-- backroomSix [BS] began trolling unopressedAgitator [UA] at 17:10 --
BS: Hey red
BS: Wasup?
UA: coNNoR?
UA: RiGht?
BS: Yes
UA: yEAh thouGht so
BS: OK, just clearing this up, you know where I am on the timeline
UA: uh
BS: I'm waving at some trees behind your camara now
UA: somEwhERE AftER you fEll AslEEp
BS: Yeah
BS: You see me waving
UA: ok i mAdE this vERy clEAR At thE bEGiNNiNG
UA: i tRoll you lot ANd Not thE othER wAy ARouNd
UA: ExcEpt foR diRk
BS: Why dirk?
UA: hE kNows his timEshENNANiGANs
BS: I'm the hero of mind
BS: I can figure it out
BS: You know what, lets just talk socialy
BS: I'm gonna start walking though this island, and I'll talk to you
BS: Or pester you
BS: Or troll you
BS: whatever
BS: And your just gonna troll back
BS: Cause i'm bored as fuck
BS: and have nothing better to do
UA: oh suRE
UA: its Not likE thEREs somEthiNG impoRtANt to bE doNE
UA: likE fuckiNG GEt us thE hEll out of hERE
BS: What you mean?
UA: youvE bEEN told this RiGht
UA: wE ARE stuck iN pARAdox spAcE ANd wE NEEd you lot to GEt thE fuck out of hERE
BS: The entire time?
BS: Wati
BS: let me rephrase
BS: I mean, for all the times you have pestered us in your past, not ours, you had the same issure? Or not?
BS: Like when blue was helping me get the item to help my powers devoulp and failed
BS: Due to lack of grist
UA: yEs
UA: pREtty much All thE timE you scREwEd ARouNd
UA: ANd still ARE
BS: Well guess I better prgress the game faster then
BS: I don't want to be a buerdin anymore
UA: wEll doNt woRRy About it foR Now
BS: I do
BS: I don't want to be mean to a cool guy
UA: thE wholE plAN doEsNt hiNGE oN you GEttiNG off AN islANd
BS: What's the plan then?
BS: Or should you tell me later?
BS: My later
BS: Not yours
UA: wEll oNly GK ANd SS REAlly kNow WHAT thE plAN mEANs
BS: at my part of the timeline, or in our future?
UA: futuRE
UA: but EssEtiAlly wERE GoiNG to liNk up with you thRouGh timE ANd spAcE powERs to thE mAx
BS: So eventaly we'll meet in person?
UA: i suRE hopE so
BS: Well, we could all die horibly, but I don't think that's gonna happen
BS: And recently
UA: i NEEd to GivE chAs his boot to thE hEAd
BS: Wait, did that thing with him pissing off blue cause of red happen?
BS: wait
BS: Wrong
BS: I mean, blue got pissed off at Dirk and Chas
BS: Mostly chas
UA: yEs thAt is A thiNG thAt hAppENEd
BS: recently
BS: and is it resolved?
UA: Not REcENtly
BS: Oh, no worries then
UA: ANd i moiRAilEd thE fuck out of thAt situAtioN
BS: moirailed?
BS: I don't understand these terms
UA: i solvEd it
UA: thAt is All thERE REAlly is to bE sAid oN thE mAttER
BS: Well I'm sure Dirk had helped
BS: He felt really guilty about it
UA: fuck thAt!
UA: diRk is A pREtty swEll dudE but hE pREtty much cAusEd it to hAppEN!
UA: but hE kNows thAt so its cool
BS: I think your giving him too much credit
UA: whA
UA: why
BS: Nothing
BS: You know, time shit, don't want to fuck things up
BS: If you don't know now, you won't later
UA: doNt pull thAt oN mE
UA: i Am thE timE dudE
UA: you ARE Not
UA: spill it
BS: Nope
BS: .avi
UA: ok thAts it
BS: What?
UA: fRom Now oN No humANs ARE ExcEmpt fRom bEAtiNGs
BS: Man, your such a nice dude
BS: I think I pitty
BS: you
UA: holy shit fuck No
BS: What?
UA: No moRE fuckiNG humANs GEttiNG up iN tRoll RomANcE
UA: buRy thAt pity
BS: Wait, what?
UA: ANd Go sNoG youR kismEsis
BS: What does pitty have to do with romance?
BS: Is that a troll thing?
BS: do you people even love?
