Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: Your foot hurts now. On the plus side, your extremely emotional song has caused all the passed-out IMPS to spontaneously grow foot long, white beards.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Chas: Be the cooler guy.

You are now the cooler guy, currently eating some REALLY AWESOME CAKE! Then, as you start the next to last slice, you get trolled.

-- equilibricConcilate [EC] began trolling backroomSix [BS] at 12:19 --
EC: \/ alright
EC: \/ the cake is awesome
BS: eyah, so we need ot do the thing
BS: with the thing
BS: the, uhhh, mind thingie
EC: \/ yes
BS: I'll stop eatting this cake
EC: \/ so the code is
EC: \/ PO1ntD3x73
BS: I'll put that in when I get to the roof
BS: Also, you can't hear my sprite logs, can you?
EC: \/ i dont think trollian has an audio function
BS: I'm gonna go to the roof now


You take the cake into your PIP-Ventory and head to the roof.

EC: \/ so now go through the entire ballet of creating the thing
BS: OK, now, if memory serves, I put the blank card in the slot and type in the code, right?
BS: Then I punch the card
BS: Then I make a crafty block
BS: and then I spawn the thing
EC: \/ well
EC: \/ first see if you have sufficient girst
BS: I'm gonna go do that now, brb
EC: \/ ok
-- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering equilibricConcilate [EC] --

>Connor: Craft stuff.

You first do all the shit needed to see if you have enough grist, then you check if you, well, have enough grist.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You successfully manage to do that. Good job.


>Connor: Wow. WOW. That is going to cost A LOT of Grist. Way more than you've got right now. Maybe there'd be some way you could shrink it down, and it might not cost as much... nah, that's just silly.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008

You sit there and ponder what to do after your last chat with Chas.Not on what to do next of course,you know that.More like what to do with the whole White Queen situation.Your still unsure what to do on that.Every fiber of your moral being is telling you to tell the Queen to ally with this Jack Noir for the lives it could save.And if you could kill the Black Queen and King without innocents getting hurt Chas and Dirk would have the revenge that they wanted.

But the rational part of your mind isn't so sure.You have no idea if any of you can even trust this Derse Agent.Heck,for all you know this could be a trap planned by the Black Queen.You frizzle you hair trying to think.Why does this all have to be so hard?Can't it just be simple?

You sigh and stand up.You need more information on Derse.And you know just who might have the answers you seek.

>Greg:Look for Lily while keeping an eye out for critters


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Continue embarrassing self

This is getting unbearable, and fast. You have spent so much time WAVING LIKE AN IDIOT, and there are better things you could be doing with your time. Wait. I-is your HAIR turning BLUE? Why is it doing that? Is it STRESS? You guess that's probably it.

Luckily, before any more BLUEIFICATION can occur you receive a pestering.

[03:28] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 15:28 --
[03:28] UA: whAt ARE you wAviNG likE A liGhthousE foR
[03:29] SS: =]=> I am waving to try and get your blueblood friend's attention.
[03:30] UA: oh
[03:30] UA: soRRy but thAts Not GoiNG to hAppEN
[03:30] SS: =]=> Because right now there is a whole lot of shit she, me, and possibly other people have got to answer for.
[03:30] SS: =]=> Well, why not?
[03:30] UA: im kEEpiNG hER AwAy fRom this poiNt oN thE timEliNE
[03:30] SS: =]=> Why?
[03:30] UA: kEEp hER fRom mENtAlly dEstRoyiNG hERsElf
[03:31] SS: =]=> Well I don't know if you've noticed but Chas has been mentally destroyed pretty damn well.
[03:31] UA: soRRy mAN but
[03:31] SS: =]=> And I don't know how I am going to repair this shit I have so thoroughly fucked if I can't talk to her.
[03:31] UA: bEliEvE mE shEs A mEss RiGht Now ANd i GottA look out foR hER
[03:32] UA: youRE NoG GoiNG to cAusE A mEss ARE you
[03:32] SS: =]=> I have already caused the mess.
[03:32] SS: =]=> Have you been watching at all?
[03:32] SS: =]=> All I am trying to do now is fix it.
[03:32] UA: Not REAlly
[03:33] UA: ok hANG oN ill GEt hER
[03:33] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 15:33 --

Oh boy.

