in DANCE!ing.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: That's all she wrote.

OK, I'm getting tired of this. Hope you cool guys enjoyed the show, but seriously, but I need some alone time. See you cool guys later.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
Oh man! This guys RIFFS are so BIZNASTALLY AWESOME. You gotta high five this dude.

>Xavier: High five this dude
You towards this GUY and raise your hand for a high five.

Did you just say...Cool guy?

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: What's wrong with the term cool guy?

You ask him.

BS: Um, yes
LA: ...
BS: Why do you ask?
LA: Do you know someone named Connor?
BS: Why, that guy's an asshole
BS: I hate him
LA: Oh thank God.
LA: I thought you were him.
BS: I am
BS: How do you know me?
LA: ...
LA: Fuck!
BS: Inside voice
BS: Please
BS: now how do you know me
LA: Shut the hell up, Cool guy.
LA: Its me Xavier!
BS: ...
BS: I knew shared dreaming was real
BS: Better write this when i wake up
LA: Its not shared dreaming!
LA: Its a spritual world!
BS: WE are dreaming
LA: No, we, are, not!
LA: Its astral projection!
BS: No, this is other other body
BS: In the dream
BS: in deire
BS: Or whatever
LA: Spirtual world, I say!
BS: Dream world
LA: Spritual world!
BS: Dream world


Five minuets later...

BS: I told you, we're dreaming!
LA: I told you this a spritual world!
BS: Lets stop
BS: Ok, now, seeing how we are both here
BS: that means we both share the same ablitys
BS: in the dream
LA: Like...?
BS: mutibal hand
BS: s
BS: Flying
BS: Other stuff you can do in a dream
LA: Like creating stuff?
BS: Noe
BS: *no
BS: This is a defined world
LA: Damn.
BS: Also, going back to sleep or getting KOed wakes you up
BS: I prefer KO
LA: You have fun, 'Cool Guy'.
BS: Wait
LA: What?
BS: ..
BS: I forgot
LA: (Facepalm)
BS: Oh yeah
BS: Now I remember
BS: If you knock yourself out, you'll hit your head when you reach the ground and you'll end up back
BS: here
BS: and if you get hit while not dreaming in the dream world
BS: You'll get knocked out in the real world
LA: Spriutal World.
LA: Ok.
LA: Great, awesome.
LA: Leave.
BS: Why?
BS: This is my tower
LA: Because your Connor Loske.
BS: Lonske
BS: and no
LA: Whatever.
LA: Look, if you want to strife,
BS: No
BS: I don't
LA: I'll fucking strife.
LA: Good, then sleep.
BS: We can't kill eachother
LA: Or wake up or whatever.
LA: Lucky for you.
BS: Also, fighting ablitys are limited in the dream
LA: So...
LA: When you finally see each...
LA: We can strife?
BS: To the death?!
LA: To the death.
BS: ...
BS: no
BS: I may hate you'
BS: But I have more important things going on
BS: Now leave my tower
LA: (Eye roll)
BS: Stop fucking doing that
LA: (Flips the bird)
LA: (Leaves)
BS: Fucking asshole.
BS: (close the window)

>Connor: STRIFE!

Damn it.

You open the window and fly at full speed at Xavier.


You fly at his face, and begin punching him in it.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008

BS: What is it?!
LA: We can't hurt each other!
BS: ...
BS: I hate you so much right now
LA: I always hated you,
BS: I hated you before I knew you!
LA: That's not even possible, dumbass!
BS: I'm the hero of fucking mind
BS: it is fucking possible!
LA: Shut the fuck.
LA: up.
BS: What are you going to do about it?
BS: Huh
LA: Temporary truce?
BS: ...
BS: Fine.
LA: I don't like it either...
LA: But shit.
BS: For the record, I'm not going to fight you in real life
LA: Why?
BS: I'm not risking my ass to some fuckhole like you
LA: (Snicker)
LA: Chicken!
BS: I don't give a shit
BS: I'd rather be smart and a chicken
LA: But, whatever.
LA: Be a chicken if you must.
BS: So what now
LA: I don't know.
BS: (looks down)
BS: Well the people below us enjoyed our display
LA: True.
BS: I'm going back to my tower
LA: And I'll found out about this place.
LA: What did you call it?
BS: Desire
LA: Derse or something?
LA: Yeah, that's it.
BS: (flies back)
LA: (Floats to the ground)

>Connor: Go back to sleep.