UA: uGh
UA: No im doNE with thAt
BS: I can't blame you
BS: Love is overated
UA: im Not doNE with lovE
BS: Pitty you mean?
BS: Is that like love for trolls?
UA: im doNE with humANs GEttiNG All quEstioNy About tRoll RomANcE
BS: Fine, I'll stop asking about it
UA: if you wANNA kNow fRom somEoNE
UA: GK hAs thE cliffNotEs
BS: Humm, I will ask
BS: I don't talk that much to him
BS: but I will
BS: So...
BS: What is waiting for me on this island?
UA: sANd
UA: cRystAls
BS: I figured
UA: if youRE lucky pERhAps AN imp
BS: Go futher in my time line and tell me if any big enemys are here
BS: You know, so I don't get my ass kicked by them
BS: Yow know what, I'm the master of my own desnity
BS: Nevermind taht
UA: suRE
BS: I'm gonna wing it
BS: So, you and the blue troll?
UA: whAt of us
BS: You were friends?
BS: Before all this?
UA: ..RANdom tANGENt AwAy i GuEss
UA: but kiNdA suRE
BS: Tell me about it
UA: this is you bEiNG boREd AGAiN isNt it
BS: No, i'm intrested
BS: I like to know things about my friends
BS: just simple stuff
UA: i uh
UA: whAt
UA: suRE
UA: why thE fuck Not
UA: lEtAGE ANd i wERE fRiENds A whilE bAck
UA: thEN shE RAidEd ANd pillAGEd my homE
UA: fEll REd foR mE
UA: thEN fEll blAck foR mE
UA: ANd Now wERE pAlE
BS: Red as in pitty and black for hate?
BS: I'm guessing
UA: yEs
BS: Now pale, as in nutral?
UA: pAlE As iN moiRAils
BS: And define moirails for me?
UA: fEEliNGjAms, lookiN' out foR oNE ANothER
BS: Ah, like bros?
UA: wAy fuRthER thAN bRos
BS: Like, best friends?
UA: fuRthER
BS: love?
BS: Not pitty
BS: OK, sory
BS: OK, sorry
BS: I didn't mean to piss you off
BS: That wasn't my intenet at all!
UA: No its cool
UA: i hAd to flip my shit foR A momENt
UA: ANd thE shit hAs bEEN souNdly flippEd
BS: Yeah, I think I when back on what I said about not talking about troll romance there.
BS: Sorry
UA: No pRoblEm
BS: Thanks
BS: I think I like you a a friend and stuff, and I don't make friends much, so I don't like pissing them off when I do
UA: wAit
BS: What?
UA: how mANy timEs did wE tAlk AGAiN
BS: Um, off the top of my head, about 5 or 6, 3 of which inculiding now were started by me trolling you, not the otherway around
BS: But you may have talked to me more
BS: I don't know
BS: Werid time shit
UA: fuck REAlly
BS: yeah
UA: it sEEms likE i hAvENt tAlkEd to you At All
BS: Wow, not at all?
BS: Not once
BS: Shit
BS: I just fucked up the timeline
BS: Great
BS: Wait
UA: No Not likE thAt
UA: just thAt wE tAlkEd vERy littlE
BS: Oh, so I have to ask you for the timelines sake
BS: did you troll me while I was pissing on an imp?
UA: No
BS: Fuck
BS: act suprized when you do
UA: i thiNk i hEARd lEtAGE sAy somEthiNG About thAt thouGh
BS: Wait, god, how fucked up the time line is
BS: OK, I'm going to tell you more events
BS: If you don't know they happened
BS: Then play along as if you didn't know they happened
UA: ok hoNEstly
UA: you ARE fuckiNG up thE timEliNE so bAd i doNt cARE ANymoRE
UA: Go RiGht oN AhEAd
-- backroomSix [BS] is fliping the fuck out --
UA: pREtty much
BS: God, oK, plase
BS: Just go to my past
BS: At my house
BS: Troll me time to time
BS: And this never happened
BS: I'm gonna go back to my quest now
BS: Bye
UA: NopE
BS: What?!
UA: im GoiNG to lEt you livE iN this bEtA timEliNE
UA: oR uNtil you diE
BS: your a horbial friend
UA: No im Not
UA: but cAN you GuEss whAt i Am
UA: Go oN
UA: GuEss
BS: a troll?
-- backroomSix [BS] has blocked unopressedAgitator [UA] --