[03:33] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 15:33 --
[03:33] EC: \/ hi
[03:33] SS: =]=> Hi Letage.
[03:33] EC: \/ you wanted to talk
[03:34] SS: =]=> Yeah, I did. And I know you're probably going to flip the fuck out but I need you to bear with me here.
[03:34] EC: \/ ok
[03:34] SS: =]=> It's about Chas.
[03:34] SS: =]=> And what he said earlier.
[03:34] EC: \/ i figured
[03:34] SS: =]=> Listen, I was told you're over there bawling your eyes out about it all and I figured I needed to
[03:34] SS: =]=> well
[03:34] SS: =]=> apologize.
[03:35] EC: \/ well ok
[03:35] SS: =]=> This is pretty much all my fault for not trusting you, and I don't think Chas meant what he said.
[03:35] SS: =]=> He's not that kind of person.
[03:36] SS: =]=> I backed him into a corner and he was just trying to get out, so once again I fucked up royal.
[03:36] EC: \/ well regardless
[03:36] EC: \/ he said it
[03:36] SS: =]=> But, that's not his fault. He obviously wasn't ready to talk about what we talked about.
[03:37] SS: =]=> When you get caught flat-footed with that shit you'll make up whatever you can to just end the conversation.
[03:38] EC: \/ i understand that
[03:38] EC: \/ this situation was mainly me overreacting
[03:39] EC: \/ i got it sorted out now though
[03:39] EC: \/ so thank you for apologising and i in turn apologise as well
[03:39] EC: \/ for causing a scene
[03:39] SS: =]=> OK, well, that's good I suppose. But really you don't need to apologize to me.
[03:40] EC: \/ did you mean what you said about not trusting me
[03:40] EC: \/ it okay if you dont
[03:40] SS: =]=> I don't.
[03:40] SS: =]=> Or
[03:40] SS: =]=> Rather
[03:40] SS: =]=> I didn't.
[03:41] EC: \/ it changed?
[03:41] SS: =]=> Even if you're planning to screw us all over I'd feel like a complete dick feeling anything negative toward you right now.
[03:41] SS: =]=> So I guess we'll call it a blank slate.
[03:42] EC: \/ so if i hadnt thrown a fit youd still feel distrustful?
[03:42] EC: \/ tell me what you felt about your hour ago
[03:42] SS: =]=> I don't mean to say the fit itself changed my mind.
[03:42] SS: =]=> But it's just not the reaction I would have expected from a villanous mastermind.
[03:43] SS: =]=> More like a teenage girl who just got dumped.
[03:43] EC: \/ ah i didnt live up to your image of omnipotent overseeing alien lord
[03:43] EC: \/ i must admit i feel a bit ashamed for not living up to it
[03:44] SS: =]=> Well, don't be. I'm not big on authority figures.
[03:45] EC: \/ fair enough
[03:46] EC: \/ so now that we dealt with the seinufelt drama with aliens
[03:46] EC: \/ how is the dungeon coming
[03:46] SS: =]=> Poorly, Snake Eyes can't find the keyhole and I don't know where Chas went.
[03:47] SS: =]=> And I've already lost interest because I think I know how to find my next artifact.
[03:47] EC: \/ oh you do?
[03:48] SS: =]=> Yeah, Illire and my future self gave me the idea. I was going to alchemize my first artifact with a compass.
[03:48] SS: =]=> It might be able to point me to the second artifact.
[03:49] EC: \/ oh thats clever
[03:50] SS: =]=> I thought so. I was going to go do it immediately, but I figure I should probably go find Chas first.
[03:50] EC: \/ thats probably for the best
[03:51] EC: \/ good luck
[03:51] SS: =]=> Thanks. Good luck with not dying in space, or wherever the hell you two are.
[03:51] EC: \/ thank you
[03:52] SS: =]=> Talk to you later, then.
[03:52] EC: \/ good bye
[03:52] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 15:52 --

Well, with that done you suppose the next thing to do is find CHAS. You call for SNAKE EYES to follow and go in search of him, and maybe a KEYHOLE too.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Pester Trolls