After making it back to your tower, you start spining around until you hit your head on the bed and get KOed.


Your back on the beach head. Man, you hate that guy so much right now. God. You write down that you can share dreams with humans in your Dream Log and move on and update the inforamtion on fighting in the dream world.

>Connor: Continue your quest.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Look upon Land

After you step through the First Gate you spend a few minutes trying to let your eyes recover from the BLINDING LIGHT.What is it with this game and BLINDING LIGHT?Prospit wasn't even this bad and it is a CITY OF LIGHT.

One your vision has returned to normal you look out onto the place you now find your self.and you can't help but be excited by what you see.

It seems to be a heavily forested place with CASTLES OF A MEDIEVAL PERSUASION dotting it,or from what little you can see of it anyway.Several Dersites are running around trying to kill any RAMBUNCTIOUS AMPHIBIANS they see.

You also see a few lizard-like creatures running around, being terrorized by the Dersites.You ready your STEEL KATANA and rush over to try to help the lizard-like creatures.You won't let innocents come to harm on your watch.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: Yeah, looks like light, blunt damage won't do anything to your dream-self. As you fall asleep, you barely register that CD appears to be chatting on a WALKIE-TALKIE. There seems to be a RED DIAMOND floating in mid-air next to the device.

You wake up back on the beach, and spot the same game-trail you did before doing all those SHENANIGANS.


>Xavier: As you float down to the streets of Derse, you begin to feel something in the back of your head, not a voice, but some kind of... presence. Whatever it is, it creeps you the fuck out.

You land in a deserted ally.


>Greg: You easily defeat the IMPS, and free the SALAMANDERS! However, the SALAMANDERS are quite panicky at this point, and run away in panic. They all head in the same direction, interestingly enough.

Oh, and you also level up. You are promoted to a level 11 Page of A-Very-Small-Area. +128,000 Boondollars.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Defeat Imps

When you get to the area were the IMPS are terrorizing some of what you guess are the natives,you dispatch them with ease.They don't seem like much of a challenge any more.You still give the crossed arms sign to them...or whats left of them.

After that you look up at the creatures who look somewhat like SALAMANDERS.Or more correctly where the SALAMANDERS had been a moment previously as they now seem to be running away in panic.They all head in the same direction, interestingly enough.

You shrug,grab your loot from the fallen IMPS then follow after the SALAMANDERS.Maybe you can catch up to them and let them no you mean them no harm.You do keep your KATANA on hand though in case of more attacks.

>Greg:Follow after Salamanders


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Twist the watch

What, first he STEALS YOUR WATCH, then expects you to FLIP IT TURNWAYS? CHAS must be insane. Still, you suppose there's really no other way to get through. You TWIST THE WATCH, but you do so very, very, VERY, VERY, very very, very.





Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Discover your thirsty

Yeah, you better drink something. You bet the COCONUT would work. You take out your COSMETIC KNIFE and stick it into the COCONUT just a little. Then you put it on the ground and kick the KNIFE into the fruit until just a little of it is open, and you take out the KNIFE and drink the SWEET JUICES inside.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: You head in the general direction the SALAMANDERS were running off in. After about 15 minutes of travel, you see a VILLAGE appear on the horizon.


>Dirk: As you place the WATCH inside the INDENT, it suddenly snaps open. The WATCH-HANDS begin spinning quite rapidly, in reverse. They're moving so fast, it's impossible to keep track of how many revolutions they're making.

As the WATCH continues to spin backwards, all of the damage it's recieved seems to fade away, and the WATCH seems to be losing rust. In addition, the walls of the TEMPLE seem to be receiving the same treatment. You can easily make out the STRANGE MARKINGS on them now, although you still can't read them.

Suddenly, with a loud cracking noise, the CAVE-IN on the far wall reverses, forming into a large, ornate doorway. The WATCH suddenly stops spinning. It looks brand new.


>Connor: You manage to make a slight opening in the COCONUT, although you come close to snapping the blade off of your KNIFE.

The MILK inside the COCONUT is quite sour.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: You gonna drink that?

Yes, yes you are. GULP GULP GULP!

>Connor:OK, continue your quest.

You head down the sand formed road into the island. You are willing to do this for as long as it takes, or at least until something interesting happens.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Find Salamanders

You have no idea where you are going but this was the way the SALAMANDERS were running off in,so you might as well keep heading that way.

After about what seems like fifteen minutes of walking,you come to the outskirts of what looks like a VILLAGE.Or atleast you think its a VILLAGE.It looks like what you think a VILLAGE might look like.

You tap your fingers in thought.After a second you decide to enter the VILLAGE.You put your KATANA away of course as you don't want them to think your a threat.

>Greg:Approach Village slowly

As you slowly approach the VILLAGE,a BEEP lets you know that someone is PESTERING you.A quick look tells you its Illire.Good,you have something you have to ask him.

[05:46:06] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 17:46 --
[05:46:12] UA: spAcE mAN spAcE mAN why do you movE so slow
[05:46:21] GK: Oh Hey Illire
[05:46:37] GK: I'm not moving slow..maybe your just moving to fast :p
[05:46:46] UA: bluuuuuh
[05:47:05] GK: But whats up Illire?..is EC feeling any better?
[05:47:10] UA: yEAh shE is
[05:47:17] UA: thANks foR shARiNG thE sEcREts
[05:47:44] GK: Your very welcome :)..anything I can do to help...I also told Chas to tell her he is sorry the next time he sees her
[05:47:55] GK: Still need to talk to Dirk about that though :/
[05:48:02] UA: thAts Not GoNNA bE foR A whilE thouGh
[05:48:16] UA: im kEEpiNG hER AwAy fRom tAlkiNG to ANyoNE iN this timE pERiod
[05:48:26] GK: Oh..ok if you say so
[05:48:55] UA: Not tRyiNG to tAkE AwAy youR thuNdER oR ANythiNG
[05:49:00] UA: just doiNG whAt i thiNk is bEst
[05:49:10] GK: No no...its all good I understand :)
[05:49:22] UA: AlRiGht
[05:49:35] UA: so
[05:49:39] UA: still moviNG slow i sEE
[05:50:13] GK: I'm in a forest..outside of a village I have no idea who inhabits..or if they are friendly
[05:50:28] GK: I'm not Chas...I'm not waltzing in like I own the place :/
[05:50:43] UA: you cAN bE All mEssiAh ANd tElEpoRt iNto thE plAcE
[05:51:08] GK: I did say I wasn't Chas,right?
[05:51:16] UA: wEll
[05:51:20] UA: chAs cANt tElEpoRt
[05:51:45] GK: I'm just saying...if he could I don't doubt he would do that
[05:52:01] UA: spot oN
[05:52:16] GK: Besides I'd rather not make them think I'm a threat..I've got enough problems as it is
[05:52:32] UA: youRE wAy too timid foR youR owN Good
[05:52:43] UA: bEiNG A spAcEGuy mEANs you GottA hAvE somE Guts
[05:52:55] UA: thEsE ARE youR coNsoRts ANd thEy ARE hERE bEcAusE thEy woRship you
[05:53:03] UA: Go iN ANd REciEvE thE woRship
[05:53:08] UA: bE thE biG mAN
[05:53:19] GK: Uhhh...I don't think I could do that...>.>
[05:53:34] GK: I don;t think my code would allow it >.>
[05:53:49] UA: whAt
[05:53:51] UA: whAt codE
[05:54:23] GK: Moral Compass...Knight's Regulations...Honor Code
[05:54:31] GK: what ever you would call it
[05:54:38] UA: oh
[05:54:56] UA: thAt uh
[05:55:11] GK: Its what has kept me sane so it must be working so far :/
[05:55:20] UA: All im sAyiNG is
[05:55:28] UA: thAt you cANt fiGht A dEfENsivE bAttlE
[05:56:00] GK: Perhaps..perhaps not...
[05:56:28] UA: ANd you cANt bE A spAcE dudE without killiNG A fEw iNoccENt bystANdERs AmiRitE
[05:57:13] GK: The thought of killing innocent bystanders doesn't sound like fun to me :/
[05:57:35] GK: Illire...do I seem like the kind of guy who would do that?
[05:58:00] UA: lookiNG bAck About youR fEw houRs AGo
[05:58:02] UA: id sAy yEAh
[05:58:07] UA: you kiNdA do At thAt poiNt
[05:58:56] GK: Well..while I have no idea what my future is like...I'd wager a guess that unless something really bad happens...I doubt I will start doing that anytime soon :/
[05:59:58] UA: fAiR ENouGh dudE
[06:00:02] UA: im just sAyiNG
[06:00:10] UA: you ARE hAlf of ouR tickEt out of hERE
[06:00:31] UA: ANd you cANt sAvE us All timid likE
[06:01:08] GK: Perhaps..would you rather have a timid me...or a me who wants to get you over here just to kill you in torturous ways? :/
[06:01:34] UA: id RAthER hAvE thE lAttER
[06:01:49] UA: cAusE i cAN hANdlE toRtuRous
[06:01:54] UA: i cANt hANdlE hoRRoRtERRoRs
[06:02:09] GK: Uh...that just opens up questions I don't want to ask
[06:02:25] UA: yEAh you doNt
[06:02:36] GK: Before this gets out of hand...I need to ask you....something that may seem a bit random :/
[06:02:43] UA: shoot
[06:02:46] UA: i cAN hANdlE RANdom
[06:02:51] UA: i cANt hANdlE REddom
[06:02:53] UA: OH SNAP
[06:03:07] GK: Huh?
[06:03:21] UA: i thouGht puNs wERE somEthiNG humANs ENjoyEd?
[06:03:38] GK: Depends on the person i guess
[06:03:58] UA: wEll comE At mE with thE RANdom quEstioN
[06:04:13] GK: But what I wanted to ask was...do you know anything about a Derse Agent named Jack Noir?...I doubt you would but I figured I;d ask
[06:04:40] UA: outch do i kNow of him
[06:04:49] UA: fuckER hAs stAbbEd mE iN thE shiNs moRE thAN i cAN couNt