-- backroomSix [BS] began pestering equilibricConcilate [EC] --
BS: Well fuck this doens't work
BS: Wait
BS: Did I just pester future you?
BS: Didn't I?
EC: \/ you did
EC: \/ i will redirect you
-- equilibricConcilate [EC] ceased pestering backroomSix [BS] --
-- equilibricConcilate [EC] began pestering backroomSix [BS] --
EC: \/ it doesnt work?
BS: OK, sorry about pestering future you
BS: No
BS: I need a fuckton of stuff
EC: \/ i was afraid so
BS: But if I could make the item smaller I might be able to get it
BS: I still have no idea what it is btw
EC: \/ i know
EC: \/ i suggested that to you remember
EC: \/ well what you should do is upgrade your alchemical station
BS: How, I don't have a server player now
EC: \/ you dont?
BS: Chas is doing something
BS: He's in a dungon I guess?
BS: I don't know
EC: \/ ugh
BS: I just know he ain't helping
BS: Wait, what about Red trool
BS: what's his name?
EC: \/ Illire
BS: Can he be my server players?
BS: *player
EC: \/ no
BS: Damn
BS: Well I'm fucked
BS: I know, can you see how much grist I got?
EC: \/ not at all
EC: \/ that is for the server
EC: \/ why do you ask
BS: Well you already made it
BS: So you know how much it cost
EC: \/ roughly
BS: Whatever
BS: Just pester me in the future
BS: Like, a long time in the futre
EC: \/ no
BS: and I'll do my best to build it then
BS: What? why?
EC: \/ i dont do future pestering
BS: Well then I'm fucked
EC: \/ it messes with timelines which is not our juristiction
EC: \/ or mine anyway
BS: I have a theroy about that
BS: As long as you don't spoil anythign
EC: \/ oh
BS: Then your not messing up the timeline
BS: Your just following it
BS: in it's order
EC: \/ yeah you would think it would work like that
EC: \/ it doesnt
EC: \/ as God of Mind even i sometimes made mistakes
BS: Happy I don't have to deal with controling the timeline of some assholes I never meeted before
BS: I would hate that
BS: So, speaking of fucked up timeline
BS: How did you mess up our timeline?
EC: \/ i didnt mess up yours
EC: \/ i nearly messed up my own
BS: Ah
BS: I still think my therory aplies to both us and you guys
BS: It should work
BS: Just don't try to mess with the timeline
BS: and your fine
EC: \/ i have made this pledge a long time ago
EC: \/ i wont go back on my word
BS: Well fair enough
BS: I understand honnor is an importnat thing
EC: \/ honour does not come in to play
EC: \/ it is existence
EC: \/ yours and mine
BS: Sounds like honour if your setting standers for yourself to not harm those you care and don't care about
EC: \/ well
BS: But that's just my 2 cents
EC: \/ okay thanks
BS: So, I better contineu my quest
BS: Talk later
BS: cool gal
EC: \/ i think that is for the best
EC: \/ you are not fucked because of the absence of the totem
EC: \/ it merely makes things a little more difficult
-- equilibricConcilate [EC] ceased pestering backroomSix [BS] --


These Honor bound trolls, they are crazy. Well at least they don't want to ruin your game. You still wonder what that item is, hope it's something super cool, like a robo brain! Or something...

>Connor: Go back though the gate.

Wait, one last thing.

Picked up: Cosmetic Knife from Kitchen


You go back though the first gate and restart your quest-wait! The return node is still there, you bet if you go though it, it will send you back where you once were. You do so.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Inspect the locals
Well, that's odd. The locals are all black-faced...Odd...

>Xavier: Pondering time?
Yes. You haven't done that in some time.
Perhaps this spiritual world has the same effect as the nightmare world in Catherine, where as you view yourself as normal and everyone else is the weirdos, but they view themselves normal and you as the weirdo.
Wait, how do you even know about that?
Ah, who cares?
Perhaps the old man knew of your low health and knew of your incoming with the death of Beth, it was all a bit too perfect...

You clench your hand.
Oh dear Beth, your death unjust, it SHALL be avenged!

>Xavier: Continue pondering
Yes, it was all too perfect, perhaps he knew of my arrival...Perhaps, the GAME knew of my arrival. Perhaps...


>Xavier: Flip the fuck out!
You do so, been a while sense you do that also. And in midair nonetheless, you'd feel proud of yourself if you weren't, y'know, FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: It's easy enough to find LILLYSPRITE. She's floating around, keeping an eye out for enemies.

Besides Perrwinkle, you fail to see any critters.