[06:05:10] GK: Literally or figuritively?
[06:05:43] UA: litERAlly
[06:06:15] GK: Sounds pleasant..not...What can you tell me about him?
[06:06:42] UA: wEll hEs kiNd of A subboss of thE GAmE
[06:06:58] UA: hE hoNEstly wAsNt thAt biG of A thREAt to us AftER wE GodtiER'd
[06:07:07] UA: hE is pARt of dERsE so hEs thE ENEmy
[06:07:13] GK: God tier?
[06:07:40] UA: YEAh
[06:07:47] UA: lEvEl bEyoNd lEvEls oN youR EchElAddER
[06:08:16] GK: I see...you will have to tell me more about that sometime..what i need to know is...can Jack be trusted?
[06:08:27] UA: NopE
[06:08:40] GK: Lovely /sigh
[06:08:49] UA: dudEs As slippERy As A bANANA
[06:09:01] UA: kill him whEN you Got thE chANcE
[06:09:39] GK: Well that makes the alliance a bad idea then....hmm..or maybe not...we will see I guess
[06:09:51] UA: AlliANcE
[06:09:52] UA: whAt
[06:09:54] UA: No
[06:09:56] UA: you hAvE plANs
[06:09:59] UA: tEll mE
[06:10:18] GK: I'll tell you..on one..no two conditions
[06:10:26] UA: which ARE
[06:11:00] GK: One:Don't think I'm lying.What i tell you is the truth...unless the Greater Good can be brought about through lies
[06:11:15] GK: And Second:Don't flip out on me
[06:11:25] GK: Sound good?
[06:12:03] UA: cANt pRomisE thE sEcoNd oNE bEcAusE futuRE mE is kiNd of A dick
[06:12:06] UA: but suRE ill tRy
[06:12:40] GK: Well that is better then nothing...Ok where to start...Well you know about the war between Prospit and Derse,right?
[06:12:58] UA: duh
[06:13:18] GK: And you know that Prospit is destined to lose,right?
[06:13:52] GK: Well...the White Queen told me....that Prospit was winning....
[06:14:06] UA: woAh whAt
[06:14:13] UA: thAts Not supposEd to hAppEN
[06:14:19] GK: I'm aware of that
[06:14:25] GK: But it is apparently
[06:14:45] UA: fuck mE whAt did you Guys do
[06:15:11] GK: >.>...I don't know...why would you think we did something?
[06:15:48] UA: thE GAmE oNly bREAks whEN thE plAyERs fuck up
[06:16:27] GK: Have we even done anything to"fuck up"?Heck i just go to this place I'm in not 25 minutes ago
[06:18:07] UA: yEAh but youR buds hAvE doNE plENty
[06:18:53] GK: Well have they done anything that you would classify as "fucked up"....
[06:19:43] UA: ApARt fRom mAkiNG lEtAGE cRy
[06:20:00] UA: wEll diRk sERvEd DERsEs ARsE Not too loNG AGo
[06:20:04] GK: Which I'm still sorry about :/
[06:20:09] UA: Not youR fAult
[06:20:42] GK: Doesn't make me feel better to know a friend is sad because of another friend :/
[06:21:26] UA: woAh dudE
[06:21:28] UA: im Not sAd
[06:21:33] UA: im fuckiNG ExtAtic hERE
[06:21:46] GK: I was talking about Chas and EC
[06:22:12] UA: oh
[06:22:16] UA: wEll
[06:22:20] UA: i GuEss thAts sAd
[06:22:31] GK: But about the alliance thing
[06:22:55] GK: Jack Noir wants to ally with Prospit to take down the Black King and Queen
[06:23:01] UA: ok wow
[06:23:13] UA: NoiR is A filthy bAstARd
[06:23:21] UA: but hE REAlly REAlly REAlly hAtEs thE blAck quEEN
[06:23:22] GK: So I gathered
[06:23:37] UA: so if hE pRoposEs AN AlliANcE to tAkE hER dowN
[06:23:44] UA: pERhAps thAts woRth lookiNG iNto
[06:23:54] UA: bEcAusE All hE wANts is hER to GEt ExilEd oR killEd
[06:24:15] GK: Thats why I'm trying to gather as much information as I can on the situation
[06:24:48] GK: The White Queen doesn't know what to do...and feels she has failed her people :/
[06:25:08] UA: cAusE thEy ARE wiNNiNG
[06:25:36] GK: Well I'm trying to come up with a plan about that
[06:26:30] GK: As it stands I have talked the Queen into letting the Princes of Prospit be her Advisors..though with Chas acting like he is...that may be a worse idea then i thought :/
[06:28:55] GK: Oh well...we will just have to see what happens and hope for the best
[06:29:28] UA: AldER isNt stupid
[06:29:40] GK: I never said he was stupid
[06:29:54] UA: wEll hE miGht bE A littlE powER mAd Now
[06:30:07] UA: ANd hopEfully GEttiNG REAdy foR A boot iN thE fAcE
[06:30:47] GK: Well,if that would snap him out of it...I'd do it myself....
[06:31:11] UA: i hopE it sNAps somEthiNG out of him
[06:31:22] UA: but wERE wAstiNG timE
[06:31:31] UA: im GoiNG to GivE futuRE you A wEApoN
[06:31:35] GK: Uh ok
[06:31:42] GK: thanks,I guess?
[06:31:43] UA: lAtER
[06:31:45] GK: Wait
[06:31:49] UA: whAt
[06:31:55] GK: Illire...tell EC something for me will you?
[06:32:08] UA: shEs sittiNG RiGht hERE
[06:32:11] GK: Tell her"Stay sane please" :)
[06:32:45] UA: thank you greg
[06:32:54] GK: Your very welcome :)
[06:33:12] GK: Until the next time to both of you /bow :)
[06:33:16] UA: chEERs
[06:33:19] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 18:33 --

Ugh...You gets some questions answered only for more to pop up.....Oh well at lest EC is doing OK.And you have learned something about this Jack Noir.Oh well.No point in worry about it right now.You shake your head to clear the bothersome thoughts.One problem at a time.You decide to focus on the VILLAGE for right now.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Wait, why are you stopping?

-- backroomSix [BS] began trolling unopressedAgitator [UA] at 17:10 --
BS: Hey red
BS: Wasup?
UA: coNNoR?
UA: RiGht?
BS: Yes
UA: yEAh thouGht so
BS: OK, just clearing this up, you know where I am on the timeline
UA: uh
BS: I'm waving at some trees behind your camara now
UA: somEwhERE AftER you fEll AslEEp
BS: Yeah
BS: You see me waving
UA: ok i mAdE this vERy clEAR At thE bEGiNNiNG
UA: i tRoll you lot ANd Not thE othER wAy ARouNd
UA: ExcEpt foR diRk
BS: Why dirk?
UA: hE kNows his timEshENNANiGANs
BS: I'm the hero of mind
BS: I can figure it out
BS: You know what, lets just talk socialy
BS: I'm gonna start walking though this island, and I'll talk to you
BS: Or pester you
BS: Or troll you
BS: whatever
BS: And your just gonna troll back
BS: Cause i'm bored as fuck
BS: and have nothing better to do
UA: oh suRE
UA: its Not likE thEREs somEthiNG impoRtANt to bE doNE
UA: likE fuckiNG GEt us thE hEll out of hERE
BS: What you mean?
UA: youvE bEEN told this RiGht
UA: wE ARE stuck iN pARAdox spAcE ANd wE NEEd you lot to GEt thE fuck out of hERE
BS: The entire time?
BS: Wati
BS: let me rephrase
BS: I mean, for all the times you have pestered us in your past, not ours, you had the same issure? Or not?
BS: Like when blue was helping me get the item to help my powers devoulp and failed
BS: Due to lack of grist
UA: yEs
UA: pREtty much All thE timE you scREwEd ARouNd
UA: ANd still ARE
BS: Well guess I better prgress the game faster then
BS: I don't want to be a buerdin anymore
UA: wEll doNt woRRy About it foR Now
BS: I do
BS: I don't want to be mean to a cool guy
UA: thE wholE plAN doEsNt hiNGE oN you GEttiNG off AN islANd
BS: What's the plan then?
BS: Or should you tell me later?
BS: My later
BS: Not yours
UA: wEll oNly GK ANd SS REAlly kNow WHAT thE plAN mEANs
BS: at my part of the timeline, or in our future?
UA: futuRE
UA: but EssEtiAlly wERE GoiNG to liNk up with you thRouGh timE ANd spAcE powERs to thE mAx
BS: So eventaly we'll meet in person?
UA: i suRE hopE so
BS: Well, we could all die horibly, but I don't think that's gonna happen
BS: And recently
UA: i NEEd to GivE chAs his boot to thE hEAd
BS: Wait, did that thing with him pissing off blue cause of red happen?
BS: wait
BS: Wrong
BS: I mean, blue got pissed off at Dirk and Chas
BS: Mostly chas
UA: yEs thAt is A thiNG thAt hAppENEd
BS: recently
BS: and is it resolved?
UA: Not REcENtly
BS: Oh, no worries then
UA: ANd i moiRAilEd thE fuck out of thAt situAtioN
BS: moirailed?
BS: I don't understand these terms
UA: i solvEd it
UA: thAt is All thERE REAlly is to bE sAid oN thE mAttER
BS: Well I'm sure Dirk had helped
BS: He felt really guilty about it
UA: fuck thAt!
UA: diRk is A pREtty swEll dudE but hE pREtty much cAusEd it to hAppEN!
UA: but hE kNows thAt so its cool
BS: I think your giving him too much credit
UA: whA
UA: why
BS: Nothing
BS: You know, time shit, don't want to fuck things up
BS: If you don't know now, you won't later
UA: doNt pull thAt oN mE
UA: i Am thE timE dudE
UA: you ARE Not
UA: spill it
BS: Nope
BS: .avi
UA: ok thAts it
BS: What?
UA: fRom Now oN No humANs ARE ExcEmpt fRom bEAtiNGs
BS: Man, your such a nice dude
BS: I think I pitty
BS: you
UA: holy shit fuck No
BS: What?