>Dirk&Chas: You UNDERSIZED KEY is able to open the locked door. The door slides open, revealing a large, mostly empty room. It looks like there's supposed to be an opening in the far wall, but it seems that most of the wall has caved in, making it impassible.

There's a strange, WATCH-SHAPED indent in the middle of the floor.


>Connor: You step back through the RETURN-NODE GATE, and find yourself back on the island next to the return node.


>Xavier: Your MID-AIR FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT trick is quite impressive, but also attracts a lot of attention. You can see a lot of the people below looking at you and talking.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Try to find Lily

You walk around trying to find Lily.It shouldn't take you very long to find her as you doubt she has left the area.So much stuff going on.And more stuff that seems to be on the way.You sigh.Will it ever end?

For now...you have found Lily.Time to ask her some questions.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Go up the beach

You do so, you start to come off your sugar rush, which wasn't affect you much until now with the effects of coming off it. You pester Waffles.

-- backroomSix [BS] began pestering lionizedAnon [LA] --
BS: Hey
BS: I'm bored
BS: and kinda annoye
BS: d
BS: and coming off a sugar rush
BS: you there?
BS: ...
BS: OK, just pester me when you get back
-- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering lionizedAnon [LA] --


God you feel tired. You aren't even close to the entrance to the center of this god forsaken island, let alone your boat. You sit down for a second.

The beach looks nice, relaxing. You lie down and look up at the sky, you see nothing but nice blue skies. You close your eyes.

>Connor: Wake up

You quickly rise up to find your in a purple alleyway, with a Mega Auto Sax in normal mode and some boondollars next to you. You get up and take the sax and the few boondollars.

God, you payed for not waking up before. Well, it's a dream, so you may as well get to flying back to your place.

>Connor: Look around the land as you fly back to your tower.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: What the fuck?

Who's that asshole? Why is he going to my tower? Better give him a piece of my mind.

You head after the guy.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You are unable to put your WATCH into the hole. Even twisting it turn-ways doesn't help. Maybe Dirk would have better luck...



-- lilySprite [LS] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 21:26 --
GK: Hey Lily :)
LS: Oh, hello Greg.
LS: How have you been?
GK: Can't complain...busy busy busy it seems
LS: I'm sure you are. Sburb will keep you quite busy.
GK: How have you been Lily?
LS: Alright, I suppose. It appears that most of the servents of the Dark Kingdom have dispersed for now.
GK: That reminds me what i was going to ask you Lily...what do you know about Derse?
LS: Oh, you already know its name! My, you have been busy.
LS: Well, like I've told you, it's the Dark Kingdom, the eternal enemy of Prospit.
LS: They seek to destroy both Prospit, and Sakaia, the planet Prospit defends.
LS: One of your duties is to defeat the leaders of Derse, its King and Queen.
LS: That's about all I can tell you for now.
GK: I see...I'm guessing they are what we consider evil then?
LS: Yes.
GK: I met the White Queen..she told me alot..and added alot more problems
LS: Oh dear, what kind of problems?
GK: The war between Prospit and Derse...the war Prospit is suppossed to lose.....
GK: Prospit is winning
LS: What? That shouldn't be possible!
GK: Thats what the White Queen said
LS: It must be a trick...
GK: But apparently its happening
LS: Greg, you should be very careful.
GK: The fear in her eyes told me it was no trick Lily
LS: I have no idea what Derse might be planning, but it can't be good for you or your friends.
LS: No, I mean that Derse is tricking Prospit.
LS: I have no doubt that the White Queen is telling you the absolute truth.
GK: Apparently an Agent of Derse wants to ally with the Queen to bring the Black Queen and King down...one Jack Noir
LS: Jack? I do not know anything about him.
LS: This is very strange...
GK: Yes very...and the Queen is seeking the Princes of Prospit's advice
LS: Well then, it seems that an additional duty has fallen upon your shoulders, Greg.
GK: I don't know what to tell her...on one hand my moral compass is telling her to take the deal...so many lives could be saved...and yet...
GK: The fear in her eyes when she told me that Prospit shouldn't be winning...it made me take pause
GK: I don't know what to do...
LS: Greg, it is not my place to tell you what to think, only to advise you.
LS: But, I would give a word of caution:
LS: Agents of Derse are known for their deception.
LS: Make of that what you will.
GK: Hmm I see..well I will be very careful..but I still don't think I have enough information to make a choice...nothing against you Lily
LS: Of course.
GK: I need to think hard on this...lives are at stake after all :/
LS: Yes, it is a good idea to think long and hard about this.
LS: But, I know you will make the best choice you can Greg.
GK: And I need to convince the other Princes to talk to the Queen...though now that i think about it...
GK: Lily...do the Princes of Derse...do you think they may be able to influence the Black Queen?
LS: Simply put, no.
LS: She is steadfast in her hatred of Prospit, and its defenders.
LS: Anything said by your friends will likely fall on deaf ears.
GK: Hmm...I see...well they may still be able to help...
LS: Of course. They are on Derse for a reason after all.
LS: The Queen is not the only source of authority on the Outer Rim.
GK: Then that maybe something...I will have to talk to the Derse dreamers then...not that I wasn't planning on it of course....I just need to convince my fellow Prospit Dreamers to talk with the Queen..though I fear one of them thinks I'm making this up..or that it isn't important enough
LS: Chas?
GK: Yep...I fear he may be getting worse in fact...I fear that you may start thinking that I'm trying to usurp him or something as leader...which is not what i want
LS: Oh dear... He has his heart in the right place, but Greg, make sure to keep an eye on your friend.
LS: Heroes of Light are not so different from Heroes of Dark.
GK: I will Lily...I will..I just wish he would think...before he acts....
GK: "Power Corrupts...Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"
GK: I'd rather not lose another friend today
LS: Greg, I know that you and your friends can make it through this. You just have to work together.
GK: I know Lily...its just...hard sometimes...and the problem with the trolls...not that they are a problem or anything...its just...its hard
LS: Greg, growing up is hard. But, that's why Sburb chose you and your friends.
LS: Because you have the strength to overcome hardship.
GK: I...I...thank you Lily :)..for everything :)..I guess its nice to have someone to talk to...
LS: Of course Greg. That's why I'm here.
LS: Hmmm, I see that your other friend still hasn't finished building your house, has he?
LS: Let me see what I can do about that...
GK: Any help you can give would be nice Lily :)
-- lilySprite [LS] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 21:50 --