UA: No moRE fuckiNG humANs GEttiNG up iN tRoll RomANcE
UA: buRy thAt pity
BS: Wait, what?
UA: ANd Go sNoG youR kismEsis
BS: What does pitty have to do with romance?
BS: Is that a troll thing?
BS: do you people even love?
UA: uGh
UA: No im doNE with thAt
BS: I can't blame you
BS: Love is overated
UA: im Not doNE with lovE
BS: Pitty you mean?
BS: Is that like love for trolls?
UA: im doNE with humANs GEttiNG All quEstioNy About tRoll RomANcE
BS: Fine, I'll stop asking about it
UA: if you wANNA kNow fRom somEoNE
UA: GK hAs thE cliffNotEs
BS: Humm, I will ask
BS: I don't talk that much to him
BS: but I will
BS: So...
BS: What is waiting for me on this island?
UA: sANd
UA: cRystAls
BS: I figured
UA: if youRE lucky pERhAps AN imp
BS: Go futher in my time line and tell me if any big enemys are here
BS: You know, so I don't get my ass kicked by them
BS: Yow know what, I'm the master of my own desnity
BS: Nevermind taht
UA: suRE
BS: I'm gonna wing it
BS: So, you and the blue troll?
UA: whAt of us
BS: You were friends?
BS: Before all this?
UA: ..RANdom tANGENt AwAy i GuEss
UA: but kiNdA suRE
BS: Tell me about it
UA: this is you bEiNG boREd AGAiN isNt it
BS: No, i'm intrested
BS: I like to know things about my friends
BS: just simple stuff
UA: i uh
UA: whAt
UA: suRE
UA: why thE fuck Not
UA: lEtAGE ANd i wERE fRiENds A whilE bAck
UA: thEN shE RAidEd ANd pillAGEd my homE
UA: fEll REd foR mE
UA: thEN fEll blAck foR mE
UA: ANd Now wERE pAlE
BS: Red as in pitty and black for hate?
BS: I'm guessing
UA: yEs
BS: Now pale, as in nutral?
UA: pAlE As iN moiRAils
BS: And define moirails for me?
UA: fEEliNGjAms, lookiN' out foR oNE ANothER
BS: Ah, like bros?
UA: wAy fuRthER thAN bRos
BS: Like, best friends?
UA: fuRthER
BS: love?
BS: Not pitty
BS: OK, sory
BS: OK, sorry
BS: I didn't mean to piss you off
BS: That wasn't my intenet at all!
UA: No its cool
UA: i hAd to flip my shit foR A momENt
UA: ANd thE shit hAs bEEN souNdly flippEd
BS: Yeah, I think I when back on what I said about not talking about troll romance there.
BS: Sorry
UA: No pRoblEm
BS: Thanks
BS: I think I like you a a friend and stuff, and I don't make friends much, so I don't like pissing them off when I do
UA: wAit
BS: What?
UA: how mANy timEs did wE tAlk AGAiN
BS: Um, off the top of my head, about 5 or 6, 3 of which inculiding now were started by me trolling you, not the otherway around
BS: But you may have talked to me more
BS: I don't know
BS: Werid time shit
UA: fuck REAlly
BS: yeah
UA: it sEEms likE i hAvENt tAlkEd to you At All
BS: Wow, not at all?
BS: Not once
BS: Shit
BS: I just fucked up the timeline
BS: Great
BS: Wait
UA: No Not likE thAt
UA: just thAt wE tAlkEd vERy littlE
BS: Oh, so I have to ask you for the timelines sake
BS: did you troll me while I was pissing on an imp?
UA: No
BS: Fuck
BS: act suprized when you do
UA: i thiNk i hEARd lEtAGE sAy somEthiNG About thAt thouGh
BS: Wait, god, how fucked up the time line is
BS: OK, I'm going to tell you more events
BS: If you don't know they happened
BS: Then play along as if you didn't know they happened
UA: ok hoNEstly
UA: you ARE fuckiNG up thE timEliNE so bAd i doNt cARE ANymoRE
UA: Go RiGht oN AhEAd
-- backroomSix [BS] is fliping the fuck out --
UA: pREtty much
BS: God, oK, plase
BS: Just go to my past
BS: At my house
BS: Troll me time to time
BS: And this never happened
BS: I'm gonna go back to my quest now
BS: Bye
UA: NopE
BS: What?!
UA: im GoiNG to lEt you livE iN this bEtA timEliNE
UA: oR uNtil you diE
BS: your a horbial friend
UA: No im Not
UA: but cAN you GuEss whAt i Am
UA: Go oN
UA: GuEss
BS: a troll?
-- backroomSix [BS] has blocked unopressedAgitator [UA] --