LILYSPRITE seems to be concentrating... suddenly, massive orange CRUXTRITE BLOCKS begin to appear out of thin air. After a few minutes, LILYSPRITE has managed to stack them together on top of Rich's addition to your house, allowing you to finally reach the First Gate.

Alright, now we're talking!


>Connor&Xavier: You both find yourselves back in Connor's tower. Connor also realizes that he's got a very short someone nervously holding onto the back of his robes.

The short guy with the black carapace introduces himself as the CIVILIAN DETAINER. It's his job to arrest people his superiors tell him too. Not that he's very good at it.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Fondly regard Lily's creation

You close your eyes and think on what you and Lily.Its all a lot to take in.Oh well you'll figure it out.

You open your eyes and look over at Lily and see her concentrating...when suddenly massive orange CRUXTRITE BLOCKS begin to appear out of thin air.After a few minutes Lily manages to stack them onto the stuff Rich has already added and together they make a path leading to the First Gate.

Well...um...that works.You walk up to Lily and thank her.This will make things so much easier.Looks like its finally time to climb to the Gate.

As you get to the start of the stairway you look back and give Lily a bow of thanks.

You begin the long ascend toward the First Gate.While before your mind was alight with questions and thoughts and worries but now there seems to be none.For the moment everything seems clear.

When you reach the top you you give a moment of pause.This is it.Your next step on your great adventure.A very important step.You have alot to do and you need to be as strong as possible so that you can give all your help in the coming days.And yet you won't betray your moral code.It is what has led you down this path.It will no doubt do so again.

You do hope that Lily and the bloody CA....Perrywinkle will be ok while you are gone.

With a final sigh and a look of determination,you step though the Gate.

>Greg:Enter First Gate

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Offer the cop guy your boondollars and play him a nice little song.

You tell him your a nice bard, and that you will give him WISDOM with your music and PAY him to listen. Also, that GUY who's intruding on your house looks at you like your CRAZY, but doesn't care that much.


You play "3 IN THE MORNING (Saxkind)," which is like "THREE IN THE MORNING (A local favorite of DESIRE)" but just with a few instrumentals played on your KEYBOARDS and the main melody played on your SAX with one PIANO COUNTER MELODY.