God, YOUR THE WORST SBURB PLAYER IN HISTORY!!! You FLIP THE FUCK OUT so hard after finding this out, you fall over and hit your head on a tree. After hold your head on the ground for a few seconds, you just lie there, trying not to think at all.


You fail. You start thinking about how this timeline no longer maters. But you then go back to your theory. If you don't tell them about what happens, then you don't break the timeline. But if you do, then you destroy the timeline. But what if the stupidity, or balls, or any other emotion a sentient being may have, causes the time to happen as normal? So if he pesters you from your past but in his future, then would it time still go as normal? Wait, what if he's on the same timeline!? Shit, your getting somewhere. He thinks, right now, that all times the trolls pester you the timeline will be different, vairing from them being above you in the timeline or below, going both ways, but little does he know due to only pester me once, likely in your future, so that means that the actions of the past will still happen. Shit, your not fucked, and your not a suckie Sburb player, YOUR THE FUCKING MOST INTELLIGENT HERO OF MIND EVER!

But wait, so that means that when I come back to this part of the timeline, though his view from his past, I will do the same thing. Then it will all start again. A paradox that holds together and doesn't ruin the timeline. Shit, you should write all this down and stuff. You type up a 2 paragraph summery of your theory into your Omni Tool.

>Connor: Go down the sandy road to your future in the still Alpha timeline.